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Shatter-free phantasm build?

in Mesmer

Posted by: siestakey.9378


IDuellist ist the strongest phantasm (except for zerker warlock @8+ condis) dps wise if played with viper stats. You can have 3 of them and still aa with sword for a good hybrid dmg. Yet the mesmer lacks of a condi aa that deals good damage, staff is weak and scepeter even worse.

About that condi necro, that’s an illusion ppl somehow came up with. Except for epidemic clear the orbs at Gorseval, the condi necro damage is pathetic and completly useless for like the red part of VG.

If you want to play a serious condi profession, the gods are engi and warrior, the ok ones are ele and ranger and then there are the “just for fun condi” professions.

Try going for 3 i duelists then put some quickness on them and watch those bleed stacks fly. About your misguided necro post. Please last night on vale while our condi engi was rocking pidly few burns. I was pumping out 18k bleed stacks, 5-8k poison stacks, 1.5k torment when stationary, 1.6k chill tics, and a nice kicker or some physical dmg. If your taking advantage of the jaggad horrors from lich form and the fire fields that the engis are dropping when you whirlygig You can also tac on 5k burn ticks to the dmg. Engi can only beat my condi when the boss and him are standing still. Every other time forgetabout it. I also play condi engi and I do it pretty well. and trust me when I say only 10% of the community is even good enough to do the rotation and know when the cooldowns are up to maintain even 40% of their rightful dps. Add in a ton of red circles and a mobile boss and a bunch of fight mechanics and you are looking at a terribad class to bring to a raid cuz they are all dying too often.

If you put a vipers ascended set on your mesmer you can just as easily throw it in the bank and toss it to your necro too. So WHY NOT BOTH. do it have fun.

(edited by siestakey.9378)

[META] Condi Reaper in Gorseval!

in Necromancer

Posted by: siestakey.9378


So if I epidemic the boss and see some big condi tics on trash mob #1

Then if the other necro epidemics one of the trash mobs spreading the condis back to the boss the boss will now have 25 or every condi ideally.

But now will Trash mob #2,3,4,and 5 have 50 of every condi on them! cuz they got hit by my epidemic and another necros epidemic?!?!?!?! 50 burns is armegeddon.

[META] Condi Reaper in Gorseval!

in Necromancer

Posted by: siestakey.9378


What do you guys mean when you say you need two epidemics to “bounce the condis”

I have a fully vipered out necro and were going to try this tonight. But do we need to coordinate our epidemics? For example I cast epidemic on gorseval and then he casts epidemic on on of the trash mobs so now gorseval is also taking the dmg too?

Cuz I know if I just epidemic the boss it doesnt copy everybody elses condis on to MY target.

Explain to me like im 5 and I will love you forever. Or better yet somebody plz find the necros POV from Woodenpotatoes video!!!!

Conditions for FOTM?

in Mesmer

Posted by: siestakey.9378


If you want to do any type of sustained condition dmg on mesmer in high level fractals without sacrificing your alacrity pumping potential. You need to be dueling/illusions/chronomancer. Vipers gear/weapons, sinister trinkets. Duelists discipline/phantasmal haste with signet of ether as healing skill. Starting a fight you start 2 phantasmal duelists and then scepter 3 pistol 5 for breakbars. Drop your wells to get alacrity going strong. As soon as you are able pop pistol 4 for a 3rd duelist then swap immediately to your viper staff and camp staff dancing around dropping staff 5 and using 4 situationally. Then drop more wells on cooldown. Only swap back to pistol/scepter to summon more duelists. Taking full advantage of the phantasms taking 95% less dmg they will RARELY die and if they do you can use the heal signet to get two back up quickly without losing much dps uptime. If you have the right group who can maintain 25 vuln/might and good quickness uptime on your iduelists you can maintaing CRAZY sustain condi dmg. I was pushing numbers in fractals tonight that were very impressive, 10k bleed ticks with around 5 might and 5 vuln on target and no quickness. I can see a top level mesmer in the right group easily hitting 20k bleeds. Also the duelists attacks are 20% projectile finisher so fire fields be sexy. ALSO rangers sun spirit become super sexy. Warrior condi bannerz. Sexy

also because it is passive dmg through your phantasms leaves you more time to run around and do fight mechanics and avoid red circles not dying and wiping your groups as often. Unlike those sinister condi engis who are so focused on their 60000 button cooldown management system rotation that they keep dying to bloomhungers circles.

Whoever said the zerker "torches self"

in Warrior

Posted by: siestakey.9378


I dont want. Anybody else. When I think about zerk I torch myself. AHHHH!

Zombify's SoS Condi meta build.

in Necromancer

Posted by: siestakey.9378


Love the build then i realized…. God this build looks super slow. give me swiftness or give me death

Revert Maim The Disillusioned

in Mesmer

Posted by: siestakey.9378


+1 I loved the torment =-(

Players instantly getting killed?

in WvW

Posted by: siestakey.9378


I dont normally chime in and I think this is the first time I ever made a post on official forums but I can corroborate this. I am also on SBI. Esponda [DC] if you know me. I was on guarding bay on a boarderland when i stepped into a single red circle then full hp to dead. I checked my log and I got hit with like 10 vampiric necro leeches for 25 hp and thats it. No downed state.

New Camera & Arrowcarts

in WvW

Posted by: siestakey.9378


As I think you should be able to. It makes sense and will feel more realistic. If you aim an arrow cart one way and hit fire its should fire regardless of if you can “see the location.”