WvW team (non-guild)
Team Manager
[FEAR] vs RS late night crew last week:
Thanks again to [YAK] for [FEAR] WvW Teamâ„¢’s 1st official TvsG match last week:
Interesting week. thanks to guilds for fights ecl, fear, fury, dius, cntk, kiss etc anyone i missed.
Thank you AR for some great late night fights this week. Also special shoutout to Red Gaurd. Keep setting the WvW bar high as you do….you bring a whole different layer to the WvW experience. thank you. Hoping on our nxt encounter to make things more interesting for you guys. AR/RG highlights vid:
also thank you to Yaks for staying up late for our 1st official TvsG last night, gg. Thank you also to Gandara late night crew for nice fight north of Hills gandara map last night. /salute
good luck everyone with nxt matchup. contact me for TvsG for nxt week those interested.
[FEAR] the WvW Teamâ„¢
/respect to our respective late night crews on Gandara+Riverside for fights over the last week.
for XXX:
pls pm if any gandara/RS wishes to do late night guild vs team match or team vs team match. – 20 man/25man
video I showed aswell of some of your FEAR guys doing it?
Hacking/exploiting will lead to immediate [FEAR] team dismissal. Please post vid or pm me the vid link.
Vid footage from last week’s matchup from Unity’s 15 man only event.
/ty to our opponents for the fun fights, look forward to more this week’s matchup….appears its going to be an interesting one.
10:28 against both BB+RS were the most njoyable for us
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i got Honor enough to acept when i loose vs a good Guild Group like Unity, becos they are realy good players.
/bow and much respect, please thank your server for the great fights last night in BB’s quarter of EB last night….especially Rogues Quarry. Was great 3 way action inside and around BB’s main keep after RS took it.
/also tyvm BB server for the same+great fights last night
Just slightly offtopic here but thought I would mention it is good practice to deal with things like this internally on the server dedicated community forum rather than derailing the matchup thread for our opponents.
/salute to BB + RS servers from Unity [UNTY] for a great match week.
/special shoutout to [RED]+[NUKE]
look forward to upcoming rematch. gl all
much respect DIUS for the GvG. thank you
/salute to Gandara+Riverside. Gl with ur new matchup+look forward to our nxt meetup.
great vid TDA! and urs BNF (that intro )
thank you both Gandara+Dzagonur for great week of fights /salute
special thanks to [YAK], [TDA], [DIUS] and others who kept the fights going last night…..awesome timing with your walls+great positioning [YAK], much respect.
Wish you all the best with your nxt matchup wherever it may b+look forward to facing you again soon.
much respect to Gandara+Dzagonur servers for great night of fights….especially at Veloka+Jerrifers on EB.
/salute+much respect to both Gandara+Dzagonur for decent WvW match so far.
Kudos Gandara on your gandara borderlands Hills defense tonight. Well defended.
Just wanted to let you guys know that we are always up for some GvG from 15v15 to 25v25. If there are some interested guilds, just let me know (here in forums or ingame).
mail sent for GvG. Unity interested.
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Gandara is now more organised, determined and better than ever! We are looking forward to the next matchup!
Glad to hear it matey.
We looking forward to testing ourselfs against the likes of [TDA], [YAK], [DYE], etc. After your rough week against PS we glad to see you have retained your fighting spirit.
Looking forward to a clean balanced matchup.
/special Kudos to Diamond Pirates…u guys rockittenep it up.
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Aurora Glade back in 2nd place.
/salute to both Abaddons Mouth+Jade Sea for a good week of fun.
/salute+much respect to Abaddon’s players for gd night of fights in ur borderlands tonight.
Cause Anet needs to be reminded as much as possible why previous mmo’s such as Daoc, Warhammer, GW1, etc were highly replayable and lasted long past their expected ‘sell by date’.
/salute+much respect to Jade Sea+Abaddons Mouth for a great week’s match.
Here is a vid with some of our highlights of this week:
special tnx to JS for fights in your garrison last night, was nice to see it green for 6 hours.
Look forward to nxt week.
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UNTY /salute both AM + JS
Thank you for the gd fights this week.
special thanks from Unity [UNTY] for the fights this week [KISS].
Your stacking is looking really tight and well organized….literally a tough nut to crack.
Thanks for another memorable week, look forward to nxt time.
/salute and much respect
/salute KISS
Thank you for the fun fights tonight.
Tonight was definitely your night….that Vale supply camp fight was epic.
much respect
Being on AG I can confirm this week we definitely the more populated server in this matchup.
I dont play for badges, but I do play for fights.
So thank you to both WR+GH for some good ones.
/much respect to you both.
Myself+my fellow [UNTY] guildies will do well to remember we have alot still to learn before we can compete with the best guilds playing GW2 at mo…especially in the top tiers and when exchanging banter on these forums.
/respect to adversaries that fight, always
Unity [UNTY] would like to thank Abaddons+Gandara for great fights over the weekend.
Look forward to more during the week.
[ARMY] /special salute to you…hope for more encounters
/salute Drakkar+Underworld from Unity [UNTY] guild for gd fights this wk.
/cheer The Valour Legion [TVL], gd to see old faces from Warhammer days
WvW server wide comms event occurring this week.
Ask around in AG WvW maps for more accurate info. Also AG server community website went live friday (many guilds+over 100 registered users so far) which also has more information regards the event+the comms info -ask around on AG server.
Winter is coming. Be ready ;-)
We have a very active Community in South Africa and there are a number of guilds in the informal <RSA> Alliance. AG is our home and we don’t intend moving, we’re also structuring our WvW strategy at present.
It has been a bit sporadic but the commitment is there, so look for any of the following Tag’s in WvW
2 Scoops of Crazy [Nutz], Crude Rude and Kinky [CraK], Herps and Derps [hD], Event Horizon [EH], Flaming Moomins [MOO], Guardians Of Euphoria, Heretic [HT], Immortal Misfits [iM], Order of the Southern Cross [OotS], Raw Amber [RAM], Scatterlings of Africa [GWSA], Sorted [STD], Southern Legion [ZA], Stellar Illusions [STI], The Crimson Vanguard [TCV], Unforgiven Gaming [UNF], Unforgiven Invaders [UI], Vampyres Cathedral [VC], Veneration E-Sports [VnR]
We all try and get into WvW under the [RSA] tag to assist with in-game chat since there’s no Alliance or Alliance chat… ;(
Lekker!! Dit is goed om dit te hoor!
Look forward to seeing the african lion in action and fighting alongside you.
Worth posting on other forums skly? Guru forums?
Done for u matey
Unity [UNTY]
Private msg sent.
This server initiative has our support.
loving the fights on AG, /salute to all our opponents to date
Unity guild /salutes both GH + AM for some great clean late night fights last night.
Only a few against AM so hoping to find more AM players late tonight.
A 2 day server wide event will be occurring sometime in November.
Be ready ;-)
Server wide comms will be in use.
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Your guild WvW focused and hungry for a fight? Look no further than Aurora Glade.
Plenty to kill. You think you have what it takes to go up against 3 orb buffed servers 24/7? Come prove it. Do you have the cojones?
/salute Gunnars Hold server for great fights last night
/salute Millers for the nxt lvl training ;-)
Gj getting Orb off massive server Millers last night mateys! Keep it up
Since Miller Sound is reading this post, can I ask to stop farming the waterfall at the Jumping Puzzle. It has been several days now that I see several players of Miller Sound there just killing the people who fall into the waterfall.
You are already winning by a billion points, there is no reason to turn to annoying and frankly childish tactics. I always try to avoid killing people in the JP, because it really should be a combat free zone in such an area, but it is not so at least have some respect for people who don’t want to fight in a jumping puzzle or at least not farm killed on it.
Jon, Unity will b glad to clear out your infestation problem….pls if you notice them at borderlands jumping puzzle again, send me a pm when I am online.
@Spacemayu: personally loving the WvW at mo matey. Had some awesome fights. As you have alrdy had to make a server move: have you tried doing any premade comms groups/warbands and working on group synergy through complimenting abilities/utilities etc?
Kudos to both Millers+Ring of Fire for great week of fun, matchup against u guys anyday.
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Aurora Glade WvW is dead.
Far from it.
Gj getting Orb off massive server Millers last night mateys! Keep it up
Think we have to be careful here, if someone has spent their money on a game I guess they should be allowed to play it as they wish.
I rather be playing with players with backbone than the hopers.
I played daoc for years and its all swings and aroundabout, you may be in a bottom server now but that server with work better an harder together to move up the leader board.
Well said matey.
skly,Thuggery I heard you guys already decided to leave AG for another wvw server like a week ago and thats why most of AG guilds went to Seafarer’s Rest as a group move.
The truth matey is that Unity was asked about a week ago if we would like to join some of the guilds moving to SFR server – we respectfully declined the offer.
Unity aint going anywhere anytime soon. The AG community has our support.
We have multiple WvW events running right through the week. Multiple WvW Leaders: Thuggery, Trip, Raest+Sklymarshall, etc.
We have daytime, primetime and even late late week night events running through to 4-6am in the morning. We also host open mic nights for those not in guild that want to tag along.
As a 4 yr old guild that has experienced many ups+downs in oPVP regards campaign/point systems/getting zerged/etc in previous mmo’s, 1 thing we have learnt is that a good fight(sword vs sword, not sword vs door) is where the fun is, that normally means being the underdog. AG in our opinion is the right place to be and as far as we concerned AG has alot of fight in her to give.
We run mainly comms so we dont always react to map chat but if you need help defending something reach out to us+if we can we will get to you. When we take objectives, we take it quick+quietly so we cant always let everyone know what we doing – just isnt time.
Thank you Skydda for info on AG website, have signed up+will look out for info on the new one.
First off my apologies to both my home server Aurora Glade for painting our server in this light and apologies to our opponents: Miller’s Sound server.
As guild leader of Unity I have to take full responsibility for the actions of my guildies. I can assure you that we will be taking this matter very seriously.
I want to ensure my home server that Unity’s intentions have always been to assist the WvW effort wherever we can in a legitimate fashion and not to bring shame on AG as has occurred here.
Thank you Blacktide+Gunnars Hold for the fun fights this wk -Unity guild[UNTY]
GH:Special /salute to [KISS]+[MARA] and alliance, as well as [ThUn] The Unnamed.
BT:Special /salute to [Xaoc].
Hope to see you all soon in matchups to come.
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