Showing Posts For slapandtikle.8145:

A grisly shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


a ok :/ i planted the charges on the lower deck (it let me put them any where) on the mid deck then i ran around the ship for abit and i was not promted to do anything else then when on you tube to find out what to do next. I didn’t see the trip wire you speak of but i ran up both stair cases from the bottom deck to the mid deck.

I decided to run to the tower becuase like i said nothing promted me and the asura (in the bomb suite) said we need to get to a higher level canr remeber he exact words.
Thanks ben

(edited by slapandtikle.8145)

A grisly shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


Quick fix:

re spawning from checkpoint, then running up the other tower (dunno if running up tower made a difference) trigged the green ring so i could complete the mission.

A grisly shipment

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


At the “escape from burning ark” point i have gone to the top of the ship but there is no chopper waiting to pick me up or green ring indication to go to the location (i found up what to do from you tube)


stuttering is it just me ? :/

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


hay guys when im playing i get other players stuttering (one second they are in one place then the other slightly different place).

My ping to the servers seem ok there is about 0-20 ms difference, as far as i know my other games don’t have this stuttering issue.

Does any one have the same issue or can shed some light.


Kodan as a playable race

in Suggestions

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145



yer my thoughts also, the kodan have traveled from there home lands higher up the shiver peaks because they where escaping something . so i definitely thing they are going to add the area they where escaping later.

Kodan as a playable race

in Suggestions

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


I don’t know about any one else but i really love the Kodan race and i think they would make an excellent playable race.

I have read two of the guild wars books now and the Kodan are depicted as an very honorable race with strong ties with the Norn, there is definitely room for a good story to put in there.

What do you all think ?


Lag Server Side

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


hay all, I’m getting alot of lag and Drop outs however my testing has shown good latency and jitter. This leads me to believe that Gw2 servers are 1. undergoing a migration or maintenance or 2. the servers have not been allocated enough bandwidth or a high enough grade connection e.g tier 2.

Can any one shed some light on my Delmer is there any thing going on that i don’t know about or anything that could help my issue.


Brought the wrong armor is it possible to get tokens back or exchange

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


so i brought the wrong armor type (light) instead of medium and i was wondering if its possible to get it switched to medium or the tokens refunded the item has not been equipped.


Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


only the dumb and ignorant would come to the conclusion that it is not programming related (the ones that don’t know any thing about computers), there is a real issue with the fps and it is scary to thing arena net is blatantly ignoring the major issue.

Low FPS - [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


AMD Hex core (6) 3.8Ghz
16GB DDR3 13333Mhz
GTX560 800Mhz

poor performance Anet

(edited by slapandtikle.8145)

more of the same

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


yer its horrible optimized man we ether wait it out or find something else, it its a shame because its a great game just wasn’t ready to be released.

your not the only one

So whats with the horrible nvidia drivers and game optimization

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


I am having no problem at all. I have a EVGA GTX670 going at 100+ fps. I am using 301.25 . Go to the control panel and slect the GW2.exe there see if that helps you out.

Where and how where ya monitoring your frames ?, not trying to be rude but its not hard to get 100fps when your staring at a wall there is noting to be processed.

So whats with the horrible nvidia drivers and game optimization

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


A i did not know about they only difference was a MS signature Thanks Zelta, just a fun fact someone broken it to MS mainframe and stall master signature they where used to allow Virus through, every MS server 2008 had to update is signature list lol><. so MS sigs are about as useful askitten on a bull.

No my issue inst hardware related i monitor my external and internal devices thoroughly, its ether arena net coding or Nvidia crap, i here alot of issues from Nvidia Users and ATI users seem to be going smooth so i am more pointing to those Nvidia culprits.

So whats with the horrible nvidia drivers and game optimization

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: slapandtikle.8145


just saying from the GTX660 to GTX550 bad tearing frame drops and artifacts, i will give you its getting better the artifacting has improved a large amount since i started playing (the betas and release day one) but still Large groups in WvW e.g taking down doors with high battle effects just rapes any card. i dont know how to blame might be bad coding on your side or Nvidia drivers are just kitten house god know they haven’t released a stable driver in 3 months, non the less its a poor performance on both ends.

Please work on such issues as a high priority

Slap and tickle