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15 characters, etc etc
Add one more for that error on a frequent basis (like 8-10 times in the last three days). Can run for long periods OK, then suddenly dumps me out with that.
Win 7 64bit
16Gb RAM
AMD FX-6100 6-core CPU
NVidia GeForce GTS 450
Norn Guardian
Head: Barbaric
Chest: Guild
Shoulders: Banded
Gloves: Tarstar (don’t remember where from/what transmuted)
Legs: Orr Temples Karma
Boots: Primeval Skin
Midnight Ice/Chestnut. Midnight Blue for centre panel on front of leggings, Silver for Helm/Boot “horns”
Confirm same. Several times today, when falling off, it loaded back to the portal respawn point, but then immediately went to another load screen before dropping me back into the middle of Metrica Province somewhere. Most annoying.
…of course, I appreciate that I’ve not helped your search for a ‘shortcut’. I did have a lot of fun levelling D/D though, and I think it’s worth sticking with, but I appreciate that one man’s fun is another’s worst nightmare.
As a fellow Guardian main (Hammer), and Ele leveller I share your pain – it took me a while to get a feel for D/D capabilities compared to the relatively bullet-proof Guardian. I hit 80 yesterday, no crafting, just combining PS steps (got to around lvl 65) with exploration and XP boosts from doing my daily.
I’d suggest sticking with D/D to get a feeling for the mechanics, but as suggested you need to pick your fights a little.
My tendency is to stick with daggers when solo, swapping to staff just for group encounters where AoE isn’t likely to see you rushed by 23,000 angry Skelk. Fiery Greatsword saw me through countless Vet events and skill challenges, and is good in a pinch where you have to clear large numbers in a tight spot. For dagger fights, staying mobile helps lots, and just running tight circle-strafes while laying down fire fields can do a lot to keep you alive.
I’m glad I stuck with daggers personally, interested to see how they stack up in dungeons/fractals (which I haven’t run with Ele at all yet). Funny thing is, I can see myself falling back on ranged/support staff build there as I built Ele because of the lack of ranged options on my Guardian (Sceptre auto-attack says hi)
As a GW newcomer at GW2, with no lore knowledge…
Ixmay I like, although I now understand the double-letter thing. I still think it works.
Grabbed my Asuran Engineer very early to ensure I got the name I wanted. On reflection I could’ve added a double somewhere – and maybe a ‘the’ for middle name (or even reversed the first and last names), but I’m still happy with…
Gizmo Urzatron
Hammer AH Build, I’m favouring Judge’s Intervention midway through Hammer #5. Then Banish, #3 Hammer then the #1 chain into Mighy Leap. OP’s chain looks a lot more thought out in 1v1, and I’ll look into it, but working on the fringes of tower attack/defence battles this tends to set me up well enough (I tend to work more on a support role, and pick off those enemies who try to sneak into flanks etc)
I did have particular success with my ‘chain’ in a 1v1 against a Mesmer who was camping the road out of our Borderland keep though. He was spamming laugh emotes at every one of our realm who tried to get past solo – so I went to /sleep in the road – triggering Hammer #5 and JI from a prone position put a dent in his ego.
No time limit. They’ll stay there until they sell or you withdraw them (via Item’s I’m Selling’ tab)
I they’re not on your ‘for sale’ page you need to run through your entire list of ‘Items I’ve Sold’ to check. I’m not aware that you can ‘search’ either list unfortunately
(edited by solomod.6958)
Might sound stupid, but make sure it’s not in an invisible bag. I only say that as I had the same thing happen to me and that was why – doh!
My two Spiders are Itsy and Bitsy (need to have been a kid in the 70s in the UK for that one)
My Drake is Gojira
My Snow Leopard is Stripe
My Shark is Hookjaw (another one for 70s kids who read Action Comic)
…and I have a Bear Behind
Antique Gold for the main plates, a variety of reds/rusts for the under-layers (Cherry, Scarlet, Autumn etc)
Bit of a ‘doh!’ moment for you (I did the same myself).
Remember to hold down the fire (#2) key to charge your shot. You have to find your range ( somewhere around 2/3 of the bar)
Chalk up one more ‘convert’ to Crithammer – or at least one more giving it a try in PvE, to get a feel for it. Following the GS rearrangement (annoying) and cool down hike on SoW (really annoying) I decided to give this a run last night.
Already in full Knight gear (only yellow, mixed bag of lesser runes) and already had a Knight war hammer in my pack. Seems good, although been in ‘scale down’ areas mostly. Clearly I need a lot of practice, as chain (manually) rarely completes before CD on #2 (I’m too slow somewhere, obviously) but I do find the 1-1-dodge-1-2 idea interesting.
Probably down to my gear being yellows that I’m short of target numbers in most areas, and will aim to invest when funds/armour crafting allow, but managed to get to 37% Crit with what I have right now.
I’ll be keeping up with this one.
Let’s try that image again:
Stoatfinger Deluxe: Norn Guardian
I didn’t know we wanted more easy PvE from WoW/Aion…
Get some gear and learn how to dodge better.
Two dodges, energy gone and still not made any impact on Imps – that’s a ‘downrated’ lvl 25 (at the time) Guardian in lvl 23-25 gear.
Appreciate you may not have been referencing my tale, andI agree that mostly it’s been easy-to-moderate – but that latter fact only went to highlight just how tough that one step was – harder (by far) than anything I’ve faced since and I’m at about lvl 60 in the PS now (with a down-rated l80 toon – playing catch-up on my PS)
As a Norn Guardian my personal story has been generally on the ‘easy’ side of a challenge – and enjoyable for it. I recognise, however, that there are certain steps which are ridiculous – in my case (having taken the ‘lost heirloom’ thread) I had an instance at lil 11 or so where I was faced with three Zerg waves – the first being Ice Imps. 6-8 overlapping frost AoE fields spammed every few seconds was no fun I assure you, and even with chain res I was effectively naked (ALL armour pieces completely trashed) before I got through the first wave – rendering the second impossible (for me)
To be fair the addition of a Warrior friend got me through it, although we both died several times – and from then in solo has been pretty reasonable. Had my friend not helped, however, I have little doubt that I would probably still be stuck on that step.
Ouch, OK thanks – shame the text on the book icon isn’t clearer – suggests otherwise. Ah well, guess I’ll just sell it at a loss on the Trading Post :0)
I bought each manual as I went through the levels, but at 78 want to respec my traits. Bought a Grandmaster Manual (2nd one I’ve had) but I’m getting situation as above – makes the noise but doesn’t clear my traits.
Currently have a 30/25/13 split – so have clearly used before – but now just makes the noise and does nothing else.