Showing Posts For someoneinatree.9104:
Just returned to the game after some time away (again XD), and it appears my old guild has gone very quiet. So, I’m looking for a guild that fits the following:
Server – Sea of Sorrows, but as I don’t do much WvW it probably doesn’t matter much.
International – A balance of Oceania / US probably works best as I’m in Aus, but sometimes play during US peak due to shift work.
Mature – 21+ or older preferred (I’m 32).
Active guild chat – I rarely use voice chat unless it’s necessary for a dungeon.
Respectful – no insults on the basis of race, gender, sexuality etc. Even better if there’s a guild rule on it.
Casual – real life takes priority
Medium size – would prefer a smaller group of people who are familiar to me over a largely unknown crowd.
Mixed interests – mostly after fellow adventurers for PvE: Dungeons, Fractals, Guild Missions, and pursuing random Collections! Very occasionally do WvW, even less occsaionally sPvP.
(edited by someoneinatree.9104)
I could solve this issue by erasing all files in C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2.
EDIT: You can try this many times, until its works. That’s what my friend did.
I was having this exact problem, and after doing this solution a couple of times as suggested by Sias, it eventually worked.
It is well known that Quaggans have the ability to transfer mass into excess vowels when calm, often expelled as long “OooOOOoooo” sounds, and reverse this process when angry…. “K$tt#ns!”
Of course, typical forumite reaction.
1: Demand that x returns.
2: x returns.
3: Complain about x returning.…I know, right? And if it had been there the entire time (actually permanent), it would’ve mostly been a ghost town, except for quartz farmers.
Pretty much. Are the people that are complaining about Zephyr Sanctum returning the same people complaining about Living Story lacking permanent content? The way I see it, temporary content that returns from year to year (effectively permanent but time-limited access) is much more interesting.
People actually populate it consistently while its around, and it gives them a chance to make revisions visually and with dialogue content to make it continuously reflect the changes in the story since the last time it was around.
Yep. Return to the Zephyr Sanctum with a China-themed festival reskin. Seems like a nice way to get the ball rolling again!
Also a black color won’t be affected by lighting. A black remains black no matter what.
That’s true, black is black because it doesn’t reflect light; the less light something reflects, the blacker it is. The thing is, total lack of reflectivity doesnt actually happen, anywhere. It doesn’t occur in nature
Exactly. There is no such thing as “black” dye in real life, so why should there be in game? Everything reflects some light, and the intensity and spectrum of that light will always change the colour we perceive.
I have to say I agree with the OP. The primary issue in my opinion is the aggressive map chat behaviour when someone kills a champ that disrupts the train. It’s bad enough that some people (thankfully a minority I believe) feel entitled to behave like this in any zone, let alone starter areas.
Starter zones should be places of exploration and wonder, and not a place where you get abused for engaging with the world in the way it was designed to be.
My issue is not with the train itself (although it’s not really my play style as I find it too repetitive), but with where it is located.
(edited by someoneinatree.9104)
Just returned to the game after some time away. Looking for a guild that fits the following:
Server – Currently on TC, but will transfer for the right guild (probably after guesting for a week to make sure it’s a good fit).
International – A balance of Oceania / US probably works best as I’m in Aus, but sometimes play during US peak due to shift work.
Mature – 21+ or older preferred (I’m 30).
Active guild chat – I rarely use voice chat unless it’s necessary for a dungeon.
Respectful – no insults on the basis of race, gender, sexuality etc. Even better if there’s a guild rule on it.
Casual- real life takes priority
Medium size – would prefer a smaller group of people who are familiar to me over a largely unknown crowd.
Mixed interests – mostly after fellow adventurers for PvE/Dungeons, Guild Missions and occasional WvW. Even better if there are guild members up for a bit of roleplayed adventuring (where we go do PvE in-character) – but not essential.
Yep. Definitely easier than the clocktower, but still beautifully designed and very fun!
World completion, jumping puzzles, go for the Dungeon Master title, try SPvP or WvW, experience and defeat the various world-boss events, occasional farming, working towards other desired achievements.
Also, start a couple of alts and experience the story from a different perspective as the personal story is quite different for each character.
Most of all though, don’t expect or attempt to do the same thing every time you log in. I’m not sure why people do this, but running the same dungeon or the same event over and over is a sure way to get bored in my opinion.
You can join dungeons across-server regardless of overflow.
Overflow isn’t needed for FOTM.
However, if one person is in an overflow and the rest of the group isn’t, you have to join his overflow to enter. But if no one is in an overflow then you just have to be in the same zone
I think this is true for all dungeons except FotM actually. Everyone in the party can be in LA, but if you’re all on different servers the party will not be asked to join others in the Mist Observatory. FotM only works when you are all in the same server or the same overflow, hence the OPs question about creating overflow in off-peak times especially.
I also adore the way this game looks. I still remember finally emerging from the crater of Mount Maelstrom after the meta-event there, and then the sound and look of cooling rain falling on the jungle environment around me. It was perfect.
Just completed this quest myself, and while I had no problems with objectives updating, I did have problems with Forgal disappearing into the walls of the sewers constantly, and sometimes pushing enemies beyond the walls of the sewers as well.
Yeah this has happened in two separate runs of this Fractal for me. Both the issue of a player falling to their death, being invisible to the party and we’re unable to rez them, and the issue of the Hammer falling to the same location and not respawning on an altar.
In both cases, a full party suicide will allow you to reset to a waypoint – but is clearly a workaround for a bug.
Yeah, these kind of accessibility issues should be a high priority and should be addressed through user-options for the HUD and other graphics options, since there is never a one-size-fits-all solution for accessibility.
I was of the assumption that Master Harvesting Tools (usually acquired through the story) should function on all tiers of harvesting nodes, but currently they seem to only work up to a certain tier – possibly the tier equivalent to the level at which you receive them in the story.
They either need their description updated so we don’t harvest junk from high tier nodes or they should be fixed to work on all tiers like Black Lion harvesting tools.
I think “toon” sounds off in GW2 partially because the art-style is not particularly cartoon-like, but also because my gaming background is predominantly D&D where all of my characters have a storied background and personality, even if it’s just imagined rather than roleplayed fully.
I think it grates most highly on roleplayers for whom their characters genuinely are characters.
Those of us who just play for pleasure (and avoid endlessly repeating the same content) will still do level one with anyone new to it. I know I am always more than happy to repeat content with my guildies and the occasional new player when they need the help.
Here’s a suggestion: stop running them all the time and you won’t get bored.
I know the duration of the buff is 30 minutes, but how long do the Guild Karma/XP/MF/Gathering Banner objects last in the game? Is it a time-based duration or does it stay present in the world until a certain number of buffs have been acquired from it?
Yep, every new zone entry and even switching from Overflow to the local zone.
Not saying this is the case for everybody, but I imagine for many players story-based PvE and Dungeons are more fun than any form of PvP.
It’s simply a matter of personal preference.
People really need to read other people’s posts properly.
1) Most of us don’t have a problem with missing one-time cinematics. For the Lost Shores content however, we know that there will be a unique event-chain that is several hours long that allows us to participate in the way the world of Tyria changes. That is awesome.
2) Most of us agree that one-time events are cool and support their existence. They give a sense of immersion and the sense that the world is living, breathing and changing.
3) Most of us accept that we are not able to make every event and we accept that it’s just a game and that real life usually takes priority.
4) However…. what we don’t accept is that scheduling these events at the same time every time, based on concurrency, is a particularly fair,. equitable or even imaginative way of scheduling them.
I’m not annoyed at missing one (or several) of these events, that is inevitable. I’m also supportive of one-time content being in the game. I am, however, annoyed at the prospect that I may end up missing ALL of them if the same policy is carried forward.
I think the ideal solutions are as follows:
1) Instance it after the initial scheduled event, so that characters that missed it can choose to experience it upon their next log-in/next load of that area. Doesn’t necessarily work for events that are designed for mass participation though. Utilise the kind of “phasing” techniques that other game company implemented in its expansions so that changes to the world are only visible to those who complete the event.
2) Grant five or so further scheduled sessions of it through an NPC who relates the tale of what went down. After the tale begins, all players in attendance are whisked off to an instanced version of the event and live out the tale. That way you can still have lots of players participating for the sense of epic scale, and it doesn’t break immersion for those lucky enough to participate in the original event. Phasing not required, as from a game lore perspective the event has already occurred.
3) Schedule one-time events differently on different servers.
4) Less ideal, but at least schedule them differently from month to month so that the same group of people aren’t ALWAYS missing them.
I think my favourite solution is no. 2 as it has a nice balance of the intention of one-time events, while still catering to an international player-base who just want the chance to experience it for themselves.
(edited by someoneinatree.9104)
Lots of good suggestions in this thread.
I’m also not fussed by the state of multi-guilding as it is, but there are several things that I think need to be added to make member admin easier.
1) Last log-in date
2) Last represented date and time spent representing – I’m not concerned about how much influence someone is bringing in, as this could be abused – but I do want to know if someone hasn’t represented the guild at all for some time
3) Better rank admin
i) Separate out invites, promote/demote, and guild kick.
ii) Add confirmation for the above.
iii) Separate out the Deep Cave from the Treasure Trove in permissions
4) Better bank admin
i) I think coin should be separate from each of the three bank tabs and have separate permissions in ranks
ii) Automated sorting would be handy
5) Guild Event Calendar
6) Separate “Guild Info” from MOTD – this should have space for website, voice chat details, as well as basic “about us”.
7) Guild Repairs – some kind of system that allows for armour repairs to come out of guild funds, with its own rank-based permissions, perhaps with an option to create a mobile blacksmith (like the mobile vault access) as well as a permanent guild repairer similar to the weapons and armour contracts.
(edited by Moderator)
For everyone who basically think those of us who live in Oceania/Asia should just deal with it, you need to realise many of us WANT the one-time world changing events. I agree that simply repeating the events makes them no different from dynamic events, and lessens any sense of immersion these unique events bring to the world.
We just would like it if we were able to make some of them, instead of them all being scheduled at the same time based on the statistical highest concurrency across all servers. Everyone expects to miss the occasional event, or have real life priorities during a particular event… but if the current trend continues, nearly all of the players in these regions will NEVER experience these kinds of one-off world-changing events.
There has to be a way of scheduling it so that at least sometimes it is feasible for us to take part as well.
Yeah instancing was my other suggestion. Not such a big deal if the event isn’t content so much as as cutscenes or very short events. But for a multi-hour quest chain, it would make sense to make it a temporary mmo-instance that each character can only participate in once, and have it available for limited period … 72-hours or similar.
They could also use phasing to show event outcomes to characters that have completed the instance to aid immersion. Permanent story / landscape changes could then come into effect after the limited period ends.
(edited by someoneinatree.9104)
UTC is Coordinated Universal Time. It makes sense for anyone operating anything international to use this as their standard as UTC is not affected by daylight savings, and everyone in the world can work out their own local time from it.
This is why dailies reset at midnight UTC.
For the random explanation as to why Coordinated Universal Time is abbreviated to UTC and not CUT, look here:
I’m of two minds about this. I’ll make a disclaimer that I live in east coast Australia, so I’ll be getting up at 6.30am for these events if I can – I’m not sure if that makes me crazy, but probably.
1) I actually love the idea of one-time events. I love the sense of immersion that comes with a singular event that actually has consequences that change the course of the story or the environment of the game. Having played a lot of persistent-world Neverwinter Nights years ago where these kinds of singular events would be run by GMs, you get used to missing out on some and savouring the experience when you do get to participate in these key game-world moments.
What I really hope is that they have multiple outcomes planned so that as a collective our actions actually shape the game, rather than just being railroaded into the same outcome no matter what occurs.
2) Simultaneously, it is a bit unfortunate if they continue to always schedule one-time events at the same time based on the largest playerbase concurrency, as this means the same section of the playerbase (mostly Asia/Oceania, but also other Euro/American players who work over weekends) has little chance to experience it. Although a minority, it’s still disappointing if the same minority always feel that they get the short shrift.
It would be nice if there was a way to perhaps do alternating schedules for events, or perhaps look at the concurrency of the EU servers vs. the US servers and schedule one-time events differently for each set of servers. In an ideal world there’d also be a set of Asia/Oceania servers that would have a different schedule again, but I imagine the size of our market is considerably smaller and not worth the investment unfortunately.
I’m a guild officer with Equality Regiment – a casual social guild for the lgbt communities and their allies based on the Tarnished Coast server.
Look out for our [LGBT] guild tag!
Not the only one. The same event appeared to have the same problem on Tarnished Coast today.
There is a problem in Sparkfly Fen in the underwater cave where the shark skill challenge is that allows you to travel behind the map texture.
If you turn back to face the entrance, and then swim up to the right to the narrow passage circled in red in my screenshot, you will end up behind the walls of the entrance passage (as seen in second screenshot).
This may be one of the reasons one of the shark brood goes missing so often, causing the skill point to bug.
Furthermore: the area has a few holes in its wire-frame that allow for passing behind the walls of the underwater cave. So I’m not surprised one of the sharks goes missing fairly often. Will report that separately!
Still happening pretty much all the time. I think he only lasts for one completion after each maintenance and then remains perma-dead the rest of the time.
Bugged on Tarnished Coast at the moment.
I believe it’s almost always caused by one of the smaller brood sharks disappearing – either by getting stuck in the wall, or by somehow travelling beyond the limits of the event. Since usually when it is bugged, the event status has Pistrix at 0 health and 2/3 brood killed.
This is happening on one of my characters (and only one), who is a Norn Mesmer. Incredibly minor, but surprisingly annoying!
Stuck on 81/82 here, despite all hints marked with a check.
as a suggestion – it might be worth changing it from “?” to a “Watch this space – Content not yet available for this achievement, but will be soon!” or something similar.
Will stop people from thinking its a bug and know that it is intentional.
This is also still the case. Seems to happen for about half of the Tier 2 Sylvari cultural weapons where the blue gemstone part of the weapon does not show up in preview.
This is still the case! Reported it again in-game today.
Concur! It requires a bit of database juggling depending on how it is currently set up – so even if this means deleting the current pet name database, in the long run I think most rangers would be happier!
And there’s lots of fellow roleplayers at this community site: