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Having to buy a whole set in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: sotose.4312


I actually have all the gear I want for my characters and their look has been finalized for months.

My concern is for new players coming into sPvP,who might like to experiment with their characters’ look rather than getting a standard set.

My idea would be to offer separate pieces at increased prices or the whole set where its current price would be considered a,let’s say 40% discount.

So you could buy the whole set for 30.000,meaning that each piece cost you 5.000.
Alternatively,you could buy each piece individually at 8350.

Having to buy a whole set in sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: sotose.4312


As someone who likes mixing and matching gear in sPvP,I think that the new system might be a bit cumbersome.Though being able to get a piece of gear without going through the mystic forge is a quality-of-life improvement,I’m afraid that having to buy a whole set just to get to a specific piece of gear might mean a longer grind for people who don’t want to use complete sets.

Are the unwanted pieces recyclable in some way or do you just leave them in the locker?Was the “you can only buy the whole set” specific design decision so that people don’t complete their look too soon?

Help me understand stat choices

in Guardian

Posted by: sotose.4312


Thanks for the comprehensive reply.I’ll try getting some knight’s armor and see how that works out.

Never realized scepter is soooooo broken!!

in Guardian

Posted by: sotose.4312


Replace smite with GW1 Ray of Judgement.A pillar of light that burns and damages.Gets deadlier the more you stay inside it.

Help me understand stat choices

in Guardian

Posted by: sotose.4312


Ah thanks so much for the heads up.It did seem to me that the stats didn’t align with what I’d read on the forums but I put it down to faulty memory.

Is the stock P/V/T gear good for something in particular in dungeons?I use it with some healing trinkets (around 450 healing power).I use Staff/mace with an altruistic healing build.Would a full cleric’s set help my team more?

Help me understand stat choices

in Guardian

Posted by: sotose.4312



I’ve recently reached 80 with my guardian and have aquired a P/T/V set from AC.I’ve checked various builds on the forums that call for different stat combinations (some people go for Knight’s,other swear by Berserkers).

So I went in the mists and tried a combination of builds with a combination of amulets and the differences between,for example,full berserker’s and full soldier’s dont feel very significant.

Granted this was a hasty test in order to get a general feel but I found that,for example a medium dummy went down in 7 autoattacks with berserker vs 9 with soldier’s.

Trying to facetank npcs in order to see differences with/without vit/toughness I saw that it was a matter of withstanding 2/3 hits more.

Am I missing something obvious here or are stats supposed to be small adjustments that add flavor?Should I bother grinding/spending gold on different armor sets if I want to try out different builds or is it a waste of time?

I’m saying this because I’d love to have 2-3 very different builds for my guardian.Switching playstyles within a class is one of my favourite things in mmos but ultimately I feel that all these +5% differences from stats or traits are only minor nudges in a general direction.

What are your experiences with stats?Any examples that might help me understand them better?

Any fat overweight characters?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


New feature implemented:Using waypoints too often makes your character fat.

How do you feel about this update?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


It’s good that you don’t start this thread with a loaded question.

Lol so I tried a ranger today

in Ranger

Posted by: sotose.4312


My main gripe with the ranger is not so much the traits but the utility skills.Most classes get utility skills that do more than one thing and can be used creatively.“Burn foes and cure conditions” for the elementalist for example,“take all conditions from teammates/gain all buffs” for guardian.They have interesting mechanics.

On the other hand you have “sick’em,protect me,seach and rescue” extremely mono-dimensional skills that do one thing only and pigeonhole builds into one trick ponys.If you want to play beasmaster with a strong pet then you’ll have to give up stunbreakers,condition removals,the works just to make it work and it’s all down to how badly designed the utility slot skills are.Even the only reliable condi removal you get that is not a heal requires that:1)you have a pet alive2)it’s in range3)you condemn it to die shortly after.

The ranger can still be a killer if played right,the real problem in my opinion is how one track minded the builds tend to be due to bad utility skill design.

If anything,guardian should have some solid slot skills and stuff like “sick ’em”/“protect me” should be pat specific,adding an additional layer of customization to a build.

Upgrades to off hand axe

in Ranger

Posted by: sotose.4312


Maybe a trait that makes you commit to OH axe?

“Axe specialist:Path of scars pulls enemies towards you on return.You can use whirling defense on the move”

The pull could also be a short knockdown instead and the movement on WD would be on slower speed,like Guardian’s Whirling Wrath perhaps?

New Idea to fix pets

in Ranger

Posted by: sotose.4312


People freak out over lots of things,that’s not a reason to not try and make the game better.(some thieves freaked out when other classes’ signets were changed to give 25% speed instead of 10%).

Engineers would still have more versatility and modularity with their skills.Some are even usable off the gcd so they can be cast while using abilities.But that’s not even the point.I can make the owl give me swiftness by telling it to attack and then pulling it back thus triggering the auto skill.I can set a moa to passive,wait for it to get injured then set to attack when I want to AOE heal.Why should I have to jump through hoops to get some basic functionality from the class’s main mechanic?What use is giving the boar a knockdown to only see it decide to use it after an enemy uses stability?I’m not asking for anything overpowered,by all means balance the numbers.I just want to use my pets’ skills in a meaningfull way without fighting the UI.

I agree that Ranger must master the pet.That’s not however justification for the pets remaining broken and not fleshed out.

New Idea to fix pets

in Ranger

Posted by: sotose.4312


Was actually thinking the same thing today.The pets’ skills themselves are pretty awesome but not being able to control them takes away any clutch use in pvp.Immagine an engineer who can only use one toolbelt skill and the rest three fire off randomly.

I suggest that every pet should have an offensive skill and a defensive/utility skill as actives,with a third steroid skill (attack faster,bleed) as an auto that activates by the pet.

Immagine how diverse rangers would be if you chose to bring,say a raven that gives you swiftenss on demand,vs a knockdown on demand pet.

Also skills like “protect me” and “sick em” could be bear specific and feline specific skills for example.

The beastmastery tree should be uprooted (porcine/ursine get stability when disabled?) really can you make a more once-in-a-blue-moon trait that limits pet mixing?Make general buffs to pets.F2 skills recharge faster,F2 skills do more damage,pet is faster,pet is more durable,does more damage,gets protection at 50% health,is invulnerable for x seconds at 25% health.Make it work for all pets.

Make skirmishing have traits that create synnergy with the pet,like the one already present where signet affecting both master and pet (moment of clarity is a good example).

In short make pets’ abilities be an extension to the ranger’s toolkit.Being able to have an extra defense/utility ability that is on demand but tied to a pet would go a long way in making rangers both highly customizable and highly fun.

Wait a moment, that's not a moon...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


Nah,it actually is a moon.

More Halloween Goodies

in Halloween Event

Posted by: sotose.4312


I don’t mind that I spent money on keys or consumed all my boosters for candy corn and nougat centers but I now know better than to do it ever again.

I usually don’t gamble but I noticed myself getting a “high” from getting ready to open chests and a “low” from not getting anything,followed by an urge to burn more money for keys.
The whole gambling thing feels a bit insidious to me so I will be steering clear from it in the future.I can only imagine what people who are naturally drawn to gambling will be spending on this.

Black Lion Trading window is not loading

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: sotose.4312


Is anyone having issues with the trading post/gems store not loading?
I just get thew yellow circle for a bit then a blank screen.

I’ve tried restarting the client,pc and deleting the local.dat but nothing works.

I’m feeling very left out.If anyone has any info on how to fix this,it would be much appreciated.

Black Lion Trading window not loading

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: sotose.4312


Ever since the halloween update I am unable to load aither the gem store or the trading window.

I get the yellow circle for a while and then nothing.This is really frustrating as I can’t buy any keys or costumes nor sell some seasonal items.Are other having this problem?Is there a fix perhaps?

thanks in advance

That Amour Poll Again

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


First one by a long shot.

Survivor Title

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


Even if you die,you can still get the achievment.The problem is that it resets but the counter doesn’t.So,let’s say,you made it to 60000/80000 and you die.The counter stays at 60000 but it really resets to zero.Now you have to get 60000+1 to see the counter move again.Don’t know why they implemeted it that way.It’s a bit annoying not knowing how close you are to your goal.

Also,I’ve heard that if you change zones or log out it resets so you have to get the whole sum of xp in a zone in one play session.Not sure if that is intended or a bug though.

Really repetitive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


Ok so im lvl 12 and an elementalist ive tried all the other class but the ele was my favorite. And im completly bored i can finish main story and do evnts but honesly why bother? We unlock the wep skills so early no point lvling to get new attacks. And the quest are boring why play? I hope the dungeons and “Endgame” is worth it! So my question is whats keeping you guys playing?

Nothing.Everyone has left.I’m the last guy.My mission was to answer your question and now I must go.Goodbye.

The Carrot

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


Heh watched the video.This guy has the logic of a 5 year old."An mmo must have role playing in it because it’s called an “mmoRPG” and that stands for ROLE PLAYING duuuuh".

The whole thing was so dumb that it made me feel embarrased.

Oficial RP servers. How hard is to make?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


Sometimes I wish there was a little bit of roleplaying just cause of the names.

Look, there goes my friends Jack the Snake and Telwar Hindlar! And trailing behind them is….Ilikebigbutts.

Maybe he’s just roleplaying that he likes big butts.

“L.A face with a Hoelbrak booty”.

(edited by sotose.4312)

Thief over powered skill

in Thief

Posted by: sotose.4312


PW is laughably easy to counter.Sounds like a L2P issue through and through.

are games only made for casuals these days?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


Every mmo after Ultima Online is casual.

In my opinion: this game is simply not addictive

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


Just typed /age ingame.

364 hours 43 minutes over the past 27 days.That’s 13 hours a day for a month.I lost the september exams and I’m starting to feel really unhealthy so I decided to stop for a while today and start playing in smaller intrvals.

Is that addictive enough for you?

Gear and progression as mere numbers mean nothing to me.I want my character to be a seasoned veteran at level 80 NOT a walking,one-shotting GOD.Also,it has aways bothered me how,in other mmos,my characters were 1% innate power 99% gear stats.Take away a wow character’s gear and he’s a mueling infant that gets one shot himself in endgame zones.I found all those things artificial,immersion breaking and designed around gear grinds.

So far the experience here has been so seamless that I lost a month of my life and I still feel like I have to log in every day to do more things.

So please do not pass your opinion off as fact.The game is not addictive to you.It sucks,I understand but it’s not the case for everyone.

GW2: my personal opinion.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


I find it amusing when people claim tham mmos are about loot.It’s clear they’ve never played an MMO like Ultima Online that gave you the freedom to be or do anything you want inside a virtual world.People used to set up their own events by actions and reactions.PKs would kill miners,next day anti-pks guarded the miners.UO had real dynamic events with zero code implemented for them.I once spent an afternoon taking my noob friend to the chaos shrine so he can res because he was “dishonorable” (If you were a thief or murderer there was only ONE place in the world you could res).Just trying to avoid brigands on the was was more fun than any dungeon in a gear grind game ever.

Wow was and is a great game and I had lots of good memories but I think it has done more bad than good to the genre in the end.It’s the mcdonalds of mmos.

I just realized I spent my years in wow wishing it was something like guild wars 2.Most of the time I’d explore to see cool things in the world,never cared about repeating raids for gear.

I hope guild wars 2 tries to keep as many people happy as possible but without compromising its design philosophy in any way.

My personal opinion: Orr sucks

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


I found Orr to be amazing in how uncompromising it is.It’s supposed to be a zombie infested hellscape and the fact that it doesn’t cater to player convenience (i.e. roads full of risen) makes me be 100% immersed when I play in these zones.

Where is GW2 headed?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


I bought three games when I bought guild wars 2.

First one is PvE which I play like “Skyrim Online”.I see things on the horizon and I want to go explore.Cool things happen on the way and sometimes I deviate from my path and discover even more cool things.

Second one is spvp.I play it like Team Fortress 2.Go in,pick a class,think of an interesting concept for the class,set traits and the go PEWPEWPEW for about a week forgetting that pve even exists.

Lastly there’s WvW which is my very own mini game I like to call "Shake the hornet’s nest then GTFO.I play a thief loaded with dodge skills.Acrobatics,roll for initiative,shadowstep,and caltrops.I shadowstep inside a huge zerg,drop caltrops,/dance,then use every evasive move I’ve got,just as everyone uses every cooldown they have on me.Good times.

Which MMO were you playing before GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


UO→DAOC→WOW/GW1 as far as mmos go

Frustrations over lack of endgame

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


My beef with PvE currently is that many lesser world bosses are more fun to fight than the bigger ones.There is a giant that attacksa town in Diessa Plateau that stomps every few seconds and takes half your life away if you dont avoid the attack.For me it was the best outside boss fight i’ve been in.It was intense,people fell down all around you and you had to coordinate your dodges,your resses and your damage in order to beat the giant.

On the other hand you have the shatterer whos mechanics feel non existant.

If they’re going to borrow something from raids,I’d say give the big outside bosses detailed mechanics.Give them phases.Anything but this static behaviour they have now.Also make them harder than they are now.People should fail if they’re not good enough as a group.Dragons should be dangerous creatures and a rewarding foe to take down,not a guaranteed lootchest every three hours.
And please change that too while we’re at it.You have a brilliant mechanic with the shadow behemoth where players must cooperate to unlock the event,why not the shatterer and Tequati?Why not have the fight act like a dynamic event itself?

Immagine Tequati coming out of the sea and a group of players fights him on the beach.They fail so he flys to a stronghold on the map and starts razing it.If you fail all the stages then most major strongholds are filled with risen and the dragon flies off.Then players have to clear the strongholds and start working on the map conditions that will provoke the dragon to come back.I understand that having no timer on dragons might cause a massive influx of players on these zones but I’m sure that some sort of failsafe can be thought of.

Look at the map of Tyria....notice anything?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sotose.4312


While I have no complaints when I’m inside the world,I have to say that the rectangular squares on the world map is,for me,the only part of the game I’d call ugly.When I started playing,the world map was a work of art.Having unlocked most of the world,it is now a mess of squares.

Furthermore,It makes the world feel contrived and the zones feel that they lack character.Look at this for example:

The zones there are still mostly rectangles but the sides are molded to give them a “natural” feel.I know it’s pretty low on the list of priorities right now but I’d welcome a rework of the world map even at the cost of total accuracy .Just changing the thickness of the mountains (places you wouldn’t be able to go to) could give the illusion of organic zones.

Also,I’d love to hear from a dev,whether the zone design was intentional and the reasons behind it.Very curious about it as they seem to know exactly what they are doing with the game.

Happy? HS nerfed

in Thief

Posted by: sotose.4312


When an entire combat style is based around 1 ability it needs to be changed, IMHO this forces more skill into the thief class and less Flavor of the month.

which means all dagger mainhand thieves are going to be abusing stealtha nd backstabbing more now /shrug

incoming nerf on stealth/backstab

Except stealth/backstab has actual setup time and skill involved as opposed to lock-teleporting to your victim 5-6 times from stealth.

Thief class mechanic: Spamming

in Thief

Posted by: sotose.4312


I think part of what makes a good thief in spvp is knowing when to pace yourself with initiative and when to unload it for the kill.I’ve seen thieves spamming heartseeker on an obisidian flesh-ed elementalist and a blocking warrior.Guess how effective the thief was by the time the def cd was down.

I don’t think initiative is meant to make you only spam one skill,though there is a time for that also.

Here are some examples of skillful “spamming”.Hammer warrior enemy in a teamfight?perma blind him,saving your team from knockdowns.Two enemies trying to stomp a friend?Quickly daze one then switch and daze the other.The thief’s mechanic is only as good as you’re willing to make it imo.

Happy? HS nerfed

in Thief

Posted by: sotose.4312


I play a thief as my main and couldn’t be happier with this.Seing thievesin spvp mindlessly spamming HS,from stealth,on a full health player made me want to pop blinding powder and hide away in shame.

It wasn’t even effective against competent players,it was just about effective enough to give thieves a bad name.

Glad it was changed.