Showing Posts For spderweb.9387:

Black Screen Crashing

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: spderweb.9387


I have this issue too and also posted about it. Got a reply saying it might be memory error or overheating because of using only one CPU. But I have the same exact issue as you RAB, and havent seen an error report. Looks like you havent tried to re-install the game. I’m going to uninstall it and re-install to see if that fixes it. Maybe it’s a corrupt file that’s causing that IK error.

Black Screen of Death issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: spderweb.9387


Is there a quick way to test that theory? Tonight, i played for 5 minutes before the screens died. My wife was playing on her computer with me. Before the audio stutters, I look over at her screen, and was able to keep playing as i was moving around and jumping etc on her screen.
The other day shortly after posting this, i was able to play for about an hour before I decided to stop playing (so no crash that time).

Computer Freeze buzzing sound

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: spderweb.9387


I have a similar issue now. I get a black screen before eventually the sound will buzz. I posted a new post about it in more detail. this is the only game i’ve ever had issue with, and this has been an ongoing problem for a while. None of the solutions seem to work, or at least, the solutions don’t last. I might try the uninstall/reinstall thing next time. Just that it’s gonna be like umpteen hours to re-download everything.

Black Screen of Death issue

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: spderweb.9387


Hey. So I’m getting this issue where i’ll be playing for a while, and then my screen will go black. I can hear the game going on in the audio though. But after about 30 seconds the audio will then go into a RrRrRrRrR stutter. I have to turn off the PC and turn it back on again to get anything to happen afterwards, so It’s definately killing my computer when it happens. Reading other people’s versions of this issue, i’ve tried solutions such as disabling any optimizing programs that auto configure graphics, disabled vsync. I’ve tried auto detect graphics (but seriously it totally downgrades everything despite having no issues to play the game at full resolution).
This is not a mem card or video card issue. I can play anything else and I never get a dead screen. This includes newer titles like Doom 2016 and Planet Coaster, both of which are heavy games and i have running at full potential.

Short of uninstalling and re-intalling guild wars (which will be my next step if there’s no other suggestions), is there any tips i can try out before i spend a day re-installing this bad boy and hoping it works?

thank you in advance

Halloween Daily no longer part of the 12?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: spderweb.9387


When the Halloween event first started, the achievements earned for the daily Halloween’s counted towards the 12 needed for the meta. Now they aren’t. Is that a glitch or did they change it??

Mad King's Clock Tower.... Changes

in Twilight Assault

Posted by: spderweb.9387


Booerns. One of the best parts about the clock tower was that you were in there with a bunch of people, competing. Having Char and Norns in your way is just an added challenge. They aren’t ALWAYS there. And you will get so used to the puzzle after a bit of practice, that you won’t even notice them after a while.

Engi kits could use skin sets.

in Engineer

Posted by: spderweb.9387


Crafting of backpacks would be nice. I’d also like to see more steampunk related clothing options to craft or easily purchase (ie: not dungeon armor). But yeah, turrets that match your race, or at least, the option to choose skins for individual turrets, would add a really nice level of customization. Arena Net could make a small profit offering some of these turret skins in the gem store store too.

can we get a rifle that acts like a rifle?

in Engineer

Posted by: spderweb.9387


Actually, adding in a new gun type would be neat. New abilities etc. Would change this up in the game quite a bit to see a totally new weapon appear in the game.

Can we stop with Back Item and Weapon Skins?

in Living World

Posted by: spderweb.9387


Every event has had a back item unlock and weapon skin unlocks. My character only has one back, and two hands.

He also has a head, arms, legs, feet, shoulders, ears, a neck, etc.

Can we get armor skins, or just more accessories. Perhaps a toy for our casual wear mode?

Mail not getting to destination

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: spderweb.9387


that worked. thank you!

Mail not getting to destination

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: spderweb.9387


Hello, I’ve sent my fiancĂ© a bunch of mails and none of them ever get to her. they just disappear forever. what’s going on?

Really bummed with the guild update...

in Suggestions

Posted by: spderweb.9387


I would personally like to see guild missions that increase our influence. I thought that was the whole point of adding these guild missions to begin with. My guild is 4 people. two of which are active. We’re only just about to unlock level 3 architecture so we can wait for 5000 more influence to unlock the treasure trove so we have more bank space. In order to unlock any of the guild missions, we need a rediculous amount of influence and have to unlock levels of other category’s that we have no use for.
definately needs to change, or at least include something to support the smaller guilds.

Pop Gun does not "Pop!"

in Wintersday

Posted by: spderweb.9387


The pop gun skin is 3 silver on the TP. So i bought it there. 20 silver for the slingshot. Every single halloween skin is 1 gold or more. This gun needs some pop to it to boost that TP price.

Pop Gun does not "Pop!"

in Wintersday

Posted by: spderweb.9387


that’s disapointing, considering that the Toy Soldiers have pop guns that work as pop guns AND sound like them. So the ability is there. Wonder why they didn’t put it on the skin.

How do you get personalized gifts?

in Wintersday

Posted by: spderweb.9387


Yes. The Bell Choir gets you the personalized ones. If you can complete 4 of the songs, you get 4 gifts. Nothing extra if you get top score, or if you ace it, which is a bit disapointing, but it’s still a fun minigame.

Smash the Town bugged?

in Wintersday

Posted by: spderweb.9387


In that spot you’re showing in the pic, there’s sometimes a wierd wire bed frame thing on the ground that gets missed almost everytime. I got into the habit of targetting it when people in my group needed the achiev.

Bell Choir is awesome

in Wintersday

Posted by: spderweb.9387


Yeah, i too would love to keep this in the game. I only just learnt how to play Hey Jude on it! Also playing Rudolf, Jingle Bells, and Sally’s Song. Loads of fun!

"Jump-start" characters.

in Suggestions

Posted by: spderweb.9387


PvP starts you at rank 1 regardless and all stats for everybody are always the same no matter what that rank is. So you can make a PvP only character if you want, but they aren’t going to give you an unearned rank for that character.

Suggestion: WAYPOINT FEES!

in Suggestions

Posted by: spderweb.9387


it only costs the value of one item that you sell at the market to use a waypoint. it’s not a big deal. Anyways, you should be selling all your useless heavy armor and all the weapons you don’t need (since it’s easy to get wood and ore) and only be salvaging medium and light stuff for the leather and cloth. that should give you ample amounts of money.


in Suggestions

Posted by: spderweb.9387


Yeah, i’d like to know what’s going on there too. I figured when you joined one of the factions, that you’d be given a title, since they call you by titles all the time. and yet nothing.

Racial Aesthetics Options For Engineers

in Suggestions

Posted by: spderweb.9387


I agree with this fully. I think all the turrets and grenades, etc, should have that edgy look for Asurans. and plants for Silvari. Lots of rust and scrap for the Charr. bones and fur for the Norns. It’s probably a tall order to do this (i understand how long it takes to make models and animate them in 3d, as I am an animator myself). Would work wonders for the overall look though, and make more sense what with the races all being more or less apposed to each other to start.