Showing Posts For stikxs.1469:

Can you disable other players' skill effects?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Would be nice to be able to see bosses.


Tequatl's poison ball aoe

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Do these usually start taking affect before the aoe circles show up? I’ve been noticing I’ll lose nearly half hp before the circles even show…


Trading post search text

in Suggestions

Posted by: stikxs.1469


An option to choose between using OR and AND for the words typed in the search box would be stellar. Would probably find no one would use OR (like the current system) because it is useless. Adding the option lets Anet fix it, without getting the backlash from people that like to complain about changes.


Trading post categories

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Can we please have the sigils moved to the “Weapon” subcategory under upgrade components? Currently the only thing under “Weapon” subcategory are jewels and the rune of life, neither of which apply to weapons. And even though crafting components are usually used by more than one craft, there should still be a subcategory for each craft that lists all materials it can use; the components all list what crafts they go to.



Blocked contacts still show in guild chat

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Block a player, still see them talking in guild chat.


Does Windborn dagger not work?

in Elementalist

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Windborne Dagger is in-combat only.


NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Another thing on “Written in Stone”, the buff it gives for signet of air when you use it is only 10% speed instead of the 25% passive that the signet has.


NEW Elementalist bugs and glitches thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: stikxs.1469


I know I’m the only person to ever have put 30 trait points into the earth line, but I was liking my little signet build. After the last patch “Written in Stone” does not correctly apply the buff for “Signet of Air” to keep its effect active while the signet is in cooldown. The cooldown is 24 seconds, but the buff only lasts for 15. The buffs for the other 3 signets correctly mirrors their cooldowns.


Trading post not selling or buying

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Kyllaa is now my new favorite person! Worked like a charm.


Trading post not selling or buying

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: stikxs.1469


So occasionally the trading post will “lose its connection with the game” where it will no longer show anything on the Sell Your Stuff and My Transactions tabs, and it will not let me buy anything (though I can browse items for sale). The gem/gold exchange tab still seems to work and the gem store tab sometimes works and sometimes is blank. Also, on any tab that shows your gem or gold totals at the bottom only the gem icon with 3 periods to the left of it appear. It seems pretty inconsistent; sometimes it won’t happen for many hours, other times it will happen within the first hour. But it is almost sure to happen every day I play more than a couple hours. Swapping characters does not fix it, the only fix I have found is completely closing the game and starting it back up.

edit: It’s done this 3 times in the last 7 hours or so…


(edited by stikxs.1469)

Player made dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: stikxs.1469


That’s unfortunate. I did wonder what power a person had in the creation process as far as assets to build with as I was playing through one. A shame it will have to stay a pipe dream. If only there was a way to build levels sorta like doom wads back in the day, maybe even with player-created model possibilities…


Player made dungeons

in Suggestions

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Whatever it takes to copy Neverwinter’s “Foundry” needs to happen.


What keeps scepter from being a go-to weapon?

in Elementalist

Posted by: stikxs.1469


I’ve noticed just from thread titles that it seems a lot of elementalists focus on staff or dagger. What is it about scepter that keeps it from being in the same “league”? I confess I haven’t tried dagger myself since I’m still a green-around-the-edges elementalist, but the idea of having to be up close with how squishy elementalist is kinda turns me off from the idea. I don’t really PvP so maybe that is part of the reasoning too.


Elementist overall?

in Elementalist

Posted by: stikxs.1469


As long as you have a little room to work with, once you’ve got some experience playing elementalist (using dodge and kiting) you won’t have any issue in PvE. The traits for buffs on attunement are great and get better the more you swap attunements. Also, there are sigils for weapons that take effect on weapon swapping; attunement changing activates these effects but only for your main hand weapon.


A general group find window?

in Suggestions

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Was kind of surprised to not see this in the game, but I was envisioning a window where someone could flag themselves and fill in an optional text box about what they are looking to do, and upon joining a group their entry would be removed. It would make it a little easier for people leveling/exploring that are looking for people to do tasks/events with, more than just randomly arriving at the same place. This window would show everyone who has entered themselves across the server.


(edited by stikxs.1469)

Full skill cooldown on "Out of range"?

in Suggestions

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Why? It’s pretty darn annoying to use something like your elite skill on a running target that gets out of range just before your key goes down and bam, 4 minutes of waiting for nothing. Same thing with whatever it says when you get LoSed. I can see maybe a second or 2 cooldown, maybe like you get when dodging mid-skill and it resets.


Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Very minor issue, but as of the last update I believe I’ve noticed if you have the tp open on the sell screen and then you open your inventory and right click>sell on tp nothing happens. If the tp window is closed or on a screen other than the sell tab it seems to work fine.

So I originally said this was very minor, but dear god is it annoying! If you have 20 items to sell in your inventory you have to close the tp window after every single item even if you are just checking the sell price. Before you could right click, check price, right click, check price, etc. It would be better if everything wasn’t worth jack siht on the tp, but so many things are you can’t just assume to auction everything. It was working beautifully for the first 2 weeks or so after release (when the tp was up).


Build Hopping Review (St+Sw/F)

in Mesmer

Posted by: stikxs.1469


I read this earlier after thinking it would be awfully nice to have the focus wall in wvw, and after trying it a (very) little bit, I just can’t dig focus. I did, however, find that I rather do like sword/torch. It might work better pve than pvp but I play it kinda like a burst class using the clones/leap/whirl/invis. I kinda doubt it would be effective in pvp on full hp targets but I can see it being not to shabby on ones that have been softened up.


FPS throttle option for when GW2 is running in a background window

in Suggestions

Posted by: stikxs.1469


I was rather shocked to not find this option. Would be very nice to have. Not that I would play gw2 at work or anything while we have free time…


Enable chat with multiple guilds

in Suggestions

Posted by: stikxs.1469


For sure! We don’t need to be able to talk in all guilds, but reading all (or a subset) would be awfully welcomed.


Better visible mouse pointer

in Suggestions

Posted by: stikxs.1469


I agree! I’m sure the current pointer works fine for many so it should probably stay, but some way to have an optional pointer would be nice.

This is making me feel like I’m getting old or something…


/t and /m in WvW

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stikxs.1469


What is the difference in WvW?


[BUG] Can't kick members from parties as the leader of that party

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: stikxs.1469


This is very annoying in WvW…


Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: stikxs.1469


Very minor issue, but as of the last update I believe I’ve noticed if you have the tp open on the sell screen and then you open your inventory and right click>sell on tp nothing happens. If the tp window is closed or on a screen other than the sell tab it seems to work fine.


Tough matchup

in WvW

Posted by: stikxs.1469


<< IoJ here and pretty sure maximumpanda’s post is the truth we need to accept. Coordination is something this server REALLY seems to be lacking. Most of that is probably due to the reportedly low pvp/wvw focus for guilds, but it is essential for success. Similarly, without that communication and cooperation we have no strategy for the most part. You might occasionally see someone trying to guide our forces, but its almost always met with someone saying ‘no, take X’.

And when we do get a zerg force formed it doesn’t know how to keep itself alive. It starts rolling and making progress, and like a flame it goes too far and burns itself up. And then we have nothing to defend the things we just took. And lots of times when we take something people won’t grab supplies from the camps instead of towers and it halts upgrading.

Not that participation isn’t an issue, obviously. Don’t really know how Anet can fix that, but it is definitely making the hill before us incredibly steep to start with.
