Showing Posts For takaos.6409:

Rank system

in Suggestions

Posted by: takaos.6409


This game needs rank system for challanging people

Guild rank 3 top 10 and top 100
Server ranking (Offical )
Pvp Ranks personal
Pve Ranks personal
wvw person and guild ranks
kills capture points achivments etc
Guild Ranking system like this for example
Guild1 total point 4000point wvw points achivments Gold Medal server
Guild2 total point 3000 point wvw points achivments silver medal server
Guild3 total point 2600 point wvw points achivments bronze medal server

This is example maybe you have bright adea but ? wanted to say

other games have this but this game dont have any challanging thinks officaly arena net must care what people say.

(edited by takaos.6409)

Mounts [Merged]

in Suggestions

Posted by: takaos.6409


This game need mounts he is right lol ? dont like waytpoints and also this game have 33% extra speed only where is the less

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: takaos.6409


I agree about this more thing must add but they are waiting expantion I thing so they can sell something and earn money but before that we must show them what we want so they may add this

(edited by takaos.6409)

Game called Guild wars

in Suggestions

Posted by: takaos.6409


Where is the guild wars in this game and also wvw , guild ,server ranking system must add.
When a guild take over storm mist for example anounce to all server and 1 day or1 week other players cant attack it so we can upradge there.There is no point to upradge it if others can capture after you leave world versus world.
Why everyone 80 level in world versus world this is not fair
Other things
Guild housing


You dident play the first game did you? Otherwise you would know thats not where the name guildwars comes from.

No ?didnt play first one sry.

Game called Guild wars

in Suggestions

Posted by: takaos.6409


Where is the guild wars in this game and also wvw , guild ,server ranking system must add.
When a guild take over storm mist for example anounce to all server and 1 day or1 week other players cant attack it so we can upradge there.There is no point to upradge it if others can capture after you leave world versus world.
Why everyone 80 level in world versus world this is not fair
Other things
Guild housing


How to SOLVE WvWvW Queue - Death kicks you from WvW (5 minute rejoin penalty)

in Suggestions

Posted by: takaos.6409


Yesterday all my guild mates went enternal and 4 hours ? waited nothing happaned thanks areanet solve this problem…
They will read this ? hope

How to SOLVE WvWvW Queue - Death kicks you from WvW (5 minute rejoin penalty)

in Suggestions

Posted by: takaos.6409


Does ArenaNet even look at this suggestion forum?

I dont think so ? played many games and they all have forums same think happens
guild wars even did beta test but didnt solve queue problem in world versus world

How to SOLVE WvWvW Queue - Death kicks you from WvW (5 minute rejoin penalty)

in Suggestions

Posted by: takaos.6409


Areanet wont notice that ? dont belive it every company say same thing and wont solve it

world vs world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: takaos.6409


I just telling this Areanet must solve server problem in world versus world.A lot people complain and still they didnt say anything about this

world vs world

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: takaos.6409


Always waiting 2 or more hours to play the world versus world why still areanet didnt notice that ?
Do something please this is huge problem in this game.