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Client Crashing constantly [Merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: tasslehoff.5708


I have 64bit system and it still crashes constantly. It didn’t crash before HoT.

Pointless to even play this now...

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tasslehoff.5708


Yeah, I’ve had non stop crashes as well ever since HoT came. Sometimes during big events in Verdant Brink, sometimes just standing around. Never had this problem before. It’s making progressing impossible and has really soured what should’ve been a fun expansion.

Issue Reports: Heart of Thorns [Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tasslehoff.5708


Ever since HoT arrived I’ve had constant crashes, that don’t seem to have any common thread between them. Sometimes I’ll be doing the wyvern boss in Verdant Brink and crash, get kicked out and lose all progress, or I’ll just be standing in LA or somewhere else doing nothing and crash the same way.

I have a win 7, 64bit system so it can’t be that, I’ve seen mentioned on a few threads. My graphics card is GTX 760.

I’ve also had the blue-green texture non loading/corruption some people have mentioned and put up screens of.

Hopefully all this gets sorted out soon because it’s making the expansion unplayable for me.

Players enjoying, forum go-ers whining?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tasslehoff.5708


Do people think, in general, that these forums (and game forums in general) are so negative because the people who are really enjoying themselves just play and don’t come here to whine?

No, from my experience this isn’t true at all.

The thing is, people on the forums are the more vocal part of the gaming population and they care more. The people who don’t will not bother coming to complain on the forums once they get fed up, they’ll just stop playing.

Forums are always ahead of the curve. The general reactions on the forums are just a precursor to what’s gonna happen ingame. Players that are in game, and that don’t follow the forums will catch on quite quickly to what’s happening. Mark my words.

I remember the same thing happening to Swtor. The game was broken, people complained on the forums, the staunch defenders kept saying that nothing is wrong and that the complainers were a minority. Fastforward a bit and you know how that game ended up.

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tasslehoff.5708


Haven’t had much chance to play since Halloween due to college and stuff. But now I just wanted to speak my mind in this thread. These changes stink to high heaven and it seems gw2 is turning into a game different from the one I bought.

I doubt I’ll even be playing anymore because I just lost any and all desire for it knowing that I’ll always be slightly behind everyone else due to not having as much time to play.

I preordered the game when it was available. Seems I got burned. Will not trust any developer ever again. To everyone who doesn’t mind these changes, have fun in the game and I hope it all goes well for ya.