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The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: thamathar.4389


Got 3 greens when we did it …

The New Grenth, OP as you can get.

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: thamathar.4389


It is possible do to it, but still this gets rly hard and forcing ppl to change they trait ( if u don’t have it u must spend points on a skill trade to get the reduce 50% ) ….

U can still dodge it, but it must be real fast, but the problem is the circles are really large and the room its small, and if u go to a larger area, it will bring it near to NPC that we must protect, and the AoE of the priest it will killing with 2 hit’s from the crazy AoE …

Superior rune of Altruism

in Elementalist

Posted by: thamathar.4389


I just wonder why this doesn’t proc for example with Geyser, since its an healing skill from Staff :/

I did change the runes only because of the proc

Swamp fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thamathar.4389


The main problem are the wall’s in my opinion, I just did it, and some time ppl got inside the “new” wall’s, unable to leave the wall …

The rest its just to test your patient, but i have to agree this one, its the dgn that i have the less fun that’s for sure

Dungeon Error 1006:9:7:392:101

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thamathar.4389


Hi, i have reach the the suport about this matter at it seams it isn’t possible and they don’t have in the agenda to put this in game, here its the replay that i have got from them.

Hello again,

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While members of the Development Team are not always able to respond, having suggestions available in a public area helps them gauge the amount of interest for various ideas, and also allows other players to discuss and offer feedback of their own.


Why the Elementalist is Underpowered

in Elementalist

Posted by: thamathar.4389


The skill set that accompanies a staff is, in my opinion, the one that requires the most effort to affectively use. Eight of the 20 abilities you have are ground targeted, half of which have either cast times in which you can’t move or short moments before their initial damage is actually dealt. I feel like this makes it virtually unviable for PvP, and a poor weapon for any combat involving a moving target.

Nop, u can move while casting all most all of them, u can’t only move when casting “Meteor Shower”. The only think that it will stop from casting it is if u would dogde something.

From what I have tryed from PvP ( I only do for the monthly, I’m more an PvE person ) it is viable to use staff, from 1vs1 that i have been, i didn’t have any problem’s to chase them and kill them :P.

The only think that they could do, is to reduce the CD on the attunement on the elementals, since the CD without going for arcana it is about 16 seconds, but I think they have done this way, to force us to put some on arcana if we want to lower the CD on the attunement’s

Elementalist fix: Let us weapon swap!

in Elementalist

Posted by: thamathar.4389


I would say no … if u want to use more spell’s from the weapon just simple put some on arcana, so the CD of the Attunement be lower …

lets say that u could swap weapons … well staff+focus would give u 11 seconds of reflect projectiles and other stuff with the “Swirling Winds” that it will destroy projectiles for 6 seconds and from Focus and “Magnetic Aura” that would reflect projectiles for 5 seconds from staff …

Lets say u are going against a Ranger that only have the longbow and the shotbow … well it would put u imune to is atack’s for 11 seconds …

Saying this, i would just say no, to the Weapon swap for the Elementalist

New players avoid Elementalist.

in Elementalist

Posted by: thamathar.4389


It’s funny how the ‘learn to play’ people never actually think to teach and just belittle.

My ele is only late 30’s and already finding pretty much everything must be kited / cc’d to hell because 5-6 hits and I’m dead. After having tried a warrior in the mists, and am going to level it proper after some sleep, I get the feeling it will be able to stand toe to toe with the same enemies and not lose more than 20-25% hp, and would be even better if I was actively dodging etc.

If u want to stand still and kill mob’s … Elementalist isn’t for u, reroll another class ….

With my build at the moment ( Suport ) I have to keep moving all the time, kite them, CC, slow them and such and I love to play this way. I could make a build to handle more damage, but an Elementalist will never can handle the same damage as an heavy armor will handle … who think it should …

Oh, those guys? I do those as my level 80 thief. Using that as an example isn’t helping your case. I can also solo Kol on my guardian. Not saying its hard, but using enemies that have predictable attack patterns, hit slowly and not often is a bad thing to use. I see those enemies as a way to test my dps. “I can kill a Risen Giant in so and so seconds!” type thing.

Was just giving an example that Elementalist aren’t weak as some ppl are saying … the ppl just need to know how to play with what they have …

(edited by thamathar.4389)

New players avoid Elementalist.

in Elementalist

Posted by: thamathar.4389


… Some ppl just need to learn to play as Elementalist, specialy when i read ppl typing that Elementalist will die on a zone level 80 with one mob …

I’m an Elementalist my self, on Orr i can handle more then 5 mob’s on me at the same time … even an Elite mob ( the big ones with one eye ) i could kill alone … remenber that he call the little worm’s and such.

So stop complain how much the Elementalist are underpower compared to other classes and learn how to play with Elementalist

Support elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: thamathar.4389


I love Ele as suport, I’m using this build ATM ( I have changed a little a few days ago to give some more Damage ).;TcAKvMeJ8y6lzLpXjGA

Why i have chose 15 Air, 30 Water and 25 Arcana? Well this is why:

Having 25 on Arcana i can change from attunement from 8 to 8 seconds, and this let me keep the smoothing mist ( Aura healing ) all ways up and why? Because of Lingering Elements ( 15 on Arcana ) lets say I’m on water and i want to change to Fire ( have the all team with full HP I can make some damage now ) but the water attunement it will keep up for more 5 Seconds and since the CD its only 8, I Can change back to water and never lose the aura of Smoothing mist.

Why did i choose Elemental Attunement on Arcana? Well if I have this, i can give boon’s to the ppl near me, such as Might, Protection and other’s 2 … and cobining this with Elemental Attunement and Cleansing Wave I will remove to the ppl near me 2 conditions that they have every 8 second’s.

I think the rest of the its preaty easy to know why i have chose it, but with this i can still do good AoE damage, and allways try to keep up the health of the ppl arround me up.

Remenber that on this game there isn’t a “proper” healer, if the other ppl don’t dogde and such, don’t matter what build u do, they will die, what u can do its to try to minimalize the “damage”