Showing Posts For thenivekproject.4139:
Really wish it was a thief stealthing but the ele was running alone when us (the 4 of the 5 in total around the entire area) were behind him. He vanished and re-appeared a few sec later running in a different direction. Its like he used it to throw us off his tracks.
Guardian stealthed when he went down…only to re-appear a few seconds later at the same spot.
Hi all,
I’ve been running WvWvW with my guild and these couple of weeks have been pretty amazing. Have seen Guardians and Eles that can go into stealth both during combat and down state.
Before you tell me it’s my latency of FPS I’m talking about a maximum of 5 man battle and my entire guild saw it everytime it happens because we’re on Mumble.
Anyone else here experiencing that?
All this blabber about thieves being able to stealth and all. Players that don’t improve or simply can’t learn to predict how to play against a thieve conveniently blame it all on the stealth?
Anet is simply removing another build thieves use and that IMHO is lame. It’s like removing mesmer’s shatter build or a guardian’s zerker build. And you don’t hear thieves complaining about an ele’s mist form or a necro’s deathshroud. Should those be removed too cos its kinda imba considering DS gives you a second life and mist form you basically negate most dmg. We’re not even talking about a ranger’s pet cos its mainly a 2v1 if you look at it that way. Hell…we should just have 1 class so there’s nothing for you all to complain about.
If it makes you feel better, I can regale you with recent tales of my victories over thieves.
Two days ago, killed two thieves 2v1. Both level 80, not upleveled. WvW
About 30 minutes ago, go jumped on by a thief while I was at 30% health. Hey guess what, i won without even healing. Also lv 80 not upleveled in WvW.I can give you all the anecdotes you want. They don’t constitute evidence any more than your anecdotes of you being killed evidences thieves being OP.
For the record I play guardian, and yes, there are plenty of thieves that outplay me. In my experience, people like you think thieves are OP and try to play one not realizing that everyone can kill uplevels really really easily. You guys become the type of people that I destroy above ^. Yes, I’ve been totally destroyed by every kind of thief build at least once, they are good players, I don’t cry OP. I’ve also destroyed every thief build at least once as well. They don’t go on the guardian forums crying about guardians being OP.
Sorry, I was extremely proud that I beat that thief at 30% hp and I needed to chest thump (altho he probably let his guard down thinking I’d be an easy kill at that point)
I totally agree on this. It’s a matter of how you play and not who plays what that dictates who lives at the end of a fight. Full zerk thieves have not much initiative so and for them to wear you down they need to use alot of what little they have. Or you can totally destroy them by simply smashing them hard cos they’re so vulnerable and can remove very little conds if stacked. FYI unlike most duelist classes a thief technically cannot sustain in a prolonged fight so learn and react fast….it’s the least you can do in gaming.
the stealth is ridiculous, but add in the damage and it’s just a total joke.
the fact that any class can dish 7k dmg by pushing 1 button ( which can be pushed multiple times) just shows what a joke pvp in this game is.
A gc thief will always deal that amount of damage regardless you like it or not. Looking at the numbers you died cos you spec-ed yourself to be a gc too so its not the thieves fault he’s doing the damage he is spec-ed to do.
Its like saying why not remove conditional damage from a necro and if you complaining about the stealth remove the death shroud from a necro too because it gives an extra life and stability if you trait it. You basically need to be FAST enough to react and know HOW to react…not complain about a class’s unique characteristic.
Again another chain of whining post on how thieves use stealth and the spike they give. It’s like saying “please take the clones away from a mesmer because it isn’t a 1v1 anymore when he does it”. It does not matter if the comment came from a thief user or not but its more of the build that matters and who you are up against.
Xsorus.2507 can get out of a fight means he is either semi to really good with his thief and is comfortable with his build. Musty.3148’s take on curbstompers makes an unfair comment and if you wanna discuss stomping you will know many other classes like an ele/guard will stomp better with the stability they have and ability to sustain being hit even while stomping. A thief on the other hand might get interrupted/fall due to surrounding damage while stomping. In fact in big fights when a thief does the stomping there is a problem with the fight mechanic because that leaves one of the heavier dmg classes out because they are stomping when all they need to do is time kill the foes by hitting them once every 5 seconds. It’s a matter of how you play and not how cheesy a class is.
Let’s not talk about getting out of a fight because every class has its unique mechanism of play. A thief is made for mobility and more than often burst dmg although some prefer to play different builds like condition dmg or venom share. So why not remove death shroud from a necro because it gives them 2 lives or a pet from a ranger because they can attack from both far and near at the same time?
(edited by thenivekproject.4139)
I personally think it is a good call because of the culling issues that is obviously not fixed. This mixed with them mindless zerging makes WvW a zerg fest and takes the fun out of tactics and strategies that used to matter in its earlier days. And we’re not even talking about players with full zerker gear running around button-spamming on everything they see. In my humble opinion it only encourages bad players and not growth in terms of players’ skills. Sadly the good ones (or the ones that are trying to improve) are left with no options but to join the zerg or risk being run over by an angry horde that can kill you just by trampling over you (just an expression).
This gives good commanders new strategies as well as options on how to move their forces around in WvW and not rely on pure zerging because any other parties they send out might meet with a 60 man party and be vaporized in milliseconds. It also gives smaller guilds/parties the option if they want to follow a goof-ball commander that is not doing a good job and make an impact in their own way.
Just to justify I’m not saying that zerging is not an option but the fact that it is almost the only option for anyone to stand a chance only promotes players flocking into already over-populated servers. Should this have been implemented before the free transfer period ended I’m sure we would see a difference in how the transfers went.
Well to end things I’m personally feeling it is a good call and that it would have had better response before the free transfer period ended.
Thank Diy. Appreciate the clear explanation!
Hey all…I have a regular ascended ring that I infused with the +5AR versatile infusion bought with relics.
Now that we can get other kinds of infusion from the laurel vendor I was wondering if i can change the infusion like how runes on armor works.
Anyone has any clue?
You do you mean to say you have spent hours running TA for the tokens? Tough luck bud. Well…no point crying over spilled milk especially if you have been warned. For all armor that you cannot wear it is stated on the bottom in red that you cannot wear it.
I don’t think I’m supposed to say this but I hear some players run dungeons on a char and earn tokens/weapons/armor then pass it onto another char that they are building.
You have only 3 solutions for this in my opinion. That would be to build a secondary warrior/guardian to wear that armor, salvage the boots with black lion salvage kit and sell the ectos and runes or get 3 more exotic and throw them into the mystic forge and hope you get something you can use.