Showing Posts For thinkfast.8371:
spvp, pve, wvw are just 3 very different story, pve means u stack ppcritical, and use basiclly what ever build u want, u will be fine, SPVP is a mess, it has a different system, and by far like a different universe to beginner, u WILL GET DESTROYED anyway when you first started, build varies a lot, try a phantasm build for a start is not a bad idea, PPC will do as well, WvW depending on what you are going to do, follow a pin, ptv, to get max survival, in a battle of 30+v30+ you are just a canon fodder, roaming, go for the most cheesy build, everybody do this, PU based condition build is they way to go.
wvw and pve share the same set of gear, you can advance both of them at the same time with no problem, spvp is the game of skill, thing gets really srs sometimes, if you do not enjoy competitive kind of play plz stay out of it.
I already spvp alot just not as a mesmer so that’s fine I just need a change from my normal play style.
Before I get the generic use Google/search bar answer.. I have. I’ve checked YouTube forums reddit etc.. I’m still not really sure what to run for spvp/PvE/zerging/solo roaming wvw.. alot of guides are outdated/patched builds. So any tips you lovely people have for builds/gear etc are all greatly appreciated.
Well I just finished The Predator, I cant seem to get a straight answer on what its worth. Buy orders sit around 2.1k gold auto buy sits at 3k same as some of the greatswords which doesn’t make sense to me, any idea on what its worth to sell?
while it would be nice to just have a 33% speed SoH, I dont like the idea of rangers being faster.. anet even said thief is meant to be the most mobile class(sadly) while i think rangers need better positioning skills. like.. Longbow 4 as a knock down should cause the ranger to roll back (mini dodge?) to further themselves from their foe. things like that.
good ideas red, granted they should really only use skill 2/3 or they’ll just run away with the banner and get killed on any trash mob if you try to pull mobs. maybe an active skill like spirits where they slam the banner(similar to skill 5) as a small AoE blast?
This may or may not have been asked before, but why dont we have a trait for banners similar to ranger spirits? By that I mean wouldnt it be nice to have a little squire to carry banners with us so theyre somewhat useful outside of boss fights? even if we’re limited to 1 squire id take that as a 30 pointer somewhere.
Honestly all i want is a banner trait similar to ranger spirits, like have it traited to spawn a little squire (similar to ascalon fractal boss) they shouldnt attack just carry my banners :[
easiest way to get started in wvw is just dive into it.. buy a soldier set with karma for mindless zerging, or zerk and go roaming. 30 10 0 0 30 is my favorite roaming build for gs/axe/shield. people will fight me on this but it works. for zerging just throw down 0 10 30 30 0 with a hammer/sword/warhorn if youre afraid to die, lots of hp/def + regen + condi removal + shout healing helps too.
Honestly I dont mind the spirit nerf/buff, but if they’re going to constantly nerf ranger every patch, pets, spirits, longbow still being meh, short bow nerf… why bother? Ranger needs a defined role in the game Jack of all trades master of none obviously isnt working out.. People laugh at me when I pug fractals only to then find when they give me a chance im the one saving everyone and putting out dps. Wvw we’re ok.. roaming we need a bit of help but who cant zerg? I dont play spvp, but i agree with seperate skills for spvp while leaving wvw/pve linked.
Stilllll waitin on a fix.. or a refund.. My sylvari looks like a unicorn crapped me out with the red stuck on the armor now :[
Honestly I say we deserve a refund.. for the armor and the stones wasted -.-; I got skinned over my OoW armor because i was so tired of seeing the red when it was my main set for wvw.
same with me blue skin blue hair eyes everything, now im stuck with red trim on my zerker armor set :lWhy is it taking so long to fix an armor die glitch??? I really am getting annoyed here. I’m an 80 Thief and Sylvari with blue skin, a red dye in my boots and chest is rather un-sitely!!!!! Please hurry up and patch. Thank you.
This bug has been going for about 4 days, and its utter crap. They should have fixed it by now, this has been a problem in the past and only took them a few hours to fix not sure as to why its taking days this time.
I agree with the refund, I want a gem refund on the trans crystals i wasted on the gear if its stuck with undyeable red parts..
Not all thieves are zerkers, im more than able to run p/d + SB blackpowder + HS and backstab most people into the ground.. the only people i have problems with are mesmers who just spam clones and run away without trying to fight, anyone saying perma stealth is easy try throwing down 4-5 heartseekers without macroing anything through blackpowder during a fight and see how well you do.
day 2 almost day 3, of the new patch nothing is fixed.. certain camp yaks still wont go to smc, OoW is still undyeable, and since the latest build it seems like certain thief skills (the stealth heal) and (blinding powder) atleast for me seem to insta drop me into the exposed debuff thing about 1 sec into the stealth.. <- they keep merging these threads for a reason, :l they know its a problem so just post in this one to keep it (bumped) i mean updated
Its not racial, its gender based.. female OoW is fine from what ive heard its just the male ones having problems. As well as problems like NOT BEING ABLE TO LEVEL.. or dolyaks not walking to smc and other things..
New build happened this still wasnt fixed :[ guess im changing my sylvari glow untill its done :l blue glow with red stuck on me all over doesnt look right.
Its not just the boots, its the boots, top, and pants for me. Its also been posted in other threads today, try posting(cough bumping) the other thread to bring more attention to it and possibly a fix.. this is also the second time this bug has occured sadly.
Same with my slyvari thief, I had abyss/robin and now im stuck with red :[ I miss my nice cyan trim..