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Legit Lupicus Thief Solo post 31/3/2015 patch

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ticktickboom.9513


With ~11min not a good time, but I played it safe.

I’m very excited to see the first ele solo on this.

Ursanway returns!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ticktickboom.9513


Assuming that they will totally kill the fgs rush, would that reset all dungeon speedrun records?

Let's see some thief pics

in Thief

Posted by: ticktickboom.9513


me and my favorite dog =)


Why thiefs need to be buffed

in Thief

Posted by: ticktickboom.9513


I’m going to assume this is a troll thread.

I hope you are right, since everything mentioned above is just false…

Arah p4 Thief Solo (except Simin)

in Thief

Posted by: ticktickboom.9513


Hey folks.

As there are already some videos of warriors soloing this path, I decided to make one for the thieves out there on how to solo Arah path 4 all legit. The Solo does not include Simin (Dwayna) where I needed the help of some friends, because this boss can’t be solo’d the legit way with any class. There is no bugging or safe-spotting in this video and Lupicus was done off-wall. Have fun and feel free to ask any relevant questions.

Arah p4 solo thief

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ticktickboom.9513


Hey nik.
First of all: congrats for solo’ing arah p4! It’s one of the hardest challenge in GW2, if done legit, so I guess it deserves a thumb up. I decided to try it too and made a video alongside to additionally underline your topic. So here you go:
(no boss-bugging or safe-spotting | Lupicus off wall)

You might also find some useful tactics for the elite mobs since they are your biggest problem, as you said. E.g. you dont have to deal with the pack of elites in Grenth’s room. For the Elite Risen Illusionist you want to use S/P #3 and #4 for interrupts, your Thieves Guild and a lot of LOS.

Considering your solo-rewarding-concept I have to say that I really like the idea behind it. The endgame PvE content in GW2 are solo’s because everything else is too easy because of all the berserker-stacking. Getting the reward of the whole group is pretty tempting plus you dont have to deal with trolls while trying to sell.
The problem I see with this is: Glitcher’s are rewarded equally to legit’s without having the opportunity to report or kick them which makes glitching more profitable without any consequences.

Anyways, keep it up and i’m looking forward to your videos.

Arah p2 Thief solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ticktickboom.9513


Although I really don’t like to share a label with glitchers and exploiters, here is a so-called “non-glitched” belka:

Basically it is dullest fight ever. Spam #3 → win. I rather try to get a better time with the more-dmg-dealing backstabs even if that means I have to run out 1 or 2 times when making a mistake. Players’ll never improve their skill by pressing one button, even if it’s sucessfull.

Thanks anyway for your feedback rfdarko.

Arah p2 Thief solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ticktickboom.9513


I’m not 100% sure but If I remember correctly that “blink shortcut” got fixed 1 or 2 patches ago.

My question was more of rhetorical nature since, according to lfg, thief was by far the most popular class for “soloing” this path before the last patch.

Arah p2 Thief solo

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ticktickboom.9513


As there are a lot of warrior solo’s of this path, I decided to post a video for the thieves out there on how to solo Arah path 2 all legit. Have fun and feel free to ask any relevant questions.

Oh and btw: Where are all the thieves “selling arah p2 ~2g~ because the only thing I can do is glitching”?

Lupicus solo engi

in Engineer

Posted by: ticktickboom.9513


Hey all you engineers out there,

just want to share this vid i made a couple of days ago of me soloing lupicus in arah p2. As i am pretty much new to this profession i’d be happy for any advice how to improve to get this done easier. Maybe some other skills or traits?! Pls note that this is by no means a speedtry as you can see on my missing precision-stacks and the absence of bufffood The build i used appears in the end of the video.
