Showing Posts For timmy.8732:
why is it that a T1 gold ranked player gets put against T3 platinum team? there is something seriously wrong with this picture. i would call that manipulation bc he was paired with someone from gold T1.
thats lucky bc ive lost rating many times to quitters and those who come back after being gone for 2 mins. those 4 losses mentioned previously were aprt of the placement matches so they affected my overall start point when calculating my MMR
well having played 5 games for placement so far, i have seen it 4 out of the 5 matches. thats 4 times in a row
TBH i dont know why anyone woud watch it at all. as far as playing other games, i have. Final Fantasy XIV and FFXV are WAY better than GW2. I had hopes that the new season would be better than the previous ones.
answer this question for me. how do you plan on compensating those who get royally F-ed by players who afk in base or just quit 2 mins into the match when they are trying to play the 10 game placement? seems sorta silly to base MY MMR on quitters and ppl who afk. furthermore if my MMR is MY personal PVP rating, why is it based off of team performance?
they only thing we can do to fix this mess in pvp is simple. everyone must stop going into the heart of the mists and wvw. simple bc they require the numbers and if they report 0 in both. only then will they want to know what happened and how to fix it. but thats never going to happen. we are at a impasse. the community will not boycott pvp and WvW and Anet will do nothing bc they believe nothing is wrong.
yeah i agree that this season sucks more than the last 2. so many afk now just for daily participation which ruins a whole teams pip count. either furthering a lose streak of destroying a win streak. also the fact that they put the 5 highest mmr on a team against the 5 lowest isnt balance at all.
wow this guy is not very bright. im sure he just cant beat a warrior now which would explain the post. he needs to learn to play the game.
you cant, everyone believe cleaving them is the only way unless you have a thief who wants to show off the only finisher in the game.
i just dont understand why this season is worse than the last 2. anet, you have found away to dig yourself past the bottom of the barrel on season 3. no one saw it coming either. we all were trying to keep our hopes up bc we all knew you hit rock bottom in S2. what was your thinking? i mean i know your trying to control the meta by pushing elite specs and the removal of most of the def ammies, but why? please explain yourself to all of us bc we all still want to believe in you, but at this point we really cant trust you with your own game. do you all even have a team who’s soul job is to inform you about the forums and what the pop. is saying? if not, then it would explain why you all have no idea what your doing. i know some ppl will defend anet but lets face it, the game since HoT release has gone down hill. the elite specs being so OP that the vanilla players cant stand a chance in pvp, and that is a huge problem. also pushing almost every build to do condi dmg ( ele and druid are exempt bc they are forced to be support) is a joke. you are forcing classes to play 1 way to be effective and that doesnt promote build diversity at all. i honestly feel bad for all the vanilla players trying to get the back pack.
believe me anet when i say that i want to believe in you again. i want the game to be enjoyable again rather than the pain you have created.
do you think Arena Net cares about pvp and how unbalanced the match making is? the answer is no. they do not care. they made it so that one team will have a better chance at winning the match based upon their MMR and the other is nothing but bottom feeders in MMR. ppl with the higher MMR are placed on a team against the 5 who have the lowest. they cater to the higher mmr rather than balance of teams. we all know this. so why has this season worse than it was before? the answer is that they cater to passive condi play rather than skill. so if you want to win and have better teams. just roll a condi build on any high condi application class.
same but i also enjoy the game play that once was pvp.
yeah i agree. what harm is there to see our mmr. i mean really.
t6 is easy, its getting past all this passive condi %^#* thats the trouble. game caters to passive play styles
thanks for believing, haha
(edited by timmy.8732)
i love to pvp and its were i spend most of my time. i want the wings for the stat swap on demand. i dont want to constantly craft asended &*%$ just to swap the stats. but you are right 2 or 3 ppl in a group in spvp are not that great nor do they know how to listen. these hotjoin heroes have a zerging mentality given to them by Pve and WvW play styles. between the passive playstyle of condi bomb and zerg mentality makes the game just annoying to play. a game is meant to be enjoyed but anets attempts to control the meta by making condi OP so that below average players feel good about themselves. tons of ppl have already quit and moved on to other games. all bc of the passive play style. lets also bring up the amount of maps in spvp. you have temple, forest, foefire, and kylo ( if i am missing one its bc i cant remember the last time i played it). out of those few maps the only ones ever played are foefire and forest. thats bc both maps have a PvE aspect to them. sPvP should have no pve function added to it to gain a boost in points. you are eliminating what sPvP is. Player versus player not player versus player with pve bonus. for those of you that will defend these maps how about i go ahead and compromise something. lets keep both maps but make the lord legendary and legendary stats with vet guards and chieftain and svanir champion stats. that way the bonus in points could have some equality to them. i would be willing to accept that change for both maps. it would prevent 1 guy being able to solo them in a matter of seconds.
i agree, with HoT came the downfall of Gw2
the game will never have balance or build diversity so long as there is a metabattle site available and elites spec. the site pulls ppl into playing 1 way and eliminates build diversity. remember we are dealing with sheepl and not ppl. as far as the elite specializations go, i like to see them completely nerfed into the ground, but that wont happen. anet values money over the quality of the game.
i will agree that the celestial ammy was a bit OP on certain classes, so removing it is fine with me. that to me goes towards being more balanced. however, making the game more passive is not a smart decision. the reason why its a bad choice, to put it shortly, is bc it lacks skill. it gives a completely unbalanced handicap to players who are not as skilled at the game with timing attacks. Pvp is about skill and timing. it just pains me to see a game descend in such a way that they cater to the less skilled players. played since beta and i feel like the only change to this is going to be made by me. deciding what game to go to next. BnS is fun and sure the pvp is 1v1. that doesnt make it bad, also Black Desert is fun as well. but none of them grab me like GW2 once did.
what sucks is anet knows about it but they dont care to fix it. they would rather focus on pve content than any bugs that have been around since beta
this is the question i ask myself every time i go into ranked matches. the game has become so passive with all the condi spamming going around that it has become tiresome. where is the skill in the game anymore? has anyone else realized that the condi traits and skills have lower CD’s than dmg traits and skills? its just unreal to think that this game will ever have balance. also solo q, why is it that you are put against guild and pre-made teams. i mean you q up solo and put against a group rather than a random 5 ppl? how does that work for anyone? sure in some cases that the group is bad and can easily be defeated, but how often does that really happen? also the same maps for almost four years now, why? these are just some of the reason why i ask if the wings are worth the effort. if anet could provide so was to have group diversity in solo q i think that would help a lot. being placed on a team where 1 class makes up more than 50% of your team is a bit stupid. i know a dev wont respond at all to this.
time to call Anet out on the bug that prevents all movement after fighting a rev. every time i fight a rev and use a break stun while fighting i cant move, jump or dodge. it only ever happens when im fighting a rev. this bug alone has cost me many matches.
explain to me why the que time is over 30 mins for a match when it clearly says 2 mins.
now if they can just fix the que times to what it actually says its qued for. 14 mins when it says 2min que times
now that i am unstuck, i have been in que for another match for over 20 mins now. awesome. should have just stayed in foefire.
yes i agree, no credit after waiting over an hour in a match that i won. they need proof of the match, good thing i got a pick.
got stuck, help. over and hour in the first match of the 3rd season.
if i punch a baby, im going to blame Anet for it.
ok lunch break should be over now, seriously devs. fix this. so tired of this constant “stuck in match”.
im guessing they have better things to do than to help us out of pvp. given their past response time, we will be out of this match when SAB comes back.
i bet that one that’s in-charge right now is napping in his cubical.
also stuck in this same match with no credit for a win, no pip gain at all. explain why this keeps happening.