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PVP balance maybe?

in Suggestions

Posted by: trick.9245


you’re right

PVP balance maybe?

in Suggestions

Posted by: trick.9245


while you are in a fight or looking into the wrong direction for a short time while he comes around a corner? come on… it’s just not fair that other classes have to deal the damage over some amount of time, which you can evade at least partially if you’re fast enough but thiefs just half your life with one hit…

PVP balance maybe?

in Suggestions

Posted by: trick.9245


you guys really think it’s fair that thieves may half your life in 1 second while are themselves able to vanish away all the time to get damage on their own? a thief who can play its class is a horrible enemy for everyone… even as guardian you’re almost instantanously dead, especially if the thief doesn’t come alone… and you can’t evade it’s 7k attack, since you recognize it when it already happened…

Curious if anyone else would like this - Weapon Dyes

in Suggestions

Posted by: trick.9245



some weapons look horrible when not color-fitted to the armor… and it’s a pain in the neck to have to color your armor like the weapons one (twilight greatsword – pink… e.g.)…

[Suggestion] Not ONE should have to bear the costs for WvW upgrades

in Suggestions

Posted by: trick.9245



first time i found out that this is the solution for upgrades i couldn’t even believe that they solved it this way?! of course the people should contribute together to the costs for upgrades… there’s no reason to discuss about this point in my eyes…
and i think it would lead to better upgraded fortresses etc. … how often do i think ‘why the **** don’t we even have a waypoint at this place?‘… i’m sure this wouldn’t happen if people would share the costs…