Showing Posts For tyrswrath.1753:

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


can’t wait to epxplore the crystal desert, the ring of fire island and the northern shiverpeaks once more….. Lots potential things to look forward to for the future I suspect.

Change mesmer portal

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


If the portal gets nerfed even more, they might as well bin the whole skill.
1. jumping puzzles: Someone will have to have done the puzzle in order to put the portal down in the first place. You, and all your friends can benefit from the mesmers’ effort to go through the jumping puzzle and let you skip all this.
2. protecting keeps: Just do a good and thorough sweep. That’s called teamwork. The invisibility skills on a mesmer last so short that it is quite easy to spot them while doing a sweep. I would worry more about thieves being stealth staying behind to resurrect dead mesmers who didn’t respawn yet.

Suggestion for life inTyria and precursors

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


I think the karka’s should be planning their next big attack :p

I hate clicking 30000 times

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


or stick small units of Karma into the mystic forge to make bigger ones at the cost of a skill point or something. Than you can just make a few big jugs/bottles of karma instead of many drops

WvW is REALLY unbalanced! Help us!

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


The one thing I really don’t like in the current ranking system is that you can be against the same servers for weeks on end, despite the weekly reset.

That’s my gripe, and I only care because I am a PvEer who only wants a chance to get my World Completion done. But we’ve not only been up against the same servers (with the same results) for the past 6 weeks, but for 5 of those 6 weeks we were the same color.

Solely for that purpose you could consider guesting another server to just complete your world completion

Guild Halls & Perks

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


I miss having a good old Guild Hall for my guild that we can expand with different upgrades like vendors. While I’m sure Guild Halls availability probably have been in the planning for a while, I just did think of a nice addition to this:

With influence you can buy map upgrades. In these maps you can do 1v1 duels and similar to Heart of the Mists pvp battles with guildies and even guests of the guilds (allied/befriended guilds and their members). Perhaps even have a possibility to set up a Guild Tournament to organise proper ranked matches within the guild with the members. This will also prove to be a good training ground for the actual sPvP activities in a playfull way in the safe surrounding of guild members.

WvW is REALLY unbalanced! Help us!

in Suggestions

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


I reckognise some of the sentiment, yet it also sometimes just helps to see what happens over time. Similar complaints were in our guild and people suggested to leave the current server and move somewhere else. I said “just sit tight, lots of guilds move around all the time, because the grass seems greener on the other side”. And sure enough, many guilds by now have come and some have also gone. It changes dynamics in WvW all the time. Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

The one thing I really don’t like in the current ranking system is that you can be against the same servers for weeks on end, despite the weekly reset. Specially if your server is the weak one of the 3, it can be very frustrating and demotivating. Of course you don’t hear anyone complain when you’re up against the same guys for 5 weeks in a row while your server is the strongest of the 3 :p.

Mistake prone vendor tabs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


This ‘bug’ was verified at the Armor Master [Armorsmith] in Eternal Battlegrounds.

The vendor shows 6 tabs with exotic armors you can buy for a combination of in game gold + Badges of Honor. Each tab shows armors with a certain type of prefix, e.g. Invaders, Knights, Carrion, etc.
One of the problems here is that the first tab (contains Invaders Armor) shows a different order of wearable gear than the other tabs do. It starts with Light Armor, than Heavy Armor, than Medium Armor. The other 5 tabs however, start with Heavy Armor, than Medium Armor, than Light Armor.
The confusing bit here is when you decide to mix & match some different kinds of armor (Knights + Invaders), you have to be really reading and looking well, not to buy the wrong weight of armor (heavy, light, medium) and end up with a completely useless piece, inappropriate for your character! This all because of an inconsistency in the order of armors on the different tabs!

Another problem is that you can’t really do anything with your useless bit of armor you just bought by accident (yes, I know, go slow and read/look better at what you do!). There is no option to return it to vendor in return for the purchase price (or part of it). Nor can you put the item on any character in your account since they are soulbound on acquire!

Honestly, buying Soulbound on Acquire items of the wrong classification should not even be a possibility! Preview OK, purchase: no!

A lot of grief and loss of blood, sweat and tears trying to gather up the Badges of Honor & gold, just because of a simple stupid mistake induced by a minor design flaw (in my opinion).

A fix of some kind or an added option for returning the item to the vendor (even if it is just to change the Heavy, Medium or Light classification) would be greatly appreciated.

how to counter thieves

in WvW

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


I’m not sure what annoys me more, the fact thieves can just disappear many times after eachother (much more seconds and times than any other profession) or the fact that they keep this behaviour up after you finally downed one, making it nearly impossible to finish them! Going invisible, moving about, well within the time it takes to finish a person… now we just resort to range attack a downed thief….

Mesmer Portal nerfed

in WvW

Posted by: tyrswrath.1753


20 people still is quite a lot to port, and I say that having a main being a mesmer. Honestly I was more disappointed by the range that you can use the portals since it doesn’t excplicitly state a distance on the skill description, but a time instead. In 1 minute I can travel a lot further than the range you can actually use it at.