Showing Posts For vae victus.7850:

Creative Fixes - Low Population Servers

in WvW

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

I like the idea of getting help from the creature camps. The guards would be more useful if they had more damage and didn’t despawn if the dolyak died, as is I just nuke the dolyak and ignore the guards.

Eredon Terrace chokehold turns out to be large guild cheating

in WvW

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

This thread really only goes to help Ruin, they couldn’t care less about your crying. Personally I respect them more for not bowing to public opinion. If I didn’t have a guild to run I might ask to join them.

WvW is broken, we have bad guilds like ruin winning

in WvW

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

I run with a small guild of 5 players and we have plenty of success in WvW. One guild small or medium guild shouldn’t be able to easily seige the keeps and castle. WvW is about guilds uniting against other servers, if your on your own then check map chat to see who’s around. This also not the place to be calling out another guild over personal matters.

Error in class mechanic

in Ranger

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

What pet are you using that has survivability issues? The bears are so tough I just keep 2 and enemies never get to me. one dies I switch to the other and by the time its about dead my swap is back up.

guild server change

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

My guild has recently moved to a new server and our influence and upgrades were reset. Is this a bug or is influence per server?

Wait ..What...Downed.... Double of health pools right now ...

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

I would rather have a small challenge to finish my enemy then be stuck with a pathetic rez signet mechanic

Aquatic helm and rune set

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

There is a set of underwater target dummies in the eastern lake in the Heart of the Mist.

Can't create a Guild Emblem

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

This is a known bug, I thought it was fixed in the last patch but guess it still needs some work. Re-logging in will fix this some of the time.

"Tanks" needed for dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

In my experience any combination of classes seems to work as long as your team knows what there doing. Get someone that wont listen or can’t pull there weight and your better off finishing without them. So far I’ve been able to clear catacombs in explorable with as little as 2 people when others have to leave or rage quit when they mess up and die. Each person needs to try to support the rest of the team, I don’t mean just healing, combo fields can make for much better damage and some great control. If your team knows how they can combo with each other the dungeons go much easier.

Will they ever implement name changes?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

Seeing as this was available in the store for GW1 I’m fairly certain it will be made available later for GW2. The same for remaking your characters appearance though gender change may not be added, not sure how much that would effect your personal story.

How do I duel my friend?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

Dueling is useful for testing builds, just because most fights are team based doesn’t mean its pointless to practice in smaller fights. Anet has stated this will be added just like guild halls and several other interesting but not needed elements. I will be thrilled when we get dueling but for now clearing out the major bugs is a much more important topic for them to work on.

WVW Ques

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

Have you asked guildmates or just other people on your server if they have been able to get in recently? I have had several time I’ve been in the que for hours and my friends can get in with no wait and I’m still stuck. I’m pretty sure this is a bug, the last few times I’ve tried to join my guild has reported seeing almost no one in our borderland, its unlikely there are tons of afk enemies sitting in there spawn points. It doesn’t work all the time but for me restarting the game generally helped

grouping bonus

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

I’m always seeing people forming groups for hearts or events. I generally see people helping each other a lot, its a good change from competing for kills and trolling spawn points. I would expect this will very quite a bit based on your server.

(edited by vae victus.7850)

Gear question

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vae victus.7850

vae victus.7850

The item has a major rune on it, to get the later bonuses you have to equip other armor with the same rune on them. The 2nd rune gives the 2nd bonus, 3rd rune gives 3rd bonus and so on.