Showing Posts For valentine.9385:

Terror Build?

in Necromancer

Posted by: valentine.9385


i’ve always loved terror builds.

Zerg? I'll do it solo!

in Engineer

Posted by: valentine.9385


that was brilliant! well done :-) love the little face cam too :P

Necromancer names..

in Necromancer

Posted by: valentine.9385


Valentinia. lol.

Post Your Build Thread

in Necromancer

Posted by: valentine.9385


This is a pretty standard fearmancer build. Most people like to go for some power dps etc. But I’m quite fine with condi control and support. Staff #5 and 3&4 for good combo for extra dmg. When knocked down, fear, when downed, fear, number 2 downed move is a fear, and occasionally switch to D/S for #2 fear.

pretty basic, effective at controlling that oversized warrior about to knock you down for example.

Fireworks Thread - Overflow and Achievement issues

in Dragon Bash

Posted by: valentine.9385


no fireworks on henge of denravi either q_q

But of Corpse: July 25th - Live at Five PST

in Community Creations

Posted by: valentine.9385


hey, i’m a necro lvl 80. it’s my main. I don’t play any other classes really. i’d love to join your guild, necro collaboration sounds wonderful

Keeps crashing after character select screen

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: valentine.9385


I am having something similar happen to me, except it is saying that I have run out of memory. I have 4gb ram i3 processor. I run the game on minimum settings so I don’t know why it’s doing this.