Showing Posts For vicekeridan.2708:
I generally just don’t bother. Switch to full soldier runes and try to find some friends.
Support warrior is the future. You heard it here.
Give us Rytlock’s armor and all will be well.
Feed your Charr. She needs nourishment.
I play a support/shout warrior. What is this “deeps” you speak of?
As a warrior, 30 into Tactics.
Lung Capacity: -20% shout cooldown || Vigorous Shouts: Shouts heal
With an average amount of healing power (my warrior is specced power, precision, toughness) every time I should I gain about 1.7k HP. You use 3 shouts and it’s essentially 5k HP every 20 seconds on top of the regen granted by Healing Signet and Adrenal Health.
Use a shield, you essentially don’t die….most of the time