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The Trapper Guardian is a very versatile build with a low skill floor, It’s easy for beginners to get into and stays effective until the very top of the skill ladder. It combines heavy damage and CC with decent mobility and survivability, making it an allrounder for soloqueue when you have no idea what your teammates play. Stacking guardians will usually not make your team significantly weaker, since there are very few classes the trapper can’t kill, especially in numbers.
Also, the support staff build is a viable vanilla build.
So, if you have a class you’re good at, why swap? otherwise, go for it.
If you want to play thief, dagger/pistol is a good option! P/P is too easy to counter with a well-placed reflect.
If you focus on decapping far/recapping close, picking off low targets in teamfights and finish downed enemies, you should be fine. You’ll learn and your team and your enemies will suck just as bad as you do (it’s called mattchmaking).
On the other hand thief isn’t that good for newbies, because you need to predict enemy movement pretty precisely to be efficent. Watch the mini map. Know where your team is, what kind of fights need your help and what kind of fights are fine without you. Try to predict when they will go for close, when they’ll storm mid, when they’ll bunker close.
But no matter what, having a second class option is a must for a thief for as long as class stacking is possible. A team with two thiefs can win (as in, it’s possible), but three or more just won’t work.
p.s. blind and stealth are your best friends.
p.p.s. keep moving
Sounds like you need some goals
Try out the treasure hunter achievment- it points you towards all the meta events in all the maps. You may think you know the maps because you’ve completed it, but there’s always an event you haven’t seen yet.
Play dress-up. Go to the wardrobe (found at banks and crafting stations) and toy around with all the lovely trenchcoats, backpacks and weapons! Then wiki the parts and try to complete your look. (Gemstore weapons are usually on TP)
Go for full exotic gear. If you are full exo, go for ascended. If you are, maybe try out some new specs.
Solve all the jumping puzzles.
Get a friend who is a mesmer to help you solve all the jumping puzzles. Or just get a friend who can res you when you fall down.
Get a guild. It’s not only handy for ascended trinkets, but you also have friends now! If you don’t know what to do, ask if you can join any of them. Do stuff together!
If you care about prestige, go for a legendary.
You also have at least one extra character slot. Maybe try a new class! Maybe some contrast to thief, like necro or guardian or ranger. If you like the fashion aspect, pick light or heavy armor for more variance. Pick a different race and a different order for maximum new story.