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Gem Store gathering tools to every character

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wongdong.9162


True Story;

I have the watchwork pick and a couple of the halloween tools and deleted a character that had them equipped one morning. I got them back after a ticket to CS. Scared the kitten out of me.

Moral of the story, make annything from the gem store that is equipable on characters account bound and unable to be deleted. Yes, you get the whole name confirmation ‘Are you sure’ box, but if you have gem store equipment on a toon you should get an error box saying you can’t delete the toon until you remove CASH PAID FOR ITEMS from toon.

Would save CS from ‘oops I kittened up’ tickets.

GW2 an E-Sport? Yay or Nay?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wongdong.9162


It could have been a great title for e-sports if the game had been designed from the start to be one. But we have a game that was designed as an MMO with pvp as a side note. Pvp in GW2 is a game mode that was put in for the players to have something to do other than grind dumb shi* mobs or story. I think of spvp in gw2 as the play spots in McDonald’s. You don’t go to McD’s for the play spots.

So after Druid......

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


What do you guys think the next elite spec should/will be like?
I personally hope for something that gives us preparations in some way because they offered a unique play style back in gw1. Thoughts?

The return of mobile spirits and throwable traps. LOL, in all reality though, they’ll probably give us a hello kitty ranger spec the way things have been.

New pets

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Pocket raptors don’t knockdown though.

I haven’t played HoT for a while so did they change that? B/c I found myself on my back a lot fighting those annoying little kittens.

New pets

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Pocket raptors would only be useful as pets if they gave us a pack of them. They are pretty squish otherwise. That would be nice though, a ranger running around with a mobile knockdown field, i can just taste the tears from the MM “Rise” Necros.

Offensive Druid, Builds?

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


From what I see that you want is something like running BM,WS,Dr with a focus on axe/torch and GS. You can either run shouts or survival in utils, whatever you feel more comfy with, they both have strengths and weaknesses. In druid go with cultivated synergy, for the bonus healing just stand next to your pet and you’ll heal each other, next is either nat stride or etching if you want mobility or are in melee a lot and want condi clear,blind and extra healing from glyphs, and then probably seeds for a free cc root every 10 secs on glyph/GS 5 daze.

Then float your gears around that for w/e stats you feel comfy with but power and precision are pretty useful.

Astral Force nerf yet again.

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Gaining AF by ‘healing’ someone at full health seems like a bug to me b\c you can’t obviously overheal someone to give then more HP.

That aside, CAF is pretty much worthless as is. There is only 2 really useful skills at 3 and 4. 1,2, and 5 are so situation dependent on no one moving. And who is going to stand still long enough in any game mode so you can shoot a ground targeted heal or wait for 2 seconds for a weak condi clear/ok heal while under pressure from any source. Number 5 skill is a big ‘number 2’ imo for pvp and for pve it I’d upgrade it to a ‘kitten in the pot’ on break bars.

The real issue isn’t that you can’t generate AF by ‘healing’ someone at full health, it’s that CAF just sucks @ss and the whole of the druid spec would be better off without. I’m not sure what the fascination is with giving every profession a ‘form’ is, but it really is unnecessary. It works well for necro but not so much for ranger or warrior.

Druid would have been better with all the traits it currently has sans the CAF/AF related ones and just add more focus on pets, roots, and better aoe heals +boons. This is just my opinion and that’s all that matters to me. Staff is an ok weapon for what it does but I still think that even shortbow is better.

As for the traits, the only ones I find useful are the major that aoe heals when you use your 6 (forgot the name), in the masters it is a choice between the glyph trait or the mobility trait (and that’s if I actually feel like using the glyphs, a couple are fairly useful except for the elite,it’s just stupid, and for the GM trait I’m pretty much stuck on the 15sec root on cc.

That us all……. I think.

Other classes get a perma stab/might/HP/sec?

in Engineer

Posted by: wongdong.9162


I made an engi to learn how to better fight them in spvp and noticed something I don’t think I have ever seen on any other class – the flamethrower trait + the HP/sec while equipped w/a kit and scrapper’s might while you have stab trait.

All this coupled with the engineers multitude of other survival traits/skills and Flamethrower’s DPS/cc/and blast combos in just one kit, makes engineer feel more tank-y than the tanks from the other armor classes.

How is this balanced/not op, because I’m just not seeing it.

Triple edged sword of pet AI

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


While I understand that sarcasm doesn’t translate well in text, common sense says that some of the language in the op is just that.

Triple edged sword of pet AI

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Pets have to be able to hit their target period. There is no reason why this should not have been fixed by now. If they are not suppose to hit the target then they should remove them from the game.

For control as other have mentioned before something similar.

We need 3 buttons (f1)(f3)(f4).

f1 – Pet follow – Pet will stick to master within 5 ft and attack from that range only.
Use – For movement of ranged pets and for use with a melee heavy build

f3 – Pet Stay – Pet will stay on the target area and attack without movement.
Use – For range pet placement.

f4 – Pet dodge – Used to mitigate damage on pet when dodge is needed in encounters.
This can be an animated dodge or just something that reduces or complete counters all damage for a short time period.

Something akin to this would do a lot for the pet side of things without making the class much harder to play.

In the case of your f3, how is that different from “Guard”?
Your f1 is achievable by the current f3 then closing to melee range and then f1 or f2. Range pets, well, they range.
Your f4 for dodge, pets should dodge automatically like bandits and it would replace the swap function. I like the swap.

Stowing the pet until it’s recalled would help more than anything else. I feel that our current pet controls are just about right with the exception of the stow. As for hitting their target, melees are the pets that have trouble in that department. I think an attack and movement speed would help there, or, being able to attack and move like players.

Triple edged sword of pet AI

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


If they focused on making smarter mobs, like Amiron was saying, that would have a trickle down effect to our pets, since they’re tied to mob AI. More challenging and diverse PVE content plus smarter more reliable pets. Two birds one stone.

Lets face it, ANet’s version of smarter mob AI seems to be giving them more HP and more fancy gimmicks like shooting 400 barrels down their throats to make them vulnerable.

Triple edged sword of pet AI

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


I say we go on strike and refuse to play ranger until they let us permanently stow the pet and compensate the ranger with buffs since the pet was like 30% of our dps although u never got that anyways cus the pet never hits anybody.

The real Chuck Zitto would say lets go kick some ANet kitten until they make Rangers as OP as warriors. But then again, Chuck Zitto would also never be caught dead playing an MMO, unless he got soft in his old age and moved in with his mom. /sarcasm

I don’t think a Ranger strike would accomplish much TBH. It would probably just make ANet say “Hey, no one is playing Ranger anymore, we can finally get rid of it and replace it with our version of an OP Heavy mage that everyone will play. It’ll be the new meta. Then we can introduce the 3 year grind for GOD gears. Muahahahaha!!!!!11!!!!!11!!1”

Burnout and You....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wongdong.9162


The bots didn’t get fixed though, it was just not profitable enough anymore for the companies, they had enough gold, but players stopped playing the game, so they couldn’t sell much over the past year. no reason to keep them bots running.

Seriously??? That’s funny. I’m not being sarcastic, I thought ANet actually fixed the bot plague. I didn’t know it was because the bots fixed themselves by running off the population. So, is the only thing from stopping them from coming back the lack of GW2 gamers playing?

Burnout and You....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Have you tried out the two PvP modes yet?

I quit GW2 because of boring PvE. Came back 10 months later because there were no other good MMOs at the time, tried out WvW and am absolutely having a blast nowadays.

I have not done WvWvW yet, even though Shadowbane taught me to love open world PvP. sPvP, to me, was rather boring and the announcer very annoying. While i should probably try WvW sometime soon, I feel I would continue to get frustrated with the character mechanics and limited options of playing a toon.

I love the engine and the world and the lore of this game, but it does not deserve the Guild Wars name. The whole concept of “play your way” was lost to me when the devs limited our choices in build diversity and weapon choice. They say they wanted to do this for easier balancing, yet the balance is atrocious.

Burnout and You....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wongdong.9162


This sounds more like you didn’t enjoy the game from the start and forced yourself to play anyway.

Personally I’m keeping faith in the devs for 2014. What comes of this game after the Scarlett saga with their “feature” update(s) and new LS content will decide the longterm fate of this game for many people I think. A lot of this season’s LS has been in development for months and I’m gonna just keep playing through it as I still have lots of fun with GW2 but would also like to see a lot more content added. I hope it all comes to fruition this year.

I actually did enjoy the game at launch. Then the naked bearbow bots became the meta. That got fixed thankfully. The “feature” patch will be what determines if I come back fully and enjoy the game again. But everything so far this year has just left me soured.

Burnout and You....

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: wongdong.9162


I hit burnout again about a week before the patch. After reading the patch notes, I am not exactly thrilled to even be kitten d into updating and coming back yet. Let’s look at some of the things that attribute to burnout.

Weapon skills. In general, i don’t mind the weapon skills. Great idea, poorly implemented.
* Why can’t we move them around on the bar?
* Why are weapons limited on classes?
(Maybe I want to be a Bunny Thumping Charr Ranger.)
* Why can we not choose weapon skills like we can choose utilities?

Boring combat.
*All mobs are just HP bags with limited AI. (Same goes for Ranger pets.)

Personal story is lackluster.
*I would rather go out and complete zones and do hearts and DE’s than work on the story. How many times have you let NPC’s die in story just to spice things up?

I could keep ranting but I’ll just sum it up into the “play your way” promise seems to skewed into play ANet’s way and whatever meta happens to FOTM (flavor not fractal).

What attributes to your burnout?

Why don't risen attack pets?

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Why do zombies prefer humans more than animals?

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Why did Warrior get most (also some of the best) of the bow skills from rangers from GW1? Warrior in GW1 had no bow skills unless it took 2nd profession Ranger. How many bow W/R did you see in GW1? I didn’t see many if any.

The ones they gave warriors were the ones that are essentially: 1) put bomb on arrow 2) fire arrow 3) ??? 4) profit.

Granted I still think those should’ve been ranger skills…. But w/e I get why they did it, they’re less skillful shots and more something any meat head could be trained to do with relative ease.

The ones that they gave warriors that I’m iffed about are Double shot, Pin Down and Arcing. Those skills on Ranger LB just make more sense to me. The current aa for Ranger LB just feels more like a warrior skill as it does more damage the further away the target is giving the warrior more motivation to switch to melee weapons as the target closes. That’s how i look at it as a Ranger anyway.

Triple edged sword of pet AI

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


It seems pretty clear to me that for the Rangers to get.. what word to use.. good pets. They have to be separated from the existing mobs out in the world.

Then again, that would mean they have to code a truckload of new pets..

Or, do they?

Now, I’m no programmer, but surely there are other, better AIs to draw from in the game? Which will still fulfill the, (which seems to me), the #1 criteria from ANet; pets telegraphing their attacks so they can be dodged. I have no problem with that – thats just fair.

Making us use a snatched dog/bird/pig/what-have-you from out in the world – that has serious issues with actually hitting its target, not to mention pathing etc etc
Is not fair.

I actually thought about starting a similar thread some time ago. How about we get constructive – what other AIs are there out there that can be used? Just slap a dog skin, (or your pet of choice), on that instead – could that be something?

I’m pretty sure that is what we already have in pets minus the f2 skill. Each of their basic attacks mimic some mobs attacks and defenses. I.e. Devourers, they evade and retreat like bandits. But pets also seem to have mixed skills from different mobs.

As far as pets hitting moving targets, we have chills and cripples easily at our disposal. Mobs it’s ok, players will usually try very hard to clear these conditions. I think a nice chill or cripple come in handy with ranged pets vs. players.

Triple edged sword of pet AI

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


If they do improve the AI to include a challenge to the players, that would indeed affect the current ’zerker meta. But then you have the ’zerkers crying about the game being too hard.

As far as the leveling pet AI, would you have to level all pets to get that? I read a post yesterday(can’t remember who, maybe you) that wanted the same. If you have to level each pet like that, imo it would be a pita.

Bandits, moas and other mobs retreat, other mobs use different skills like cripple and immobilize. But it’s pretty much the same AI, just different skills and at what % of hp they retreat.

Triple edged sword of pet AI

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Yes, Rangers need smarter pets, but what happens to the LOL balance?

We all want pets that don’t have their claws up their butts and can actually hit what we tell them to hit. ANet has said that if they tweak pet AI, it would bork mob AI. It would also boost Necro minion AI.( Assuming Necro pets use the same AI as our pets/mobs)

But reading all the posts in various sub forums, especially about how they are “trying to fix” the zerker meta, they won’t be tweaking AI anytime soon. IF they do happen to fix AI, think of all the whining that will be heard saying Ranger/Necromancer pets and general MOBs are so hard to fight against.

They fix AI, Pet classes become the new meta.

So, what happens when they do make our pets smarter? Do they have to fix the mobs so they are actually not wtfpwnmobile smashing in players faces because Rangers want smarter pets? Will Rangers reroll to Necro so we can all run 10 man MM zergs and steamroll other zergs with superior pet AI? (<<< Oh the horror!!!)

Return the Bow to The Rangers Ancestors!

in Ranger

Posted by: wongdong.9162


Why did Warrior get most (also some of the best) of the bow skills from rangers from GW1? Warrior in GW1 had no bow skills unless it took 2nd profession Ranger. How many bow W/R did you see in GW1? I didn’t see many if any.