Showing Posts For xaarli.6358:

"Merciful Intervention" da heck?

in Guardian

Posted by: xaarli.6358


This skill should be ground targeted and heal the area around.

WvW Armor sets

in Guardian

Posted by: xaarli.6358


I’m really enjoing pvp in WvW, wearing a full berserker set (weap. and acc. too), mostly playing guerrilla style using an offensive meditation build. But I also near to complete the 42k karma set with vitality/toughness and I thinking on crafting the kings set too.

So I would like to ask to the comunity what play style/build you think worth to try with this 3 sets (berserker, kings and 42k karma vit/tough?

I feel so weak in WvWvW :(

in Guardian

Posted by: xaarli.6358


I notice that some times ppl can get away from ring of warding, dont realy know if is it dodging or they use a taleport skill. It’s just me or something that usualy happends?

Guardian op

in Guardian

Posted by: xaarli.6358


Make a defensive build and stack toughness and vitality with any other proff. and you´ll see that you can not be killed in 1v1 situation but you wont make a kill in 1vs1 situation either.

Thieves and mesmers wearing berserker gear and with an offensive build can scape from a zerg……well any other proff. can….so thats op!!!

Advice make a guardian go to myths and wear it with tough/vit/pow, then join a spvp and see if you can make a kill in 1v1 situation.

I have a guardian, a warr and a mesmer.

With the guardian i use 2 builds. One offensive with full berserker and the other defensive with 42k karma tou/vit/pow and soldiers rune. I tell you that in the ofensive gear mesmer have much more survavility.

(edited by xaarli.6358)

[Guide]30 pts in valor gameplay (Hammer)

in Guardian

Posted by: xaarli.6358


Sticky! Great job!

Guardian op

in Guardian

Posted by: xaarli.6358


I would like to complain that some classes like the guardian are OP in pvp kitten if i can kill them with anything really, other than X vs 1). Also some classes are too kittened to play in pvp/spvp like elementalists/engineers. Can we get some sort of balance please ?:)
thank you.

This guy is a thief for sure, they have all the same stupid argument “I should kill every proff/build in 1v1 even if they cant kill me”

A tanky build cant kill 1v1 so he needs help to get kills. It’s fair that is needed more than 1 to kill him. For me that’s balance.

(edited by xaarli.6358)

Merciful Intervention

in Guardian

Posted by: xaarli.6358


Would be nice if this skill have an area effect and would be ground targeted.

Guardian WvW - Guerilla Warfare

in Guardian

Posted by: xaarli.6358


In the video its clear that he was using full berserker on every slot, otherwise he wouldn´t have 10,2k hp.

Correct me if i’m wrong Trungalung.

(edited by xaarli.6358)

Guardian WvW - Guerilla Warfare

in Guardian

Posted by: xaarli.6358


Nice video! Its graet to see this can of post when most of it are ppl crying.
I use the build you post and variation if it with the same play style, but it gives some suport and survavility:
-Build 10/0/30/25/5 (

Pros and cons using the build instead of the 10/25/30/0/5:
—————>gain 2,5k hp (survavility)
—————>20% 2h weapons skills recharge faster (offensive)
—————>bubble on rez (suport)
—————>keep vigor buff up 100% of the time (survavilily)
—————>lose 12% crit chance (offensive)
—————>signets recharge slower (survavility)
—————>lose 10% damage in target with condition (offensive)

I change between this 2 build depending on the group i’m running with.

I let you another combo i use in wvw: judge interv + shield of absortion on a downed target when enemies are healing him then i put smite on the boddy and leave.

Again,nice work! its nice to see this kind of post.

(edited by xaarli.6358)

Guardian GS or Warrior GS Help

in Guardian

Posted by: xaarli.6358


I really enjoy playing WvW with my guardian…much more than my warr. The warr have more weapons options but the utilitity skills are so boring, in the other hand guardians have less weapons options but better/fun utility skills (Wall of refletion, bubbles for pushing/guarding, aoe blue fire explotions, etc.).
In WvW I mainly use scepter-shield+GS or scepter-shield+hammer and i think ppl understimate the scepter damage. I m using a meditation build: great mobility, increase the efective HP, clean conditions and break stuns.

(edited by xaarli.6358)

WvW offensive Guard

in Guardian

Posted by: xaarli.6358


I had the same question, but when i spend more time in the WvW field with my guard. i found that guardians can be 1 of the most powerfull and fun prof. in wvw, it gives some many good things to the battlefield like wall of reflection, pulling player with the GS, pusshing enemies with bubbles, sending foes to the air with de hammer, etc. I run a offensive meditation build(2 meditations and wall of prot.) and im having a tons of fun. My strategy is using a range set (scepter+shied or staff) and a melee set (GS or hammer), stay back with the range set using wall of prot. then when I see a weak target use judge’s intervention->binding blade(pull)->ww and leap if its not dead then swap to the scepter shield use virtudes and get to the safe range position.

I’m having so much fun in WvW with my guardian that i’m using it as my main. Its a very balance and tactical prof., so with a good use of the skill is very powerfull.

PD: Sorry for my english, but i wanted to post because there are to many “guardian its just a support class in WVW” posts.

(edited by xaarli.6358)