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My review after playing for two weeks.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xyanide.4607


To be true, i liked the pve and levelling content.
After some levels gets really repetitive, but ok, it´s fine.
I agree with you, you will be the same guy, with the same skills, with the same looking from level 10 to 80.

But i think the fact is that Anet selled and build a image of revolution, and many people believed that, and theres no revolution.

The thing that most make me “mad” is the lack of 80´s content.
And the missing of a good PVP.

Compared to another mmos, like WoW ( haters and fanboys , please be reallistics ) GW is a big step behind.

You can play wow life FOREVER, you have so many things to do.
GW you basically will level from 1 to 80 and thats it.

You say this game lacks good PvP, and then go on to say that GW2 is a step behind WoW, you are clearly trolling

Level scaling but no item scaling.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xyanide.4607


I noticed this too, found it incredibly strange that your level scales down to the zone, but the items don’t scale to you :$

Should titles be more noticeable?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: xyanide.4607


There should at least be an option so that it can be seen under your name without having to actually click on the person, y’know?