Showing Posts For zHasgard.9827:

Inb4 Ventari Rev ruins expansion launch

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


That build does nearly 0 damage, has almost no stability of its own, and is far more susceptible to condi damage than you imply. It has an extremely specific niche and roll, and it would help if you learned to play around it rather than flame on the forums.
I do think the build needs some adjustment, but so does your attitude and criticism of it.

You got top 10 by doing nothing, playing the most dumb build in this game atm, and all tablet revs run stab trait zzzz " It has an extremely specific niche and roll, and it would help if you learned to play around it " Please, all that rev tablet do is troll the game and make ppl angry, there’s no way to play around it since you can move and go to the team fights, you always gonna be there to win the game 1v5 cuz you have INFINITIVE HEALS and KNOCKBACK 450 RANGE EVERY 2 SECONDS. This build is just not supposed to be in the game since spvp is about capture points.

Fun fact, zHasgard typed this entire post using the pressure from his tears hitting the keyboard.

Would like to point out, zHasgard, ventari rev doesnt have infinitive healing, and the knockback is more like 4 secondas (more effcetful if you move tablet while exploding it). Im in legendary T2 currently and ive been playing the build both at its selfish level and team-fight capabilities, its an alternative ele. It has its pros/cons to it in team fight. So i wouldnt say this build “shouldnt exist”. The only adjusting it would need at all is only around the knokback.

“Hey broo,it’s not 2 secs, you need to pop your heal skill and gain infinite protection and then you can knocancer ppls,but it takes 4 SECS =D it is balanced - . " lol please, alternative ele,really? Legend t2? With this build you should be in fkng Uranus

Inb4 Ventari Rev ruins expansion launch

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


That build does nearly 0 damage, has almost no stability of its own, and is far more susceptible to condi damage than you imply. It has an extremely specific niche and roll, and it would help if you learned to play around it rather than flame on the forums.
I do think the build needs some adjustment, but so does your attitude and criticism of it.

You got top 10 by doing nothing, playing the most dumb build in this game atm, and all tablet revs run stab trait zzzz " It has an extremely specific niche and roll, and it would help if you learned to play around it " Please, all that rev tablet do is troll the game and make ppl angry, there’s no way to play around it since you can move and go to the team fights, you always gonna be there to win the game 1v5 cuz you have INFINITIVE HEALS and KNOCKBACK 450 RANGE EVERY 2 SECONDS. This build is just not supposed to be in the game since spvp is about capture points.

(edited by zHasgard.9827)


in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


Spvp needs some changes,soon no one will play spvp cuz it’s getting too STRESSFUL

I feel it’s become the opposite of stressful; there’s no reason to really get invested, which has caused my own personal play time in PvP to nose dive significantly. I haven’t played a single game this season, nor do I plan to. It’s partially the fault of ArenaNet for their lack of punishment, but it’s a truthfully dreadful playerbase that populates this game mode and the game at large.

During the early seasons, players would manipulate matches in their favor by queuing into Stronghold late at night with a full five-man team of alts and literally farm wins for their main accounts. Some got so efficient at this that they turned this into a service, and sold wins for gold. I reported people in my own guild that were doing this. What do you think happened to them?


Season five suffered from rampant “decay gaming,” where players would intentionally log off the game for three days to force a rating decay, which increased their match volatility and allowed them to gain 20-30 rating per win instead of the normal 5-8. Through this method certain individuals were able to hit like 2000 rating in season five while everyone else was struggling just reaching 1800 seeing single-digit rating changes per win. What do you think happened to the people that did this?


They did manage to fix the situation down the road, later in the season—but they absolutely refused to reset player ratings and the damage was already done. The top 250 ended up being full of mostly players that decay-gamed their accounts.

The truth of the matter is that the NA playerbase deserves nothing from ArenaNet, at least as it pertains to ranked PvP.

Whatever inch ArenaNet gives players to abuse, they take a mile. Guild teams were populated by duplicate rosters when the system first started, and certain “pro” players on the NA side of things similarly chose to fill the top 250 leaderboard in season five with over half a dozen different accounts just because they could.

Truth is, you can blame balance or ArenaNet for the status quo, and I certainly do as it pertains to their soft-touch approach to match and rating manipulators. But you can really lay the majority of the blame on the PvP player base that some how manage to shoot themselves in the foot and hedge their own momentum. The same thing is already happening with automated tournaments, where certain guild teams are lowballing their qualifying points for the monthly so they can beat up on low-seeded teams rather than just play the mode normally.

There is absolutely nothing to be stressed over, because there is absolutely no reason to feel invested. Either play it or don’t. It’s just a game, anyway.

All you said is true… i remember you from season 5,really good engi.


in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


You clean the last x conditions applied to you, then if you fight a mesmer you have a high chance to clean confusion or torment, if you fight a burn guardian is probably at 90% that you’ll clean burn because it’s the only condition the guardian is able to spam.
That system can grant you few problems in team fights where the enemy spam cripple, vulenrability, weakness or other conditions, eventually making you miss to clean the damaging conditions. That’s also a tactic, frequently used by necros to try to keep they’re conditions up.

Anyway you have enough burst damage with your guardian to kill condi builds fast enough to make them unable to spam conditions on you. Also you can obtain tons of condi clean. Condi smite clean 2 conditions, F2 clean conditions, F3 can clean 1 condition every sec when you block (but you lost your Lb knockback trait, you need to chose what’s better based on the enemy team composition).

Anyway, I won 10 consecutive matches but before i lost 6 consecutive matches. In the actual situation you can’t make a team and can’t chose whu play with you. You can bring a friend with you but that’s not enough to make your team win if you find bad players or a bad team composition.
ANet do his best using the players choices (solo/quoQ) but can’t force players to be good. They use a win/rate statistic to make “balanced” teams but that’s not enough because a mediocre player can be lucky and find good players and win or you can be unlucky finding a bad player that make you lose the match.

The ranked is a Roulette, nothing more.
Do your best and hope to find players that know what they’re doing.
Play classes able to carry the team (thief to decap, ele to support, mesmer to kill-decap-movement, and more). Try to learn to play more classes as possible and change your class when you need to.

In the actual sPvP ranked you only have to do your best and be lucky, nothing more.

Funny thing is that you’re only seeing the perspective of DH about condi clear,and burn guards can do much more than burn, they have blind,cripple,slow,vulnerability
and burns +(poison with doom sigils). You just dont understand that burn guards for example can spam all of this condis? If you are a thief that only removes 3 condis and you are in a 3v3 situation, you will get TROLLED by your condi clear,you have a big chance to remove blind or cripple or any other non-dmg condi while you have 27 stacks of poison from a condi thief. You only thinking about 1v1 zzz. And i dont complain only when i lose, last week i got 2 duos in my team and it was RIDICULOUS. Enemy team got 101% DESTROYED. And get a win streak is 101% luck,i got 23 wins consecutive 2 weeks ago,10 is nothing… this game is all about RNG. And anet is not doing OK for Guild Wars 2 atm, this game is huge, and everywhere you go there’s bugs in there, have you ever done Keep Construct? Every patch this boss come with a new bug, where’s the VB LFG? And how about wvw? How about the WALL BUGS that a lot of players are using this to win matches? I know every game have problems, bugs, etc, but why soo many?



in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


It is,if you clear 2 condis and you have 2 stacks of confusion,3 of torment and + 9 stacks of burn you have a chance to dont cleanse the burn.


in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


With the coming of the leaderboard, the game become more competitive, but it is not necessarily a good thing. I’m a player who likes to play ranked in any game that i’m playing, but something that bothers me and many others in the competitive of gw2 is that your skill level is not measured individually, which is a big mistake. I got a lot of fun in season 4 spvp because i was not afraid to lost my rank,was not afraid to play a fun build and get penalized by this, gw2 is a really fun game with tons of variations builds,but some works much better than others,especially in pvp. Ranked should be soloq? No. We have the right to have fun with friends playing ranked arenas as well, but the system is just failing a lot. I probably was reported more than 5 times in the last 2 days by being afk in ranked matches (i’m a idiot,dont do this!) i got totally random people against very strong ones, most people in spvp just go mid and feed,etc… Of course you can carry a game with a duo, but not always. This game became 100% RNG,you need to be lucky to get a team who helps you and using a build that is effective in pvp. Spvp needs some changes,soon no one will play spvp cuz it’s getting too STRESSFUL,there’s no . Now the most important, condition meta in spvp is just super cancer because condi CLEANSE is 100% rng… now i’ll post some recent prints of my experiences this season for you guys. That was a lot of talking,sorry.


+3/-20 gg

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


495×500, really nice game,gg bro =) hf… -20


Maybe it's time to give free transfer

in WvW

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


I’m from yaks bend i’m i enjoy playing wvw,but my server always get 6v1 matchups what sucks and we dont have any guilds playing until night. What do you guys think about free transfer to some servers that are “Very High”but still with low active players? Yaks bend really needs help. And sorry for bad english

Who is the best 1v1 player?

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


A warrior called i made muffin from NSP is really good. Dont think that the best players in the game are in spvp,cuz they dont.

My Opinion on PvP

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


Yea, season 5 spvp was really horrible,i’m at 120 at leaderbords right now and if i lose like 3 games i’m out of leaderbord,soo i’ll just do what every one is doing,i’ll play with some friend that dont care about his mmr and ask him to quit the game just to get my decay off and get my tittle,cuz i wont play spvp at this season anymore,what’s the reason to create a top 250 leaderbord if you get top 100 and lose 4 games,only 4 and u’r out of it. 2 weeks ago when jeff was top 1 with pdemo account with 16 wins 0 loses i played with him on my team and that was his frist lose,2 mins before the game end our elementalist just quited the game,without saying a word,he could got DC but i’m 101% sure that he got paid for it,and when a looked at the leaderbord again jeff was with 1 lose,THAT WAS REALLLLLLLLLLY FUNNY. Please anet,no more leaderbord,no more sec account,no more long queues,jet ppl have fun with spvp with a decent matchmaking. I’m not the best player and i do rage a lot at matches,but i have my reasons to do that,that’s why i’ll just starting “cheat” with one friend to dont take the risk to get out of leaderbords…

Reasons players are unhappy with PvP

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


  • 6) High rated players treated differently than mid/low tier players. This is unintentional on Anet’s part, but their matchmaking system protects the higher rated players. They never have to worry about their teammates not understanding strategy, rotations, etc. Mid to low tier players are grouped together with new players, and they’re trapped on these tiers because getting out depends on the luck of the draw for teammates. Anet should be fair to all players, and have a hard reset of MMR. [/quote]

All the thing that you said is correct,but this is not true,i was 1820 2 days ago and now i’m back to 1620, high rated players are not even playing with their main account,and when they do it,they only play duoq with other really good player with a class that can easly carry a game,the top 10 now are made by 5 guys maybe,cuz it’s all about secondary accounts. I’m not a really good player that make team calls,but i’m a decent player,i know what to do at team fights,i know feed home will end the game,i sit mid when playing ele if necessary,i never 1v1 enemy ele… what i notice 2 days ago was there is a little group of good players that dont pop que while some ppl like toker or a thief called Kat arent in match that reduces their chance of defeat. But i really dont know, only 13 days of season 5 was gone and there’s and still a lot of shadows behind this leaderbord,but it’s 100% sure that this group of ppl are trying to manipulate it with secondary accounts and OP duos with right que time for easy win

Wins/Losses Anomaly on Leaderboards

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


It’s nothing compared to the top 10 players, 5 are the same guy lol,the pro players and the most experience at spvp are just manipulating the leaderbord with secondary accounts and playing only duoq

10 losses in a row

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


yea i got 11 loses in a roll at morning,now i got 9 wins in a roll

Rankeds arena for ranks 70/80 +

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


… worst season ever

Abusive points at MD10

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


Soo,the 5º guy at top 5 just have 10 games,WTF IS THAT?? This is the wrost system that i ever saw,horrible matchs,still got 5 mins + que,horrible players that are just playing this for ascended gear ( i don’t care about this but they are …. with ppl who wants to play seriously ). Most of good really good players that i know are struck with 1500~1700 points only ( they deserve be at top 150 for sure ). If you put ascended gear for spvp to insentive spvp for more ppl why dont make another wvw season?? And the rewards of this spvp season are abusive too.

- sorry for my bad english

The worst ranked system ever devised.

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


The top 5º guy just have 10 games,ridiculous system. got legend at last season and i really trust on my guardians and ele skills,but it’s just impossible playing this season,ppl just get lost when lose home or mid,they dont know what do to,not their fault but i dont wanna get stressed everysingle game typing on team chat making the calls,and most time i rage cuz i just cant understand why ppl still feeding home… sorry for ridiculous english

That's what you get if you play good

in PvP

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


Funny because you’re not even lv 80 in pvp, i’m not saying you’re bad, but you’re very inexperienced and you’re using wrong skills in the bar … i’ve got 1600 points and i’m getting a lot of people that i know they are very good,most of them got legend. this MD10 was really good for ppl that got a good team that dont feed home every single respawn

Why warriors are so ridiculous?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


Hi , my name is Fred and I play MMORPG with over 6 years , I joined the guild wars 2 last year that I found very beautiful game and the pvp system made me so happy , I had never seen a pvp thus played Perfect World , wow , aion , everquest and tibia … throughout this journey with the online games I’ve played with all classes of these games , I know this is a forum for Guild Wars 2 and should not be commenting on other games , but wanted to highlight one thing in all these games , none of them there is a class that does what other fazem.Estou speaking warriors in GW2 , I play guardian , the guardian started because I thought he was the character who held more damage in the game , guardian is a very cool and beautiful class, but we guardians could only do one thing at a time , or we use build tank or we use zerk build , with a guardian zerk we took 15khp + – warriors with build zerk can build tank with zerk , they have a lot of life and a very good kit burst damage , they have mov.speed , they can ignore attacks by a lONG period of time , may use different types of weapons and get along with everybody, any it is feasible to build a rifle , ax , greatsword , hammer , hammer mostly , they hold the hammer like a toy, very fast attack … they can escape from it all with his mobility , and so much more that I will not talk here…Why warrior are soo ridiculous and overpower in this game?? I REALLY DON’T KNOW WHY.It makes no sense you create a class that beats all others, and that makes all the others do so better, it makes sense you do 0 damage on warrior, it makes sense to raise it after you die, it does not make sense hold the hammer like a toy, it makes sense to take it with a tank build 31khp.No fun in playing a game where one thing destroys anything.


I want someone to translate this please….

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Why warriors are so ridiculous?

in Profession Balance

Posted by: zHasgard.9827


Hi , my name is Fred and I play MMORPG with over 6 years , I joined the guild wars 2 last year that I found very beautiful game and the pvp system made ??me so happy , I had never seen a pvp thus played Perfect World , wow , aion , everquest and tibia … throughout this journey with the online games I’ve played with all classes of these games , I know this is a forum for Guild Wars 2 and should not be commenting on other games , but wanted to highlight one thing in all these games , none of them there is a class that does what other fazem.Estou speaking warriors in GW2 , I play guardian , the guardian started because I thought he was the character who held more damage in the game , guardian is a very cool and beautiful class, but we guardians could only do one thing at a time , or we use build tank or we use zerk build , with a guardian zerk we took 15khp + – warriors with build zerk can build tank with zerk , they have a lot of life and a very good kit burst damage , they have mov.speed , they can ignore attacks by a lONG period of time , may use different types of weapons and get along with everybody, any it is feasible to build a rifle , ax , greatsword , hammer , hammer mostly , they hold the hammer like a toy, very fast attack … they can escape from it all with his mobility , and so much more that I will not talk here…Why warrior are soo ridiculous and overpower in this game???? I REALLY DON’T KNOW WHY.It makes no sense you create a class that beats all others, and that makes all the others do so better, it makes sense you do 0 damage on warrior, it makes sense to raise it after you die, it does not make sense hold the hammer like a toy, it makes sense to take it with a tank build 31khp.No fun in playing a game where one thing destroys anything.