Showing Posts For zephyr.6045:

Poison Master

in Ranger

Posted by: zephyr.6045


You shouldn’t be using poison for it’s damage imo, its mainly to hamper your targets healing capabilities.

Poison Master is a bad trait only because EB and BS both outclass this trait by a country mile.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

Revamp Cof dungeons and remove boulders trap

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zephyr.6045


Dear Areanet,
I personally feel that this dungeon need some revamp,coz majority of the pple are just looking for mesmer and warr in for a speed run! Other classes need some love too!If this goes on, everyone will eventually roll only mesmer and warior!What’s the use of having other classes!

I run P1 and P2 6 times a day on alts, I have no troubles whatsoever finding a group with my Ranger, or Thief during the times I play on NA.

I also create postings, which have a ton of variety of classes join. For me, I don’t care what class you are as long as you know what you’re doing.

As far as the comment of you wanting adjustments –
There will be incoming adjustments to the dungeon, so if you think finding groups now is hard? you won’t be able to find groups at all after the changes, if AC was any indication.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

Ranger update march 26

in Ranger

Posted by: zephyr.6045


I’ve learnt to never have high expectations of anything.
Doing so will avoid any and all disappointments of what is actually released afterwards.

That being said, having played and mained a Ranger in GW1, this comes as no surprise to me.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

infinite undead defeat dragon at lions arch

in Personal Story

Posted by: zephyr.6045


You have to kill the veteran risen to prevent them from spawning more.

I kamikaze’d into them with everything I had to take them down.

This should progress the courtyard takeover, stop the endless risen mobs, and spawn the final dragon.

To the person who mentioned the mercenaries:
Yes they currently help you up until the courtyard and they just stand there after charging into risen mobs and dying.

Res them, they take 2 hits and die again.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

Underground Facility Fractal

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zephyr.6045


- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

Fractal Bug - Raving Asura/Svanir

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zephyr.6045


My group was doing the Raving Asuran fractal, we just beat Old Tom, and proceeded to head in the direction of the stone jumping part to the final stage.

What happened was, one of our members jumped and fell off in such a way that he was stuck in a solid cloud. So he used /stuck command and was teleported….to the Svanir/Ice Elemental fractal.

The entire group was affected by the environmental effect “Frostbite” and proceeded to take constant damage with no way to negate this. Even after said member was staying near to stack up “Warmth”.

We proceeded to exit into the Labratory – and was still under the effects of Frostbite.

Attached is a screenshot – I couldn’t get a screenshot of the falling down/cloud, but this one shows us taking damage from Frostbite.


- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

GOM/Kain/HOD 1/4

in WvW

Posted by: zephyr.6045


To the people of Kain…

I’ve played against you for a few days now, and yes, you do outnumber HoD but…

I’ve noticed a few things that don’t seem to waiver with you. You don’t actually use tactics as much as you use patterns.

From a military point of view, patterns will eventually be your demise.

If your pattern is broken, the group seems to be lost and tend to run away. Upon return to the same fight, they bring extra people and then the pattern repeats itself. There is no difficulty finding a Ballista or Treb when it’s always placed in the same spot thus again making it a pattern not a tactic. There is no difficulty finding 25+ people huddled together behind a building waiting to portal bomb a single player when it’s become a pattern.

These are a few examples of actual things done in 3 nights of playing this week against HoD when I’ve been involved in the fight.

This post is meant to be constructive criticism and not a slam.

We noticed this @ Godsword, put up 3 trebs and minutes later the badges started rolling in.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

trading post problem: i lost 6 gold

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zephyr.6045


As a previous user mentioned, this has happened before:

Several scenarios for us the last time this happened:
1) If the system lagged, you will be getting your items through mail.
2) If you clicked buy multiple times, it will drain all your cash and mail you the items.
3) You get nothing at all, restore of gold/items not possible

Unfortunately, mine was #3, hope all of you have a better outcome.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

killing risen grub gives out weird message

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zephyr.6045


People were farming Risen grubs from the giants that spawned in orr.

ANet released a ‘fix’ which disables all drops from grubs.

Killing any grub now when you are supposed to get loot, will result in that content is disabled message.

Not a bug, but anti-farming measure from ANet.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zephyr.6045


Maintenance tomorrow for TP.

Warning to everyone reading this topic – do not for whatever reason, bring up the trading post OR attempt to use it during that time span.

Take it from us, you may regret it.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zephyr.6045


Anyone know if this problem has been corrected?

Edit: Sept/25 – This is working in HoD

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

(edited by zephyr.6045)

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zephyr.6045


Hi Gaile,

“Additionally, what we’re finding is that sometimes there is lag in a transaction — not just a few seconds, but occasionally an hour or more! "
– Been about 2 days for me. See my post below for more details.

“Check all your characters.”
– Only 1 character stores/buys items off the TP I do not have high level Alts.
“Log out of the game completely.”
– Done multiple times
“Check again several hours later.”
– Been checking for 2 days

“Be aware that even if you cancel a transaction, you will still be dinged for the 15% fee, so that that into account when calculating what you should have.”
– Not possible, I do not have that many items in the TP that would merit a 10G transaction fee. As far as I’m aware, the 10% transaction fee is automatically deducted from the purchase price before the money is available for pickup for the seller.

The issue at hand here is that the trading post is ATE our gold/items without giving ANYTHING back.

It has been 2 days, unless the lag time is that long, I have not received anything.

As mentioned in my earlier post I tested out the response time.
I opened the trading post yesterday
Found a buy order for something small (Salvage item)
Sold it
The transaction registered and I was able to pick up the 24 copper or whatever the amount was.

Now the items/gold that I had up for sale/bought on the 19th/20th are not there. Additionally, the money that just poofed from my inventory while I was running around doing map completion….

You’re thinking “Your account got compromised”
I have all my items in my bank, as well as the small amount of coin in my bank for my future Alts to use.
From hacking posts I’ve seen, hackers empty out EVERYTHING, not just “Hey, I’ll take X amount and leave the rest”
I was also online and in-game as this happened.

I would appreciate if you contacted your Dev team to take a look at the trading post logs.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zephyr.6045


Yep – TP is back, everything I was selling is gone, everything that I was buying is gone as well.

Tested out by selling something small and received the money instantaneously, so it looks like for those with nothing to pick up, will remain that way.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

Gold missing from Inventory [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: zephyr.6045


Same problem with me. Bought several dyes, but I’m guessing it put in an order for more than what I wanted.

Got nothing back from the TP and was drained about ~10G.

I’ll wait until the TP fully comes back online, but have already written this off as a loss.

With all these issues – what I would give right now to have trading back to what it was in GW1…

Having to grind again to raise the funds for gear after losing that money from map completions…very very disheartening.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zephyr.6045


How frequently does the DE trigger? I’ve been waiting for what seems to be forever, but there is nothing around the area, minus the attacks Nageling.

Edit: 30 mins and counting, still nothing.

Talking to the assistant doesn’t trigger anything. Sitting there for the past half hour and didn’t see the event.

Server: Henge of Denravi

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

(edited by zephyr.6045)

Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zephyr.6045


Hey, thanks for the reply, but the catapult isn’t prompting me with anything.

The “Content disabled” message is now gone, and the NPC is no longer responding to anything at all.

- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]

Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: zephyr.6045


Is there plans to re-enable this?

I get the content is disabled message when I talk to the NPC.

It is the last Vista that I need for the map completion.

Server: Henge of Denravi


- Zeph
Tarnished Coast
Norpass Imperium [NOPE]