Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ZenDragon.6015


Trading post only works for me half the time. The other half(actually closer to 80%) I get a blank screen when tryin to sell items, and when i try to buy something the buttons do NOT work.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Snowy.1469


The trading post is blank for me too and has been for the past few days. It has worked perfectly well before, though and I haven’t done anything differently that would cause it to stop loading. I am able to access coins my transactions, however. The rest of it doesn’t load.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: zerorelative.3104


Purchased some Major Runes from the Trading Post to slot them into some armor pieces. Slotted fine into my Shoulder pieces, but won’t slot in my boots.

I have the same problem, but won’t slot onto any armor. Double-click on rune and hover over armor, all armor is highlighted red as invalid target for rune. Are there level requirements to meet on the armor pieces? My level is higher than rune reqs and armor reqs, but armor reqs are lower than rune reqs.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: RShara.3265


Last night when I tried to sell some items on the TP, I got an Error selling item. Checked my inventory—item was gone and not in my Selling/Sold or Pick Up tabs. They were small items, not a huge deal, but I wouldn’t want this to happen on a high price one!

Tarnished Coast
Was in Lion’s Arch at the time (not overflow)
Items trying to sell—Thyme Leaves, Bay Leaves, Black Peppercorn

I don’t think any of these are obtainable from karma merchants, right? I got them from drops.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nemec.4712


I bought few days ago 5 exp booster and 5 karma booster but only karma booster have been mailed to me.
I tried to send a ticket but since 30 August I’m still waiting an answer.
Do someone can help me please ?

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Metalized.5130


I’m also one of those unlucky people for whom the trading post is absolutely not working.
When I open it the loading animation (golden circle) appears for a few seconds (about 3 seconds or so) and after it disappeared everything is blank and none can be bought or sold or freely purchased like the event hat which bugs me the most.

I’ve tried everything that was mentioned in this thread and also I tried nearly all combinations in nearly every possible order that one can imagine… none helped.

Even though I am able to reach the store and its subcomponents from the browser when I authenticate myself, it is not working ingame. And it never worked for me since I bought it short time after the realease.
I’m running behind a proxy, but I asked the admin to disable it for the day I started my fixing session, and it didn’t work anyway… so this can’t be the root of all evil.

The only thing I hope is, that Arenanet did not give up fixing this problem, as reading the latest posts makes me think, that most of the people who had the problem overwhelmed it eventually.
Please … I’m looking forward to a solution in the future.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Idlesoul.7539


I can’t buy or sell anything, just browse itens. Is it intentional? thanks

same. but about 2/3 of the time. about 1/3 of the time I can buy and sell.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Seraki.2753


Today I purchased some crafting parts on the trading post but when I made the purchase I got a pop up connectivity error message. When I checked the trade took my silver but the pick up item list was empty. I thought it would catch up after a while but its been at least 4 hours now and still nothing. To add to this I made another purchase later on and it went fine accept that I can not pick up the new item because my take all button is grayed out [assuming its waiting for the original items to show up]. There is no button to only get one item so basically my ability to buy on the trading post now is literally stuck.

Hope it fixes soon. I did submit an in game bug report.

(edited by Seraki.2753)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Larqh.5187


I’m glad to know I’m not the only one having these issues. The Sell page is completely blank, weather opened from BLTC or right clicking to sell an item in my inventory. Also, unable to buy anything. The Buy button is grayed out.

Oh, gems only show up as “…”. I should have nearly 400 of them.

Sounds like these errors have been around for a while. Any word on a fix?

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nycti.4152


Tonight for the first time since I started playing (and the TP started working) I am unable to purchase anything from the trading post. I can browse. See the items I am “trying” to sell. But I can’t buy anything.

I know my husband wishes he knew your secret to stop my shopping.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Darkgift.1582


Last night, I converted gold into gem to buy Mystic Forge Stone. The first time I bought, I received the 10 stone by mail. But then the second time I bought the stone, the gems was used but I didn’t receive the items. Right after this, I placed custom offers on some items but then cancelled. When I cancelled all the offers, not even half of the gold I placed was refunded.

This morning, I saw that I sold items I putted for sell (sold for about 10 gold) but no gold was on the pick-up tab. I then tested on some items I had on me and sold instantly to the highest buyer but the pick-up tab stay at 0 copper. I lost over 25 gold+ and 450 gems, which is all my income and don’t even have enough to teleport to any waypoints.

Everything was going fine until just yesterday and now all my gameplay is messed up… I need a fix as soon as possible

Thank you

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: MooCube.1450


I thought I had fixed it, but again, the Buy and Sell buttons are greyed out for me. Very frustrating

Elwick Saberlin: Tarnished Coast

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Bagger.5710


I purched mystic coins about a week ago and never received them in my bought tab but my money was taken. Then today I purchased a Superior Rune of the Pirate and again, my money was taken but no item recieved. Kind of a bummer to lose a gold this way.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: darkmayhem.2589


when i open the buy tab at trading post everything is normal, but when i go to the sell tab it won’t load for some reason all i keep seeing is a blank screen. The problem is lasting since yesterday and nothing changed over time

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: LastAssassin.8527


my tp is blank i am using wineskin plz help!!

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Zaeros.2490


Cant buy or sell anything, only browse items. Are you trying to make me punch my computer? Seriously get it working already its been like 2 weeks

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: PsychoPunk.1749


Can’t buy or sell anything too! it acts as if it doesn’t detects my inventory so my the “Sell On Trading Post” is blank and the buttons to buy/place order are greyed out because it doesn’t detect the amount of money I have..

Please fix this!

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Lekhi.9072


I’ve got blank Trading Post and I don’t know what to do ;/ Is anyone who know how to fix it?

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Oculus.4920


I haven’t been able to use trading post since launch. The buy button is always grayed out and can’t be clicked.

When I try to sell something, the selling window is empty, none of my items are shown.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Juganot.1509


I fully expect this to get completely ignored. I have lost around 6g due to two problems, I have reported one but hey your support but no answer.

1, A fair bit ago (I would say just less than a week) I posted up a custom offer for an exotic GS for 3g, it took my money but I never got a sword and my offer was seemingly never posted.

2, I lost around 3g 20s buying a box of berserkers draconic armour (expecting exotic berserkers draconic armour) to find out it’s just a big scam and I get some crappy rares. (this is very annoying and has meant I have lost another 3g, hopefully only 1g after re-selling items).

I would love to get my 4-6g back from you guys but I am almost certain you guys either don’t care or are too busy to be even readng this.

(edited by Juganot.1509)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Marten the Legend.5097

Marten the Legend.5097

Last night I purchased Mighty rifle from TP. I went to a town to pick it up. There was already few rifles sitting on my pick up Tab. I considered this my mistake, something like typing wrong qtty by coincidence and Took All. I sold those few not needed rifles to Merchant for like 2s or so. I continued to play and after some time checked Trade post again. I found out, my pick up Tab is full of Rifles, lets say at least 20 of them, but no money was deducted, I did not order anything or so. Every like 5 minutes, another Rifle is added to my pick up Tab, right now, there is like roughly 50 of them. Please help me with this one, as I am not able to purchase/pickup any other items. Thank you.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ZenDragon.6015


Ive reported this bug atleast two times in-game.
The TP won’t search my bags for me to sell items. After loading the screen remains blank.
The TP will not allow me to purchase items. The buy button remains greyed out.
I don’t have to explain how frustrating this is as I cannot buy items to level my crafting, nor can I sell items to make money on my I can buy more items to level my crafting..

Could we PLEASE in the least get some kind of Dev comment on this? Would love to see that this problem is in atleast being worked on as from reading this thread I’m not the only one affected with this.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Sallie Forthe.2473

Sallie Forthe.2473

I have been experiencing the totally blank TP screens for some time, with little success at fixing on my end until two days ago. I am running Win7 x64 and two days ago I saw a post on this thread about right clicking the game icon and choosing “Run as an administrator” and the TP worked.
This morning, I opened the game the old way and no TP, but once I exited and did the “Run as ….”, the TP works just fine. So far.

I hope the posting of this doesn’t jinx me now.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Anomander Rake.9507

Anomander Rake.9507

I’m unable to buy/sell full stacks (250) as if it just sits in limbo. But as soon as I change it to 175 or 100 transactions begin.

I second this. This is very annoying. I have several stacks of 250 hanging while stacks of 249 are purchased successfully several times over.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: TwistedTera.4853


I’m happy to report that deleting the local.dat file listed in the documents folder cleared up a lot of things for me, including my not being able to buy/sell anything on the trade post, as well as vastly reducing the load times for the game.

However, I would love it if you guys would look through whatever is in local.dat and locate what is causing me to have to keep deleting the folder every time I start the game, in order to be able to use the trade post. Other than that, no problems. Or maybe you could tell me what might be causing it, so I can just go in and edit the file when it loads?

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nkuvu.2570


New today. I went to go buy iron ore from the trading post. Go to the front page of the trading post, and see “Top supplied items” — one of which is iron ore, with 725334 listings.

Click on the ore, and… 0 available.

I am given the option to place a buy order. Or “buy instantly” — which only then brings me to the currently offered ore. The whole time, I still see 0 available, but could immediately buy 250 ore.

So it’s technically working, just looks awfully odd while doing so.

Edit to add another:

Filters are not working with sorting. Example: I set a filter to show armor, and leggings, and only available. Got some results, then sorted by price. Suddenly my results are not filtered at all, and I show tons of things that are not available, nor are they armor pieces.

(edited by Nkuvu.2570)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Gaiacinta.1459


I was able to sell a wand yesterday morning but all I get is that, “Error/blank screen,” now when trying to do anything.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: ZAVXOZ.1752


For the sale of items in the auction, I pay two times more than is written. Sorry for my bad English.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jeffrey.3692


Today,when i am buying something,
trading post always says “Sorry,your order did not match any current listing.”
and i can’t get the removed item,too.
it seems like everything about trading post is broken….

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Powersource.8493


I was able to see the TP fully except that I wasn’t able to click “Buy” or “Place order”. They were greyed out. It started working again after I restarted GW2 fully.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Scones.8451


Unable to access any portion of the Black Lion Co. since I first tried during the early start event. I have the infamous yellow circle. Here’s what I have tried:

Windows 7 64x

Updated root certs via microsoft patch
Deleted local.dat
Ran the repair parameter on GW2.exe
Ran GW2.exe as admin
Updated certs manually from the GW2.exe file
Ran Awesomium_process as Admin
Disabled Firewall and AV on computer and router
Tried multiple internet connections

I am able to access the store’s web interface using Firefox.

Any other ideas?

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Animatronic Lenin.8127

Animatronic Lenin.8127

Getting the “no Sell screen, buying interface appears but Buy button grayed out” issue as well. It’s been this way ever since the TP came online.

I’m on XP SP3. Transferring to another server did nothing. Tried completely turning off the firewall — didn’t work. Currently running a client repair, will post if it does anything. Strongly doubt it though.

Would appreciate some sort of feedback from the dev team on whether a pattern is emerging from the reports. I know, I know, you’re “aware of the issue and working on it” and all, but can we please have some details?

EDIT: client repair did nothing. At this point I’d rather take my chances with the drop rates than keep trying increasingly unlikely fixes that seem to work for some people but not others.

(edited by Animatronic Lenin.8127)

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Anguloke.2706


Down for maintenance message again.

Could you announce this ahead of time in game like you do for builds, so we don’t waste our time going back to sell or buy.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

I submitted this a bug/exploit in game as well, but I want all of you to see this:

Apparently someone or group of people thought it was really cute to make a buy order at or well below the merchant value of an item to make it impossible to meet highest buyer by causing a unsigned integer loop around to the lowest value they could set. At least my theory anyways.

This is as bad as under selling people that already posted by selling at a loss for 1 copper more than something is actually worth. If this is left unchecked… those of us that can sell and buy with out problems will be unable to.

It seems nothing good Arena Net makes can be kept in its pristine condition due to certain people looking to make a buck.

Ex: I want to sell my peridot lumps but I want to meet highest buyer… The only buyer is some fool that posted an order for merchant value which is surprisingly, 34 copper!

This is not the only problem as one can go to 33 or 32 or even lower. the screen show that you are not allowed to do this. Buy or sell. Yet an exploit exists to allow buy orders in this way. Why? I do not know.

The thing that really gets me is that they think its an auction house… and its not.

Sure, I can place my own price much higher… but human nature tells me no one will jump on an 80 copper peridot lump. and the same problem will persist until the trading post is unusable and people will resort to WTS in map chats as was when the trading post was down.

My solutions to this problem are as follows:
We need to be able to disallow selling at a loss or selling well below merchant value in all areas of the trading post including buy orders.

The tax for making a sale and posting must be made known as well. To prevent gross undercutting of buyers and sellers.


Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jeffrey.3692


I can’t use everything on the trading post.
When i try to buy something,it just shows
“your order did not match any current list.”

Besides,i am unable to get back the items that i removed.
and i didn’t receive the gold from the items i sold,the pick up list is totally empty.

But i can normally use trading post by my friend’s account.
Does that mean my account got banned in trading post or something?


Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Ionut.8629


When I try to sell something on Trading Post this is what I get… I can’t sell anything

I have exatly the same problem…someone know how to fix this?

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Eldarion.7193


I can’t post order or buy things on TP, they get grayed out.

When i remove items from sell/buy, i don’t get any money or items because pick up tab is empty.

It’s been more than 12 hours.

I can’t do anything with TP, please someone help me.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Refnulf.8074


TP has been working for me pretty much since day one. Once it was available full time, I had no problems till today.

Yesterday I made a few orders for ore and today I logged in expecting to see those orders filled. I did see the transactions go through and all the orders were filled.

I went to the pick up tab and found absolutely nothing. I also had a rare weapon put up for sale the same time as I was making those orders. I see no profits for that weapon in the pick up tab either.

Also after that, I found that I was unable to buy anything from the TP. Even though the items is available in the thousands (1000+ for Availability) I get the error “Sorry! Your order did not match any current listings. Please refresh and try again.”

I hope this can be fixed. I’ve submitted a report as a bug but I fear that this will never get fixed and there’s really no need to continue playing if I can’t do anything with the TP.

Transactions for items I’ve bought shows that I bought that ore 15 hours ago. Problem still hasn’t resolved itself and my pick up tab still shows nothing.


Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Jeffrey.3692


TP has been working for me pretty much since day one. Once it was available full time, I had no problems till today.

Yesterday I made a few orders for ore and today I logged in expecting to see those orders filled. I did see the transactions go through and all the orders were filled.

I went to the pick up tab and found absolutely nothing. I also had a rare weapon put up for sale the same time as I was making those orders. I see no profits for that weapon in the pick up tab either.

Also after that, I found that I was unable to buy anything from the TP. Even though the items is available in the thousands (1000+ for Availability) I get the error “Sorry! Your order did not match any current listings. Please refresh and try again.”

I hope this can be fixed. I’ve submitted a report as a bug but I fear that this will never get fixed and there’s really no need to continue playing if I can’t do anything with the TP.

Transactions for items I’ve bought shows that I bought that ore 15 hours ago. Problem still hasn’t resolved itself and my pick up tab still shows nothing.


same as you,i have posted a picture above.
it’s really annoying for me that can’t use trading post..

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Snowy.1469


I’m using Vista (sue me) and I had the problem where I would open the Trading Post and nothing would appear after it finished loading. I tried a few things and one worked:

Find “Awesomium_process.exe”. If you can’t find it open the client, open the Trading Post UI and then look for it in the Task Manager, then go to File Location. After that I put it in compatibility mode for Windows XP SP2. I then closed the TP UI and reopened it – it now works!… Kind of. The Buy button is greyed out and nothing appears in the Sell tab. However, when I closed and reopened the client it was back to not loading after the ring stops spinning, most likely because the file is removed when you exit the client.

After this I tried deleting “awesomium.dll” and “awesomium.txt” – both found in the same location as the exe file. I booted up the client and now I am able to buy and sell stuff in the TP though it did take a few tries before it would actually load. When I closed the client and restarted it and it still works.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Hersir.4315


I’m unable to buy/sell full stacks (250) as if it just sits in limbo. But as soon as I change it to 175 or 100 transactions begin.

I second this. This is very annoying. I have several stacks of 250 hanging while stacks of 249 are purchased successfully several times over.

Have the same problem. Sitting on 20 stack and having to sell 1 by 1(249) is not fun..

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Refnulf.8074


TP has been working for me pretty much since day one. Once it was available full time, I had no problems till today.

Yesterday I made a few orders for ore and today I logged in expecting to see those orders filled. I did see the transactions go through and all the orders were filled.

I went to the pick up tab and found absolutely nothing. I also had a rare weapon put up for sale the same time as I was making those orders. I see no profits for that weapon in the pick up tab either.

Also after that, I found that I was unable to buy anything from the TP. Even though the items is available in the thousands (1000+ for Availability) I get the error “Sorry! Your order did not match any current listings. Please refresh and try again.”

I hope this can be fixed. I’ve submitted a report as a bug but I fear that this will never get fixed and there’s really no need to continue playing if I can’t do anything with the TP.

Transactions for items I’ve bought shows that I bought that ore 15 hours ago. Problem still hasn’t resolved itself and my pick up tab still shows nothing.


same as you,i have posted a picture above.
it’s really annoying for me that can’t use trading post..

I hope it’ll get resolved eventually. I’m worried it might never be fixed since I know some people who have never been able to use the TP since day one.

Anyway, one thing I forgot to mention was that I am able to put things up for sale. I put a green weapon up for sale just to test and that’s up. No one has bought it though, so not sure if it’s because of the bug or because no one wants it.

All in all, a little relief because I’m not the only one. Not glad at all that so many are facing the same problems.

Please help.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Nerier.7103


I can’t post order or buy things on TP, they get grayed out.

When i remove items from sell/buy, i don’t get any money or items because pick up tab is empty.

It’s been more than 12 hours.

I can’t do anything with TP, please someone help me.

I have the same problem, please help me too.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Metalized.5130


I’m using Vista (sue me) and I had the problem where I would open the Trading Post and nothing would appear after it finished loading. I tried a few things and one worked:

Find “Awesomium_process.exe”. If you can’t find it open the client, open the Trading Post UI and then look for it in the Task Manager, then go to File Location. After that I put it in compatibility mode for Windows XP SP2. I then closed the TP UI and reopened it – it now works!… Kind of. The Buy button is greyed out and nothing appears in the Sell tab. However, when I closed and reopened the client it was back to not loading after the ring stops spinning, most likely because the file is removed when you exit the client.

After this I tried deleting “awesomium.dll” and “awesomium.txt” – both found in the same location as the exe file. I booted up the client and now I am able to buy and sell stuff in the TP though it did take a few tries before it would actually load. When I closed the client and restarted it and it still works.

Thx for posting your solution snowy. I tried it out but it yet instead of the golden circle disappearing after a few seconds leaving a blank trading post, now I get the infinitely spinning golden circle.
But as this was the first time that I could notice any sign of a change after working on a solution, I was nevertheless kinda happy about that reaction lol.

Maybe I’m just missing something in addition. I’m running on Win7 x64. I also tried to configure the awesomium-process to run with admin rights right away, but it didn’t help unfortunately.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Andy Rymz.7518

Andy Rymz.7518

Had the game a good few weeks now and never been able to buy anything. All looks fine except the ‘buy’ button is always greyed out. Checked all the normal solutions, still nothing. Is there any chance of an official reply from the developers at all? Tis a tad frustrating.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Chrono.1932


sold 11 gold bars for 80 copper each ended up getting 7 silver 92 copper instead of 50 silver 80 copper
is this intentional?

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: alorinna.4857


sold 11 gold bars for 80 copper each ended up getting 7 silver 92 copper instead of 50 silver 80 copper
is this intentional?

Maybe I’m bad at math, but why would 11 * .8 silver (100 copper/silver) yield 50 silver 80 copper?

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

There is a 10% tax on all sales. So posting and then making a sale costs you 15%.

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: Dookies.2718


I sold a bunch of level 74 rares on the Trading Post, and i never recieved the money. It was confirmed the items were sold on Transactions tabbed and its been a few hours and I have not received the money. The odd thing is, other items I sell are giving me my money normally. For example I sold some crafting materials and they were almost instantly bought and I received the money right away.

Please help I am out about 2g

Issues with the trading post: please post here [MERGED]

in Black Lion Trading Co

Posted by: BiggieFries.9527


I am still having trouble where when I search for an item on the trading post, I get an indefinite spinning yellow circle. Everything else about the trading post works for me.

I have tried all of the possible solutions I have found on this forum and none have worked. I am running Win 7 64bit, have my firewall turned off, and running microsoft security essentials. I have already tried disabling WSE and it still gives me the spinning yellow circle.

Any other possible solutions?