Few people play female Charr
I play a female Charr on Ring of Fire and I do think there are more male characters… though I’ve seen some female too. No, wait, now that I think of it, they were all NPCs.
No, not many females.
This is My Engineer!
Engineer Charr Female in Aurora CoatArgh… how can you use that coat?! I’d go mental constantly seeing the tail doing its swish thing through the fabric.
Though the shoulders of that set are decent if you’ve got something thick enough under them that they don’t leave too visible of a gap. I think my engineer has a ‘rascal’ coat, with those shoulders and duellist gloves. Looks like either it belongs in WarHammer or is on a trip to Siberia.
I acctualy think this is one of the best outfits in Game ! And the tail clipping issue doesn’t disturbt me at all. Not like long hair and shield on back! LoL!
My warrior Claws wanted to say hi. I’ve yet to meet another femcharr warrior.
That sucks! I have two femcharr warriors. They’re some of my favorite characters.
At any rate, I think female charr are slowly becoming more popular. In Borlis Pass, I used to never see female charr around. The males are still much more common, but female charr aren’t so rare anymore. The other day there were four of us together in a WvW zerg—it was a nice surprise
My warrior Claws wanted to say hi. I’ve yet to meet another femcharr warrior.
That sucks! I have two femcharr warriors. They’re some of my favorite characters.
At any rate, I think female charr are slowly becoming more popular. In Borlis Pass, I used to never see female charr around. The males are still much more common, but female charr aren’t so rare anymore. The other day there were four of us together in a WvW zerg—it was a nice surprise
I’m on Borlis Pass too! Add me to friends and hopefully I’ll run into you! I’ve noticed more femcharr as well, but still no where near as many as males, and most of them are cutsey kitten rangers or elementalists.
My warrior Claws wanted to say hi. I’ve yet to meet another femcharr warrior.
That sucks! I have two femcharr warriors. They’re some of my favorite characters.
At any rate, I think female charr are slowly becoming more popular. In Borlis Pass, I used to never see female charr around. The males are still much more common, but female charr aren’t so rare anymore. The other day there were four of us together in a WvW zerg—it was a nice surprise
I’m on Borlis Pass too! Add me to friends and hopefully I’ll run into you! I’ve noticed more femcharr as well, but still no where near as many as males, and most of them are cutsey kitten rangers or elementalists.
Ok, you’ve been added. Add me too XD I’ll send you a whisper if I see you on
Few people play female char, cause they are too ugly I think…
Should I go left where nothing is right,
or right where nothing is left?
Few people play female char, cause they are too ugly I think…
You’ll have to explain this better XD
The male charr could be described as “ugly” (though I quite like them) with teeth all over the place and such, but the majority of the female charr were designed to look like real life wildcats—which are quite beautiful.
I’ve wondered how some of the male charr are actually able to eat anything with the ways their teeth are configured…
It’s like male charr were chewing firecrackers when they were cubs.
I think female charr look lovely. That’s the main reason i didn’t make one. I have two charr, both male. I have a young warrior, eager to prove himself, and an older looking engi. You know, the “when i was your age…” type. Both badasses tho.
Im running with a female charr warrior aswell, and i must say i wouldnt want it any other way! Luna Nightstalker is her name ^^
Aurora Glade
Rampaging through Ascalon and Kryta with two female charrs, namely Tacita Corpseclaw and Sicaea Sorrowforge but Tacita is my main for now as i tend to switch between professions.
I’ve wondered how some of the male charr are actually able to eat anything with the ways their teeth are configured…
They might be like lions or crocodiles. The teeth is simply there to tear off chunks of flesh from their prey, which they then swallow whole without chewing.
I’ve wondered how some of the male charr are actually able to eat anything with the ways their teeth are configured…
They might be like lions or crocodiles. The teeth is simply there to tear off chunks of flesh from their prey, which they then swallow whole without chewing.
Uh… I’m not talking about chewing. Some of them look like they’d need to dislocate their jaw to even fit something in their mouth and bite it in the first place.
I’ve had a bunch of female charr since I started playing, and I rarely play anything else. they are just so much fun :) and I like that I don’t have to watch things bounce up and down whenever I so much as breathe.
also I completely get that whole “how do the males eat” thing. sometimes I wonder how they are even talking without a lisp or something.
Æthelys, Kholys, Sylla Ironshot, Zarxxa, Ryxxi the Recondite
(edited by banndsand.9513)
I made a female charr, but I can say with certainty that I do not like the voice of the PC female charr. It doesn’t sound like she fits the role too well.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
What did you cut out of the sides…?
What did you cut out of the sides…?
The conversation xD the Text
I made a female charr, but I can say with certainty that I do not like the voice of the PC female charr. It doesn’t sound like she fits the role too well.
I agree. Like the user below you said, it would fit some PC looks and personalities, but for mine at least—it’s far too smooth and cultured.
The lack of voice options applies to everything really. Would’ve been interesting if they’d had their VA’s basically pick a style/attitude/whatever and then go down the list of species to create a version of it for each… but then this is a game where cutscenes are one or two people appearing on a generic background and talking for a bit, and the personal storyline is almost modular enough to be parabolic (if there was some sort of lesson to it anyway).
Few people play female char, cause they are too ugly I think…
I don’t play a female Charr myself, not yet anyway(Do have a male Charr Thief and Engineer). But I don’ think that’s true at all! I think they look very wel designed but could do with more customization options(I find that goes for males aswell), not like the Rox’ horns, they don’t feel right in comparison to the originals(they don’t scale, they don’t flow into the character’s head like the others do…)
I like my female Charr. She looks like an actual cat creature. Males look like demons, and most of their horns and stuff look terrible. I like the voice too, suits her Ash Legion style I think.
Even I prefer the females. ( I am even a female playing Charr ).
Though I still like my Asura better, I grew to like this aggressive lady.
Have only two* screenshots of her, sadly…
Aurora Glade ~ Army of Forgotten Souls miniguild [AoFS]
(edited by Um Abbas.5693)
I have two female charr.
A blood legion warrior that supposedly should look like a tiger, and an ash legion thief who should look as close as possible to a Siamese cat (everyone knows Siamese cats are the swat, black ops, ninjas and spies of the animal kingdom).
They use the same armors with little variation and have many faces you wouldn’t see on males, so for many combinations you just have to make a female.
I play female but I don’t like it, I’d prefer playing a male.
But the male voice is so deep, I can’t understand what he’s saying.
All male charr look like grandfathers, I want to play a teenage or young adult charr.
I also want to be as short and skinny as the shortest female.
I wanted to play this face
And he has a really cute voice too, I wanted it
I wanted to play this face
And he has a really cute voice too, I wanted it
Well, you can play that face actually, because that’s a chick XD
She’s using the tiger face—last option in character creation
3 cheers for female Charr! Here another picture of one of Blood legion’s finest…
I give thee Silky Yarnballs from Underworld!
3 cheers for female Charr! Here another picture of one of Blood legion’s finest…
I give thee Silky Yarnballs from Underworld!
Both her design and her name are fantastic XD
Love your color choices on her!
Here is my warrior,Tyra Wraithbreaker ,member of the Wraith Warband. Piken Squaire.
Just thought there is not enough female charr and decided to change that
3 cheers for female Charr! Here another picture of one of Blood legion’s finest…
I give thee Silky Yarnballs from Underworld!
Amazingly enough this is the first unfamiliar ‘Yarn- ’ prefixed charr I’ve ever seen, over 4 servers (nor guesting/overflow). Somehow I thought more people would give their charr amusing names… though, I did come across a ‘Rytlock Grindstone’ once, which was made funnier then as I believe he was farming at the time.
When I was making my main, I was seriously considering making a female Charr, but male Charr won out.
My first and main character is a female charr warrior. I’m new here, but I still think it’s odd that I have not seen any other female charrs while playing. They look awesome.
I like the female charr but I was making a warrior and a male Charr simply made more sense for me. It’s not like my asura who i had to make female to not throw up when I look at it
Oh yeah, I remember this thread. Lol! Anyway, I made a new charr recently, Thorn Gorecrow. Engineer
My problem with female charr is my problem with charr in general… the armor is badly designed. Every texture is stretched, and a lot clips. I really wish Anet made char specific models and didn’t just stretch them out….
My thief.
She’s still a new character so I’m still working on skins, which is incredibly difficult on medium armor charr.
I play as a female Charr as well. I love how graceful and beautiful they look compared the males… All I have are Charrs, and all I will ever have will be female. Though I have noticed myself that of the few Charr I see, many are male.
A fellow player actually walked up to me today and said: “Wow, a female Charr. That’s rare. Nice!”
And yay, a reason to show off my main Charr!
this is my newest female charr necro
I have noticed a steady increase in female charr on my server. Initially, they were almost never seen. These days, males still out number them, but they’re not an uncommon sight either. The other day I was at the bank in Lion’s Arch, and five other female charr were bunched around the banker. Lots of fluffy tails swaying back-and-forth!
I see many female charrs on Whiteside Ridge server… their number seems to be increasing actually.
I, too, have had at least 5 female charrs so far. I think they look really cool
My main is a charr female necromancer. Just saying
Also she is insanely cute ^^
A big problem is that apparently most players can’t tell the difference between a female and a male. The design is not the issue though. Still I wonder why?
My main is a charr female necromancer. Just saying
Also she is insanely cute ^^A big problem is that apparently most players can’t tell the difference between a female and a male. The design is not the issue though. Still I wonder why?
People have come to expect all females in games to be sexualized. If players see a creature that isn’t sexual, that automatically reads “Male” to them.
My main is a charr female necromancer. Just saying
Also she is insanely cute ^^A big problem is that apparently most players can’t tell the difference between a female and a male. The design is not the issue though. Still I wonder why?
People have come to expect all females in games to be sexualized. If players see a creature that isn’t sexual, that automatically reads “Male” to them.
We can only be thankful that didn’t happen! Or rather, maybe they are sexualized… in a charr way? It’s not like we can tell.
But it’s quite sad it has become like this in the gaming world!
I’d say GW2 is in a quite good spot in the universe of game sexualism. There however should be many more options (for all races) to dress their characters in a more normal sense. And since fashion/looks is a big part of GW2, ANet should use this feature as a demonstration.
But I’m going OT
My main is a charr female necromancer. Just saying
Also she is insanely cute ^^A big problem is that apparently most players can’t tell the difference between a female and a male. The design is not the issue though. Still I wonder why?
People have come to expect all females in games to be sexualized. If players see a creature that isn’t sexual, that automatically reads “Male” to them.
We can only be thankful that didn’t happen! Or rather, maybe they are sexualized… in a charr way
? It’s not like we can tell.
But it’s quite sad it has become like this in the gaming world!
I’d say GW2 is in a quite good spot in the universe of game sexualism. There however should be many more options (for all races) to dress their characters in a more normal sense. And since fashion/looks is a big part of GW2, ANet should use this feature as a demonstration.But I’m going OT
I agree. Guild Wars 2 is pretty good when it comes to female characters. Except for charr and asura, sexualization is still a problem, but we can choose practical armors for the humanoid females if we want. I found some covering armor that doesn’t even outline the breasts XD yay
As for sexualized charr females… the way those fluffy tails swing… mmm I bet the charr males can’t get enough haha. That wintersday dress was pretty hot too XD
I love female charr! The whole angle my friend used to get me to play GW2 was there’s this feline race you’ll love! I’ve always favored games with animal or beast characters.
While I will probably end up with at least one of each race, I will have multiple charr, most being female. :P
I love how most the female faces have a ‘wild’ feline look to them, only a couple are too cute/ugly to me. I actually find it difficult to make the male charr I want because as someone said ealier, they almost all have a ‘beast from Beauty and the Beast’ look to them. I can understand some beasty faces, but some fierce looking wild type faces would be nice IMO.
My first character is a female charr, I will have to edit a shot of her in later. :P
I think the voice is alright and I love the tail fluff. xD
I haven’t seen many charr yet in my world (Northern Shiverpeaks), although I am still new to the game, so I guess could be why. I don’ think I’ve seen another female apart from one of my friend’s charr.
Was funny last night I was ina Norn area surrounded by like 5 Norn players(all male :P) on a task, it felt like they were all staring at me like ‘what are you doing here cat-beast’? xD
I know I will likely now, when I do see another female charr to say something to the player, since we are a semi-rare breed it seems. "Oh yay, another female charr! "
Few people play Charr, period. But I love my femCharr regardless. =P
I will say after looking and reading through this whole thread, this is my favorite character.
The colors are beautiful and immensely striking!
Message me if you’re looking for a buddy
to play with, or Love jumping puzzles!
(edited by Wildcat Storm.1475)
I really love my female charr as many people here (has female charrs since CB).
Unfortuanetly most of the heavy armor suck in charrs, esspecially the shoulders in female. There is a miles between the armor and the shoulders, and when you are in combat, you actually see it… Even the achievement shoulders looks very small and funny in a female charr… And then mention the skinny legs/foot armors…
After all of this, here is my Guardian. It’s a mixed armor, but i think after all it’s looks good.
Here’s my precious <3 her name is Rynorr Soulshielder, and then I have 2 other female Charr as well
Guild: The Eternal Blades Of The North[EBoN]
Server: Northern Shiverpeaks
One of my characters is a female Charr Engineer. I also used to play a female Dwarf Rogue in WoW, which is nearly the equivalent of finding a unicorn in real life. What can I say except that I like following less traveled paths; it’s fun standing out amid the crowd of cookie cutters, you know?