(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]
Same, its been like this every event up to this date for me.
Would be nice if you could collect a certain amount of coffers or say the taffy’s or the candy corns, karka shells w/e and trade for a ticket.
From now on Im gonna give up as soon as i have the achieve.
Same as i have done with the mystic forge, use it only on daily’s. after sticking in over 2000 rare’s and 100’s exo’s and getting nothing of value (prec’s) back I Cba anymore.
The rates on these are pretty bad, though it’s so easy to get coffers… Any way stats I’ve had for ticket/coffers:
First 1k coffers, got 1 ticket from the batch.
Next 3k coffers no tickets, TONS of candy, 4 minis.
Next 1k coffers 4 tickets…
umm… how are you farming THAT many coffers? They do not drop regularly enough to farming 5k. Unless you play a lot of hours per day. Or, unless magic find is affecting them. Which I though it wasn’t since they are event items.
Or unless you bought coffers… at less then 2 silver a coffer that’s pretty cheap.
I think on average you can farm maybe a 60-100 coffers an hour or two, probably more depending on where/how many wps you are willing to jump between.
so from reading most of the posts I see that many people got a ticket within 50 chests. I opened about 3 thousand chests and just got one ticket from the last 10 that I bought. I farmed most of the chests. What I would like to see is the availability to trade the candy for tickets. Even if they cost like 2,000 candies for one, I would be fine with that.
Beta, remembering the good ol’ days
okay im at a point where im so freakin kitten ed with this game there are no words for it. after opening thousands of freakin chests still not 1 single stinking ticket. wtf? are you for real? some ppl have 5+ tickets already!!! is this for real? are you kidding me? this is the worst game EVER… do you seriously think that after series of disappointments ppl will stick around? im so furious i dont even know what to say… this isnt fun anymore for me…
ArenaNet doesn’t care if you are happy when playing. All they care about is that you are playing. If that means skinner box conditioning, time gates, massive grinds and RNG gating all the new content, that’s what they will do.
So what you’re basically suggesting is to give everything to everyone so everyone will be happy, yes? I don’t think that’s a solution. No one is forcing you to grind. You want something that is very rare? Then you have two options:
- play game as usual counting on you luck
- grind or buy from TP
It’s only your choice.
If i would be happy playing i would play more, i would buy more gems. I dont get it why isnt this obvious to the geniuses who create all these fantastic events… im starting to think “A” in Anet stands for something else…
With how common the boxes drop, it shouldn’t be a surprise the odds of getting a ticket are craptastic. To be honest, I think the chance of getting the tickets out of the dragon coffers is fair. An extremely rare chance out of an extremely common drop (at least we get to pull the slot machine crank more often), makes sense.
While I’m not opposed to a guaranteed gain system, it would have to be something that actually took time/effort 2k candies, would cost less then 2 gold on the BLTP. Now some sort of guarantee on the rich coffers would be nice, maybe an open 20 get 1 ticket guarantee. We could apply the same idea to the normal coffers but the amount would have to be increased.
Bubbly over all if you aren’t having fun, take a break. It’s just a cosmetic item, so it’s not like it’s game shattering if you don’t get one. I don’t really think it makes it “the worst game EVER” just because you didn’t get an item you wanted. Keep trying, it’s the best chance at getting one:)
I don’t think I’ve opened a total of 100 random drop chests and got a ticket. Don’t even really like the skins either, at least not what my mesmer can use.
Rng gonna rng I guess. Best way would be to make tickets tradeable.
It is the worst because they dont care about us at all. At least thats how i feel. And many others. I never wanted any of the event crap so far. I always made good money out of an event period. This time i actually want 1 skin. I dont care how common the boxes drop. Some ppl got 5 tickets out of a 100 thats what bothers me. I put all this effort in getting my boxes and what do i get? Nothing. While the weekend player opens 5 and gets 1. And opens another 5 and gets one. I would very much like to see my hard work pay off. All these wasted hours result in a deep deep disappointment and anger. They dont appreciate their loyal customers. Yes i am a customer, i buy gems almost every week. I spend my money and time here on this game. You can all tell me i can go take a break but if you tell this to all the disappointed ppl half the players will be gone. Is this really what Anet wants?
Ok, so would just giving everyone who wants one a skin be a better solution? Just because you didn’t get a skin doesn’t mean A-net doesn’t appreciate you being a customer; it means you haven’t yet gotten a skin. I do see how it can be frustrating, to not get the item you want, but the best thing to do is keep trying, that’s what I’m doing, and it seems to be working. You should also remember, we got the shattered wings as a reward for simply participating in the events!
I’m only saying to take a break if it’s truly as bad as you say “All these wasted hours result in a deep deep disappointment and anger” Things like that make me think you aren’t having fun. What I’m suggesting is play the game to have fun, not to get a skin.
I’m not saying this as someone who got everything they wanted… 150+ runs in Molten fac, never saw or got a jet pack or a mini pet, had a TON of fun doing the dungeon though. Try to enjoy your play and take any flashy things like skins as an added bonus.
I’m in no way saying I support RNG, I would much rather have a token and RNG system (SAB anyone?), I just think that the tokens need to be something that actually takes time… 2k candy would be a skin give away, not a challenge to gather.
(edited by Miku.6297)
Why should it take time? I wanna enjoy having it instead of “enjoying” farming for it… and no, we got the shattered wings after doing those awfully boring repetative tasks they prescribed for us. It was in no way fun or enjoyable. I wanna play the game to have fun but this isnt fun anymore :/ I keep trying and trying and trying and after thousands of exciting moments before i click on a box i officially give up.
I’m sorry but I have to say this: you’re really whining too much. There is element of randomize here and that’s how it suppose to be. This is optional content that you’ll get if you’re lucky enough. What’s the difference between this and random drop from monsters? In GW1 there were named foes that could drop named weapon. Some of this drops where really low and you’d have to kill foe to even get chance to roll a dice. And that really wasn’t a piece of cake.
So yeah, you’d have to farm to get skin/stats combination you want there.
Come on…here you can kill anything (not farming) and get chests (got ~400 this way) or buy them through the TP (bought ~2000). I found 3 tickets and a lot of other things that I probably never use. I spent some great amount of gold on this and yet I’m satisfied. Why? Simple. Look at prices of some rare exotic skins…So even if I get only one ticket it’s still be something relatively cheap for something that I wanted to get.
And it wasn’t even hard to get prerequisite to roll a dice.
…and what if you opened 5 times as many, and received nothing?
Would you still be happy?
No, no you wouldn’t – so sit down. >:C
peasants had no bread and who responded: “Let them eat brioche.”
Come on…here you can kill anything (not farming) and get chests (got ~400 this way) or buy them through the TP (bought ~2000). I found 3 tickets and a lot of other things that I probably never use. I spent some great amount of gold on this and yet I’m satisfied. Why?
Come on…here you can kill anything (not farming) and get chests (got ~400 this way) or buy them through the TP (bought ~2000). I found 3 tickets and a lot of other things that I probably never use. I spent some great amount of gold on this and yet I’m satisfied. Why?
^ This.
/15 char
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
I opened 500 or so of the regular ones and didn’t even get a mini much less a ticket, and about 50 of the gem store ones and only got a mini and junk. So be glad at least some of you fared better than me :p
~Surrender fiend and you will get an easy death
~I could promise you the same…but it would be a lie…
Why should it take time? I wanna enjoy having it instead of “enjoying” farming for it… and no, we got the shattered wings after doing those awfully boring repetative tasks they prescribed for us. It was in no way fun or enjoyable. I wanna play the game to have fun but this isnt fun anymore :/ I keep trying and trying and trying and after thousands of exciting moments before i click on a box i officially give up.
So it shouldn’t take time? So it should just be handed to you? What would make it fun for you? Should there be literally no challenge or time investment at all? If it was handed to you with nothing required to earn it, would you really still feel it was so special?
I didnt say it shouldnt take time… im saying after opening not one but thousands of boxes i would at least expect 1 ticket. Dont you agree with me?
That’s like going to a casino and saying I spent money I expect to win…
Or I buy a lottery ticket every week and have been doing so for 30 years so I deserve to win…
On a side note, I’m not a big fan of the RNG with no solid progress method (precursors are a pita). I just feel that the solid progress method needs to be a time investment, the suggested 2k candies would cost less then 2 gold on the TP… If the wings cost 100k candies, maybe make a skin 200k? Sure it’s expensive, but it would be a guaranteed way to get them.
(edited by Miku.6297)
I agree with miku, the answer to all of your salution was simple things don’t go the way you wanted The world will never circulate around you. Just because you spent some money to try to get something doesnt mean your gonna get it. And 50€ wont convince them to give you a skin. Try 5000€ maybe they would give you a 100% chance of getting it, if you cant then stop complaining. I’ve spent more then you guys and opened as much as many of you and got nothing I’m not crying.
All I want is pure destruction!
Well, there is still a couple weeks left in the event, and you can place buy orders on regular coffers for 1s 80copper each atm, which is much cheaper than they were initially.
So all is not lost yet for those who haven’t gotten one yet.
Yes, I still have a couple weeks to spend another 20-40 gold on coffers, and still not get anything :-)
Tranc you could always have my guild mates luck on the next batch hes gotten 5 tickets. Hasn’t farmed or bought coffers just gets them randomly.
Now me i opened 3k for the 1 ticket stupid rng.
I agree with miku, the answer to all of your salution was simple things don’t go the way you wanted The world will never circulate around you. Just because you spent some money to try to get something doesnt mean your gonna get it. And 50€ wont convince them to give you a skin. Try 5000€ maybe they would give you a 100% chance of getting it, if you cant then stop complaining. I’ve spent more then you guys and opened as much as many of you and got nothing I’m not crying.
Well, maybe you weren’t crying before, and we do appreciate how brave you’ve been up to this point – we’ve all been there! – but with this post you’ve joined our ranks. Welcome!
You’re right, though, the world will certainly never circulate around us. And that’s fine. Most of us – or at least, those of us who are not politicians or, say, game developers – don’t expect it to. But this isn’t the world, now, is it? No. Far from it. This is a game we bought to play to have fun. And for many, a considerable portion of that fun can be found in acquiring cool gear for our characters. You, of course, understand that, or you wouldn’t be here.
I’m sorry you didn’t get a ticket after spending so much and opening so many. We can’t all of us be lucky all the time, even though anet is doing a wonderful job of teaching us that many of us can indeed be >unlucky< all the time. What a valuable life lesson. Perhaps I should reassess my views on the purpose of MMOs. Perhaps, after all, they are not a source of mere ‘fun’, but are a wholly new way of teaching us about life and existence and our ultimate place in the grand scheme of things.
Yes. Yes, I think that may very well be the case. Brothers, sisters – rejoice that we did not receive a ticket! For in not receiving a ticket we have instead received…
The Truth!
Shiren summed up my feelings about RNG for festival skins exactly. Good post Shiren! Making FESTIVAL skins available that are stylish and would make players happy to put armor around should be up to the player’s desire to get it, not RNG. I’ve posted before that if I wanted something, like the SAB skins, I would be fine ‘grinding’ for it – at least I know I will get one if I work hard enough. Same with dungeon skins – you have to learn your toon and the dungeon and then work to get the skin. But RNG, that’s not investing your time in the game – that’s just luck. Which is a shame because those skins, all of the new content festival or living story skins, look great.
You’re right, though, the world will certainly never circulate around us. And that’s fine. Most of us – or at least, those of us who are not politicians or, say, game developers – don’t expect it to. But this isn’t the world, now, is it? No. Far from it. This is a game we bought to play to have fun. And for many, a considerable portion of that fun can be found in acquiring cool gear for our characters. You, of course, understand that, or you wouldn’t be here.
I’m sorry you didn’t get a ticket after spending so much and opening so many. We can’t all of us be lucky all the time, even though anet is doing a wonderful job of teaching us that many of us can indeed be >unlucky< all the time. What a valuable life lesson. Perhaps I should reassess my views on the purpose of MMOs. Perhaps, after all, they are not a source of mere ‘fun’, but are a wholly new way of teaching us about life and existence and our ultimate place in the grand scheme of things.
Yes. Yes, I think that may very well be the case. Brothers, sisters – rejoice that we did not receive a ticket! For in not receiving a ticket we have instead received…
The Truth!
Tach, I understand what you are saying, about it being a game to have fun, but if someone is seriously getting deeply depressed and angry about not getting a skin, do you think the game is that fun for them? I made my original post in response to someone that was claiming the previously mentioned feelings about not getting an item. The acquisition system for the skins is the same for everyone (no I don’t think it’s the best idea but it is what it is), saying you “deserve” it handed to you is pure entitlement.
You also said a part of the “fun” is acquiring cool gear, if that cool gear is just handed out for little/no effort will it still be that cool?
I’m not really sure I understand the next part, I’m sure it’s mostly hyperbole and sarcasm, but I just wanted to respond. If A-net is teaching, that a person can be unlucky all the time, that means you must have literally NEVER received anything at all, the dragon bash and these coffers are one aspect/event in game. I’m simply agreeing with your first point, most people bought and play this game for fun. If not getting ONE item is completely ruining ANY fun then possibly re-evaluating the decision to continue playing would be best.
Honestly the more I think about it, a decent solution to this would have been make the tickets sellable on the BLTP.
Honestly I purchased some jade coffers because I expected better of Arenanet than literally receiving nothing of value or note out of 4000 gems.
If this is what I can expect of Arenanet in the future. Burning £42 worth of gems for literally nothing, I shant be spending money on gems until they drop the RNG focused cash shop system.
Pretty much burned away a lot of the good will Arenanet had earnt themselves with me.
Why buy something you know is a gamble if it’s going to make you mad if you don’t win?
On a side note, it seems the drop rate from the rich coffers isn’t worth the money… I’ve had much better luck buying normal coffers and opening them vs buying rich ones.
25 rich coffers, I got 1 ticket at 2k gems. 2k gems = It’s around 60-80 gold for 2k gems.
bought 1k coffers, and got 4 tickets… the coffers cost me less then 20 gold…
(edited by Miku.6297)
I didnt say it shouldnt take time… im saying after opening not one but thousands of boxes i would at least expect 1 ticket. Dont you agree with me?
It doesn’t matter if you open 20 or 20.000. Your chances reset each try.
And yes, it sucks and Anet shouldn’t be encouraging such gambling.
I, for one, won’t be spending any more money on this game.
Why buy something you know is a gamble if it’s going to make you mad if you don’t win?
Yes, yes of course it’s the players fault that there is a mechanic that allows you to literally throw away cash for nothing of worth or value.
My bad for assuming Arenanet were better than that. Don’t worry, i won’t make that mistake twice.
(edited by Alice.8694)
Yes, yes of course it’s the players fault that there is a mechanic that allows you to literally throw away cash for nothing of worth or value.
Is it the car-sellers fault that some people decide to drive too fast as well?
Because that is basically what you are saying. You are trying to remove all fault from the player/buyer and put it on the game/seller, which is quite silly.
The game is not forcing you to buy Coffers, you choose to do it, so how could it be the games fault?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Why buy something you know is a gamble if it’s going to make you mad if you don’t win?
Yes, yes of course it’s the players fault that there is a mechanic that allows you to literally throw away cash for nothing of worth or value.
My bad for assuming Arenanet were better than that. Don’t worry, i won’t make that mistake twice.
It plainly states " it may also rarely contain, a mini holo undead dragon knight, recipes (has anyone gotten one?), or a dragon’s jade weapon skin ticket" What did you think rarely meant?
I’m not saying the RNG boxes are a good system, I’m just saying they aren’t forcing you to buy them, you buy them knowing they are a gamble, that is 100% players choice/fault.
If I go to a casino and lose money is it the CASINOS fault or mine?
(edited by Miku.6297)
If I go to a casino and lose money is it the CASINOS fault or mine?
Except that a casino is clearly a casino, while this is a video game (and not a casino themed video game).
You also said a part of the “fun” is acquiring cool gear, if that cool gear is just handed out for little/no effort will it still be that cool?
Speaking only for myself, yes. For me the ‘cool’ isn’t dependent on the rarity of the gear, or what I had to achieve/endure to get it, but in whether that gear suits my characters. It may help to mention that I played City of Heroes for many years, and it spoiled me tremendously in terms of being able to create a look for my characters.
What if Anet had said, “Hey, guys! Look at these cool jade weapons we made! Want one? Well, log in for the all-new, all-different Dragon Bash Celebration and you can have one – your choice! – on the house! Want more but don’t want to shell out hard earned cash? Play the exciting Dragon Coffer Lotto game using either the standard dragon coffers dropped by mobs all over Tyria, or, for slightly better odds, pick up some Rich Dragon Coffers available now in the gem store! Either way, if you open X amount of coffers – Standard and/or Rich – and don’t get a skin, we’ll give you another skin – free! – just because that’s how we roll! Don’t want to leave it up to chance? Then buy as many jade weapon skins as you want directly from a Dragon Bash Celebration Jade Weapon Vendor! There’s one conveniently located in all the major population centers! Now get out there and bash some dragons already!”
I’m sure it would probably have immanentized the eschaton.
If I go to a casino and lose money is it the CASINOS fault or mine?
Except that a casino is clearly a casino, while this is a video game (and not a casino themed video game).
The point isn’t the location, the point is the player is choosing to buy an item that grants a chance at receiving a desirable reward. Would buying a raffle ticket from a fair be a better example?
Tach your idea of cool is the one I wish more people had, cool being what you like. There are however tons of people that do want that “status symbol” item, something that sets them apart.
I for one would have been hugely in favor of having a weapon ticket reward from the celebration, maybe change the shattered wings to your choice of the wings OR a weapon ticket… As for the " if you don’t get a skin" idea, why not just do a buy a 20 pack and we give you 1 ticket with it, that solves adding more currency types onto the already MASSIVE pile.
(edited by Miku.6297)
Honestly I purchased some jade coffers because I expected better of Arenanet than literally receiving nothing of value or note out of 4000 gems.
If this is what I can expect of Arenanet in the future. Burning £42 worth of gems for literally nothing, I shant be spending money on gems until they drop the RNG focused cash shop system.
Pretty much burned away a lot of the good will Arenanet had earnt themselves with me.
Better way would have been converting those gems to gold and buying lots of the normal dragon coffers. I opened about 350 coffers and got a ticket…..this was after I opened about 5 of the rich coffers and got nothing, and decided I wasn’t going to risk trying any more.
If I go to a casino and lose money is it the CASINOS fault or mine?
Except that a casino is clearly a casino, while this is a video game (and not a casino themed video game).
The point isn’t the location, the point is the player is choosing to buy an item that grants a chance at receiving a desirable reward. Would buying a raffle ticket from a fair be a better example?
Tach your idea of cool is the one I wish more people had, cool being what you like. There are however tons of people that do want that “status symbol” item, something that sets them apart.
I for one would have been hugely in favor of having a weapon ticket reward from the celebration, maybe change the shattered wings to your choice of the wings OR a weapon ticket… As for the don’t get one thing, why not just do a buy a 20 pack and we give you 1 ticket with it…
It’s really quite simple…
I am not asking for my money back or a jade ticket.
I am however saying that I do not expect to pay 4000 gems worth of real money and potentially get nothing of value. The rich coffers jade ticket rarity is clearly high enough that this has happened to quite a few people, implying this is the intention and not the exception. (Though more data would be nice). I do not intend to support this game again until this practice ceases because i do not believe this is the kind of practice I want to support.
Essentially, what you are saying is meaningless to me, the point of my post and needlessly derails the conversation to a blame game rather than whether such business practices are acceptable. Which is what the conversation should be about,
(edited by Alice.8694)
It’s really quite simple…
I am not asking for my money back or a jade ticket.
I am however saying that I do not expect to pay 4000 gems worth of real money and potentially get nothing of value. The rich coffers jade ticket rarity is clearly high enough that this has happened to quite a few people, implying this is the intention and not the exception. (Though more data would be nice). I do not intend to support this game again until this practice ceases because i do not believe this is the kind of practice I want to support.Essentially, what you are saying is meaningless to me, the point of my post and needless derails the conversation to a blame game rather than whether such business practices are acceptable. Which is what the conversation should be about,
I posted in another thread that you would have been better off converting that 4000 gems into gold, buying a ton of normal coffers and going from there. Quite possibly would have had better luck as you would have had a lot more coffers to open.
I understand you feeling angry, however I personally only risk what I am willing to lose. If I am not willing to risk wasting 4000 gems on what I know is RNG….then I won’t buy those gems. There is an element of responsibility here too. That said, I do think ANet is capable of coming up with a system that guarantees a ticket….through individual effort, rather than RNG.
If you do not want to pay 4000 gems worth of real money to potentially get nothing of value, I highly suggest NEVER buying things that are a chance based item.
The point I am making is not intended to derail or shift the conversation to a blame game. You stated it’s the companies fault that YOU bought the item. The person who began to throw around blame was you.
As far as the business practices are concerned. I do not personally support the RNG cash shop idea; in fact I hate it. That’s the reason I refuse to use cash to buy RNG gem boxes. The one up side to this events RNG was: standard coffers drop pretty commonly, so we get more chances.
I understand you feeling angry, however I personally only risk what I am willing to lose. If I am not willing to risk wasting 4000 gems on what I know is RNG….then I won’t buy those gems. There is an element of responsibility here too. That said, I do think ANet is capable of coming up with a system that guarantees a ticket….through individual effort, rather than RNG.
Two things.
Not really angry… More so utterly disappointed with Arenanet, that they are employing what is basically some of the worst free to play cash shop mmo practices. As I said in my first post, I expected better from them. And a lot of the good will they had built up with me has been burnt for what is essentially one stack of gems that I have had since release. Had they been more sensible with their coffers I might have spent future cash on their silly gambles. However £42, regardless of when i purchased the gems is a considerable amount to spend on nothing and I do not intend on supporting such a system.
Secondly I do not see this as a shirking of my personal responsibility. I had the gems to burn and I burnt them.
However had the store page said… only there’s a 10% chance of getting a jade ticket… I wouldn’t have purchased any. Instead they merely inform you of a greatly increased chance of getting one. These words are essentially meaningless unless you know the figures. I made my purchase decision based on previous weapons in the cash shop. The winter ones, which I think were 800 gems each. And thus i expected that the drop rate for a jade ticket would be sufficient to potentially get you a ticket one in every 800 gems.
More so utterly disappointed with Arenanet, that they are employing what is basically some of the worst free to play cash shop mmo practices.
You don’t have much experience of F2P cash shops, do you?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
However had the store page said… only there’s a 10% chance of getting a jade ticket… I wouldn’t have purchased any. Instead they merely inform you of a greatly increased chance of getting one. These words are essentially meaningless unless you know the figures. I made my purchase decision based on previous weapons in the cash shop. The winter ones, which I think were 800 gems each. And thus i expected that the drop rate for a jade ticket would be sufficient to potentially get you a ticket one in every 800 gems.
All I can say really is that if should a similar event happen again with more boxes of some variety (which I doubt ANet will do considering the backlash from people) avoid buying gem store boxes as much as possible. I didn’t like them in the Wintersday festival and felt apprehensive about them this time round.
Secondly I do not see this as a shirking of my personal responsibility. I had the gems to burn and I burnt them.
However had the store page said… only there’s a 10% chance of getting a jade ticket… I wouldn’t have purchased any. Instead they merely inform you of a greatly increased chance of getting one. These words are essentially meaningless unless you know the figures. I made my purchase decision based on previous weapons in the cash shop. The winter ones, which I think were 800 gems each. And thus i expected that the drop rate for a jade ticket would be sufficient to potentially get you a ticket one in every 800 gems.
When you say it’s the companies fault, you are shirking your personal responsibility. Placing full blame on the company who you choose to purchase from.
If you based the purchases on former cash shop items/skins why would you only take into account the data from the wintersday event? Fused weapons were HORRIBLY rare and Scelerite weapons were also a terrible drop rate, the wintersday skins that were from the boxes were far from common as well. I would suggest using all the data available to make educated purchases, not just using the most favorable to you or your point.
Now I don’t agree with a lot of what you said however… one point I think ANET really should do… DISCLOSE THE DROP CHANCE. For example(these are purely made up numbers): if the drop rate on standard coffers is .02% chance, and the drop rate from rich coffers is 2% that’s a HUGE increase in chance. Even though the odds of getting a skin are still crap, they haven’t lied to customers, the odds are better. If they had said standard coffers have a .02% and rich coffers have a 2% very few people would buy the rich coffers. It’s extremely deceptive, and the wording was obviously chosen to encourage purchases. So if you don’t like the marketing strategy the best way to show your dis-satisfaction is to not support it.
(edited by Miku.6297)
Now I don’t agree with a lot of what you said however… one point I think ANET really should do… DISCLOSE THE DROP CHANCE. For example(these are purely made up numbers): if the drop rate on standard coffers is .02% chance, and the drop rate from rich coffers is 2% that’s a HUGE increase in chance. Even though the odds of getting a skin are still crap, they haven’t lied to customers, the odds are better. If they had said standard coffers have a .02% and rich coffers have a 2% very few people would buy the rich coffers. It’s extremely deceptive, and the wording was obviously chosen to encourage purchases. So if you don’t like the marketing strategy the best way to show your dis-satisfaction is to not support it.
I don’t know about disclosing it, but current drop rate research show that:
*The chance from a regular Dragon Coffer is about 0.07%
*The chance from a Rich Dragon coffer is about 1.27%
So, although it is not quite as drastic a change as in your example, it is still more than 18 times better of a drop rate.
Come on…here you can kill anything (not farming) and get chests (got ~400 this way) or buy them through the TP (bought ~2000). I found 3 tickets and a lot of other things that I probably never use. I spent some great amount of gold on this and yet I’m satisfied. Why?
If you would read more of what I wrote you would know that it’s a little more complicated – I set myself some limits that I would not cross. I had negative feelings about not finding ticket after 1.5k chests. But, like I said, I have a different perspective on this whole thing. For me chests aren’t very different from normal drop. Which can be pretty low for some very rare stuff. There were lots of things that I didn’t get in GW1 and there are lots of things that I don’t have in GW2. And yet I don’t have to complain or cry about it.
But I know that AN has made some wrong decisions about many things. Like not giving any way to trade ticket with another players. Or for example giving one ticket at the end of festival. My only hope is that this was not intended…
This has been my experience so far. (obviously not exact, as noted)
1st ticket: 1139?(difference no more than 100) coffers
2nd ticket 817th coffer
3rd ticket @ coffer #381 , 625 coffers opened
4th and 5th ticked 530 coffers opened (received during opening of latter 269)
Total coffers opened 3111-3222 Tickets:5
Just opened another 1k coffers (cost me about 16 gold)
3 tickets, 15 minis, candy, and food.
it looks like the best way to go about it is get the normal ones, the rich coffers just don’t come close.
(edited by Miku.6297)
finally got my first ticket at 6000 Coffers.,,,, nothing but candy/fireworks and like 12 minis. then got a 2nd ticket at 7000coffer mark.
im happy i finally got the 2 skins i wanted, but this whole ordeal left a bad taste in my mouth, and will not be bothering with any future RNG.. i would rather just BUY THE kitten THINGS FROM THE GEM STORE…. good lord make it an option, im happy for those that received 1-5 tickets opening under 1000, you guys have great luck. me and many others do not.. and to the guy that keeps defending RNG, take a break from your soap box. you got a ticket in a reasonable amount of coffers. i however did not, took me 7000 coffers. many WILL NOT get one. and that is sad. i am not a child, i am in my 30’s and when i tell you most people want the skins for THEIR chars, not to be ELITE because it is rare. i dont care how many ppl have the same skin as me, i am building my chars how i want them. do not say rng is great because it makes it rare. now, i will not say it is a stupid design to have rng boxes, i will however say it is a bad design to not give us other options that are guaranteed to reward us so we may work torwards it. i dont care if i have to farm 100,000 candy.. as long as i know going in i wil get one for the effort…
good luck to everyone else i hope you get ur ticket.. im going to go watch willie wonka chocoalte factory now.. get that golden ticket!
Ouch, well congrats on the two you wanted Black!
I’ve had better then normal luck on this round. I guess it’s payback for the south sun one, 180+ boxes and 2 skins, at least I got tons of blood farming the boxes I guess:P