Opening 1000 regular Dragon Coffers [Merged]
After 3800 coffers, I FINALLY got a ticket. Now I can die without any regrets.
I got bored and ran another 1000.
1,997 Pieces of Zhaitaffy
160 Fireworks
18 Koi Cakes
16 Dragonfish Candies
15 Dragonfly Cupcakes
15 Kralkachocolate bars
11 Dragon’s Breath Buns
11 Mini Holographic Dragon Knights
11 Slices of Candied Dragon Roll
2 Cold Potions
2 Hard Potions
2 Warm Potions
1 Dragon’s Jade Claim Ticket
I bought a couple hundred more coffers now that the event is nearly over an the coffers are about as cheap as they are likely to get.
Lo and behold, I actually pulled a Jade Ticket. My second one. I guess I’m just lucky with these. I did make sure to have magic find boosts (food/banner) running while I was opening them. Don’t know if it helped much but made me feel better.
Of course, there’s also the hundreds of coffers I’ve opened while just killing mobs and running around the world.
Just to throw in my thoughts again. I made a much longer post several pages back, but the key points. As a reminder, I’m not a fan of the rnd boxes, but I understand why Anet does it and it is one of the better alternatives (but I still would appreciate a way a way to get it outside of rnd, like dungeon tokens. heck even dragon ball wins if the afkers could be controlled).
1) Anet is not going to make them available in the gem store, period.They would make no money (most people would just farm the gold and buy the skin, and before you say, well I’d throw them a bone and buy 2 skins, that is inconsequential to the amount of money that they would lose). <insert the other ~3 reasons I’ve been repeating since the start of the event>.
2) If you NEED this skin to have fun, what were you doing for the previous 8 months. Were you not having fun? If they didn’t make any dragon skins, would you not have fun?
Do I want a couple of skins, sure. Have I gotten one yet, nope. Then again I haven’t opened many coffers, and haven’t bothered to keep track. But getting a skin does not dictate how much fun I have in this game.
Any item purchased with gems always comes back to money for ArenaNet. Players wouldn’t buy gold if there was no gold being traded for gems.
i’ve currently opened about 7000 regular coffers and got nothing but candy to show for it … This RNG bullkitten is really ruining the game for me tbh. it’s sad because i used to enjoy the game A LOT.
5000+ regular coffers opened
2 tickets
68 Mini Holographic Risen Knight(s)
Seafarer’s Rest
I was able to get 1 ticket, so I dont have as much reason to complain as the others who opened more than 3k coffers with nothing to show for it :/
But I am far from satisfied…
I have not been able to get any skins from past festivals, so I tried to get one this time.I did it the hard way, farming holos and trash mobs for the coffers, without buying them outright from the TP. It is more time consuming than doing COF and buying things, but there you go.
After 1000 coffers without a skin I was discouraged , but kept at it for a while without stacking coffers.And after that did not play for about a week.Then I logged in again, and was talking with a friend in Ebonhawk when I got bored and started killing holos and soon after that got my one ticket, somewhere between 1k and 1.1 k tries.
But I am quite turned off now, and tired of the rng to bother to play regularly again.
I have read people saying that rng is fair, or the devs saying whoever got the skin earned it.But its not earning something by pure chance, there is no merit involved in blind luck.And treating everyone equally is not the same as treating everyone fairly…
OTOH , I am not sure what should be done instead to keep the game interesting for the people who reached the endgame and are getting bored.
Giving things for no effort is not it, but setting the bar ridiculously high like getting 100k candy to get one holo wing is just absurd.
I would like to earn the things I want , not by farming COF or some other mindless grind to just buy it, and to be able to see the progress toward my goals.
It is not a bad game though, I quite enjoyed it, but the endgame is not enough for me to play everyday anymore.
I felt like crap after wasting $10 on these boxes and getting nothing but candy. I don’t make a habit of throwing money away, but that’s exactly what I did. Anet, I shouldn’t be able to say that about your store. I would have gladly spent $10 on the ticket I was after. Instead, I’ll just be sure to never buy these RNG boxes again.
After reading some of these other posts, I really feel bad for anyone who’s spent money in the gem store lately. The only explanation for these boxes is greed. Cut it out; no one feels good about wasting their hard-earned money. I think I would have been better off buying lottery tickets.
This is how you kill the goodwill you’ve built with your fans.
6000+ coffers and get nothing…i mean really?dont know but this system feels really unfair…..
Like many of the players of this thread, I have yet to receive any tickets. Dragon Bash is ending soon and I’ve already made up my mind there is no way I’ll be able to obtain any tickets before it’s over. It’s unfortunate because I would really like to own some.. It makes me wish that ANet would do away with RNG boxes like these but that will never happen.
6000+ coffers and get nothing…i mean really?dont know but this system feels really unfair…..
They should make the tickets sellable. People who just want 1 can get them at least.
I’ve been playing every day for many hours a day since Dragon Bash started and have not gotten one either. Although I haven’t opened as many as you have.
Still no ticket here. Whee.
Hi, I just logged in to this forum for the first time just to say something about Jade Tickets.
I am very unlucky guy and believe me- I really am. I was opening all coffers I dropped (probably about 2,5k) and still didn’t drop a single ticket so finally, like week ago, I lost hope to get any.
I was just storing next dropped coffers in bank and got 205 of them.
Because of Dragon Bash ending I decided yesterday to open those 205 coffers. I withdrew them from bank, closed my eyes (literally) and started spamming left mouse button. When I didn’t hear the characteristic sound of coffer opening any longer, I opened my eyes. Guess what- I got one ticket! My first (and I was pretty sure- last) ticket!
I instantly ran to the vendor, using all available shadowstepping skills and swiftness, like if that ticket was about to disappear from my inventory. I finally exchanged it for short bow skin for my thief. Was so kitten happy…
Today, no longer than hour ago, I was abaout to go offline but had those 2 coffers I dropped today in the inventory. I just mindlessly opened them as I like to go offline with “clear inventory”, and guess what again- another ticket! I am not trolling! I got another ticket, my second one. I couldn’t stop laughing of joy. This one I put in bank for later choice.
So to all of you unlucky guys and girls- do not lose hope to get Jade Ticket and even if you do lose hope (like I did) just open those frikkin coffers (closing eyes may help xD).
P.S. I need to boast about something else- as I told you I always have bad luck, but I literally have no idea what is happening last 3 days, because despite of those 2 tickets I got, I also dropped Holographic Dragon Wings Cover from Ember (Fire Shaman) 2 days ago and another ones today- from lvl 8 mob in Caledon forest (was doing daily Maguuma kills)!
I am sorry for my english but I hope you understand what I wrote above. I also hope that all of you will get those long awaited tickets or wings
. Good luck!
(edited by ZameR.4613)
This RNG is such a bullkitten. I wouldn’t complain if I could simply buy tickets from other players, but no. I’ve opened over 8000 chests yesterday and you know what? 1 ticket. ONE. If I sold all these chests I would get 100+ gold if I sold them yesterday, and 300+gold If I sold them regulary from the beggining of the event. Frustrated I’ve even bought few chests for gems… outcome? Most expensive 200 Zhaitaffy (yes, all paid chests dropped only these too!) of my life. I’m out, the only thing to collect in GW2 are weapon skins and kittened system is preventing from collecting them unless RNG god picks you since there is no other factor involved. And I wouldn’t propably complain too much but it’s TIME LIMITED…
Opened 2k coffers … Miniatures, Candy, and crap.
Farmed a stack of 100 out of sheer spite and disgust … Took Buttercup’s
Jacked up my magic find, went into my home instance … 99 pieces of candy
and 1 Jade Ticket.
Poor as a church mouse now with 48 copper to my name but I got my staff … Thanks BC
(edited by Witnezz.8147)