Guild Leader
06/21 - AM - AG - FSP
Guild Leader
Abbadons trying all they can to steal Riverside’s crown of the most universally disliked server to face but still coming up just short…
FSP ain’t crying, they are just highlighting like the majority of other servers you face… how you guys want to play the game in a way the game cannot handle if all 3 servers did the same it would be a complete slide show and bad joke… your server just encourages that kind of playstyle and for the most part I can see why, because without 100 guys on the spot there isn’t much else on offer from Abbadons that I’ve seen… Still the same old fight avoiding server that you use to be back in the old days vs piken in the very low tiers.
You guys really have nothing on millers sound, that’s a server to be respected and feared… they can do more with 40 than you can with 100 without the lag. Try to kid yourselves all you want, but your reputation is well earnt… your a easy mode zergling server in the mid tiers where everyone else for the most part (yes every server zergs, but no one cares about organising megablob 100+ people in comms and no one cares too much about points) as evolved and are just looking for fights and fun… The Gandara’s, The AG’s and FSP’s…
You may see this post as arrogant and get all defensive… boo hoo, but when I see zerglings gloating when they avoid fights and happily pv door or pick on small forces then like I said you deserve your reputation and everything that comes with it. Besides for the most part I never know which fights you AM guys are in because I never recognise your tags… I only know 2 guilds from AM and I have to think about it… that is DP and Fame… DP cuz they are on the GvG website and Fame because FSP called them Lame haha. Where are the rest of your guilds? Oh right my bad you only need one blue Dorito per a map
We can give your blobs a good fight by ourselves, now im pretty sure if we hand held with other AG guilds we would roflstomp your precious blobs all the time… just lucky for you we and others are allergic to hand holding and chose not to easy mode you(because its boring and less challenging something that’s hard for you to comprehend I know don’t worry)… but I wouldn’t rule anything out to show you our “superior skill” (i.e run more numbers and auto attack gates ho ho just like the game should be played am I right?) your anti pvp server doesn’t deserve our usual standards
Seriously anyone for GvG?
/10loveyoulongtimes <3
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
Thank to ZN and LNS? yesterday on FSP border. Was nice to see some AM guild running around solo
Sorry for not giving u a great fight LNS, but we had only 5 people yesterday were one was lvl’ing he’s lvl 10 mesmer :P Thank to ZN for the fight by our spawns aswell
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
I can’t play since Friday till 2morrow evening and already all this Q_Q and w/e fights here lol..
Ok, AM has more ppl, I accepted that fact already and yes, probly more pugs running with a commander makes them have +50 zerg or w/e..
The fact is, it’s just the skill-lag that’s troubling me.. Players from AG and my own FSp server shouldn’t blame AM for this, but rather the server we’re playing WvW on..
Since “culling” was adjusted, ppl had more problems regarding skill-lag, so I think we need to ask and wait what Anet going to do about it..
I am sure they’ll adjust the problems regarding skill-lag someday so ‘till then, we’ll have to wait
I think a lot of people miss the point when those servers who regularly run mega-blobs refer to WvWvW as PVE. The reason they do this is that for them WvWvW is pretty much ALL PvE. The zerg rolls around taking out guards and keep lords or builds and uses multiple siege items. So in short:
- PvD is PvE
- ACvWhatever is PvE
- Running away from the enemy to do either of the above is PvE
When their steamroller-blob runs over some other players (mostly by accident I’m sure) I can’t imagine more than a handful of them actually get a hit on another player they are so many. I’m fairly sure there must be WxP ranked 100 and over who have less than 1,000 players kills (950 of those from siege weapons).
(edited by Ntranced.7415)
yesterday we (AM) were bloobed from them (FSP) so extremly hard, i was forced to make that crying post.
we (AM) was terrible outnumberd at least at 1:3 vs them (FSP). We (AM) run out of the garni on our homelands and did not notice the enormous blob from them (FSP). we (AM) gave our very best, but then the 3 fsp (3FSP) killed me (1AM)
AM outnumbered?, mother of god
, that is genuinly the first time I have seen this happen, btw, you did the exact same thing to us (AG) yesterday in our borderlands, you would not even let us have a single tower, you outnumbered us 5 to 1 -.-
And the “Sheldon Cooper-price” for not geting sarcasm gooooes to…
lol, I had no idea that was sarcasm, it’s really difficult to tell when you can’t hear the voice of the person being sarcastic
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:
Oh hi there respective aurora glade competitors
if you look at the 10th line from the bottom on the screen print, then you can see how honourable you were being when AG is at our weakest
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:
(edited by Silent Shino.7239)
Abablob your server makes laugh on daily bases, earlier you lads/ladies trying to storm a PAPER Anza with 2 Golems and a full zerg and you guys FAILED!!! Your server has the SHEER numbers in this match-up and it doesnt help you at all. Rethink your tactics Abablob because the only reason your server is first in the tally atm is because of your blob sizes…
Abablob your server makes laugh on daily bases, earlier you lads/ladies trying to storm a PAPER Anza with 2 Golems and a full zerg and you guys FAILED!!! Your server has the SHEER numbers in this match-up and it doesnt help you at all. Rethink your tactics Abablob because the only reason your server is first in the tally atm is because of your blob sizes…
Uh… I hate to point it out, but if they’re winning because of their numbers then their numbers are kinda helping them somewhat.
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade
Back from work and got some pizza so it’s time to post!
We were up against VS (and others). Most of us that were on FSP since the beginning remember how the blobs were in the days when we were in the upper tiers.
This is why most of the wvw veterans from FSP do not want our server to climb higher in the tiers.
Saying that people are crying just goes to show how clueless you and other trolls like you are.
But then again, what can we ask from a server where the trolls are stuck at the level where all they can do is post youtube crap.
Unless you transfered from another server to FSP and had your high tier experience on that other server I have to say that you guys don’t know how it is to play in a high tier at the moment. Looking at FSPs matchhistory ( your last noteable current-high-tier enemy(except Piken) was Jade Sea in mid december so there is quite a lot of time were a lot of changes could have happened in high tiers(and I’m quite certain they happened). Including the Jade Sea match in december your enemies were(with number of matchups):
Jade Sea(1), Drakkar(4), Underworld(7), RoF(2), Dzagonur(3), Ranik(10), Miller(4), Gunnar(6), AG(4), AM(10), Gandara(5), Arbor(1), Piken(1)
So when we define “high tier” as the top 10 servers we would get this list atm:
Vizu, Elona, Baruch, SFR, Jade, Deso, Kodash, Riverside, Augury, Piken
From this list you encountered the following “high tier” enemies since december(in order of matchups):
Jade Sea(1)(December), Piken(1)(June/last week)
AM encountered the following “high tier” enemies since the same december week you faced Jade Sea(again in order of matchups):
Augury(1)(December), Jade Sea(5)(during their rise around December-January), Riverside(1)(February), Riverside(3)(May), Augury(1)(June), Baruch(1)(June), Riverside(1)(June), Elona(1)(June)
Now if we reduce this to recent matches since FSP and AM were stuck with Ranik in the same matchup for a couple of weeks:
FSP: Piken(1)
AM: Riverside(4), Augura(1), Baruch(1), Elona(1)
So I’m sorry but I really doubt that you guys know how it is to play against “high tier” servers at the moment.
Fighting in big scale is fun if is like 80vs80 like yesterday AM garrison, because i had pretty much no lag for some strange reason and because we were matching enemy number, Ag can pull that off sometimes but we need like 2 guild group together plus the pugs.
Well, but that’s the thing: We rarely have severe skilllag even against the higher servers because most of the time we nor the enemies don’t run that big groups of coordinated Zergs(and coordination is the reason for lags because everyone uses his/her skills at almost the same time when two deathballs clash). Although you like to say that we constantly run these numbers with coordinated players: The fact is that these coordinated masses only happen on a) reset, b) raidevents, c)SM(though thats EB so that doesn’t really count because it’s not that coordinated but rather 3 sides clashing in one tiny room).
Believe me: We don’t like the skilllag either and we certainly don’t “use it as a weapon”. Most of the time there is no skilllag for the majority of the players.
(edited by Nauda.3678)
5 pages long.. still reading the same kitten. last week we got skill lag errday but less crying in the forum. not sure what I miss more.
AM should honestly tell people to play less wvw this week, so the pro guilds wamgor was talking about might have some fun or mr. wamgor should call all his PUG pro roflstomper guilds and get on the battlefield. dear mr. forum warrior: it’s time for some real shizzz
btw., I like this song:
Abablob your server makes laugh on daily bases, earlier you lads/ladies trying to storm a PAPER Anza with 2 Golems and a full zerg and you guys FAILED!!! Your server has the SHEER numbers in this match-up and it doesnt help you at all. Rethink your tactics Abablob because the only reason your server is first in the tally atm is because of your blob sizes…
Uh… I hate to point it out, but if they’re winning because of their numbers then their numbers are kinda helping them somewhat.
Uh… If i played on Abablob and we attacked a paper tower with a full zerg and 2 golems and we failed i would delete all my chars and uninstall GW2. Dont want to flame but what Abablob is doing is just simply pathetic, we all know how bad Abablob is when it comes to tactics…
Uh… If i played on Abablob and we attacked a paper tower with a full zerg and 2 golems and we failed i would delete all my chars and uninstall GW2. Dont want to flame but what Abablob is doing is just simply pathetic, we all know how bad Abablob is when it comes to tactics…
Yeah because every “Abablob” is the same…NOT!
During the day most of our zergs only have a small percentage of TS-Users so that’s just like the random-zerg every server has(esp. on EB as you mentioned Anza).
The “real Abablob” of 80-90 players and nearly all of them in TS is something completely different. It takes more than what you mentioned to kill that zerg;) And as I mentioned it in my post above(yeah that little wall of text right there): We only have this kind of zerg during reset or raidevents.
Wamgors guild has only noobs.
But we don’t want you to play less. Just play more for fun and not for points.
Doing PvE (or PvDoor) and kill small groups without giving them a real fight will get boring for you real fast.
And you will probably have people leaving because they want bit of challenge in their games.
We can also run 80 man organized group by merging some guilds(or handholding) but we wont.. because the servers cant handle it.
And there is again no challenge or fun in a battle of people spamming 1.
Top tiers play for the points and they all complaining about the lag.
Why you want this? You really want lower tiers also becoming a game of large blobs crashing into each other and pressing 1 only?
So if possible make your zerg/group sizes so they don’t give lag.
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Abablob your server makes laugh on daily bases, earlier you lads/ladies trying to storm a PAPER Anza with 2 Golems and a full zerg and you guys FAILED!!! Your server has the SHEER numbers in this match-up and it doesnt help you at all. Rethink your tactics Abablob because the only reason your server is first in the tally atm is because of your blob sizes…
Uh… I hate to point it out, but if they’re winning because of their numbers then their numbers are kinda helping them somewhat.
Uh… If i played on Abablob and we attacked a paper tower with a full zerg and 2 golems and we failed i would delete all my chars and uninstall GW2. Dont want to flame but what Abablob is doing is just simply pathetic, we all know how bad Abablob is when it comes to tactics…
I wouldn’t be that dramatic…
I would just change server :>
I’m going to admit that I was hoping to fight you (AM) this week, but not for the good reasons, I wanted to fight you because I’m experimenting on you, since you are a weaker version of RS (no offence) I test out different methods against you to see if they work, then I perform the same methods on RS
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:
Abablob your server makes laugh on daily bases, earlier you lads/ladies trying to storm a PAPER Anza with 2 Golems and a full zerg and you guys FAILED!!! Your server has the SHEER numbers in this match-up and it doesnt help you at all. Rethink your tactics Abablob because the only reason your server is first in the tally atm is because of your blob sizes…
Uh… I hate to point it out, but if they’re winning because of their numbers then their numbers are kinda helping them somewhat.
Uh… If i played on Abablob and we attacked a paper tower with a full zerg and 2 golems and we failed i would delete all my chars and uninstall GW2. Dont want to flame but what Abablob is doing is just simply pathetic, we all know how bad Abablob is when it comes to tactics…
I agree, I would feel pretty bad about it myself. I’m just pointing out the fault in your statement.
Best of luck with the further kills of AM players, I’ve been enjoying doing the same over the weekend.
Dragon United Knights [DUK] – Aurora Glade
Oh hi there respective aurora glade competitors
if you look at the 10th line from the bottom on the screen print, then you can see how honourable you were being when AG is at our weakest
What do you mean? you attacked Ogre`s watch with an (AM style) 70 man megablob with 7 trebs, handful of ACs and catapults. When we were outmanned. At 2:00 AM Paris time.
I dont say thats a bad thing to do… its just a bit.. overkill :P
Recruiting necros & guardians. Whisper ingame.
I’m going to admit that I was hoping to fight you (AM) this week, but not for the good reasons, I wanted to fight you because I’m experimenting on you, since you are a weaker version of RS (no offence) I test out different methods against you to see if they work, then I perform the same methods on RS
Well tbh Riverside is still different. I have the feeling that we don’t use our PUG-zerg potential like we did some time ago though I won’t go further into it in this topic as it is more of a server-internal thing. Also RS is quite different with more guildgroups and better organised PUG-zergs and some other sneaky little differences which can ruin your day. They also have a quite different style of server-organisation.
FSV says thanks to AM for letting us have their fully upgraded bay. I hope you get T0 Hills. You deserve it, you’ve been there for hours now
But seriously, nice fight in Hills. That was a lot of fun. Thanks for all the loot-bags
(edited by Limm.8401)
Nauda, RS and AM ain’t that different. I’m pretty sure that AM have guilds that fuel about 10-25 players each day during primetime. Atleast it’s easy to spot the out in the zerg.
I’ve seen LNS run alone yesterday with 20-30 people, ZN ran with 10 on the same map, also alone!
For about 1 hour ago, I saw a guild NoDo or something like that, nordic-lights or something in english, running around with 20 ish people on their own.
I’m pretty sure FAME can run with about 20ish each day aswell, because ur guild tag is pretty easy to see, dont know why though.
And we have ADAC, u guys run easily 40+ urself, but still have the urges to run with 20-50 pug’s aswell, that I rly dont understand, might be a thing they got, I dont know why :P
And I’m pretty sure there are more guilds that run 10-30 guys, maybe not everyday, but some times a day, but we always still see u running in that massive blob you have.
Compare this to RS, RS have like 3 or 4 guilds groups that can run alone, DTK, ZORN, IF and dw, but I heard lately dw had a big split-up and those that split, transferred server because they couldn’t stand the playstyle of their own server. And they had no chance of recruiting players that actually played for fights, and not for points, atleast that’s what I’ve heard and read…
So you guys have the same amount of guilds with the numbers, maybe even with more actually. I havn’t mentioned DP because I like those guys, they run alone and in zerg sometimes, but they do split off atleast and train on their own tactic, and goes away from just spamming nr. 1, respect to DP
And yes, a lot of you are probably thinking, how the hell I know all this, answer is simple, I’ve been on AG for most of my playtime in GW2, even though I’m from a guild that is in process of transferring to AG.
And I’ve fought against the old AM and the new AM, I must say I completly loved the old AM that had guilds groups that ran alone, and I’m sincerly glad that I’ve seen progress from some of your guilds the last two days were they do run by themself and are improving themself
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
Still only few of them are in range of DTK/IF/ZORN when it comes to combat experince and tactics and numbers. I don’t think that most of your guild could compete with them tbh. Oh, and i think you mean “nord” instead of “NoDo”, but afaik they are more a big PvE guild and some of them like to do wvw and do it together as a group sometimes. Might be wrong though.
Anet AG vs Gandara vs NSP next week plssssssssss
Well AM showing they CAN run seperate guilds.
On AG you doing it and showing you can get points AND keep it fun for the enemy too. Rather than boring us to death with lag.
Thanks to CE and ADAC (think there another guild too), for not simply blobbing after you got hills.
Anet AG vs Gandara vs NSP next week plssssssssss
+1 but don’t you mean FSP?:p
NSP is NA server xD
AM triple guild blob now out and about. guess they got bored of no lag
And we have ADAC, u guys run easily 40+ urself
We usually only have 25-35 ppl.
but still have the urges to run with 20-50 pug’s aswell, that I rly dont understand, might be a thing they got, I dont know why :P
The pugs just like to be with us.
Retired Good Old Days[GD] & Disturbed Squad[DISS]
I was on SFR for a while also, back when transfers to SFR were free, so i know what numbers VS can field.
3 wvw kills
……ZN ran with 10 on the same map, also alone!
We were only 9 and even that for only 1hr. ^^
Yea and it was one of those rare moments when we got everyone online to come to WvW too. Most of the time we can only field around 5….and we gotta whole lot to learn when it comes to roaming since most of the time we claim and defend towers on EBG. But was a really fun evening yesterday, had some good fights.
Total opposite experince today. Had to go to our homelands since there was a queue on every other border and got painfully smashed somewhere between Punk, rddt and TUP and other 20+ groups….so we had to join the zerg after a while or do pve for tonight. Felt like there were no really small groups on the map tonite.
Zirkel der Nacht [ZN]
Abaddons Mund
And we have ADAC, u guys run easily 40+ urself
We usually only have 25-35 ppl.
but still have the urges to run with 20-50 pug’s aswell, that I rly dont understand, might be a thing they got, I dont know why :P
The pugs just like to be with us.
Ofc. they like to be with you when you pop a commander tag and not the ctrl + t
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
I was on SFR for a while also, back when transfers to SFR were free, so i know what numbers VS can field.
ohh a server jumper?
I was on SFR for a while also, back when transfers to SFR were free, so i know what numbers VS can field.
ohh a server jumper?
Ohh a Blobadon guy
Just funny. Every week the same Kindergarten, talking about blob blob blob.
But respect, you dont get tired to tell abaddon every day that they are blobbing. As a thief i see a lot of zergs from other servers. Its so often in the Eye of the beholder. I could flame you guys for killing me as an solo thief with your guild groups. But i dont, because thats life. Kill and get killed.
And for all flamers: On Thursdays and Tuesdays we of ADAC are used to play as a guild group. We are more than 70 Members in our guild. We often play with a number of 20-30 . So come an play with us, and please dont run away .)
@leadustin – i was there for a week, so yeah – i am a server jumper. But you LAME guys probably know by now that servers are not the only thing i jump on
@belma – its not a guild group anymore if you have pugs escorting you.
3 wvw kills
Every time i see your guild Kaleigh, i see also pugs. Don´t Smash Stones while u sit in a glasshouse.
Thanks for an awesome evening on AM border [TUP] & [RL] had some nice fights and enjoyed every single fight! [FAME] thanks for some nice blob fights. GG this evening on AM border my fellow FSP.
The Glory of War [GoW]
Piken Square
Every time i see your guild Kaleigh, i see also pugs. Don´t Smash Stones while u sit in a glasshouse.
We are always running without tag, but we cant avoid people following us. The most pugs you will se following us is at highest 2-3.
Some nice fights on AM borderland this evening. Being outmanned didn’t stop us to get tons of lootbags
Nice fights with TUP, too bad that on the last push we didn’t meet the numbers :-/
One of the Leaders
Every time i see your guild Kaleigh, i see also pugs. Don´t Smash Stones while u sit in a glasshouse.
ehm we usually run 10-15 sometimes if we lucky we get our numbers up to 20…
we dont run 30ppl + pugs, just so you know..
When we do run with commander its cause we have several guild groups in the map and they wanna know where everyone are.
We do not take pride in running with 30+, we prefer to wipe bigger groups with smaller groups to make it more challenging.
And FSV play nice on forums or i’ll have to spank ya on TS tomorrow
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa
Thanks for the fights on AM bl tonight
Still looking for GvG on Tuesday or Thursday if anyone is interested 20 vs 20 ideally… maybe 15+ if any takers pst Kratoon
/kind regards TUP
The Unlikely Plan (TUP)
Ex Piken Square (EU)
A nice video from a [GoT] guildie “GamingPitbull”
How to catch a the-word-that-shall-not-be-said…
Then you have GoT to apply to GuildofTweakers, ‘the’ Dutch/Belgium guild in GW2.
(edited by Zephyer.5716)
comeon Anet, pls have FSP AG and Gandara fighting each other next week
Aurora Glade EU [JUST] roamer
All is vain:
I’m actually kinda ok with this match-up. Having some good fights the last few days.
comeon Anet, pls have FSP AG and Gandara fighting each other next week
Fsp , MS , Gandara =)
And you can keep AM :p , i like your matchup thread
Thanks for an awesome evening on AM border [TUP] & [RL] had some nice fights and enjoyed every single fight! [FAME] thanks for some nice blob fights. GG this evening on AM border my fellow FSP.
We started as guild raid, but we had to turn on the lamp because no active commander was on AM border. And it tooks not long and all randoms ran with us.
And we had some nice fights too and enjoyed every fight! What im talking! Every single second!
A nice video from a [GoT] guildie “GamingPitbull”
How to catch a the-word-that-shall-not-be-said…
I´m not sure if you linked the right video!? Where was that Blob you were speaking of….all i saw were fairly even numbers or you even outnumbering them with all 3 groups together.
All i saw was a DP-Guild group you were chasing for a moment, some 30ish Aurora and in the end an around 40ish group consisting of CE,ADAC and fx.
Seriously guys, if those are the 70+ Blobs you are always talking about you really need to learn to count.
P.S. Not critisizing the video at all….the fights themselves looked good….only dislike the fact that your calling that a blob.
Zirkel der Nacht [ZN]
Abaddons Mund
A nice video from a [GoT] guildie “GamingPitbull”
How to catch a the-word-that-shall-not-be-said…
Nothing special! Every own wipe was cuted out…
Ohhh and learn to count. Could´nt see a “Blob”.
And we have ADAC, u guys run easily 40+ urself
We usually only have 25-35 ppl.
but still have the urges to run with 20-50 pug’s aswell, that I rly dont understand, might be a thing they got, I dont know why :P
The pugs just like to be with us.
Ofc. they like to be with you when you pop a commander tag and not the ctrl + t
We mainly play without commander tag. Most pugs which are used to run with us know who is leading and they are also able to put their group target on this person. Like Belma said we have guild internal days at tuesday and thursday.
Retired Good Old Days[GD] & Disturbed Squad[DISS]
I couldn’t really care less about who “blobs” or who has more population, I still remember fighting AM with my guild before the transfers from Kodash came in, and i wish we hadn’t of disbanded so we could’ve given you some nice fights, guilds like FAME, LNS, DP, it’s good to see you still around and fighting, has been a pleasure fighting you for a while
Like Phobos already said, we’re running an internal raid every tuesday and thursday.
First problem is, randoms tend to follow us, when they see us.
Second problem is, as a fairly new guild on abbadon we don’t want to do a solo thing, so our coms often do the maplead.
Most of us want to do more internal raids, but as already said, we don’t want to seclude ourselfs from the rest of the community.
some live, some die in the way of the samurai!