7/5 FSP - AS - UW
Want to thank SWD for a nice GvG we had alot of fun, hope you did aswell. Also nice fights on all borders! Lets keep it that way! UW has some nice guilds and arborstone really puts up a good fight keep it up guys
Thanks as well. And Kudos to you guys. Imo it was more like a farm for you, we had barely anything to counter.
Hope we AG next time again, so we can have some fights against FIRE and the other guilds
It will be without me unfortunately as I’m in Aussie-land untill november/december but I’m sure you guys will have a lot of nice fights
AG have been a lot weaker lately though, with the transfer of KISS and DAWN. But should still be able to get nice fights
[VII] – Seventh Legion – retired
[Dius] – Semper Dius – Kodash
WOW we should give UW some cookies, lol why do you UW players even place screenshots like this? Again proof UW are the masters of PvD while the other servers are sleeping!! UW show us some screenshots during daytime and primetime with impressive scores, OOH wait UW can’t, because during these times you guys hide behind your walls and sieges!!!
Oh how I love whiny posts like this, just how I remember FS to be, from 4 months ago. So you are saying we should lay out our tactics, and play at the time its most convenient for you? rly? Its not UWs fault FS players go to bed after the evening cartoons, and since you are ranked 4 ranks higher then us, yes its an achievement for our server to have such a point tick at any time of the day, also, yesterday primetime we had a higher point tick then you
WOW we should give UW some cookies, lol why do you UW players even place screenshots like this? Again proof UW are the masters of PvD while the other servers are sleeping!! UW show us some screenshots during daytime and primetime with impressive scores, OOH wait UW can’t, because during these times you guys hide behind your walls and sieges!!!
Oh how I love whiny posts like this, just how I remember FS to be, from 4 months ago. So you are saying we should lay out our tactics, and play at the time its most convenient for you? rly? Its not UWs fault FS players go to bed after the evening cartoons, and since you are ranked 4 ranks higher then us, yes its an achievement for our server to have such a point tick at any time of the day
, also, yesterday primetime we had a higher point tick then you
Enjoy your points tick, you will be well rewarded come the end of the week
We will try and enjoy having some good fights, despite doing your best not to give us any
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
So much whine in these threads nowadays.
Can’t people just play and have fun?
Krall Peterson – Warrior
Piken Square
Whats this talk about fun?
I doubt the night crew were having miserable time. And they most likely had some form of fun, and some find it fun and enjoyable to see those big ticking numbers. And what comes to the reward on the end of the week. Well, the scores are the reward. The thrill of the point accumulation is always fun when its even.
Im not saying open field fights and GvG stuff couldn’t be fun. Im saying theres a lot to do in WvW, some find something fun and others might not.
And what comes to sitting in a tower with Arrow Carts and defending. I find it fun. It can get very hectic when you are only 5 to 10 guys defending a keep from 30+. The counter siege game is fun, atleast for me.
PS. From Underworld with love <3 Had some good fun last night, trying to hold massive AS zerg in our border. By massive I mean numbers that were atleast two times the number of ours, at that particular time. Don’t really know what happened afterwards, but looking at the screenshot, everything went better than expected
PSS. Another love from Underworld to both server. Been a lot of good fights <3
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
WOW we should give UW some cookies, lol why do you UW players even place screenshots like this? Again proof UW are the masters of PvD while the other servers are sleeping!! UW show us some screenshots during daytime and primetime with impressive scores, OOH wait UW can’t, because during these times you guys hide behind your walls and sieges!!!
Same for your server. That’s why you are losing rating. That’s why you are angry. You only win if you have 2-3 times more people. Another “good night” for UW and a strong early friday until reset and we should be fine. According to Millenium at the moment a bit more rating gain than the french but that might be close depending on the next night and early friday.
Ugh, and there we go again, complaining from both sides. It’s a shame, because the matchup itself is probably the most fun one of the last month or so, atleast in my opinion. I wish people would realize that putting these screenshots here is going to provoke a lot of people, and the resulting ‘discussion’ is really not worth it.
I dont understand this rating/ppt talk anymore.
Random matchup is random, it DOESNT MATTER atm.
(edited by Gaberen.4325)
So I heard you like to post pictures of scores.
I have one too. Now I know making you tick +5 and tiering all of your nicely upgraded stuff down at midday is not as impressive as capping everything in the early morning, but we gave it a good try
I happily present to all of you: [img]http://i.imgur.com/xcjVDiN.jpg[/img]
Wait, what?
Ares Novas and I started off with agreeing on the fact there were to many enemy waypoints. Therefore, the two of us started building golems in FSP borderlands at 12 midnight (GMT+1). About two hours later we had parked 18 golems in spawn ready to melt down hills and garrison. Done that bought a t-shirt. Then it happend to be so that there was to many of FSP on the border to quickly snatch bay and besides that the wall in garrison was already down due to a treb at Cragtop. It actually took is a kitten age to get that treb down. All kinds of things tried tho: AC in front of the wall which I managed to place to far to the cliff so it didn’t reach, sneak spot which was spotted the first time. Then SPGR got a treb up in the camp and I was back on the sneak spot with a smaller group. SPGR managed to kill it and FSP went to.. Well, yeah where did you guys go?Garri wall repaired due to the upgrade and bay was within reach. A scout found out that Bay NE was at 50% (whut?). By the time we reached inner I had a little “O-M-G we’re so lucky moment”, since there was a load of superior AC and some ballista’s I think. If a couple got in a little bit earlier it would have been allot harder.
Everything after that was just free walking. We had an awesome night and I hope you guys had atleast some fun looking at us trying to get down the treb.
Very nice job! Did the gates drop any loot though?
So I heard you like to post pictures of scores.
I have one too. Now I know making you tick +5 and tiering all of your nicely upgraded stuff down at midday is not as impressive as capping everything in the early morning, but we gave it a good try
Must be PvD what you did there!!! :P
And ofcourse Rank and PPT matters, silly people. It still determines your place in ranking and the matchmaking fetch you a match according to that. It determines your servers ability to play WvW (this doesn’t mean who is better at GvG and other kitten like that, this means how well you can manage your PPT and how much people you have to do it).
The ranking system tries to determine good matchups. The random factor makes it so that you get a harder opponent and easier opponent from time to time, this is for getting more accurate Ranking to your server. Ofcourse, the random factor number is a little bit too big atm, but I suppose they will tone it down a lil after servers have found them places in this new system.
Ranking only matters if you make it matter. For me it matters as it gives me good match ups, like this one we are having right now.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Rating/ranking matters very little. It simply determines what bracket of servers you may possibly face in the next matchup. Before the changes to the match making system it did serve a purpose of highlighting the servers with the best coverage/organisation/numbers. It doesn’t really serve that purpose anymore.
Servers, like our own, have shifted slightly to trying to get in matchups where we can experience good fights. That is why we enjoy fighting Aurora, Gandara and Miller’s for example, even though more often than not we don’t win the points race. I still don’t really understand how ranking/rating is still the main focus of wvw for some servers.
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
If you are refering UW with “ranking/rating is still the main focus of wvw for some servers”, you are wrong. Most of our WvW guilds fight for the fights and for having fun. We kinda ditched the match winning attitude down the drain when we saw the effect it had between the guilds and players alike.
Im not saying there isn’t any players in UW that don’t think like that, but as far I know we are mostly playing to have fun.
Also “Your server is losing rating!” is a common way to harrass other server as it kind of reflects the servers skill and if they are losing rating they have gotten weak. Ofcourse this is not accurate statement, but some like to bash with it anyways.
Anyhows, WvW is not only fights, its all kind of stuff. Unity, bashing, PPT, fights, sieging, defending and what not. The list could basically go on for couple rows, but yeah.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Oh Far Shiverpeaks.. What has become of your server..
From what I see, I see a big group of 12 year olds crying that our server, has fun getting Xp during the night. And then retalliates in the morning.
Have you ever wondered why our mornings are so easy to take? I’ll help you a little:
That means its just as pathetic to place screenshots of you recapping whilest we sleep after a long night. We don’t have any American guilds or whatever as rumors go, its our daytime group making overhours. We play till 6 in the morning, then go to bed. And then your group comes online bragging about how good you are with 10 vs 60.
As for scores. Its a shame that I did not screenshot yesterday during the day when you lost Wildcreek, Klovan, Aldon and Stonemist at 2 in the afternoon. That would have shut up the kid a few replys above me.
So I heard you like to post pictures of scores.
I have one too. Now I know making you tick +5 and tiering all of your nicely upgraded stuff down at midday is not as impressive as capping everything in the early morning, but we gave it a good try
I approve of this screenshot …
After-all I am there in the background xD
Everyone turned to a 6 year old? come on people whats this whining about….
its a good matchup and we had some awesome fights both with UW and arborstone.
Last week all FSP could do was PvD cause blacktide and whiteside didnt have the coverage…
and why bother nightcapping? you aint gonna get that many good fights, you gonna miss all the good fights during the day cause you are sleeping, but I understand if u want the wxp and what not just like EVERYONE else…
Relax already and look around…. try to have some fun
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa
I’m having fun
Far Shiverpeaks – representing [eXo] [tbp] [NW]
Oh Far Shiverpeaks.. What has become of your server..
From what I see, I see a big group of 12 year olds crying that our server, has fun getting Xp during the night. And then retalliates in the morning.
Have you ever wondered why our mornings are so easy to take? I’ll help you a little:
That means its just as pathetic to place screenshots of you recapping whilest we sleep after a long night.
Most hypocrite post ever.
PS: I mean you’re saying we retaliate for nightcapping? Ofcourse, so we take all in day and evening when NORMAL and most people are online.
Then I can say u retaliate for the “daycapping” we did..
This post makes no sense..
EDIT: not saying people that have to work ’till night are not normal, you know what I mean :p
(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)
Oh Far Shiverpeaks.. What has become of your server..
From what I see, I see a big group of 12 year olds crying that our server, has fun getting Xp during the night. And then retalliates in the morning.
Have you ever wondered why our mornings are so easy to take? I’ll help you a little:
That means its just as pathetic to place screenshots of you recapping whilest we sleep after a long night.
Most hypocrite post ever.
PS: I mean you’re saying we retaliate for nightcapping? Ofcourse, so we take all in day and evening when NORMAL and most people are online.
Then I can say u retaliate for the “daycapping” we did..This post makes no sense..
That’s the second time we clash Terrorsquad, last time you spammed PvD. I have a feeling that you’re the server troll of FSP and I’ve only seen forum posts. Can’t imagine the ingame cat.
You can say that, but we don’t retalliate for the “daycapping” because there is no such thing. We’re pretty good covered during the day, with exception of this moment right now. You have 10 golems on our borderlands with 50 defenders, and we have 10 people desperatly trying to defend. Wait, let me try this
PvD PvD PvD!!!!
Oh wait, I don’t drop to your level. Grow up. You guys complain like nightcapping is all free Xp, but in all honesty your night crew is also 35~ People. So learn to Arrowcart stuff. I mean I recall that there was a complaint about our arrowcarts. Learn from it and do it yourself.
All I can say is, we nightcap because a lot of our players are above the age of 20, work during the day, relax at the evening/night. So yeah, we might have less coverage during the day. But usually we hold fine and even manage to pressure FSP. Just the incident today of a bunch of angry players that saw their rating is gonna drop more.
Oh Far Shiverpeaks.. What has become of your server..
From what I see, I see a big group of 12 year olds crying that our server, has fun getting Xp during the night. And then retalliates in the morning.
Have you ever wondered why our mornings are so easy to take? I’ll help you a little:
That means its just as pathetic to place screenshots of you recapping whilest we sleep after a long night.
Most hypocrite post ever.
PS: I mean you’re saying we retaliate for nightcapping? Ofcourse, so we take all in day and evening when NORMAL and most people are online.
Then I can say u retaliate for the “daycapping” we did..This post makes no sense..
That’s the second time we clash Terrorsquad, last time you spammed PvD. I have a feeling that you’re the server troll of FSP and I’ve only seen forum posts. Can’t imagine the ingame cat.
You can say that, but we don’t retalliate for the “daycapping” because there is no such thing. We’re pretty good covered during the day, with exception of this moment right now. You have 10 golems on our borderlands with 50 defenders, and we have 10 people desperatly trying to defend. Wait, let me try this
PvD PvD PvD!!!!
Oh wait, I don’t drop to your level. Grow up. You guys complain like nightcapping is all free Xp, but in all honesty your night crew is also 35~ People. So learn to Arrowcart stuff. I mean I recall that there was a complaint about our arrowcarts. Learn from it and do it yourself.
All I can say is, we nightcap because a lot of our players are above the age of 20, work during the day, relax at the evening/night. So yeah, we might have less coverage during the day. But usually we hold fine and even manage to pressure FSP. Just the incident today of a bunch of angry players that saw their rating is gonna drop more.
Frustration much?
Rating/ranking matters very little. It simply determines what bracket of servers you may possibly face in the next matchup. Before the changes to the match making system it did serve a purpose of highlighting the servers with the best coverage/organisation/numbers. It doesn’t really serve that purpose anymore
But it is still nice to see a rating gain when fighting against a stronger server and getting pwned and getting less points but still gaining raiting. It prevents people from stopping to play – you can use it against the people that whine when it is like 150k vs. 100k… and the ones with only 100k are whining at your own server. If you still gain rating then you know you are performing good enough.
Of course good = more players/coverage since it does not show skill… but that’s how WvW is.
Rating/ranking matters very little. It simply determines what bracket of servers you may possibly face in the next matchup. Before the changes to the match making system it did serve a purpose of highlighting the servers with the best coverage/organisation/numbers. It doesn’t really serve that purpose anymore
Of course good = more players/coverage since it does not show skill… but that’s how WvW is.
True but it depends. Big numbers equals win mostly count for pugs vs pugs fights.
(What mostly happens in EB)
I think the most and best fights are still on BL’s, where organized guilds can clearly state their skills. Organized wvw guilds (with TS, Mumble etc) can wipe pugzergs twice or triple their size easily. All three of our servers have those atm and I clearly saw potential skills everywhere.
Yesterday had the biggest and best fights ever (+700 kills) and I got my special Zephyrite Helmet already just from the loot and the few bags I bought from tp..
Kudos to you AS and UW which were on the BL’s.
This thread has gone quite silly now. Just a few things to get across, I personally don’t care about:
1. Points (as long as its not a total disaster i.e 100k difference)
2. Ratings (we have all seen how random this WvW lottery system is)
3. Night capping (gives us something to do in the day and gives us a challenge)
4. Screen shots of night capping on forum (by time some UW log, on most of things are taken back and they would never know that they had a full map unless told or shown etc, after all things like that give rest of server a little moral)
5. If we lose (as long as we tried our best and had good fights/fun/loot and its not a total disaster in points difference)
What I do care about is:
1. Having fun (really am having a great time this week)
2. Good Fights (plenty of this week)
3. Nice bunch of opponents (ones I’ve come across seems nice enough)
4. Running around with the Guild challenging ourselves against bigger groups (plenty of this week)
5. And Loot (plenty of this week)
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
Well, you sure showed us for that nightcapping! So much pressure on our border at the moment. It was sad to lose Hills to those golems while we were upgrading and sieging it up with 2 guys for an hour, but that’s how it goes. It’s certainly not boring here at the moment, and it seems like most of us are still asleep :P
Well, you sure showed us for that nightcapping! So much pressure on our border at the moment. It was sad to lose Hills to those golems while we were upgrading and sieging it up with 2 guys for an hour, but that’s how it goes. It’s certainly not boring here at the moment, and it seems like most of us are still asleep :P
Sleeping == Work + Dinner + Life responsibilities + Other time than GW2 + Actual sleeping
If this returns true, then yeah, most of us are sleeping :P
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Yeah, I did not mean sleeping in the actual sense of the word lol.
hey guys from far shiverpeaks! today you tried to gollem rush our keep in EB (UW) but did not succeed.
i must say the zerg vs zerg fight i had there was the best i had in the whole match up week, you had slightly more numbers (its okay) but we won and you retreated
if you saw an realy annoying mesmer (human) casting berserkers to criple retreating ally’s that was me
to the rest : THIS is the intention of the thread. share positive things.
hey guys from far shiverpeaks! today you tried to gollem rush our keep in EB (UW) but did not succeed.
i must say the zerg vs zerg fight i had there was the best i had in the whole match up week, you had slightly more numbers (its okay) but we won and you retreated
if you saw an realy annoying mesmer (human) casting berserkers to criple retreating ally’s that was me
to the rest : THIS is the intention of the thread. share positive things.
That’s fine and all but just a friendly tip… try not to sound so demeaning… cause now a new flame war shall start.
we have plenty of stories of 12 ppl wiping 20+ etc. but we don’t come here on forums and tell everyone how “superior” we are and blablaba.. but yeah i hope u get the picture
Leader of [DiVa]Dius Vanguard
FSV + Dius = DiVa
hey guys from far shiverpeaks! today you tried to gollem rush our keep in EB (UW) but did not succeed.
i must say the zerg vs zerg fight i had there was the best i had in the whole match up week, you had slightly more numbers (its okay) but we won and you retreated
if you saw an realy annoying mesmer (human) casting berserkers to criple retreating ally’s that was me
to the rest : THIS is the intention of the thread. share positive things.
That’s fine and all but just a friendly tip… try not to sound so demeaning… cause now a new flame war shall start.
we have plenty of stories of 12 ppl wiping 20+ etc. but we don’t come here on forums and tell everyone how “superior” we are and blablaba.. but yeah i hope u get the picture
Whoa whoa whoa, slow down man. He said the fight was fun and most memorable for him in the whole week and you jump and latch on a thing I didn’t even notice after I read it again.
you had slightly more numbers (its okay) but we won and you retreated
That barely is bashing or thinking high of oneself. I suppose the story should have been about you guys winning. Im not quite sure where that hate came from, but don’t release it to this dude who came to compliment both of the sides on the fight…
By the way, that was just harsh from you man, haaaaarsh.
Mouggari – Warrior – Candy cane Avenger
Hi there,
Lots of negativity on here >.< But I’d like to share with you that my guild [Narn] and I, we have been enjoying today. It’s one of our mini-events, Tower Defence.
Give us a challange We don’t like to lose, but we’re gonna give you a decent fight!
Rating has very little meaning currently with the randomness in matches. With the current matchup ranks 14, 18 and 23 in order to maintain a positive increase for FSP would require a blowout since the other two servers are lower in the overall rankings while on the flip side it is easier to get a positive gain for those two. Taking the Gandalf/DL/RoF matchup as an example Gandalf is 100k above 2nd in score with only a positive gain of 7.4, RoF are 139k score below Gandalf with 9.8 positive gain. Add on the fact the a lot of mid tiered servers don’t care about either score/ranking/evolution anymore and only care about the good fights and fun matchups puts any talks on these things somewhat silly. Rankings are mostly a show of coverage and numbers I know for a fact I prefer the lower to mid tiers than back when FSP was ranked 2nd way back when in terms of quality fights.
This week I have played more than I normally do and have to say I have liked this matchup a lot. Props to UW/AS for the good fights.
Guilds – [ID] / [Perv] / [HUGS]
whoa guys ease down! im trying to break the flame war atitude by being positive and giving an compliment
it was an good match thats al i am saying and ofc that i was glad we won in the end
Hi there,
Lots of negativity on here >.< But I’d like to share with you that my guild [Narn] and I, we have been enjoying today. It’s one of our mini-events, Tower Defence.
Give us a challange
We don’t like to lose, but we’re gonna give you a decent fight!
“Decent fights” while i can see 4 guild arrow carts, 2 guild ballista, 1 guild cata and a guild treb in that screenshot alone, that sounds SO FUN.
(edited by Shifty.3412)
Don’t get the night capping discussion either, not that I’m part of it. But the same can be said when it’s a work day and your server outnumbers the other because you have more people without a job. Or somehow magically everyone has vacation at the same time :P
But yeah some folks need too ease down on the game, like how some of FSP went so serious on my dumb whining post about cata’s when I was drunk. But to be honest it was fun reading material especially since I forgot 50% of what happend that night :P
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
FSP back to their disrespectful selves by have 15 or so people dancing and jumping on dead bodies. It’s a shame as I was start to enjoy how much FSP changed.
How to QQ after being beat. Asatria Legend -Daddelgreis - Sixtymac
Hi there,
Lots of negativity on here >.< But I’d like to share with you that my guild [Narn] and I, we have been enjoying today. It’s one of our mini-events, Tower Defence.
Give us a challange
We don’t like to lose, but we’re gonna give you a decent fight!
“Decent fights” while i can see 4 guild arrow carts, 2 guild ballista, 1 guild cata and a guild treb in that screenshot alone, that sounds SO FUN.
My idea of a decent fight, its 15 on 70. We’ll site in the tower with our 2 Guild Trebuchets, 3 Guild Cata’s 4 Guild Balista’s and 11 Guild Arrowcarts.
The challange for you is to take something precious, I mean isnt that fun to take something that someone else wants to hold?
I guess they are angry because of a forum discussion… I have to say it’s funny how many of them are currently at our borderlands just because of that :p
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
I guess they are angry because of a forum discussion… I have to say it’s funny how many of them are currently at our borderlands just because of that :p
Actually yes i thought it would be funny to start a golem rush on your bl this morning, because of the post. So i got some help and it went pretty well.
I guess it would be but sorry I could not witness it since I had to work :p
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
Had some great fights this round, thx both servers for the action so far
FSP Server.
FSP back to their disrespectful selves by have 15 or so people dancing and jumping on dead bodies. It’s a shame as I was start to enjoy how much FSP changed.
Hey calm down, don’t tar everyone with the same brush. I would never jump on any dead bodies, its demoralizing. However, I would make an exception for that pesky thief Flamey (just kidding ) no jumping on bodies from me (I aint no Necrophiliac), so we are not “all” disrespectful.
Big Bad Bunny – Necro – FSP [PunK]
I only jump on thiefs sometimes since the pesky buggers deserve it!
Sakurashi Tank Mesmer – Cutie Pewpie Grenadier Engineer – Neesa Misaki Support Guard:
hey guys from far shiverpeaks! today you tried to gollem rush our keep in EB (UW) but did not succeed.
i must say the zerg vs zerg fight i had there was the best i had in the whole match up week, you had slightly more numbers (its okay) but we won and you retreated
if you saw an realy annoying mesmer (human) casting berserkers to criple retreating ally’s that was me
to the rest : THIS is the intention of the thread. share positive things.
That’s fine and all but just a friendly tip… try not to sound so demeaning… cause now a new flame war shall start.
we have plenty of stories of 12 ppl wiping 20+ etc. but we don’t come here on forums and tell everyone how “superior” we are and blablaba.. but yeah i hope u get the picture
Be brave my young Jedi Forum Warrior Apprentice!
Hi there,
Lots of negativity on here >.< But I’d like to share with you that my guild [Narn] and I, we have been enjoying today. It’s one of our mini-events, Tower Defence.
Give us a challange
We don’t like to lose, but we’re gonna give you a decent fight!
“Decent fights” while i can see 4 guild arrow carts, 2 guild ballista, 1 guild cata and a guild treb in that screenshot alone, that sounds SO FUN.
Guys.. please. If you are defending cragtop then the same amount of siege is there (yes it is, I’ve been busy with it for quite some time). Sometimes you have fun defending and we eat the pain of arrow carts, sometimes we do have the fun of defending and making you eat the AC.
If you really bother so much about the way siege works then I really think you should complain at Anet. I don’t think it will make allot of difference, but doing so here will defenintly not make a difference.
Then about the screenshot I posted earlier. I really do NOT understand the crying about it, sorry. Yes, it was a harsh night to you guys. And if you guys would not be capable of fighting back in anyway, well then I could understand. But, hey! You’re a rank 14 server and we’re rank 18. This does certainly say that you’ll have either more skill or more numbers and you you allready showed that you guys are better during the day. I also think that FSP’s nightcap is not the most brilliant one. Does that mean that we should just stop doing WvW at 24hrs? No, don’t think so. You have allready retaliated on it and maybe still are, still have to log on today. Therefore I’d like to say that is a job well done.
Having that said I just beg everyone of us not to cry to much and just share your experiences. No matter what kind of experiences; having a kitten load of lootbags around you (even if that is a lootbag machine (you don’t want to know how fast I check that roof of garri if we manage to reach lords room garri if its owned by fsp)), taking a heavely bunkered tower or doing a ‘map complete’ against another server.
LD;DR version: WvW is in no way a completly fair game mechanism and crying about it wont get any of us anywhere.
Thank you.
Ymilia – Elementalist
Shade of Underworld – Thief
Great fights against [Kale] [GoT] and [FSV] at our borders tonight. Very impressed by your coverage all day. Very dissappointed about Underworld’s coverage all day too.
Kale guild is one of the most difficult to kill guilds we, as SPGR, have met, so kudos to you.
I don’t really care about all the forum wars.
Generally from last time we met FSP you have improved greatly, I never saw organized guilds except maybe [AoA] I think it was back then(that marathon of 2 months against you guys xD) but now you are full of them. Great Job and wish you well on your next matches
on behalf of all SPGR
Greek Titans
Gunnars Hold
OK so far I’ve seen FS hackers. I’ve seen 2 warriors shadow-stepping in EB and a Thief falling from insane height in UW bl without dying. I hope you get perma-banned.
Website: http://xifix.weebly.com
OK so far I’ve seen FS hackers. I’ve seen 2 warriors shadow-stepping in EB and a Thief falling from insane height in UW bl without dying. I hope you get perma-banned.
I’m sure we are the only server with hackers and exploiters
Good defense of Hills in FSP at 2am.
Charr Guardian
47k kills and counting