Don't create new classes.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


GW’s word is professions, not classes.

Profession, class, tomato, tomahto. It’s all the same thing, doesn’t matter what you call it.

That said, I’m not against new classes. I only hope that they continue to diversify the classes we already have and continually add new things to them alongside the new ones.

Yes, it does matter.
First, because they could one day use ‘class’ to refer to something else, and then it’ll be confusing.
And second, because GW2 is so different to other games that one must keep a different mindset around it. Using GW’s terms instead generic terms used by other games helps with that.

No exceptions!

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Cinder.4865


I guess we must agree to disagree. I don’t think the mindset needs to be taken that far, personally. And if a day comes that they use the word class for another mechanic — which I doubt, given that confusion, as you have pointed out, is likely to occur — I’ll make the change with no issue, as context will provide the necessary information to understand how class is being used

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Please don’t add any new classes / professions. Game is fine just the way it is. We don’t need a third heavy.

No matter how well it’s thought out, adding a new class always unbalances an MMO. There are always far too many of the new class and it all goes wrong.

Trust me, if you think you want a new class, you don’t.

New RACES on the other hand. I’m all for that.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Chamone.6890


Yes, it does matter.
First, because they could one day use ‘class’ to refer to something else, and then it’ll be confusing.
And second, because GW2 is so different to other games that one must keep a different mindset around it. Using GW’s terms instead generic terms used by other games helps with that.


If “one day” ever happens, you would be right. But right now, class = profession.

That crap about “mindset”? Yeah… nah. GW2 is different, but it’s not that different. A class is a class, end of story.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lutharr.1035


Seem to notice all your post in the suggestions forum equal you not wanting anything adding to the game. Have fun playing on empty servers if you get your wish.

Go back to WoW. Most overused brainless arguement 2012-2013

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: NinjaEd.3946


New professions dont imbalance anything unless you make them to be. New professions gata come with new conditions, new skill kit, and most importantly a new playstyle. They already added too many options to some professions in my opinion like giving mesmers dual swords and elementalists daggers. I understand giving players options to playstyle but things like that limit the room for new professions which usually adds new content. Not to mention its something new to explore or something new to learn for those who are finding ways to counter them.

“I’m waiting for the staff to get off their lunch
break. I feel like they should be back by now..”

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


Are you serious?

Dervish is medium armor.
Dervish uses Wind, Cold, Earth and Holy.
As for Conditions, it focuses on Burning (holy), Bleeding (earth), Blindness (earth), Chill (cold) and Crippling (earth).
As for Boons, it focuses on Swiftness (wind), Fury (wind/holy), regeneration (earth) and perhaps Quickness (wind/holy).

It uses special self-benefits that were Enchantments in GW1, but would be something else in GW2 – I’d call them Shrouds.
It uses a unique mechanic with certain attacks, consuming those Enchantments (Shrouds) to produce extra effects with the attacks.

Guardian is a good way to introduce Paragon gameplay (Echoes, Chants, 1-handed Spears, Land 2-handed Spears).
Thief is a good way to introduce Assassin gameplay (lead->offhand->dual strike combos)

Ritualist, Monk and Dervish cannot be introduced simply by adding skills to an existing profession, otherwise their concepts will be butchered

Here’s a thread where I suggest changes to the game:

(edited by Nurvus.2891)

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheVindelator.8239


We need new weapon skills more than we need new classes for sure.

I wouldn’t mind new classes though. The whole “no trinity” thing means adding new classes won’t screw things up like it does in other games.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Right, because there aren’t three clear-as-day classes that completely dominate SPvP right now… I’m sorry but if you think that ANet has created some kind of perfect closed system, you’re delusional. They’ve said that PvP is far from perfect themselves, and they know just a little more about game design than you do.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nox Aeterna.2965

Nox Aeterna.2965

It IS GOING to happen OP.

Sorry to break it up to you. It is actually in beta right now.

Im still amazed people did not at the very start of the game thought something was off … 2 heavy/3 medium/3 light … math ugh.

It will break balance? The balance is far … far from perfect right now anyway.

Still they will also add new weapons im sure , just like any MMO adds new skills.

Gear Grind: Confirmed – Searching New MMO: Found – Changing MMO: Waiting Launch

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nekroseth.5186


I understand what you try to say but TOTALLY DONT AGREE.
i am alredy struggling to play the game because o terrible way of class design.

New classes give the devs a chance to start from base and build up a new thing, with new mechanics, to create a decent class learning from old mistakes.

Besides you think all players are happy with current classes? What if i want a Druid, and i dont like the current gs weapons skills for ranger? Then i should do the same as right now? Wait for a class that has the right skill setup for me?
Or roll a class purely based on 1-2 weapons skill set and ignore the rest o the class because i hate it?

Seriously the game has so extremely static classes, it would need atleast 10 more classes, or a totally remake of current ones, so they can equal to the classes they could, should be able to fill out.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Adine.2184


The only possible issue that would hold back new classes is lore that would make them available to all races I cant really see this as too big an issue though.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Toncora.3247


I agree for diffrent reasons, it adds another character to level spend money on and splits up content between players instead new weapons utility skills and armor themes would help make a necromancer a ritualist, a guardian a paragon, a ranger a druid etc while allowing players to combine these themes into any number of other things.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: DavidGX.1723


New classes please, Arenanet.

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: Strzalka.9451


This is a Suggestion sub-forum, not a speculation sub-forum. Go away please.

Diabel Zwierze/Ranger
80’s – Necro/War/Ele/Guard

Don't create new classes.

in Suggestions

Posted by: castlemanic.3198


Are you serious?

Dervish is medium armor.
Dervish uses Wind, Cold, Earth and Holy.
As for Conditions, it focuses on Burning (holy), Bleeding (earth), Blindness (earth), Chill (cold) and Crippling (earth).
As for Boons, it focuses on Swiftness (wind), Fury (wind/holy), regeneration (earth) and perhaps Quickness (wind/holy).

It uses special self-benefits that were Enchantments in GW1, but would be something else in GW2 – I’d call them Shrouds.
It uses a unique mechanic with certain attacks, consuming those Enchantments (Shrouds) to produce extra effects with the attacks.

Guardian is a good way to introduce Paragon gameplay (Echoes, Chants, 1-handed Spears, Land 2-handed Spears).
Thief is a good way to introduce Assassin gameplay (lead->offhand->dual strike combos)

Ritualist, Monk and Dervish cannot be introduced simply by adding skills to an existing profession, otherwise their concepts will be butchered

Here’s a thread where I suggest changes to the game:

I am being absolutely serious.

The concept of ritualists, monks, dervish and paragons have already been butchered.

No healers in the game, that automatically cuts out monk.

Arena Net have already stated multiple times that the ritualist was intended to create an engineer like profession, and now tat they have the chance, they went with the engineer profession. Besides, spirits doing a specific action: already given to mesmer phantasms. Spirits providing passive buffs have already gone to the ranger. General spirits following you around have been given to the necromancer via minions. The ritualist was butchered and then distributed among the classes, so any hope of a ritualist in game is over already.

The dervish are specific to the human race, since their most famous abilities are turning into avatars of the human gods. But even if we were to remove that connotation, there is already a holy fighter archetype thats filled with the guardian. The dervish would have to be unique enough to be separated into a different category, meaning that the entire base of the dervish class is gone already. Giving guardians self boon removing skills for added effects on a scythe is about the closest we’ll get to a dervish in GW2. You may not be satisfied, but Arena Net have clearly stated through production that the guardian takes aspects from ritualists, dervish and monks, meaning those classes won’t make it into the game. I havent bothered mentioning paragons because you’ve already agreed that guardians present a good opportunity for paragons in game, besides the fact that guardians are spiritual descendants of paragons.

Also, im taking a look at your post, ill comment there to avoid bringing this off topic.