Game Improvement - Suggestions

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Diba.4682


Increasing difficulty: -Focus on the Fractals

I know many want the game more challenging, and I agree. Some of the greater downfall of other games is that they make the game easy enough for any and everyone to play. When everyone can do it, then there really is no skill required. So as I progress in the fractals, I want to reach a level where I can say “only good skills can bring me here.” However, there are a few things I really dislike about the increase in difficulty through more health and more damage with mobs.

As the mobs hit harder, the outcome is that players get single-shot-killed. Dodging is designed to not dodge every hit, but to be used for strategic purposes. Certainly there are other ways to avoid damage, but those are for strategic use also. So what can we do to survive with these limits and high vulnerability to attacks?

Answer: Range. Many benefits in the game have been given to anyone who ranges. Consider attacking a ranged-mob, just strafe left and right and you can avoid many of their attacks. Consider a melee-mob, snare and run away while continuing damage. Also consider that while range, you have a few more seconds of reaction time to avoid getting hit (ie. agony from bosses). Can players do the same while in melee? No. That makes a severe disadvantage to melee, because there are no benefits to being melee. The range-to-melee is imbalanced. Now everyone stays ranged because it is too hard to melee. I am a bit stubborn, so I will continue melee regardless of being called a “noob” but I know my limits and from time to time I need to range.

I know this may be a hard thing to adjust, and that my suggestion really is a not good one, but consider that in melee (at least with swords) a lot of the survival is based on parry. Right now, I feel like I am mindlessly swinging a sword while the other guy is mindlessly swinging his, the difference? His hits way harder. (why? is it sharper? better metal? no, just because he is a boss). Why do I always have to move for his hits and he does not care that I am hitting him? He is too full of himself. If there is a way to increase survival for melee that would be much appreciated since I will be able to actually fight according to the role I chose.

(edited by Diba.4682)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: rokh.1986


change the charging movement looking.
bull charge to feel more like a bull charging instead of air dashing (same for shield bash and others alike skills)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blinka.9078


- mini-pets should not go to collectibles with “deposit all collectibles” option.
- make traits more powerfull (when fighting against a profession, all of them feels equal, traits dont specialise you enough)
- my friend should be capable of playing with me easily in sPvP or events with join in function (christmas halloween)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: vex.3482


don’t know has anyone posted…
I would like to see some guild rankings for servers
i.e. something similar like it was in GW1


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Puddles.6385


  • Please stop auto moving my characters on the character select screen. at least leave them where we first created them or let us order them ourselves alphabetically or something.

I definitely agree with this. Also, DAE think it would be nice if the character select screen could show at least 8 characters without scrolling? With 8 professions, I can’t be the only one who bought enough slots to have one of each, and it would be nice to see them all. There’s certainly plenty of screen real estate to add one more. (currently, only 7 characters are displayed without scrolling to the right)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Blinka.9078


Im bringing this up because i seem to spending to much on traveling. Here’s some examples why i believe its too exspensive to travel.

-I go to SPvP or WvW for a while, ending up in Lions Arch when done, and have to spend a little over 3s to get back to cursed shore or another high lvl place.

-I do my personal story and it tells me to talk with somebody in Fort Trinity, which cost about 1-2s then i have to travel to a new place where the story is. So im ending up speding the reward i just got from the story quest.

-Im trying to find more members to do a dungeon, i gotta travel to a high lvl location so i can search for players via the “map” chat. Thats 6s, (back and forth) and the dungeon might fail ending up costing much in repairs as well, with no end reward.

A high lvl event almost gives 2s. Maybe events should just give more and travel stay as it is?

What do you think? Is it fair enough prices?

I agree with you, I wished that very far waypoints were cheaper than close ones. (Just the opposite has it is right now). The very close to you should be like 3 silver ye to make you go around and not just teleport.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Negrul.5423


Add a proper Dungeon Finder. I refuse to believe that there’s only 2-3 persons interested in Arah explorable in this game…

Proper Dungeon Finder is needed.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Negrul, it’s serverbased… Maybe they should add an option to let players from varying servers play a dungeon together, so it’s easier to find a group?

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: scarface.1294


I think ANET should bring back the weekened events like double xp weekend or double dye drop weekends or drop black lion keeys for 1 weekend. that made the game very enjoyable and gave even more of a reason to keep farming and playing and having fun i would love to see this make a come back in GW2

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kake.4803


Having played MMOs for over six years I would like to say to the games artistic team what a fantastic job they have done on creating some breathtaking areas and amazing art work on entry screen to dungeons and stories.

On the current issue of rez rushing, whilst I understand the argument for not allowing rez rushing may I add this. Please make it worthwhile in the effort it takes to get some bosses down by upgrading drops. Its tremendously frustrating to work out strategies and ways in which differently made up class teams can work to bring a boss down and then be rewarded with 3 Blues !!!

One of the things that destroyed WOW was the relative ease in which it was for any player good or bad to get good gear. Guild Wars is the complete opposite end of this and I feel would be more rewarding for better drops from bosses.

All said though a great game to participate in and having been an aggro Aion player for two years this game is a breath of fresh air.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: notebene.3190


So you killed the ‘one’ nice looking underwater mask (Light Orsippus Aquabreather) in today’s patch, by changing the art on it from a nice circlet (which it has been forever) to a 1st level mask.

While I’d love for that to just be corrected, now might be a good time to just suggest giving us the ability to ‘hide’ the underwater mask as we hide our head gear.


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sumyjkl.7805


Achievement system that discourages chores.

Well, it’s just been changed once, but I still want to add this.

If you have any kind of reward for doing something, you play the game differently, even if that is not what you would normally want to do. The achievement system at present does just this, and instead of playing the game the way you see the most enjoyment, you play the way you progress the most – getting niche achievements.

I think the way of getting the daily achievements should be altered to make it so it slowly adds points to the parts of it you haven’t done by you doing the parts you already have.

If I’ve already killed enough enemies for example, and I keep killing enemies, every time I complete that another time (60, 120, 180 etc kills), it adds some points to the other ones, like kill variety or events.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: TBear.6941


Hi, I know this post isn’t directly related to the game so apolgies in advance if it’s not. But I would love to see a GW2 Theme for Winows 8/7 because lots of other games do have one and I feel that Guild Wars 2 should be included as well as the fact that I would love it!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jellabean.5084


I would ask that an option to turn things in the UI On/Off such as the new tracker and the personal story tracker. It takes up my screen blocking my view of things. and minimizing it is not good enough because I can click it open it by accident as I have in the past. I would also like to have my rangers pet stay put away until I call it out and not every time I take damage.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Patu.9827


Really please fix this.

An option to disable right click targeting.

Vaka Patu – Warrior – [TLA]

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoShamBo.2618


Really please fix this.

An option to disable right click targeting.


This needed fixing 5 months ago…

Forever posting in legendary threads!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kal Spiro.9745

Kal Spiro.9745

Ok, so I don’t know how I missed this thread when I first posted my ideas, but since this appears to be the actual place for it, here goes.

Alright, so I’ve had many ideas but the same few keep coming to mind and I’d like to put them down for your interest, criticism and approval.

First, Ease of Use, and this is a biggy, one that I’m sure comes up all the time, but for that same reason it tops my list. The ability to preview from the Black Lion Trading Company. Included in this would be the ability to paste an item from BLTC to the chat window to potentially discuss the item with friends and guildies. I’m at a point in the game where the stats of an item are not a particular concern to me, what I’m interested in is what the item actually looks like when equiped. I’m not interest in spending several gold, or worse the ever growing prices on some of the dyes without knowing perfectly that I’m about to get an item I actually want to use.

Second, Character Customization, this is actually something that I came up with as an off shoot of what will be my third suggestion. A slot in the hero panes character sheet for a mini pet. You can only have one minipet active at a time, but in order to have that mini pet active it has to be wasting a slot in your inventory and whenever you zone you have to reactivate it. Concidering that minipets serve no tactical purpose, why not allow us to slot them? Then they don’t waste a space in our inventory and whenever we zone they would automatically be activated again, so we would never forget that we’re showing something off.

Third, Mechanics, I originally came up with this one as a quick way to reactivate a minipet. It then expanded and then I came up with the obviouslly better solution for minipets that I just described. I would like, what I will call, a utility belt. There are a remarkably large number of consumables in the game, from items we can buy from vendors, to foods we can make, to boosters we can acquire, and probably more. Just like F1-F4 are used for class specific features I would like to make use of F5-F8 for belt items. Basically inventory items that would be linked to one of the four slots, possibly done like skills are slotted in 6-0, so it could only be done while not in combat. The item would remain in the inventory but would become accessible on the fly ingame, rather than having to open the inventory, blocking the screen, and using the item then closing the inventory and returning to the action. I have any number of items that I would love to use in combat that I don’t even think about until after I don’t even need them anymore because out of sight out of mind.

Tarnished Coast Kal Spiro – Ranger (80), LB/S-D, Eagle/Wolf, Signet, M/S/WS #SABorRiot

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: CMEPTb.8091


Would be nice to have a “save” check-box for Guesting at the log-in page — that will automatically guest you on the last server you visited; instead of scrolling down that list of servers each time. Less clicking ftw :p

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dndkungenavo.6042


Why not make mount and flying mount also effect alot more people to play this game like rep higher then a sky.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: davidlicious.5093



Like in GW1, each profession had specific armor that made it easy to tell what profession everyone was just by looking at them.

The only armor categories in GW2 are light, medium, and heavy… lumping mesmer, necromancer & elementalist in light; ranger, engineer, &thief in medium; and guardian & warrior in heavy.

The problem with this is that you have to click on a character to see what profession they are and sometimes that is difficult with everyone running around.

Also I think there could be some amazing armor sets specific to each profession.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Yamato Shinobi.4378

Yamato Shinobi.4378

[MY TOP 10] (in no particular order)

1. [TRADE POST ITEMS PREVIEW] Ability to preview armor/weapons on the trading post before buying.

2. [TRADE POST FILTER BY CLASS] Ability to filter searches on the trading post based on only what your character can use, or the class you specify.(regardless of level if not specified in the filter)

3. [CAMERA 1st PERSON VIEW] Enable 1st Person View Camera (you had it in the dev build last summer and mentioned on Reddit that it would be in game)

4. [GRAPHICS PARTICLE EFFECTS SLIDER] Provide particle adjuster slider in the OPTIONS to allow us to adjust the particle effects being shown of; Our Own Effects, Enemy Effects, Other Player’s Effects, World Effects.

5. [64bit CLIENT] Provide 64bit client to allow machines with a lot of RAM to have the game utilize more RAM to pre-load more assets as to improve game performance. I have 8gb, the game only uses about 2gb and I have about 4gb sitting there doing nothing.


6a. [PET STOW KEYBIND] Allow ability to bind to a key the command to STOW a pet.
6b. [PET GUARD/AVOID COMBAT KEYBIND] Allow ability to bind to a key the command that toggles having one’s pet either guard(enter into combat) or avoid combat.
6c. [PET NAME RETENTION FOR ALL PETS] Allow players to name each one of their pets and the game retain the names.

7. [UI CHAT WINDOW] 1. Allow ability to remove tabs and anchor to other parts of the screen (in effect multiple chat windows). 2. Allow ability to specify custom color choices for different text. i.e. I want yellow for whispers and white or guild messages.

8. [JAPANESE TEXT ENTRY IN CHAT] Currently when using the computer’s IME and attempting to type Japanese, the game only shows the KANJI and does not show the Hiragana & Katakana scripts of the language. Having only KANJI may help Chinese speakers, but without Hiragana & Katakana script showing in your chat, it’s useless for Japanese speakers.

9. [OPTIONS TO HIGHLIGHT TARGETING SYSTEM] Please allow us to choose some other option to indicate an NPC or MOB is targeted. The ‘highlight’ targeting of this game (i.e. the NPC glows green in color around the edges) to be replaced with a few other options.

10. [DUELING MECHANIC] Allow two players who ‘consent’ to battle it out Mano-Mano in the world. Except Places like home cities.

A good amount of the above have existed in other MMO games for some time now.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: AlienGrin.4603


i think it would be great if the launcher showed you the size of the update you are downloading, it would be really handy as I never know how big its going to be, if you add this it would be amazing thanks.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoShamBo.2618


I think it’s well past time that the right mouse button targeting/activation debacle was acknowledged by the dev team and some sort of schedule for a fix be given here in the forums for us long suffering players.

See the thread linked below for full details of what I’m getting at. Chances are that if you are experiencing weird targeting behaviour e.g. losing your target and targeting allies, harvesting a node in the middle of a fight, shooting something you did not want to whilst simply running from A to B and you don’t know what the cause is then this thread will explain it for you.

Forever posting in legendary threads!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Devilnero.6245


I really like the most of the ideas in the first review!
Especially the one with the MOUNTS I would really like to see mounts in game.

*Add guild halls, it will be great for big guilds like mine

*Add Guild versus Guild. It will be great to fight your enemies (Open world may be)

*Bigger dungeons as it’s mentioned before

*Guild events or guild dungeons as well

*Add fishing. It is going to be great entertainment for me. You can also compete with the other players

*Also mounts will develop TP’s economy

*More RAIDS at max level with strategy to thimk of, not only cleaning rooms

*Adding Duels will make the game more liked from all the players

This is generally. I would like to see some of the ideas in game (not only mine, but most of the given before me) I really love the game, but I think it will become awesome if you add some of the ideas given here))

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Juyoon.7984


I think a lot of people need “Change name tool” , after ArenaNet put “Total Makeover Kit”.
Why? because some people used some spesific name for character.
For example : Someone use “Lysa Dumbledore” for that player character.
Then the player want to change the gender using “Total Makeover Kit”, but the player won’t change to male because of the name of that character.

I hope ArenaNet can fulfil this request.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

1) Customization: I don´t care about ugly UI. I can take it as it is, press Num0, hide it all and just run around the world. I´d love customization GW had – heroes.
- you could customize many heroes, upgrade them, use different weapons for their class, armour
- they added extreme depth to the game with their personal stories
OK, they were / will be heroes so can we have them for personal stories at least? They will live in GW2 their own lives, fight mobs, pursue their own goals while players can meet them in persistent world.
Hero called Jonah will fight the charrs. You will meet him during one of the personal quests. Customize option reveal for your instance. After quest is done and personal instance is left, Jonah comes back to his script routine. Wondering the Charr lands and killing them one by one, gathering resources, hunting animals, living in his tent hidden at the top of the mountain f. e., having his own events like preparation for charr hunt, spying the charr camp, whatever.
The orr is now filled up with bots. Oh, I´m sorry, “people”. They are drones running from point to point, fighting mobs and farming chests and loot while typing into chat.
I feel lonely in this game. Yeah, we have guild, there is friend list with some account names in it but still. Heroes in GW made that game more sociable than GW2 is for me. I could woke up at 3am, prepare them in 2mins and go to dungeon. Try this in GW2… try anything to do out of main hours -> lonely world. That´s why I adore GW and just like GW2.

2) Auction: preview of items, more options to search (what stats I´m looking for or upgrades on weapons, armour, etc.), buy more items at once with just check/uncheck->buy, maybe bidding system for limited time like 7days max and normal posts (sell) unlimited as it is now.

3) follow command. absolutely basic mechanism is missing. Game wants us to be active, OK, but why I have to be 100% of time when we run from POI to POI sticked to my keyboard just to hold W as run if in the group with friend or whoever? Player is not getting any reward from events, hearts, kills, etc. if he is inactive so why not to allow follow command? Events can´t be leeched this way. Sometimes you are in party and your game pocket is empty or you don´t want to use waypoints so 3-4 people have to hold W. No bio break for the rest, no refreshment, nothing. Everyone has to nailed to keyboard just to run from A to B.

4) crafting. Um, redesign it completely? :-D Discovering recipes is the only fun element. Otherwise you just stand there with open tab and clicking the mouse. Not even craft animations :-/

5) UI again. Did you open more than 2 tabs at once in GW2? Nope? Try it. Minimize, maximize the tab would be really helpful or at least option of transparency.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Draaq Cz.9642

Draaq Cz.9642

6) Hidden content in the game. I made my first ranger (yeah I have more) and went exploring the world. It wasn´t bothering me as low level that my toon is pulling arrows from thin air. I was joking about this as I have magical ranger with Gandalvish relatives. When I hit lvl 80 it was very annoying so I searched for quivers. Vendors don´t have it. Auction, nope, water again. Asked players in WvW (highest density of players on one place), nothing. Then I suddenly got accross one player who put quiver in chat. It was December 2012 I think. I typed my question about where did he get that quiver and no answer. So I went to google. Browsed many pages, read many articles and then I started to grind and farm materials. Used mystic forge and got my quiver. The point is there is absolutely no sign in the game how to obtain or craft this item. You need to use google for this game…

7) Currencies. Well, laurels. Another currency added into this game? Seriously? People are laughing at Underworlds server community that they are just CoF runners. I´m not laughing at all because they are practical. You can´t deposit dungeon tokens and they consume bank space like tsunami wooden cottages on the shores of ocean :-P

8) Hearts. Um, any chance we can re-do hearts with the same character? Events are not enough and some hearts were even more fun than whole event system.

9) Dragons. OK, so I took the time, found the timer on the internet because otherwise I wouldn´t know when they spawn at all and got loot. Junk, greens, 1 blue item. Seriously? :-D Dragons chest and this kind of loot :-D Make them harder, fight longer, more stages, more dead players, less spawns (1 spawn in month) but make the loot worthy of dragons. Even low level harpy from human starter zone dropped me rare item and dragons give greens and blues? Even the nail from dragon claw should be more valuable than any exotic item…

10) Map – events visual. Have you ever been in Orr area? As soon as you enter the chat is filled up with: “grets up” or “plinxs ready”. After 15min it´s getting annoying as hell and I want to block all of those shouters in chat. Can you make events visible in the map? You are in the map, you can see every events and their stages no matter if they are on the other side of the map or near the place you are standing.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jade.7614


Good suggestions, quoted some things that have been bothering me as well:

Preview gear and weapons on the trading post.

Helper NPCs in storyline quests should be more useful.

Waypoint costs need readjusting. A reduced cost for completing a zone you can travel to would be nice.

Option to see own name and HP bar

Also, add first person mode, please!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jade.7614


I agree with all of the above, plus would like
- a in game LFG mechanism
-more dungeon waypoints
-as many have said previously, a way to be able to adjust loot so that all involved in the fights get it even if they die, or just put the rez rushing back in, that was even better.
-more bank space/bag space
-like the teamwork and personalized loot i.e not fighting for same loot/resources (gathering too) kudos for that!!
-except for the removal of rez rushing- don’t like it, not able to get back to the fight to help. Most of the time the surviving party members are having a hard enough time just surviving and don’t have time to rez you. Especially considering if you try to rez someone, the boss seems to focus on you.‘’
-why did you make ninja changes to the boss fights on the end of January patching?
- be able to mail things to your other toons because a bank is not always handy.
- MOUNTS PLEASE- you can even make them available for purchase only idc, but we need them
- speed buff for ALL classes I know for sure engies don’t have one, or at least mine doesn’t

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jade.7614


Also, don’t like the changes to daily quests- I have yet to complete even 1 full set of dailies now. Put the dailies back the way they were or give people the option to have the old way if they want it.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Jade.7614


8) Hearts. Um, any chance we can re-do hearts with the same character? Events are not enough and some hearts were even more fun than whole event system.

9) Dragons. OK, so I took the time, found the timer on the internet because otherwise I wouldn´t know when they spawn at all and got loot. Junk, greens, 1 blue item. Seriously? :-D Dragons chest and this kind of loot :-D make the loot worthy of dragons. Even low level harpy from human starter zone dropped me rare item and dragons give greens and blues? Even the nail from dragon claw should be more valuable than any exotic item…

10) Map – events visual. Have you ever been in Orr area? As soon as you enter the chat is filled up with: “grets up” or “plinxs ready”. After 15min it´s getting annoying as hell and I want to block all of those shouters in chat. Can you make events visible in the map? You are in the map, you can see every events and their stages no matter if they are on the other side of the map or near the place you are standing. [/quote]

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Jade.7614


agree with above plus:
-can we see what level people’s toons are? especially in the guild roster?
- agree with make capital city chat global
-definitely agree with making events on our maps more visible no matter how far we are from it.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Jade.7614


crafting is currently annoying- I am in Hoelbrak crafting. Have to run back and forth bank, trading post crafting station is on another level by the way. Can’t we just craft where we are? This is annoying and time consuming. But Mounts would help.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Bad Skulls Rod.3746

Bad Skulls Rod.3746

I would like to see seige Equip. made account bound instead of soulbound.If you have seige on say 5 charactors it takes up 25 slots in your main bank just to store it.would be nice to put other things in those 20 slots

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: OGDeadHead.8326


Something that’s been suggested before, but here goes:

*Allow a separate builds in wvw/pve in the same way that’s possible when going to pvp. There’s a big difference playing vs mindless mobs in pve compared to real people in wvw. Having to respec (and pay money) each and every time going to wvw is very annoying.

Win10 pro | Xeon 5650 @ 4 GHz | R9 280x toxic | 24 Gig Ram | Process Lasso user

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Spike rr.7125

Spike rr.7125

I was just spit-balling with my buddies and we came up with a couple ideas to bring to the game that would be pretty interesting. I think everyone knows that there will be new classes to come with the new expansions, but i was thinking new weapons to go with the new classes would be pretty sweet. A scythe with my thief sounds awesome. I would really love to see the dervish come back aswell

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Jamez.2643


Improvements I’d like to see are small but would be extremely helpful.

1. Food Button
Adding a button to the right of the health globe above the heal skill for your food. I’m sure I’m not alone in saying that I keep forgetting to use food when I’m in battle and that having to go into you backpack when fighting and find your food is really annoying.

2. The Trading Post.
Ability to preview armor/weapons on the Trading Post before buying.
Add the ability to filter armor searches on the Trading Post based on only what your character can use i.e: armor type Light, Medium, Heavy or for the class you specify.(regardless of level if not specified in the filter)

I think instead of having the Trading Post across all the servers it should be link with the WvW servers that are competing at that time.

Example. I play on Dragonband and we are competing against Fort Aspenwood & Maguuma so when you use the Trading Post it would only have items from those 3 servers.

Also it would help players to make gold on the Trading Post as well. For instance I almost have my Jewelcrafting to max and I’m having a really hard time making gold.

The [Beryl Mithril Ring] sells for 3 Sliver 15 Copper to make it however you need:

x1 Brilliant Beryl Jewel—(2 Sliver 11 Copper)
x1 Mithril Band————(2 Sliver 70 Copper)
x1 Mithril Setting———(1 Sliver 16 Copper)
Listing Fee:—————————(25 Copper)
Total Cost to make it is:—(6 Sliver 22 Copper)
Total profit:——————(-3 Sliver 7 Copper)
So you’re only making half your expenses back if that.

If this change to the Trading Post is not possible then can you PLEASE put the base sell price up on higher level gear?

(edited by Jamez.2643)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: dmoody.1723


I think that mounts are a great improvement on any game because they allow the player to experience everything in the game without as much monotonous slow paced traveling. However the mount system needs to be strict. Every player should have equal opportunity at a mount, maybe not the coolest, but a mount non the less. Also, mounts shouldn’t have abilities to help in combat, use it for traveling and that’s it. I would hate to see mounts incorporated into normal Pvp because it would take away the player vs player experience. You would now be dealing with a player sprinting past you on a mount while you wait to mount your own. I hate playing tag. Also flying would defeat the purpose of the waypoints system so stay away from them. But over all a mount system that allows me to journey through the world and experience random events and help random players more quickly and readily would be amazing. I don’t want to spend my time looking at loading screens, but I also don’t want to be attack by a person on a mount or chase someone on a mount. Allow me to enjoy the amazing map more easily and I will be satisfied.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: leoswat.6592


Add mounts to GW2 would be so great. Is fun looking for the best looking mount on the game. Add a system to help people join dungeons like wow has lfg system.

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Posted by: Karkas.5837


-More gameplay customization

Which means:

-More skills

Probably the biggest problem, Guild Wars 2 has a lack of skill choice compared to his predecessor.

-Weapon skills customization

Some suggestions :
-Always using #1 skill, so adding some variants to it would be great!
-Adding either weapon skill levels or weapon mastery level
-Adding new weapons
-Adding new underwater weapons

-Make so traits not only affect skill stats, but really customize your favourite skills (Not only skills in general, but precise skills).

Changing the number of foe that it hits, changing his range ,changing his animation, etc.

Other than that, great work! Guild Wars 2 is an amazing game !

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nohjo.5134


I’m fairly sure this has been posted before, but for the RP members among us, it would be really awesome if a real day/night cycle was in place.
Also options like sitting on chairs, more emotes, that sort of thing.

Thanks for listening.

Sam Kaldwin (Revenant)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Maketso.5602


How about the ANET development team takes a look at the engineer forum, and looks at the ‘’Engineer and its Gampeplay – Your feedback’’ for constructive, intelligent comments about the class. Its a shame ANet constantly turns a blind eye to that class.

They even shut some of the respectable threads down. Shame.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ajs.8012


There are 3 things that would bring me back:

No/lower Teleport cost
Lower repair cost
Better tuned dungeons (not so buggy, overly difficult, and time consuming)

If those 3 things happen, Ill actually consider coming back and putting money into the game.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: MatyrGustav.6210


1) allow the enemies fighting leash area to be a bit bigger and only allow enemies to refill health when they have reached their destination. at times im in a middle of a fight and the enemy starts walking away filling up its health.

2) Dynamic Events For Structured PvP.

3) More Structured pvp modes.
-CAPTURE THE FLAG! You shouldnt be able to turn invisible or uses movement skills while holding the flag. the maps should be Dungeons.
-COLLECT! Random items are spread across the map, whoever collects the most wins. if you kill a player holding the item it gets dropped.
-DEFEAT THE LEADER a random player is selected from each team and must be protected. each time a leader is killed a new leader is selected randomly not selecting previous leaders. first team to get to 8 wins. leaders location show on the map.

3) Allow up to 2 people to always party with each other in Free Structured pvp. Everyone always has at least 1 friend that is doing pvp at the same time. i think this is fair and would be ok for balanced.

4)Allow us to Replace an ELITE skill with a regular skill. Engineers wouldnt get another toolbelt skill for doing so.

5)PvP – Better class Balance for pet and clone users. Mesmer/Ranger/Necromancer. too many or too strong.

6)Mounts – running everywhere is a pain, especially in WvW

7)SHOTGUN type gun for THIEF/Warriors/Engineers

8)ALLOW THIEVES TO USE RIFLES. I play a ranged thief and feel limited to ranged weapon selection.

I found this early art. reminded me of a Thief Operative type. please add this weapon.


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shanna.4762


More Black Lion armor and weapon skins.

More/New payment options for gems such as Mobile payments: Boku, MoPay Etc.

More ‘fashionable’ medium armor skins in general for females. The options right now don’t have even close to the gender variation that light does.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: VLNt.9862


Arenanet work more on the weapon skills section please. I’ts a pain for us to be forced to use just 1 weapon, because the rest are not an alternative.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shinee.8901


A total re-design of skills, bars and abilities. The biggest thing that detracted me from the game as a whole is all of the skills being set and linear in use. Many players overlook the fact that the skill bars do not offer many options of game play and style. Most of the weapons/skills are very (VERY) situational at best, and many of the skills found on every single weapon/combo in the game are useless against bosses. This is just plain aggravating and flat out boring. A dynamic game is one that players can customize until their hearts content. MOST of the selectable skills are useless or too situational as well. I think the entire GW1 system of skill selection was alot more fun to manage and use as there were a heck of alot more choices and ways to customize your skills for task at hand.

This game also suffers greatly from the lack of customization that should have been built in from the very start. Where are the skill bars for my xp/food buffs etc? How 3rd world that we have to open our bags and click them.

I also do not like the hard nerf when going to lower level areas. We’ve earned level 80 and the gear, don’t forget that we’ve been there before over and over and over and do not want to struggle through areas because frankly, it is NOT fun. A little over-poweredness is a good thing, and more fun to play than a constant struggle for life, which brings me to the next suggestion:

Struggling for life. I’d rather just die in most cases. Your little mini-game “fight for your life” is dumb. It needs some serious re-design because your not a threat when your dying, but when someone else is standing and beating on that creature and that creature is still trying to kill you while ignoring the arrow that just went into his face, well, that’s stupid. It needs work.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Khan.3910


I know this has been mentioned, but I wanted to throw in my two cents and reiterate:

1. The ability to customize your hotbar by rearranging skills seems like a very basic feature that many think ought to be in the game!

2. On another note, I would like to request another reason to be added for reporting a player via the ingame “Player Conduct Report”: Use of an addon or third party modification.

Recently, I’ve been hearing a lot about a select few addons being used, and the current report reasons don’t really hit the nail on the head.


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: DhZ.8234


One more bump for the ability to Preview item appearances from the Trading Post window. We can already Preview from Vendors, and while I know that NO code change in something as large as a major MMO is “simple” it also shouldn’t be terribly difficult measured relative to some of the other changes that have been/are being made to the game on a monthly or even weekly basis.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Barry Elite.6139

Barry Elite.6139

Just a suggestion are there any plans to increase the current max stack amount for dungeon tokens I think 250 is just not practical at best probably 1,000 or maybe 500 especially since they are going to be a collectible item shortly.