Game Improvement - Suggestions

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Savantx.6931


I would like to agree with and add some suggestions. I am enjoying the game but this is the suggestions forum so obviously I’m going to just list things I would like added or changed so,


-Better LFG system: I made this suggestion a long time ago. It was to do what other games have done. Have a LFG window like we have, and make it server wide. when you type /lfg or activate it through the window you get the option to type in what kind of group you are looking for. “AC/CM/CoF explore”. This is a small addition to what is already there and would make it so much easier to find a group and not force someone to sit around Lions Arch waiting for a group.

-AFK flag: type /afk (message). you get a tag after your name showing people you are afk, if someone whispers to you they get the (message) you typed as an auto reply.

-More Emotes: This makes the game more personal and would help immensely in WvW where emotes are the only legit way to communicate. There are many times when I would like to express myself and find myself typing in an emote I would have typed in while playing EQ2, only to have there be no emote for it.

-Transmuting Named Items: This is a minor one, I think it would be nice if named items did not get a suffix (from sigils/runes) after being transmuted.

-Loot rewards: In high level meta events with chest rewards, it is better to fail the last stage of the event and keep retrying because chest loot is not rewarding. I understand loot is being looked at in dungeons and just want to make sure it gets looked at in event chains as well.

Farming: this goes along with loot above. Some people do not enjoy farming, yet currently it is the only real option to get what you want except for dungeon token loot.

I had the impression that GW2 did not want people to have to farm. Racial armor/weapons, cool looking mystic forge weapons, legendary weapons all require farming. A big part of the game is looks and some of the best looking weapons are the mystic forge and legendary weapons. These weapons take a rediculous amount of farming to get. Either farming for the mats themselves or farming for mats to sell to get the mats you need.

In my opinion, there needs to be more ways to earn loot and/or money. I love to WvW but the income from it is so poor that i’m forced to do things that I dislike, like farming, in order to get cool looking gear. I can’t even salvage the gear I can buy with karma in WvW because the last time I checked it was unsalvagable.

-Let jewelry be salvaged: I spent so many ectos and orichalcum ingots on all this jewelry and not that ascended is comming out we’re all just going to get a few silver back? At least let us have the chance to get 1-3 ectos back from an exotic piece.

-Wield/sheathe styles: Currently all daggers are welded downwards which is a viable wield style. I would like the option to hold it the other way, which is also a viable style. Also, currently with any weapon option besides dagger/dagger, the dagger is sheathed on the opposite hip which would be very hard to draw and wield in the current manor.

On a similar note, pistols are inconsistant in the way they are sheathed. Some hang in one direction on the hip, and some in the opposite. I think there should be an option for the player to pick which way they hang as it just seems awkward to me if you end up with two pistols each hanging a different way upon the hip.

-Lose Magic Find: I really dislike having this stat in any game I play.

-More Types of SPvP games: I played SWToR before this and played Warhammer for a while and about a months worth of WoW. All of these games had battlegrounds and this was my favorite part of all of these games to the point where that is where I spent most of my time. I hardly play SPvP here in GW2. I just made deer status a little bit ago. Just one game style gets boring no matter how many different maps you put it on. I also dislike how it is so separate from normal gameplay. I have people in my guild and in game who I’ve talked to and they mention how they loved PvP battlegrounds in SWToR and that is what they did most of the time too, but they have barely touched it in this game, or haven’t even tried it because it is so separate.

Even if new gametypes are added that renew my interest in SPvP, I feel kind of jilted spending all this time there but not being able to bring anything cool back to my PvX character. I’m not sure exactly what can be done about it now. Maybe awarding tokens based on SPvP rank that can be used to cash in for experience and gold to be used in PvX. This could be done retroactively so people who have already risen to high ranks wouldn’t get the short end.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: xo wayne.6045

xo wayne.6045

- Guild Housing
- Player Home
- Dueling
- Player Trading
- Once a Week Raids
- Player Achievement titles (not sure if this is in already)
- Capture the flag PVP map!!
- Mounts

BOOM! Instant success

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Raksha.9683



Hi all! Its my 1st post here!) sorry for my bad english.
And the reason is – CAMERA in game.
I played almost all the MMO games from last years, starting from wow and finishing with Tera and SW:tor – before GW2, and every game let you make the camera distance far or close, as you wish, and as you need depending on situation.
In GW2 camera is very close to character. Actually first time i started the game at beta weekend , first thing that i didnt liked in the game – is stupidly close camera with no possibility to make the distance further. ok, the game is good and you can enjoy it even with close camera.
But later after 80lvl, i start playing spvp part of game only. And i found that its much harder to control your char becouse of camera! The angle you see dont let you understanding of the whole fight situation, you can see only few closer characters, especially in fights like 4v4 and 5v5, so its REALLY hard to choose your target which is in the middle of battle with all this fires and illusions and stealth etc.

Ok, what happend today – while waiting for my team in pvp, i was going to play dungeon – arah, and on pre last boss – lupicius or smthng like that, the camera goes much higher then in common game. Then my team came, and i just left the dungeon (we cant kill the boss for 3 tryes) , but when i get to the mists, camera was the same far as at the boss!!!! And we was playing like 2-3 free tournaments. I felt like im MUCH better controlling my character then before. You see the tactical situation, you choose targets much easyer, you fight better like this. Just like i felt in pvp fights in other games.
I understand that camers cannot be that far from character, becouse ppl can see other points staying on some positions, and its not very fair for the game concept, but if you can make it like 20-40% further, it can be enough for control, and not do much harm for tacticsl part of the game.

I think that it will help to alot of people playing the game, not only for pvp, but for pve part, and www.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: dogwhisper.6045


alot of great suggestions here. I hope anet take a look at this and majority of it, if not all.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Koru.8574


alright ima say whats on every engineer minds’, there should be an option like the ctrl+left click (which uses skill as soon as recharge) but for gound targeting where it lock on player you are attackin…only works on 1 skill..i believe this can help the gameplay for this class

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: irishmike.3160


simple plz let us make money ingame appropriate to end game sinks items costing 600 gold and not letting us farm because of diminishing returns is a little xtreme for the money we make ingame,i know you want us to spend real cash on gems but really 1000’s of dollars for end game gear again xtreme great game other wise so plz fix it,im struggling with trying to stay with the game

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheJokester.4672


Ok this may be just me but again I stand to state I quit gw2 after first month of play since I got 3 lvl 80 characters and all that is fine and dandy but all these ‘cosmetic’ items floating around because you do nothing more than transmute it after you get it because of horrid stats. This game I would play millions to cancel right now because it is not avaliable for all types of players its here for those who can buy gold and not get caught and not through black lion either. Cultural T3 120 gold get real I spent $500 real life to try to get it when I reached level 80 I got 33 gold roughly when I could have easily made 3 or 4 thousand gold from gold sellers. I gave the game a chance but for gw1 allowing any cosmetic to b easily obtained since it gives NO advantage then gw2 making u spend 8 months to get 1 thing or use your life savings to get it legitly through gem trade. Yeah and you guys said there wouldnt be grind like other MMO’s but let me ask you a question. Have you played your own game lately? I mean without using ur standing to prob just edit gold into your accout inventory or whatever and see how freaking slow it goes? Yeah lets see omg I died my armor is broken i need to repair OMG 12 silver?!?!?!?!?! let me travel here to do this dungeon OMG 4silver EVERY time not just one time then its free. Thank you anet you really showed how much you care. You guys should have just stuck with gw1 the only thing that would make gw1 surpass gw2 in EVERY way is if we could jump freely. Wasted my fortunes in gw1 because it wasn’t clarified until a little bit before launch that the items didnt carry over just unlocked skins o wow like I give a crap about that stuff you had there. Actually looking forward to seeing this game collapse I’d rather play WoW and I have never played it.

(edited by TheJokester.4672)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: irishmike.3160


arena net doesnt care bout us there a company that just want out money they have no souls they require us to spend money to get end game gear

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: irishmike.3160


they say free to play but u cant get end game gear unless u pay so its not free to play

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: rhondygirl.9058


How about toning down the repawns & the CC? Coming out of a waypoint CC’d w/ half your health gone is just ridiculous. And do we really need an undead npc every 2 steps in the lvl 80 areas? Or is following the zerg every single time you log on to play the whole objective? Sometimes I just wanna go off by myself & do my own thing. Oh, & the cost/reward money system in this game is WAY out of balance right now. I mean when it costs me 2s to use a waypoint & 4s more to repair after a DE, of which I just earned 1s 50c for gold lvl participation… that’s just crazy! Yeah, you guys really ought to think about fixing that.

(edited by rhondygirl.9058)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: TheJokester.4672


See arena net you should have just made gw2 a console game no one on the game helps eachother and you have it set so you can ban anyone thats wants their money’s worth of gold because you want $3,000 for t3 cultural armor built the game for the players HA i could pee on the ground and it be worth more to the players than what you’re doing.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Radburn.7569


Mouse Wheel – Make the scroll up/down feature bindable for use with abilities.

Fight for your life – Make fight for your life abilities generic for all professions for balance.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: wads.5730


here’s a suggestion, read the class forums, and post feedback when appropriate.

i really hope someone is watching the mesmer section for feedback closely after this patch.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: BayLife eNvoy.7180

BayLife eNvoy.7180

Hello, Dear Support.
I have an idea and want to share it with you. By walking ingame I saw a big axe I mean double-handed axe jammed in stump. So I started thinking about it and final solution is Greataxe ! By myself I think it should be so cool, there is everything like mace-hammer, sword-greatsword, scepter-staff just only thing I am missing is Greataxe. Maybe some non-underwater lance aaand javelin would be awesome too just like paragons in Guild Wars 1, but It’s all up to you guys I just had an idea so I am happy to share it with you. Thx for your hard work on game and stuff. I love Guild Wars 2. Thx for you answers and See you in Game (Guys post comments what do you think about it more likes more comments bigger chance to make it possible! peace)


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Torguish.4786


What i’d like to mention up first is that i do not mean that these things should be implemented right now or near future. Just WOULD BE COOL to have these things. I would enjoy the game more from my part at least. (Not that i ain’t already).

The game is beatiful a-NET and i’m loving that you are adding new content etc.
Also, all you ‘’aww man, those suggestions suck because i hate them’’ -type people. Don’t bother.

1: Mounts, i’ll list down some reasons why yes. Since because people are paranoid that mounts ruin the game.

-First of all, ‘’We don’t need because waypoints’’ is not a reason not to have mounts.

-People would not skip content. I’m skipping content because they are too far away.

-Faster travel, max 50%.

- ^ It’s like having a buff without buffing all the time :O (Eg in Cities. They use buffs, really? WE DON’T NEED SPEED BUFFS IN CITIES! Right, haters?)

-Traveling would be actually fun.

-Combat dismounts you/slows you down. Mount can be killed or something resulting in a X-minute/second/hours cooldown.

-Way more immersion. I mean we have teleports, magic AND science. But not cars/horses or whatever?

-Will not turn this game into anything else like ’’WoW’’. It would just have mounts.

-Tell me with a straight face that it’s ’’okay’’ for a Charr to run just as fast as an Asura. I’m saying that the Charr don’t need a mounts. They run on all 4 as it is.

-Mounted combat/duels could be added. I know the developers of arenaNET can think of something awesome.

-WvWvW would be faster. I mean, running across the map is just MEH when all you can do is throw up running buffs all the kitten time and thats the only way to go faster.

So far i just haven’t seen any good arguments in WHY there should not be mounts.
Okay now.. that got long. Anyways.

2: Duels:

-Check/Uncheck box for accepting duels whatnot.

-I really want to fight my friends sometimes..

-Always good to have more things to do. Specially when they don’t affect yer GAMEPLAY.

-Can’t think of anything else right now.
3: Inspection

- Check/Unecheck box with multiple choices for all you paranoid people. :P

- By multple choices i mean stuff like: Friends, Guild, All & Off.

- Don’t go pugging. I mean, i’ve never had any problems in any game with crappy gear. (Played pretty much every mmorpg out there.)

- I mean, sometimes i just want to see how an items LOOKS too. Or what item is it.

- Dungeon douchies will bash you for whatever reason. There always will be annoying people. The possibility to inspect will not drastically increase the amount of these ragers or rages you recieve. Really.

4: Cosmetical Off-hand strikes for auto-attack

- This won’t affect your game in any way. If it bothers you whiners: CHECK/UNCHECK BOX. FOR EVERYTHING.

- It looks dumb when you have 2 huge swords and only 1 is moving (Mostly). YES I KNOW THE OFF-HAND ATTACK. Guess what, they have a 5 – 15 CD.

-Pattern; Strike 1 – Main hand / Strike 2 – Off-hand / Strike 3 – Both hands.

- As said before, purely cosmetic.

- Only when you use both of the same range type. So: Melee/Melee & Ranged/Ranged. No Melee/Ranged.

- Does not affect horns or any other non-weapon off-hand for that matter. I mean, i know yer not expecting yer char to smack someone with a horn or a pistol.

- Combat would look cooler. For me at least.

5: Quivers when the bow is equipped

-Purely cosmetic

-Looks cool

-No more arrows from thin air!

I know i had my original opinion already but the moderator told me to join here.

(edited by Torguish.4786)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: jinsei.5178


Someone said:

‘Barber Shop – Either do what u did with GW1 or put in an in-game barber shop where players can mess with hair/facial hair options. If not, a magical guy that allows you to remake your entire characters (without changing race, gender and other permanent characteristics).’

I totally Agree with this. I have been searching the forum like crazy if anyone mentioned something like this!
A scroll, a potion, a npc, whatever it is, it should not be expensive like for example the costumes wich are 500 gems :/ Not everyone has the time to just work their kitten off for money.
If I play a game such as Guild Wars 2 then my Character’s look is VERY important. So a barber option should totally be there! I do not want to play 5 or more years with the same look… It is one of the reasons I quit playing GW1. I was sick of my chara her face and left because there was no make over service at that time and I did not feel like starting all over.

An actual race or Gender and profession changer I would not mind either… (I would understand that a profession changer is a bit weird… going from a light profession to a medium or heavy one would cause trouble with armors and weps… they would be a bit useless and I would myself would rather create a new chara in that case, but I have seen some ppl who would actually still liek to see a profession changer)
I hate starting all over at lvl 1 :/ So using a makeover to go from a Human who has finished story mode and I am bored of… to making her a charr and play the story mode at lvl 80 would be awesome! Not having to start at lvl 1 again… keeping all ur gear and weapons!

I have noticed a few times already that I wanted to change my lvl 80 her face and my other chara her race. However, since you guys decided that some armor and weapons are soulbound, I tried to surpress my urge to delete and remake her the way I wanted her to look… Wich I would have done if SOULBOUND items wasn’t such a problem. I really hate that. I can’t stick them into the bank, remake my character, lvl her to 80… and give her back the armor and weapons. So another suggestion: Less Soulbound crap :/
10 slot halloween bag … CUTE… wait… Souldbound and my chara already had bigger bags… could not give it to my noob chara… bye bye cute but useless bag… x.x aaw

Note to Self: Be Nyappy!

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Roadblock.8295


I think a made a mistake with my first post creating a new thread.
Re-posting in this cumulative one so the other can be locked/removed.

  • Keybinds/Rebinds: Add some more of the default in-game actions to the keybinds configuration options.
    Example: Allow me to re-bind item / ability link to something other than SHIFT.
    I’d like to be able to use SHIFT as an ability modifier (SHIFT+direction = dodge for example) without accidentally spamming chat with skills or getting locked out of movement until I close the chatbox.
    Alternatively make it so you can only link to an already open editbox (after pressing the ‘open chat’ keybind) by default instead of opening one and pasting the link automatically on shift+click. (this is more a problem for me with the utility skills as the 1-5 I keypress and don’t have the issue as often)
    Same for auto-attack toggle, let me re-bind it to something other than CTRL+RightMouse if I so choose.
  • Mouselook: Give me an option to mouse-look, pan the camera just by moving the mouse and pick targets with left or right click.
    Further I’d like to suggest the mouselook toggle be similar to the walk/run toggle.
    I.e. make it so you hit it once to enter mouselook mode and hit it again to exit instead of having to keep a mouselook key pressed.
  • Ability reorder: Give me an option to re-arrange the order of the 5 primary skills per weapon combo after they are fully learned/unlocked.
    Most of the skillsets have some kind of synergy. It would be very helpful if you allowed us to order them accordingly (use skill x first as it buffs skill y then z)
    It would make it much easier to keep muscle memory consistent between different weapon sets and increase both flexibility and fluidity in skill usage (battle the “just auto-attack and dodge” use a little).
    I know I can already re-bind all the skills but that’s not what I’m asking here.
    I’m asking that we are allowed to shuffle the abilities per weapon combo around (after they are fully unlocked ofc) so that we can immerse ourselves better in our “combos”.
    Example: let me put my enemy grapple + stun next to each other for one weapon set, my gap closer/leap/charge attack and stomp next to each other for another weapon set and so on, allow me to make combinations of the set 5 skills that “make sense to me”.
    This is already possible with the utility skills, expand that functionality to the primary 5 slots.
    Re-iterating to avoid any possible confusion:
    I don’t want to be able to mix and match skills from different weaponsets.
    I want the ability to rearrange the 5 skills I have unlocked for my – eg. axe + mace weapon set – so that 5 can change places with 2 and 3 can change places with 4.

Will add some more as I come across things.
Thoroughly enjoying myself sofar but these would improve the feel of the combat system especially quite a bit for me.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gimron.4239


I had this idea the other day about the guild rank system.

I have heard that some guild have around 3000 members (maybe not all in one guild but same guild) and my idea is

  • make the guild rank system like filing folders.
    like “Guild name” is the main “folder”
    then you have Guild leader as the next folder
    and for example under the guild leader you can have 10 commanders (or whatever you want to call them) and in each on of those commanders “folder” you have a number of players of further folders,

and one more thing

  • a reward for doing WvWvW should be made because I already see players loosing their interest for the game because their main thing was WvWvW but you can’t do it alone (at least not very good) and guild members won’t join because you get more stuff from pve.
    I have no idea what the reward should be but it should be something worth fighting for

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


I started to write a long point list of improvements however two stand out as absolutely necessary to either remove altogether or reduce cost.
1. Armor repairs – Ok many from mostly korean mmo’s are used to this. From Gw1 and Arenanet no we’re not. Some say they can make the money up easy. Not so easy for more casual players.
2. Travel costs…It’s a disinsentive to help players in different areas. Many world events I won’t even bother going as l am not covering travel expenses. What’s the point.

Please Arenanet, many of my friends and myself are concerned that Gw2 has/is taking too many game concepts from Korean mmo’s. Don’t go any further down the path of the likes of Aion.

[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


A few Ideas to help make the game better and more $ for you Anet.

Ok now we have a vertical progression can we get a sub fee? I mean after all you wont be able to survive on the
gem shop alone. Unless you put items in the cash shop.

Why not anet – at what $40-50/slot – I dont have time like the no lifers so please put the stuff(gear) in the cash shop as well as
add a sub fee.I have lots of cake and have no issue spending it.

Think of all the Benjis you can make woot woot to the bank and back.

OK need a group finder now – All other MMOs have one You need one now too.

Need a gear check – got to keep those scrubs away from me. I dont want them making me wipe in my new dungeon.

I can has new gear every month like you have been delivering I take it then. Awesome this progression will never stop
and If i miss something I can buy it in the shop right?

I fully expect there to be dueling and arenas very shortly after all every other vertical prog mmo has them.
-maybe add a weapon a little more powerful only available in the cash shop? could be too much but na others do it too so it is fine.

We will need raids to big raids for the guilds that have formed. That will keep them paying a sub fee as well.

can we have a rotation of FOTM classes so that we can keep our sustained sub fee for you as well.

Dont forget to force people to do things they dont like to do like daily PVP and PVE that always make people happy as well.

Guilds – Make some halls for us and dueling places – have to keep those losers in thier place as well. I am a big spender
so I can adorn my temple with all the gaudiness I crave.

You need to add more RNG -this stimulates more grinding and making people continue the sub.
Add MFX2 another reason to go into places ill equipped and increase the difficulty level.
keeps people playing longer and hey always throw that in the gem store as well.

Lets start adding more races to play and new skills to learn – maybe put those in the cash shop as well – more bank ftw.

How about adding farming or something to keep the grinding perpetually going. I mean I can grind all day in the dungeon so I am superior
in WvW and PVE but I still need MOAR. Why not add farming or something. Also give those useless scrubs something to do
since they wont meet the gear check.

We need spectator mode as well. Everyone needs to see my leetness and gear superiority in action.

OMG I forgot Mounts – Think of all the money in MOUNTS WOW DANG -
Go for it and do it right – Zhiathan uber mount $100USD

All in all anet a few more changes and I think your profits will soar
the game will take off like wildfire.

Good night and good luck.
Hope to see you in game

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Lipo.8472


You should add UTC in show time option, not just local and server.

You should add some mark on the map if zone is 100% complete, diferent text color or something like that.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Xanatos Chimera.5029

Xanatos Chimera.5029

Targeting mechanics: the “Next Target” goes to either neutral or hostile target depending on which is closer. Given the pace of the battles I think it would be better to give target priority to hostile targets in range of the character when hitting “nearest target”.

When there are downed players and lootable bodies around, it would be nice if when approaching the downed player, the game would give the revive prompt priority over loot. I’ve had to frequently try to select the player manually among the pile of over-lapping bodies to revive them because all I get is the search body prompt. The body will still be there after I revive the player, and even if it wasn’t the drops are usually mediocre or junk anyway, so it’s not like I lose much by not looting bodies.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Purogatorium.8450


With the release of Ascended gear, I was disappointed to see that none of the ascended items (as of right now, that I can find on any website [gw2db,wiki,etc], that have any healing power stats…other than the rings that have the +all stats. I would like to see some involving healing power…

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Surmaturma.4823


It would really lovely if guild message of the day would be a banner of some kind appearing on log in – it really really would support guild leaderships work – once, daily that banner would be enough with first char representing or something but really, make guild leadership message more clear.

Also in-game event scheduler would be great, no more web hopping just to check out if something has been planned out to happen.

Thank you

“To Rasa Sum – and back again!”

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Siliconmana.3816


COMPILATION OF ALL PREVIOUS TOP IDEAS (updated/sorted/corrected)

  • Preview Armor/Weapon/Dye on the Trading Post – This would save disappointment for those who are buying for cosmetic reasons only to realize they wasted a small fortune on something they dislike the look of.
  • Waypoint/PvP costs need readjusting – You have enough money sinks and +3s per teleport? No, no, no! 1.5s should be the max price. The same thing with the PvP repair costs.
  • Need a Dueling Mechanic – 100% of players want this. There have been over 50 times when I wanted to test my abilities against another player and vice versa.
    Percentages on Health Bars – This will add more strategy to your combat and lets the player see the damage he is doing.
  • View Gear of another player (inspect) – This would make everything more convenient so I don’t have to bug another player about what gear he has.
  • Guild Halls – It’s called GUILD Wars isn’t it? We need a place to hangout with our guildies. It can also have some vendors and an internal courtyard or a central “Ring/Arena” where players can duel while others spectate. Simple. PUT IT IN!
  • More PvP maps/modes/types – Cap the flag, Team Deathmatch, Free for all, 5v5 3v3 sPvP etc.
  • Face to Face trading like GW1 – There have been countless times where face to face trading like GW1 would have been easier, safer and more convenient.
  • Better party group mechanics – How about seeing who is the party leader? Or making someone else leader?
  • Add an LFG channel – This would make dungeon party finding faster and easier.
  • Option to customize own UI – 99% of players would want this.
  • Optimize the camera distance – At the moment the camera’s max distance is a little too close to the character.
  • Make dyes ACCOUNT BOUND – There are so many… … and some are far from cheap… account bound please.
  • Dye weapons – PLEEEAAASSSSE!!! Everyone I have spoken with wants this!!! It sucks having a weapon that looks epic but has unmatching or kitten colour(s).


[KnT][KnM] – Blackgate

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Uzzwick.8457


Allright, so here are my suggestions:

- An option to show the character in PvP armor at the character select screen.
- An in-game web browser. I can see so many different ways this could come in handy.
- A stopwatch. This is also a thing that definately could come in handy.
- Face-to-face trading – why the hell isn’t this in the game already?
- An in-game screen recorder, and an ‘’upload to YouTube’’ button that pops up every time you’ve recorded something. If more people upload GW2 videos to YouTube, then GW2 gets more attention and more people will try it out.

…and some suggestions for PvP:
- Dueling in the heart of the mists – has been said before, will be said again.
- 2v2 and 3v3 tournaments. This is completely necessary if you ever want to make GW2 an e-sport.
- PvP teams with their own rank – before entering a tournament you would get not only a button that says ‘’invite party’‘, but also a button that says ’’invite PvP team’’. There would be separate PvP teams for 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5 games, and after each tournament the team gets Rank Points. If you choose to do the tournament with your PvP team you would be put against other teams of the same rank. PvP teams are also necessary to make GW2 an e-sport.
- Nerf thieves’ burst and instead, buff their poisons/traps.

all is vain

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zorion.7504


Blond as I am I missed this thread and created a topic for itself =P
Any how, I´ll repost it here instead.

1. Please give us the “hero” panel from GW1 to use for our pets.
It would be an awesome addition for players using pets.

2. Let guilds be able to make Squads and take ideas from Warhammer Onlines warband UI.
ie. let a guildmember create a squad, let him be able to invite full groups into his squad “no limit on number of groups in a squad IMO” and keep the group setup promoting the former group leader to an “officer”

The squad leader will be able to call targets for the entire squad and use map ping for the entire squad whilst the “officers” will be able to call targets for its party members and use map ping for its party members.

Let all partymembers see its members as blue dots on the map and squad members as yellow dots on the map.

In this way there is no need to make a new “party” UI but squad members will be able to get a morale boost from seeing alot of yellow dots on the map/radar, and that will greatly increase the use of squads, boost moral and make it easier for a commander to lead.

What do the community think of these ideas?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: taylords.3158


Nobody that i have ever played MMORPG’s with enjoys fighting every step of the way, especially when returning to lower level areas to gather supplies for crafting. The level down feature in your game is nothing more th that an annoyance to the majority of RPG fans and most of us that played GW1. For instancing or grouping for dungeons, it is understandable that you would level down a higher level character to be in line with other group members (similar to what RIFT does with their mentoring program), but for the most part, I can’t imagine that many level 40 players enjoy going to Metrica Province to mine copper, only to get mauled by a group of level 7 mobs which just happens to include a veteran or champion. I have never died so much in any RPG and it becomes nothing better than frustrating through the first 40 levels of your game. Most games at least cut you some slack and cut down on the aggro range of mobs that are 30 levels lower than you are, but since I am now level 8 instead of my actual level 40 that really doesn’t matter.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Rez.8016


Backs need a search filter on Trading Post.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Jayden.3085


One suggestion I would like to see is for a way to adjust the gamma while NOT in full screen mode, but while in windowed mode.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: RanTiannai.1592


All I want(right now), is for every time a new resource item is added, for it to have a slot in the resources section of the bank, instead of taking up inventory/regular bank space unnecessarily. I kinda would like to see it for component steps too.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: eidelmaim.5847


Hey everyone…

So heres what im thinking.. i know that I my self and many other players are “Hoarders”.. we just love gathering and crafting and so on, but i see a BIG problem and only seen it mentioned a few times…. Storage Caps !.. i can not count the number of items i have in my bank that have hit the 250 cap and have to store them in my personal inventory. now im not saying to just go ahead and incr5eas the amout of storage slots we have… Please… FOR GODS SAKE… increase the CAP…. this really is one of the MAIN reasons i am looking forward to quiting GW2 all together and going back to Aion where the item CAP is at 1k !!! Yes i said ONE THOUSAND !!!! and even at that high of a cap i was capping out but we were happy we could actually hold stuff and not kill our inventories !!!!.

Rant is now complete.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: ElemenZ.5486


Before GW2 launched Anet said they won’t rush it:
“We want to make it as good as possible, we will release it when it’s done.”

After GW2 launched:
The suggestion forum, with this post alone, has the most “constructive criticism”, read: whine.

So the game is far from polished

-no face2face trading like GW1, WoW and D3
-can’t even zoom out further or into 1st person view
-no guild halls
-not even basic ui customisation options to rename shortcuts/binds!!!


Best. Game. Ever.
<—- I’m sorry if you can’t feel my sarcasm on that one,
because if I’d use it at full capacity,
it would crash the internet.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Culwenimos.1594


Soulbound items in the bank

When a character puts a soulbound item into storage and you didn’t realise it was soulbound. When you look through your bank later on after a few character switches, and find this it will say “Soulbound to another character”. This is not useful since it does not say who it soulbound to, so you have a choice of checking on each character or destroying it, thus losing it’s value.

a) Do what you did in GW1. “Customised to ‘Other Character Name’” so you know who exactly needs to retrieve it
b) Put a pop-up dialogue (which could be toggled on/off) that notifies the player if they are placing a soulbound item into the bank.
c) Colour-code the square the item is in. (e.g a faint colour that isn’t sharp but is noticeable)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Helltrager.8136


I think a change of name service in the Black Lion Trading Company shop would be an improvement, because sometimes you will create a name out of impulse or need to test a character class and level the character to the point where you regret being so hasty in your decision and don’t want to have to make a new character just for a better name. Besides it’s a common service among most other games.
It’s not an emergency, but it is a suggestion none the less which would also increase Gem sales.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Maverick.6053


I’m an achievements hunter (probably not the only one), and while the categories are just about fine now, I would very much like to have an option to filter achievements by their state: Completed/Partially completed/ Not started. This would make it easier to check progression on titles & whatnot

Maverick Jr – [AURA] – Aurora Glade
No connection to a certain sparring partner. My dad’s name was Pete Mitchell.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Redbear.5910


I miss a option to visit another server. Used to play gw1 with people all over the world. Would love a guest option there. And please do something against the lag. Legendary, please no chance, i rather have to get endless mats then a roulette. Or let the goldsellers dominate the market. Thank you for listening. On that note love the new dungeon, keep em comming

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Orion.7264


Revert Ascended items to exotic stats, while also either removing the “Infusion” mechanic, or making it applicable to every armor/accessory, and less of a month-long grind to acquire, and possessed of no stat increases. Spend some time making the Ascended gear desirable for cosmetic reasons rather than going the lazy way and simply forcing players to acquire it to obtain max stats. Fire whoever came up with statistically superior Ascended gear and the associated horrendous grind to acquire it. Fire anyone who agreed with them. If you find that this leaves you short-handed, hire me to replace them. I will do a far superior job for half their salary. Stick to the original manifesto that drew so many players to this game and made it the success it has been.

Arenanet lies.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Avatar Exico.1806

Avatar Exico.1806

Wintersday idea:
• Snowball fight- A World vs World Style battle, and bases would be Snow Forts etc… Something similar to World Vs World but be more like Huge Snowball fight with Snowball skills.

-Saved Trait System- A Trait System was a lot like build system on Guild Wars 1 where players could save their builds, and players would not have to re train there builds. Get to keep the most awesome builds they made.

-Legendary Weapons Story Chains- Be nice there could be very long chain quests that will result in a Lore Legendary for players could obtain.

-Macros- Be awesome to add a Macro system into game so players could macro items etc. In addition, could just click on macro without opening inventory to click it.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: jkildu.2791


As a guild leader, why is the guild control so horribly designed? You can not limit how much of an item is withdrawn from the bank. You can not keep track of inactive players. I hope this is something that is going to be addressed and in the future fixed. Another thing that annoys the crap outta me is the support for this game is horrindous, just like gw1 you can not get ahold of anybody to save your life. My wife gets hacked they say o sorry you got hacked there isn’t anything we can do for you. BTW thx for buying the game. Some people in my guild got hacked and got their stuff back but I get, we don’t have the software. I call BS on that all day. There are server logs. Toons can be rolled back. You guys have the power to do anything that you want. So what makes it ok for some of the people to get items back but not others?

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: The Bear Prophet.8154

The Bear Prophet.8154

I would love to see:

~A fast, at a glance way to see which zones I’ve completed, and which are missing pieces for map completion. Lots of platforming games have this kind of feature. A summery page or summary when mousing over on the world map would be great!
~The ability to rearrange my characters on the character select screen as I see fit. The order of most recently used is nice, but I’d like them in order of level.
~The ability to store multiple trait specs, and gear sets for them.

You guys rock! Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Szapf.1052


It would be good to have access to some of the game content from a Web browser.

I often find myself in a situation when I have both time and access to internet , but cannot launch GW2 (ie. at work ). It would be great to have access to some of the content from Web browser. This could be:

- Crafting – that would be extremely useful (you could craft items through browser and have more time to actually play when you’re in GW2), but probably a little problematic (however I dream of it ),
- Access to Black Lion Trading Company – at least to browse stuff, not necessarily buying or selling (It could help you plan, what do you want to buy when you launch GW2),
- Access to bank / inventory – to browse your stuff and collectibles and help you plan crafting,
- Access to achievements – to show your friends or check what do you need to do “Monthly”.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: rgrwng.4072


Remove combat speed (speed reduction when attacked)
Add item preview to TP
Add Filter to TP – to see only medium armor, and not 5 pages of stuff i can’t wear/use (diablo 3 style of item search is cool too)
also, when i do a custom search for an item set (say, 50 rare set), after buying item from set, i have to recreate the search to get the other pieces. can’t there just be a back button? maybe saved search feature?

please also let me see open the Xunlai chests at the hall of monument ruins.

(edited by rgrwng.4072)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: cdunning.6815


Armor Swapping

First, thank you for a great game. Enjoying every minute i spend in it, all your hard work is very much appreciated.
I’m wondering if you’ll consider implementing an armor swapping system similar to the weapon system (I’m guessing this idea has already been thrown out there but I thought I’d share as well). I’m thinking this could be done via special “bags” that hold like 3-4 armor sets allowing players to plug-in their pieces for each set. this would make swapping quicker and it would take up less space depending on how many armors the bag would hold. These feature would only be allowed out of combat. I have a few sets I swap between during my sessions and this feature would be awesome. thank you for your consideration.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ngeluz.4860


Love the game! Keep up the good work Arena Net!

Mounts – Customizable Super PLUS!
Account Wide Dyes – To many and too expensive.
Store option to – Change race, sex, physic, hairstyle, etc.
Dungeon Finder – Story Dungeos make them so a player can solo them even if they don’t get a great rearward. (Hard to find Party for these and if you do even harder to enjoy story, rushrush for some players)
More Space for storage
More exotic Weapons fighting styles – Bare hand, Martial Arts or at least SCYTHE!!! I really, really miss my dervish and his morphing avatar, scything butt kicking ways. (

That’s it for me, I’m sure others have said the same or more detail about it.

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Posted by: edthefreeagent.9542


I would like to suggest that you allow more than 10 email messages in the game.

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Posted by: vektor.7058


VERY good Raiding idea

There shouldnt be a problem with this game adding raiding to the game its very easy to achieve just make a custom set of skills that activates when entering a raid that way the game stays the same for everyone who doesnt want to raid and those who do want to raid are happy as well

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: striderragabash.2178


Please make the bank log go back to day 1, it would make things a lot easier to track guildies comings and goings.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

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Posted by: Bubby.6475


increase projectile speed of glue shot on the engineers off hand pistol.

from my exp its only useable for kiting. if its faster it’d be alot easier to immob someone when chasing.

FFWC forum moderators. :)

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: catopia.2715


Why 5?
Change the party limit to 10 so more guild members can play together.
Make dungeons scaleable, say between 3 and 10, this would make it easier to get story line, plus let more guild members take part in dungeons.