Guild System Improvements

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: kateuk.7538


I would definitely like to be notified when guild members log on or log off, I don’t even know someone is there if they log on and don’t say anything. I’d also like to see when they last logged on. The other suggestions are good too.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ayanavi.1904


Ah, one thing I would definitely love to see is a Guild Renaming feature.

I’ve heard a lot of people on /map in Lion’s Arch wondering/wishing for it… And honestly, I sometimes kind of want to do it myself.

Why do we have to disband an entire guild, reinvite all the members, and then cumulatively farm up all the influence to get back all of our upgrades just so our tag or name can be different? This seems silly.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Malik.2639


add more ranks to the rank cap for guilds

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: BioHazard.2147


Wont let me edit anything,
Custom Guild Emblems This feature would allow guilds to upload their own guild emblem. Thus making each guild more custom and allowing for the owner ship of ones OWN guild. The emblem would have to be a set size ( determined by anet), be a set amount of colors each demed “Primary” “Secondary” Ect. so they could be color edited in game, and possibly under go a censor ship threw guild wars to prevent any profanity.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: NAICOM.9072


Really need a Info about “last time online”, i dont like ghost members :/

Also the Guild main screen is.. useless. Every time when i press G, i need to klick on the Roster tab with the mouse, for more info (lvl, profession, crafting).

Just a “open last opened tab” would be fine.

Also the “Account Guilds” should get an own Tab → More Space on the Main → put Main and Roster together → press G → all the Info i need

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sparhawk.9120


There were two other links for Guild Improvements too.

General Guild Functionality
Allow guilds to identify a home server and notify members not on that server of their status.
I like the idea of a guild merchant to help earn funds for the guild or give an option for those selling in the black lion to donate the earnings to the guild. This could help support the guild repair merc idea above.
I don’t like the taxes idea, but an option for players to auto donate earnings would be great. Could be a % or actual amount like 2-4c. Even a donate option would be nice with it going directly to the deepest part of the guild stash.

Guild Roster
This needs some real help to be truly functional.
The information for the member should include. Join date, last login, Last represent, influence earned for the guild.
Only show online if they are on the map or have the location show as logging in.
First time guild members should be auto-represent their first guild.
Split the display by Rank, with online members of that rank shown first. Similar to GW1
Ultima Online has a function where there is an official page for both the guild and player. For the guild it shows the roster, rank and other vitals. This will help with out of game coordination. For the player it shows stats, accomplishments, etc (similar to HoM, but by toon, not account)

Player Notes
This could be done by doing a second “rank” structure that only officers can see. This way officers could easily identify good members and those that are “on warning”. With such large guilds there needs to be an easier way to help track and manage members.

Guild Events/Calendar
MMOs are so players can play with other players. There is no functional way for guilds to prepare and advertise events in game. MoTD is not a functional tool due to its limited char count except for a one-time event at best. Our guild also holds reoccurring events that we would like to post in-game for members to see.

Message of the Day
Auto publish to guild chat upon log-in or a change in the message.
Allow for an edit vs. re-writing the entire message.
Show a character count remaining so we can better prepare our message.

Guild Stash
Include a crafting pane similar to the personal bank for sharing mats with other guild members.
Create separate permissions for items vs. gold. This allows for members to have full access to the items while still contribute to the guild fund without worries that someone other than an officer can take it out.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Kat Quinx.6879

Kat Quinx.6879

Ranking System – I agree this needs to be changed so we have more options for what members can and cannot do. The ability to invite but not kick would be nice.

Officer Chat – I agree with this. Or the ability for the leader(s) to create a channel and be able to invite certain members to it.

MotD – I agree with this. I would like to be able to just add something to my message without having to start over from scratch.

Guild Description – I agree with this. In my guild we currently do not have enough room to post everything we would like to post.

  • Logged On/Off and Last seen on – I would very much like to see an inactivity timer put in the roster (and possibly friends list) so that we can see how long ago a member was online. Our alliance in GW1 used to replace inactive players so that we could recruit new ones, leading to a very large, active alliance. We cannot do that now since there is no way to see how long they have been offline.*

Guild Halls – We should bring these back.

Mailing Feature – I would like to see the “Message suppressed due to excessive messaging” taken off. I send out extra food in our guild bank to the members and it is very hard to do that now since I can only send out a couple then I have to wait around.

Guild Calendar – I think this would help organize the members for events.

Guild Tax – Could be a good idea to allow the option to the guilds.

Guild Bank Change – I agree that there needs to be a way to set a specific limit of items a member can withdraw.

Promotion Problems. I have only had one of these problems. I had been trying to change the rank of a member but the roster moved whenever someone logged in or out or changed characters. I went to click the proper rank and the roster moved at the same time, causing me to hit the “Leader” rank. I found that by typing out the member’s name so it only shows them, this doesn’t happen anymore.

  • Alliances – I would very much like to see these come back. At the moment our Alliance has 3 guilds in GW2 but no way to communicate between them. Unless our members go to our site to see that we have more than one guild, there is no way for them to know.*
  • Guild Size – This could be an option to choose instead of Alliances. An unlimited guild or at least higher than 500 members would be nice. With an unlimited we wouldn’t really have to worry about inactive members. They can stay there until they log in again, and they wouldn’t be taking possible spots for new, active members.*

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ikcen.7518


It’s easy, one player -one guild. And if a guild can own fort, tower or a castle, and to fight with other guilds, this will make guild wars real. Now the real name of GW2 shall be Server wars with not so bad PvE. Most players even don’t need a guild to play it. You shall improve parties too. Every party shall have a leader. And you shall add a command channel – not chat but a window with number of pt members and their leaders – to have big, well organized battles. In PvE you shall make great bosses competitive so attacking group which made most damage to take the drop. This will make the guilds useful and the game much more social.

(edited by Ikcen.7518)

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


So many great suggestions in this thread, but honestly the game needs more things for guilds that make them worth while. My experience is that guilds nothing more than glorified LFG channel, more control is fine for those who run them, but it seems like all the perks only benefit those who run them. I made my own guild just so I could have perks, but honestly I could just scrub off banners planted by others.

Guild is in the title of the game, but has the least amount of features, perks, and things to do as a guild. Honestly the game should be called “Five man group wars” because that is the extent of the game.

At the very least this game needs instanced PvE and PvP scenarios that reward guilds who work together. For now I suppose “Oxymoron” is what we have.

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


So many great suggestions in this thread, but honestly the game needs more things for guilds that make them worth while. My experience is that guilds nothing more than glorified LFG channel, more control is fine for those who run them, but it seems like all the perks only benefit those who run them. I made my own guild just so I could have perks, but honestly I could just scrub off banners planted by others.

Guild is in the title of the game, but has the least amount of features, perks, and things to do as a guild. Honestly the game should be called “Five man group wars” because that is the extent of the game.

At the very least this game needs instanced PvE and PvP scenarios that reward guilds who work together. For now I suppose “Oxymoron” is what we have.

I want to see a grouping option for guild members exclusively. You’re only allowed 5 members in a party, which is standard but if you’re trying to do PvE etc as a guild that caps quick.

I want to see a roster type interface (similar to WoW’s raid interface) that let’s you add more people in the party. Maybe called a ‘Guild Band’? and the make the cap 20, 30 or maybe even 40 players able to be in the system. You wouldn’t be able to be in a party separately but this would let guild members group up in large scales and actually see each other on the map! Most frustrating part if you can’t fit everyone in the party. Each section of the roster would break down into squads, 5 players in each squad and it should! give you a option to color code each squad so say Squad 1 is blue on the mini-map when Squad 2 is Green. Even a renaming option would be excellent like “Squad 1” called be edited to “Alpha”, you get the idea.

Another interesting feature would be to make only certain ranks of the guild manage a squad, so if you only have 2 players who have that rank online, you can only form 2 squads. But, with this idea, an additional say ‘GuildBand (/GB) chat system could be created giving the option to have both full guild communication or just communication to the players in the Band. What I think would be great about this is, if the squads are color coded, each player’s chat would be color coded as well, so if a member from Squad 2, Green, is speaking, his chat would be green as well, making sifting through chats a breeze. Especially if each Squad leader had a mark in the chat system, something as simple as a Star or Badge that followed the color coding. That way, the leaders could communicate effectively without ignoring the rest of the band and the members in the band could easily see which leader is speaking and what leader is directly running his squad.

Just an idea, but this would be a massive improvement to running a full guild in WvW or even large grouped PvE. Any thoughts?

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450


Seen it mentioned a couple times in the thread already and I’ll say it again. We need to know when members last logged in… Also a “so and so has Logged In” would be nice.

Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


Seen it mentioned a couple times in the thread already and I’ll say it again. We need to know when members last logged in… Also a “so and so has Logged In” would be nice.

I can’t believe this wasn’t added originally. Seems like something that would be impossible to overlook.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nappychappy.7046


Seen it mentioned a couple times in the thread already and I’ll say it again. We need to know when members last logged in… Also a “so and so has Logged In” would be nice.

I can’t believe this wasn’t added originally. Seems like something that would be impossible to overlook.

People will only ask for so long, but all the bugs, lack of features and things to do at level 80. Maybe I am in the select few that burned through content to fast feeding my MMO appetite, but sooner, or later people will catch up and start to wonder. IMO it’s to early in the games life to be like this, its starting to look like Mortal Online. /shudder.

You are using 21 of 100 infractions ermm, PMs.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: BioHazard.2147


Seen it mentioned a couple times in the thread already and I’ll say it again. We need to know when members last logged in… Also a “so and so has Logged In” would be nice.

I can’t believe this wasn’t added originally. Seems like something that would be impossible to overlook.

People will only ask for so long, but all the bugs, lack of features and things to do at level 80. Maybe I am in the select few that burned through content to fast feeding my MMO appetite, but sooner, or later people will catch up and start to wonder. IMO it’s to early in the games life to be like this, its starting to look like Mortal Online. /shudder.

Regardless of what state the game is in now, as a community we can help make this game the game we want it to be. By providing feed back/positive critique/suggestions for ANET to consider. With GuildWars 2 the game took on a whole new idea and I dont think a lot of people give ANET enough credit creating a whole new system of gameplay. With that creation there will be things that are bugged because they do not follow the simple Talk to Task Giver → To Task → Receive reward format. Which means their coding is significantly different and they put their thought into figuring out how to make it work.

That being said.

Added several features from “Suggestions” Forum. Sorry for those of you I stole features from I do not claim credit on any of these. Merely that I am adding your thoughts to a thread with more volume.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Fnix.5608


-Last seen on- I have members in my Guild that I have no idea if they have even logged on since the launch of the game.

This one is soo needed!
Why leave this one out for GW2 when it was in the original? Makes no sense!
Every guild is bunchig up on inactive users, and its a real pain to sort the inactive ones out. – Norse Oil eXpedition

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


I just wish Arenanet would give more feedback to some of these threads. I want to a response to see if its even worth our time. I hope Anet does listen to the fanbase, especially here on the forums. This thread is one I really want to see progress on. Keep updating the list Biohazard, its going well.

I posted an idea a little further up on this page too, anyone got thoughts on it? I thought it sounds like a good idea but I like feedback so if anyone’s got an opinion.

I noticed after that it was added to the 3rd list haha. I really want to see Anet implement that, especially the color coding chats. Would give a guild so much more uses.

(edited by MarcusKilgannon.5048)

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nurvus.2891


I did not read all the points.
Here’s my thoughts on those I did:

  • Multi-Guild – I disagree. Representing a Guild should matter.
    You may have Guild A for WvWvW, Guild B for sPvP, Guild C for Dungeons.
    I don’t see much logic in giving Influence to guilds you’re not Representing.
    But assuming it’s okay, at least the Guilds that are not being represented should get less Influence:
    - 100% for Guild you are Representing
    - 50% for the others.
  • Ranking System – I agree

A few other thoughts:

  • Uninvite vs Kick – When you “Uninvite” someone who never accepted the Guild Invite in the first place, it should not say that player was Kicked from the guild in the History.
    It should say “John Doe’s Guild Invitation was removed.”

(edited by Nurvus.2891)

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


I just thought of this now. Guild’s should have Guild Daily and Monthly achievements! Just like the daily/monthly for players but more tailored towards a guild effort. The rewards could grant Influence, Karma for guild members and maybe even an amount of cash that goes directly to the Guild Stash. Another way to make the Guild Band idea get even more use. It would be nice to even have that extra guild events & progress without having to organize everything yourself.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: BioHazard.2147


Added Several Features and Modified some check threw for the additions.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: HidingCat.4037


So many good suggestions here. I hope Anet takes a good look and implement at least some of them. Having been a guild officer before in other MMOs, I feel that many of the suggestions here are worth putting into the game. I mean seriously, no officer chat? X-(

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Reclusiarh.2674


I want orders ( vigil and co.) organized as guilds with all the upgrades that go along.

Guild wars should be war between orders, because orders are guilds too.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


So many good suggestions. Come on Anet! Let’s get some feedback. I don’t think I’ve ever agreed on every point mentioned in a forum thread until now. And Great job Biohazard for keeping it updated! I’m still thinking of more ideas.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: BioHazard.2147


If anyone finds any other suggestions Feel free to post links ill add them to the list

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phuriok.9307


Im just gonna bump this thing to the top. As a leader of a maxed out guild, we’re seriously struggling to find a way to expand safely. And this thread has a lot of the things that would fix that.

I know Anet has a lot on their plates atm but i can hope for the next month or two right?

~ Phuriok
Commander, Guild Leader of [Epic] Muffins
DragonBrand for life

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Paper Animal.2471

Paper Animal.2471

As a guild leader I agree with most all of the options here. Definitely a “last logged in” option is needed. I’d also like to see more control over guild permissions. I find a lot of members join to “leech” on guild perks and aren’t actually active until it comes to magic find weekend and such. I feel I should be able to require members to earn the right to have access to the guild perks I choose.

Thumbs up to OP!

(edited by Paper Animal.2471)

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


I’m glad this thread is still kicking! Especially being in this forum section, it’s holding well against the assault of new threads being made constantly. I really want Anet to post something though, at least some direction.

But! I didn’t see this anywhere or on the list. What about in the Guild Armorer, bring back the Guild Wars 1 Capes! I haven’t heard anything about this being in the game so I’d love to see them return. Either capes or an tabard similar to WoW but I’d prefer capes. My favorite part about guild creation in GW1 was the endless emblems & just the creation of your guild’s cape! Nothing better than having every player you encounter notice your glorious Guild Emblem/cape. I think it would look sweet in WvW as a large band as well, but hey, it’s all preference. If they do, add a Hide cape option though.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: BioHazard.2147


Guild Capes/Banners Added

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Phuriok.9307


Just gotta be patient with this one. After all Anet has a lot of stuff they’re still fixin so guilds are probably not high on that list. That being said, I can be hopeful for 6-8 weeks for a minor patch like last logged in right? lol

~ Phuriok
Commander, Guild Leader of [Epic] Muffins
DragonBrand for life

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


Just gotta be patient with this one. After all Anet has a lot of stuff they’re still fixin so guilds are probably not high on that list. That being said, I can be hopeful for 6-8 weeks for a minor patch like last logged in right? lol

It’s kind of surprising how many features on the list were in Guild Wars 1 but for some reason none of them exist in Gw2 lol. Even some simple interface like friends/guild logged in, logged off etc aren’t in the game. Next patch maybe one of the hits will be updated.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Puyt.2584


I hope for some guild improvement in next patch aswell

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


I wonder if they will ever introduce a guild control area like in GW1. I’m assuming they probably won’t but I did like the concept. Maybe something involving guild controls in WvW might be possible. I’m not really sure what they are planning to do with guilds, I hope they make a post about further guild patches.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: BioHazard.2147


If you see other threads please point them in this direction, I have noticed that lack of use of the search bar.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


If you see other threads please point them in this direction, I have noticed that lack of use of the search bar.

Ya I’ve been seeing the same thing. That not a violation of rules right? I’ve been on a few forums that for some reason it is lol. Might as well keep adding on here rather than spamming multiple threads.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


What is the current cap for a guild right now actually? Is it only 50 players?

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: BioHazard.2147


No i think its currently 250ish ?

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azulia.1745


It makes it absolutely challenging to run a guild efficiently without some of these suggestions. Our officers the other night had to log out of game or alt tab to another chat server on our guild website to have a discussion about a current situtation because there was no officer chat.
I constantly bring up “G” window to see who has logged on and off. I like to greet people when they log on. Also no one sees MOTD, even if it is important, it needs to be auto posted every time a person logs on in guild chat.

No guild wide mail is insane, try writing a guild message to all of your emebers and CNTRL+V message, after 2 mails it enables message supression where you have to wait at least a minute or more to send the next guild mail. Really frustrating.

~Azabella~DragonBrand- Ministry of the Crescent Moon-

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


Oh, ok well 250 is at least better than what I thought it was haha. Yes Azulia! MOTD needs to pop every time someone logs in.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


Bio, Under the Guild repair idea were a member can use X amount of guild vault money to pay for repairs. Maybe that type of idea can work for waypoints as well (A combined daily allowance). A lot of people complain about waypoint costs if they are short on money so that definitely could be a guild supported feature.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Aethewyn.2016


I’m so glad I found this thread! I have been bashing my head against the wall in order to stave off a depression caused by having a guild system that actually encourages people to isolate themselves rather than make an effort to join in and be part of a community.

We are only a small guild (92 on the roster but probably only 20 or actively online regularly). So far, the current guild system has worked against us, as we are finding it increasingly difficult to get people to engage with the guild – whether its just looking at chat, reading the Message of the Day, or checking the roster to see who is online. It is such hard work trying to keep things going. It would really help if some of the features that have already been mentioned in this thread could be added or tweaked – all we want is to encourage our members to feel part of a community, engage in guild stuff or at least just take an interest in it, and for communication and information to be easily accessible.

I won’t go into the details, as they’ve already been covered in the various posts above (keep it up guys!). The system could use a lot of improvement, and I appreciate that improvements come with time – but I think that guilds are such an essential part of any MMO that they need to have good, usable features!

At the moment, our most desperate plea is to make the guild system more user friendly and encourage people to interact with it, eg.

1) (Name) log on/off notifications
2) Time player was last online
3) Player notes
4) Notification of achievements of individual players (eg. XYZ has gained 100% world map completion!)
5) Enable guild mass-mailing
6) Fix message of the day so it doesn’t wipe every time you try and change it – and make it more visible (eg. it could pop up when a member logs on, either in chat or on the screen)
7) Look at giving guilds rewards for doing stuff together, eg. completing a dungeon, or an event etc.
8) Guild PvP or WvW rewards or achievements that could be noted or listed on the guild panel, or encouraged

There are lots of other things we’d also like to see implemented, as people have already mentioned above. But for us, at this moment, we need things that will encourage people to take an interest / encourage engagement!

ArenaNet, you have built a wonderful, wonderful world in Tyria, and the game is just stunning. Its got everything an adventurer could want! Please (I’m begging here) could the guild system be looked at and some more time put into improving it – it would make our job as guild officers and leader so much easier, and add a much needed facet of interaction for communities. The game is so absorbing and immersive that without more interactive guild features, small communities like ours will really struggle to get people to engage no matter how hard we try to constantly be lively and have regular events – very ironic but so true!

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: graceangel.3618


I don’t understand the issue with either seperating guilds by only letting you belong to one or remove the limit on the chat. I do not see how belonging to multiple guilds helps in any social way when you can only really be a part of the guild you are representing, the other are just kind of…there…you cant even see their chats if you do not represent them, so…what’s the point in being a part of them?

the point of multiple guilds is because of social perspectives. maybe one guild you’re in doesn’t have anyone actively online atm? it’s a small knit guild. no biggie.. while noone’s on, you represent and go play with one of the bigger guilds you belong with. or, maybe you belong to another guild because they are awesome at running dungeons, wvw, or something in particular.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Azulia.1745


These should be standard.

Guild Suggestions:
-Ability to send Guild Wide Mail
-Ability to send Officer Mail
-A Chat channel for Guild officers
-a Log in or log off indication in guild chat of members
-Message of the day being auto posted in guild chat upon log in.
-A last log in time for guild members in roster

Guild calendar would be amazing!

~Azabella~DragonBrand- Ministry of the Crescent Moon-

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Vinny.2869


Didn’t read to much into the post completely but I really feel that this should happen:

Guild “Name Change” Feature

Some people would love to change their guilds name without losing all of their hard work. I don’t think there is a way of doing this (looked around found nothing).

I wouldn’t mind spending upwards of 10k(+) guild points to change the guild name to something else if that’s what you would deem necessary requirement but I believe it’s something that should be implemented within the game.

A name is something important for a guild and my guild name isn’t what we want it to be anymore but we have so many things unlocked (nearly level 4 tier in all things) and we don’t want to lose it just to create a new one and even have to re-invite everyone.

Also maybe a “vote” to be necessary to change the name of the guild so everyone can be happy with the name change and the guild isn’t quite a complete dictatorship on this topic at least.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Disciplina.3501


Hello GW2 lovers.
I would like to suggest a new way of using a guild banners. The existing one suck big time. You plant and they exist for half an hour and that’s it. Stupid.
I would like to see more WAR online version of banners because they used to have the best system: You research it, buy it from guild merchant and whenever you need it – you plant it. It gives buff to all people around banner. Something similar like warrior banner. You can pick it up and walk/run where you need to go and again plant it.
Plain and simple. Thank you.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Dana Hawkeye.9724

Dana Hawkeye.9724

Adding on to what Disciplina above said about Guild Banners. In WAR, the ‘planted’ guild banner could be captured by the opposing side in RvR – The same could be done in WvWvW. It was always a great deal of pride in capturing a banner and a great deal of shame in losing one.

Which brings us to having ‘’Bannermen or Standard Bearer’’ as a special guild rank = Permission to carry the Guild Banner/Standard.

Scouts of Tyria [SoT]

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nadakuu.6827


-Mutli-Guild Problems- Possible Multi-Guild Fix 2 : Allow Mutli-Guilds. Limt the amount of guilds a character can be involved in. Do not limit chat involvement to only one guild, Create multiple channels for each guild, with same options as the normal chat system. Each Guild having an assigned and Customizable Color. When a character completes a task pvp/event/ect. which provides IP. IP is generated for all guilds the player belongs too. (Possibly with the option of splitting currency 1 guild membership = 100% to the guild, 2 guild membership 50%-50% and so on.

While i can see where you are comming from, i disagree almost entirely with this statement. Players should only belong to one guild, you wouldnt belong to two different armys in different countries, so representing two different guilds is just wrong in my opinion. I want my members giving only me the influence, that is why i have them in the guild so that we as a whole can continue to have multiple bonus’.

However, I do support an idea for alliances among guilds. This would allow you to talk to other guilds that you want to be a part of. alternative guilds in the alliance would also show up as gold lettering to players in the guild.

-Ranking System needs tweaking- In the current state the ranking system is very restricted. You cannot allow members to invite players without kicking them also. FIX: Split “Admin Lower Ranks” Into “Promote/Demote” and “Invite Members”.

This is unneeded, perhaps simply adding a level below members where players can not do invites solves this.
i set it up that way in my guild, and i only have those who show a genuine interest in growing the guild and act responsibly to be able to promote/demote. If they are trustworthy enough to invite people to the guild then i will let them boot players who are disruptive.

-Officer Chat- Communication between officers/leader without having to make a ton of whispers or a party to talk
- just use a third party program with voip. no need for this in game.

-MotD- “Edit” erases everything, it needs to do exactly what it says, Edit the message. Also Guild setting turning on/off if the message displays when a Character logs on/off


-Guild Description Currently the only place to put Guild Rules/Vent info in guild is in the MotD. Guilds need an area to put a description of what there about, and also include vent info, rules, other info that doesn’t take up a spot where guild events / achievements should be being announced.


-Last seen on- I have members in my Guild that I have no idea if they have even logged on since the launch of the game.


-Influence Tracker- I would like to see some sort of Account based influence tracking, While I can see this causing problems because Guilds could create Influence Quotas. I would like to see that so I can identify members who are pumping out influence and reward them.


-Emblem- I would like to see more “Showing Off” of emblems, Time being they are very small icons here and there. A couple options are Icons by names, Banners on weapons and armor ( not capes ) but literally a banner you wear on your back(much like the blade master in warcraft3).

agreed, id love to have a banner sometimes

-Guild Halls- This was in the first Guild Wars and I would like to see it again. “Guild Hall” – Requires Max level in at least 1 Rewards Tree (Politics,AoW,Economy,Arch.) You also need to use influence to Purchase upgrades for your hall, Thus if a Guild has a hall using the Art of War tree they cannot get the same upgrades a guild using the Economy Tree has. Each tree will have its own unlocks for the Guild. Also a place to run PvP Skirmishes/Tournaments.

there is no point to guild halls anymore. with wvw, it would only serve to take people away from there which is lacking some days already.

Alliances Add alliance systems to the options guilds can have. This would further promote community within guilds and alliances. While there are no real reasons to have alliance currently like in guild wars 1 ( owning cities ). We still want them to increase our communities.

Guild Kick 1. “Kick from Guild” should NOT be an option when right clicking someones name. Too many times in parties have I accidentally kick guild members from the guild instead of kicking them from the party. It should only be accessible from the Guild Menu.

the other comments you had, i found to be irrelavent

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: MarcusKilgannon.5048


I absolutely love the Guild name change idea, especially with the “vote” perspective with it. Genius.

aethewyn – I didn’t even think of it but achievement messages in guild chat would be a great additional! Maybe even throw in a notification for every 10’s level a person reaches, (level 10, 20 etc). Thank you for bringing that up!

Hopefully Bio will see the thread soon and update the list!

(edited by MarcusKilgannon.5048)

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: James Foringer.2906

James Foringer.2906

These are all very urgent and we must as a community step forward to petition and do anything we can to obtain the admins attention. The reason being is because the name of this game is GUILD WARS and there isn’t much to do once inside a guild. I bought this game because I love guild / clan communities and this game so far isn’t providing very strong ones.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: Born.1745


Full Account Character List

Since we’re already a member of a guild with all of our characters, it makes sense that the guild roster have some way to list all characters on an account. This is especially important for tradeskill numbers. How is my guild to know that I have an alt with 400 Tailor and 400 Huntsman if it only shows the character I’m currently playing?

There are a lot of Multi-guild suggestions, but I have a suggestion that may be less work:

Multi-guild Solution 3
I’d like to see a feature that allows the player to optionally set (per character) the guild that the character will auto-represent whenever the character enters WvW or sPvP, and the guild that the character will auto-represent whenever the character enters a PvE zone other than a city. This may solve many people’s frustration with the multi-guild system.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Really need a Info about “last time online”, i dont like ghost members :/

Also the Guild main screen is.. useless. Every time when i press G, i need to klick on the Roster tab with the mouse, for more info (lvl, profession, crafting).

Just a “open last opened tab” would be fine.

Also the “Account Guilds” should get an own Tab -> More Space on the Main -> put Main and Roster together -> press G -> all the Info i need

Having a time line listing for when a character was last online is vital in our guild to control the numbers. We are a very large guild and would love to invite new members, but cannot do so easily with the current setup.

If I recall correctly, we have a 500 member limit to our guild so in the game we have multiple guilds. However, to keep our ranks efficient we need a “last time online” timer so that our guild master can set a 30 day limit before removing that name from the roster, therefore making room for new members.

I have had several requests from players to be invited to our guild. I refer them to our webpage for them to review before they take the plunge. However, this is not very inviting when I know from the outset that our guild is currently on “hold” for adding new members to our GW2 chapter. Because of the member limitations and lack of ability to thin those ranks of non-playing members after 30 days, I really think this change is necessary.

Guild System Improvements

in Suggestions

Posted by: BioHazard.2147


Hey, I will be updating the thread later tonight or early tomorrow morning. School + Work = Limited time.

Way to keep the thread lively and with some addition of new ideas/thoughts.

As a reminder please keep this thread on topic and informative/constructive.

If you find one of the posts irrelevant or feel you can offer some better additions as I know I have not considered every possible solution to the problems please provide some feed back.

Things to be added:
-Name Change
-Character List / Member Biography
-Mutliguild Solution 3
-Guild Banner (WAR style)
-Waypoint Travel VIA Guild
-Increased Guild Rank Cap