Ideas/questions about Customized Soundtrack

Ideas/questions about Customized Soundtrack

in Suggestions

Posted by: Howell Qagan.9752

Howell Qagan.9752

I’m almost sure there aren’t many people who are working on the Customized Soundtrack feature and I understand why: the game has a built-in Soundtrack so it’s not really a priority to work on it. However a small change would be really favourable. The problem with how it works at the moment is that you can’t switch the soundtrack played ingame, you have to close the client and remove/paste the custom soundtrack to switch back to original/switch to self-made playlists. It would be lovely if we had a tickbox at the Audio Options to enable self-made soundtrack and ticking off would disable it. Personally I love the original soundtrack but in WvW it can be a bit boring. In PvE I love the area themed music and the fact that sometimes it plays Guild Wars music, which is not only great itself but has a huge nostalgic feeling to it.
Also I’m not exactly sure how exactly playlists trigger: Battle is said to be starting when you are fighting with 3 or more entities but I’m not sure if it is 3 foes or 3 entities around you in combat. So in WvW it might not even play when doing 2v2, 1v1 or 2v1. Also BossBattle plays when World Boss events are going on but if I remember correctly it doesn’t when fighting a champion or a really big amount of foes (zerg vs zerg in WvW). Not to mention the odd bug that BossBattle (along with MainMenu) doesn’t randomize songs but plays them in playlist order.

Looking forward to any answers maybe even from devs, though I won’t really get sore at them if they don’t. If I were them I wouldn’t want to read much of the forum either…

Ideas/questions about Customized Soundtrack

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gaffo.2415


I love Jeremy Soule’s score, It’s great, but I tried using customized soundtrack and never went back.

I would love more options to this, may be a Kryta, Ascalon, WvW, etc. playlists.

Also maybe any comment on the bugs: Some cities (Like Lion’s Arch) will play the Ambient list every time, while the Black Citadel and Divinity’s Reach play the City; the crafting playlist won’t trigger; etc.

Ideas/questions about Customized Soundtrack

in Suggestions

Posted by: Gunnox.5910


I’m a huge fan of Jeremy Soule but I would also like to see more support to customized soundtrack due to the awesomeness of having morrowind, skyrim, oblivion and guild wars 2 music all in one randomized playlist

Ideas/questions about Customized Soundtrack

in Suggestions

Posted by: RoyalPredator.9163


Some kind of script or folder ordering should determine what music should been played in each area. For eatch map/Instance/situation.

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