Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaith.9132


While this suggestion is a disaster waiting to happen I agree with the OP and I have an idea that’s rather simple. Add a “request correspondence” sorta thing. Target the character and there’s an option similar to “whisper ________”. On doing so, an option appears on the other player’s client simply stating “allow or decline”…. I like my idea

/me tips transmuted tier-3 crafted hat

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


I do really miss this, it made everything much more complicated, with people being able to spy and double cross and such. I remember in one of the betas, me and a buddy convinced the two servers who were ganging up on us, that one had betrayed the other and was attacking their keep, and they actually attacked each other and we massacred both of them. It was friggin’ awesome.

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Shadow.1059


Agreed, with the OP.

I really do not see why people are so scared to communicate. Like many people have said before, if you are so scared of the words people might say to you, then the option to keep communication off would be suitable. Even if there was no option, you can very simply ignore the person messaging you.

Also, I must ask, why are you so scared?

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: MithranArkanere.8957


I’d be happy just with a chat wheel or quick voice commands to make the character say pre-recorded responses.

All the players I’ve ever faced in WvW and PvP are all a bunch of cowards that won’t use anything but cowardly tactics all the time, and yet in WvW I can’t tell them what cowards they are, which is really frustrating.

Quick commands come in handy for many other things, like multi-lingual gameplay in overflow servers, since you can just press two keys and get a “Follow me!” or “Attack!”.

No exceptions!

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Nemo.6295


They decided to do this in SWTOR and it worked out badly. Now I know, out of all MMOs out there the SWTOR community is the worse, but their example is there to be taken.

At first there was the ongoing insult exchanges coupled with the occasional traitor runners who did nothing but flame their own side while leading the enemy to where his team was operating. Eventually, given the changes to the PVP planet, they used the chat to take turns on “claiming” areas.

So yes, while the GW2 community is nowhere near as scummy as the SWTOR one, I still see no point in a WvW cross-server chat system because it serves no purpose other than rage outlets, traitors and other nasty things.

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Auesis.7301


I thought /me worked. Well, when the emote line says “Kaila Mistblade dares you to try.”, the invader usually stops running towards me and thinks for a second.

Have I been talking to a brick wall?

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Creslin.1758


I thought /me worked. Well, when the emote line says “Kaila Mistblade dares you to try.”, the invader usually stops running towards me and thinks for a second.

Have I been talking to a brick wall?

Yes, in his screen, he will just see

“an invader gestures”

Magaera Enflanza (F Human D/D Ele)
[Envy], [Moon]

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Zaxares.5419


The penalty for fraternizing with the enemy is DEATH!

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Undermine.5391


I reported every person that used the exploit to communicate with me when it was available for abuse. At the end of each report I added how speaking to the enemy breaks their promise of anonymity in WvW.

This was a great fix when they removed the exploit.

I would get spammed constantly because I killed so many people. I focused more on solo fighting in EB Puzzle and when people were not verbally abusing me they were begging me to let them pass. It gets tiring and forced me to have to play with my online status as offline. But then the people that I wanted to message me, could not.

While I sympathize with those that want a way to talk to the enemy, it just cannot be because there is the risk of abuse. Use the forums.

Blame it on people that bot, hack, and have no self control for losing features that can be good thing yet spoiled due to abuse.

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: iSpam.6124


I reported every person that used the exploit to communicate with me when it was available for abuse. At the end of each report I added how speaking to the enemy breaks their promise of anonymity in WvW.

This was a great fix when they removed the exploit.

I would get spammed constantly because I killed so many people. I focused more on solo fighting in EB Puzzle and when people were not verbally abusing me they were begging me to let them pass. It gets tiring and forced me to have to play with my online status as offline. But then the people that I wanted to message me, could not.

While I sympathize with those that want a way to talk to the enemy, it just cannot be because there is the risk of abuse. Use the forums.

Blame it on people that bot, hack, and have no self control for losing features that can be good thing yet spoiled due to abuse.

No one likes the people that just sit in the EB Puzzle and kill everyone. that’s just a huge pain in the kitten I don’t mind killing people on the way to completing, but it sounds like you were a bit of a dick. And as for reporting people, that makes you come off as an kitten So I really don’t see any merit to your argument. The only way I sympathize to not having the chat is people being rude to eachother, but you can just report them anyway.

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Talk to our enemies so you can hear “lame” “F….ing noob” “pff no skill” " omg 10 against 1 ???" " you su.k" every time you beat someone ?

No thanks^^

Lol, the other way round. I still get pretty annoyed by people killing me and starting to dance. Looks like a serious lack of respect for other people.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Onshidesigns.1069


In MAG on PlayStation 3, all the enemies with-in close range can hear you.

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: Ahmrill.7512


Coming from playing PvP MMO’s where you could communicate with enemies and not communicate…. I’d prefer Non-communication.

Absolutely NO communication with enemies. It’s one thing Anet got right.

Proud member of [NORD] Nordvegr Guild
Jade Quarry

Please give us a way to talk to our enemies

in Suggestions

Posted by: declan.3968


What do you all think of this? Do you also lament the loss of communication between servers in WvW?

It’s pretty sad. I remember that AGG (now moved to Blackgate) taunted the WM commander so much they had to move servers.