(edited by oZii.2864)
Here it is straight from Devons mouth.
I wanted to chime in a bit here. We appreciate that people really enjoy organizing their own combat in WvW and we are very aware of it. We’ve been discussing what can be done about that. However, WvW is its own game type and it requires attention specific to it. We are focused on making WvW as fun as it can possibly be and we will continue to make changes to WvW with that in mind. Our decisions regarding WvW will always have the needs of WvW paramount.
Taken from:
Posted at 20:50 August 23, 2013!
Can that quote be added to the OP.
(edited by oZii.2864)
Ogre, the resolution on the video is only 240p
Guys, give it some time to cool down, its still not totally processed.. i mean it just stopped uploading like 5m ago chill you junkies
)) otherwise ur good, there u go!
I’ll post this here as well:
WvW is a game type that we believe very strongly in. We’ve seen that people have been organizing their own combat in WvW and that’s really cool, but WvW requires changes that are not always in step with the gameplay that has been emerging. Our focus is on making WvW as strong as it can be and we will continue to make changes with that in mind. We have been and will continue to discuss these open field battles, but in the meantime the changes we make to WvW will always have that game type first and foremost in mind.
I’ll post this here as well:
WvW is a game type that we believe very strongly in. We’ve seen that people have been organizing their own combat in WvW and that’s really cool, but WvW requires changes that are not always in step with the gameplay that has been emerging. Our focus is on making WvW as strong as it can be and we will continue to make changes with that in mind. We have been and will continue to discuss these open field battles, but in the meantime the changes we make to WvW will always have that game type first and foremost in mind.
It’s nice to get some recognition. I am interested now in what those discussions you have had about open field battles entail and why you can’t even called it GvG? If you want you can call it Nancy, it is a pretty accepted term as well.
I do appreciate the communication. The copy/paste response seems a bit distancing and cold though but I’ll take it.
I wonder why it took so long for even just this post to happen.
Nice job on the show Ogre. Looking forward to a potentially quality week in store for us. Hoping to get the trio of VotF, WAR and GD. 2 out of 3 lined up atm, GD having some issues with numbers atm, so I remain hopeful they will be our 3rd of the week.
Either way, keep up the good work boyo.
As to the Orbageddon we shall keep our fingers crossed on that front.
Hello Devon, welcome to the thread. Thank you for stopping by. The paste, although a bit vage, mildly suggests we should be worried about the continuity of our practices, at least short term. It’s a bit unsettling, but I understand the logic behind your decision. I only ask you guys to consider something on the lines of this:
Ask for option to turn off orb bonuses ala commander tags
This not only solves GvG but FC duels as well.
Now get me my GvG forums
Seems rather easy to me, but of course I know nothing of your struggles. Just hoping you see to ours.
Hello Devon, welcome to the thread. Thank you for stopping by. The paste, although a bit vage, mildly suggests we should be worried about the continuity of our practices, at least short term. It’s a bit unsettling, but I understand the logic behind your decision. I only ask you guys to consider something on the lines of this:
Ask for option to turn off orb bonuses ala commander tags
This not only solves GvG but FC duels as well.
Now get me my GvG forums
Seems rather easy to me, but of course I know nothing of your struggles. Just hoping you see to ours.
Oh god you quoted Jinks again.
Hello Devon, welcome to the thread. Thank you for stopping by. The paste, although a bit vage, mildly suggests we should be worried about the continuity of our practices, at least short term. It’s a bit unsettling,
I though I was paranoid but Ogre hears it too. It is a bit apologetic so it does sound a bit like the speech you give before you shoot someone’s puppy.
Please don’t.
Or maybe something where you can right click the buff to take it off and then you wont receive any sort of “orb buff” until a reentry to the zone/other zone.
That way a player or group of players can choose to fight on even grounds without disrupting the flow of the WvW map as a whole.
Hello Devon, welcome to the thread. Thank you for stopping by. The paste, although a bit vage, mildly suggests we should be worried about the continuity of our practices, at least short term. It’s a bit unsettling, but I understand the logic behind your decision. I only ask you guys to consider something on the lines of this:
Ask for option to turn off orb bonuses ala commander tags
This not only solves GvG but FC duels as well.
Now get me my GvG forums
Seems rather easy to me, but of course I know nothing of your struggles. Just hoping you see to ours.
Oh god you quoted Jinks again.
My Mag kittenes miss me dearly i kno.
LOL. This thread is awesome.
Thx for the timely Showdown Ogre.
Thank you Devon for visiting the thread. That is communication and duly noted. The community is willing to listen and work with you. Don’t under estimate the variety of talent here. Many different skill sets….can be tasked to work on future issues.
We see deeper collaboration on Ogre’s Showdown between the community. People are working together.
I am mildly excited…
I’ll post this here as well:
WvW is a game type that we believe very strongly in. We’ve seen that people have been organizing their own combat in WvW and that’s really cool, but WvW requires changes that are not always in step with the gameplay that has been emerging. Our focus is on making WvW as strong as it can be and we will continue to make changes with that in mind. We have been and will continue to discuss these open field battles, but in the meantime the changes we make to WvW will always have that game type first and foremost in mind.
tldr; GvG/dueling is about to take it up the pooper
(edited by meep.2601)
LOL. This thread is awesome.
Thx for the timely Showdown Ogre.
Thank you Devon for visiting the thread. That is communication and duly noted. The community is willing to listen and work with you. Don’t under estimate the variety of talent here. Many different skill sets….can be tasked to work on future issues.
We see deeper collaboration on Ogre’s Showdown between the community. People are working together.
I am mildly excited…
Speaking of GvG’s problematic we are playing your server would your guild be interested in GvG’s this week or any guilds on your server?
If Devon destroys GvGs instead of simply changing the content of the new Bloodlust buff, he’ll be the most stubborn developer I’ve ever seen.
Nice job on the show Ogre. Looking forward to a potentially quality week in store for us. Hoping to get the trio of VotF, WAR and GD. 2 out of 3 lined up atm, GD having some issues with numbers atm, so I remain hopeful they will be our 3rd of the week.
FIRE is hoping for the same trio, and more!!
Contact either me, Muffasah or Malkithe ingame or me here on the forums!
I’ll post this here as well:
WvW is a game type that we believe very strongly in. We’ve seen that people have been organizing their own combat in WvW and that’s really cool, but WvW requires changes that are not always in step with the gameplay that has been emerging. Our focus is on making WvW as strong as it can be and we will continue to make changes with that in mind. We have been and will continue to discuss these open field battles, but in the meantime the changes we make to WvW will always have that game type first and foremost in mind.
WvW does not require any kind of stat boost, this actually takes away from the game. We want to win fights because we are outplaying our opponents, not because we have a silly stat advantage. That goes way beyond just GvGs, it’s just the merit and the thrill of a good PvP.
This buff would work way better if it gave a strategic advantage, something like extra defense or damage to your siege, supply capacity, speed to your dolyaks or workers, free golems. Or you could just do something simple as giving us some extra loot or gold. It could even be just an extra source of ppt. There are really endless possibilities for that kind of buff. Yet, out of everything it could be, you guys are choosing to bring back a buff that everyone used to hate. One that will kill, or at least cripple, a game mode created by the players and loved by them. I hope this is not true, I really do, but I’m beginning to lose faith.
(edited by Az z.2746)
“Speaking of GvG’s problematic we are playing your server would your guild be interested in GvG’s this week or any guilds on your server?” – oZii
I don’t understand the question. You see my signature yes/no? Are you unfamiliar with my history?
Here is some history: I’ve been solo since [OnS] Onslaught left for Blackgate when Sea of Sorrows divided up…sometime around Feb/March. I spent my time working with the SoS community leadership after that. I haven’t logged in since I started my protest of WvW content [roughly 2 weeks ago]?
If you want to GvG with SoS server I can help you connect with some guilds on SoS [if you need help]. The guild I recommend you contact is vH.
Extra Note: I am aware that purposely going solo for that length of time is unusual, but it allowed me flexibility with the (SoS) server social organization. I think I was successful up to the month of May. Things changed at that point and I became inactive.
(edited by problematic.9623)
“Speaking of GvG’s problematic we are playing your server would your guild be interested in GvG’s this week or any guilds on your server?” – oZii
I don’t understand the question. You see my signature yes/no? Are you unfamiliar with my history?
Here is some history: I’ve been solo since [OnS] Onslaught left for Blackgate when Sea of Sorrows divided up…sometime around Feb/March. I spent my time working with the SoS community leadership after that. I haven’t logged in since I started my protest of WvW content [roughly 2 weeks ago]?
If you want to GvG with SoS server I can help you connect with some guilds on SoS [if you need help]. The guild I recommend you contact is vH.
Oh sorry didnt see your signature. Yea do you have anyone I can contact about setting up a GvG that is in vH?
I’ll post this here as well:
WvW is a game type that we believe very strongly in. We’ve seen that people have been organizing their own combat in WvW and that’s really cool, but WvW requires changes that are not always in step with the gameplay that has been emerging. Our focus is on making WvW as strong as it can be and we will continue to make changes with that in mind. We have been and will continue to discuss these open field battles, but in the meantime the changes we make to WvW will always have that game type first and foremost in mind.
WHERE TO START – Urban Battleground Fractal as GvG ARENA.
It’s simple and easy to create for a start.
You (Anet) already stated that are reworking Living story dungeons (Molten Facility) to actually new Fractals so you can easily rework 1 fractal to a working GvG Arena as a base and pile more work and polish over it in time (or your free time like those guys who created Super Adventure Non-sense).
(edited by Luna.9640)
“Oh sorry didnt see your signature. Yea do you have anyone I can contact about setting up a GvG that is in vH?” – Ozii
Messages being sent out now via forum and e-mails. Good luck.
I actually signed into my forum account, and I never do, because I KNEW there would be a forum thread about this. GvGs aren’t the point. The point is that Anet, you are getting increasingly detached from your most loyal playerbase day by day. The proof was in that stream. I could not BELIEVE how you guys just ignored the people crying out for a GvG mode. You act like they don’t exist and even act like they detracted from the stream somehow….that stream was crap, to be honest, (some Q&A…..seriously) and it’s incredibly insulting to the hardcore guilds that make up the core of WvW the way you simply ignore us, in a stream for the very gamemode most of us play exclusively. I can’t believe how blind you guys are to this cash cow right under your noses. You try to push sPvP like the plague as an esport where a set GvG mode really has the potential to blow up. How can you not see this? There are so many people involved in this GvG scene with absolutely zero support from you lot. Imagine if you showed the slightest bit of support.
You keep catering to the lazy PVE crowd, the group of players will be gone to another game the second a new shiny one is out. You don’t cater to the people who can see what WvW really could be. We do our best with what we have, but I don’t think you realize, Anet, how GOOD the pvp in this game really is. There is a reason we started playing this game and still are, the few of us PvP people who are left. Most games don’t have pvp that is as good, as interesting, or as diverse as this game’s, less are MMOs. Even lesser still are still available to play. The siege buffs, especially ACs are completely ruining this aspect of the game. Do you seriously think that all the people trying to get you to stop are all trolls?
Believe it or not, whatever sample of the playerbase you have in your testing IS NOT helping WvW. I am trying to tell you. I am trying to warn you. All of us are. They are not representative of the people who play WvW. That much is obvious. The PvP people play this game to actually play the game and fight other groups of players. All people do anymore is sit in towers with siege, this is NOT the game that we love so much. That is spamming 3 buttons and having them be effective because they hit obscenely more targets than anything else, and do more damage than most player groups. How is that rewarding? How does that encourage actually playing the kitten classes in this game?
I am telling you this, because when both groups of people move from this game, the PvErs because of a new carrot and the PvP crowd because of horrible support from you guys, you will be left with no one. “Splitting the zerg” won’t matter. We have all seen what happens to servers when the core WvW guilds just aren’t there. They die. They have no community. The PvP crowd will leave in whole guilds and it will be sudden. The PvErs will leave slower but it will be steady and pick up as time goes along. You will either fix this now or this game is doomed to fail. I sincerely hope you change before you remember this crossroads when it is far too late. That’s my 2 cents and I think that many of the WvW crowd would agree with what I am saying.
I’ll post this here as well:
WvW is a game type that we believe very strongly in. We’ve seen that people have been organizing their own combat in WvW and that’s really cool, but WvW requires changes that are not always in step with the gameplay that has been emerging. Our focus is on making WvW as strong as it can be and we will continue to make changes with that in mind. We have been and will continue to discuss these open field battles, but in the meantime the changes we make to WvW will always have that game type first and foremost in mind.
Orthodox WvW play (ppt/long sieges blabla) are fun and perhaps unique to GW2 – but please please don’t kill the burgeoning GvG scene bringing back the new Orb mechanic. This aspect of the game has its own issues that don’t seem to have a short term fix on the horizon and is pushing folks to GvG / pure open field play.
Worst case, as others suggested leave an option to turn off any stat bonuses. Best case, PLEASE PLEASE recognize the enormous potential in this grassroots scene and support it, cause if it dies, so will some of the major guilds in the orthodox WvW scene.
I’ll post this here as well:
WvW is a game type that we believe very strongly in. We’ve seen that people have been organizing their own combat in WvW and that’s really cool, but WvW requires changes that are not always in step with the gameplay that has been emerging. Our focus is on making WvW as strong as it can be and we will continue to make changes with that in mind. We have been and will continue to discuss these open field battles, but in the meantime the changes we make to WvW will always have that game type first and foremost in mind.
just one weird idea from a community member:
you say you are discussing about it? why don’t discuss with the community, I think all of the active Guilds like CoN, VotF, Scnd and more would invite you on the TS and talk with you about the ideas and what we think about it. just give the community a feeling of being a part of your thoughts.
don’t missunderstand me i really like that you postet this, its kinda of relieve for all of us that you guys are not ignoring this.
I’ll post this here as well:
WvW is a game type that we believe very strongly in. We’ve seen that people have been organizing their own combat in WvW and that’s really cool, but WvW requires changes that are not always in step with the gameplay that has been emerging. Our focus is on making WvW as strong as it can be and we will continue to make changes with that in mind. We have been and will continue to discuss these open field battles, but in the meantime the changes we make to WvW will always have that game type first and foremost in mind.
WHERE TO START – Urban Battleground Fractal as GvG ARENA.
It’s simple and easy to create for a start.
You (Anet) already stated that are reworking Living story dungeons (Molten Facility) to actually new Fractals so you can easily rework 1 fractal to a working GvG Arena as a base and pile more work and polish over it in time (or your free time like those guys who created Super Adventure Non-sense).
Dont hate on SAB. It was the best PvE content any mmo had to offer!
To translate Devons post: We know you guys exist, however its not our job to do GvG.
We’ve talked about it so soon™ there will be someone starting working on it.
“Soon” as in someone who is interested in doing a GvG arena and finished all his other projects he is working on. That can take quite a while.
I was so proud on the community when I saw this, so I thought I’d share.
This is the graph of visitors on gw2gvg over the last month:
That’s a very straight line :v
GvG destroys WvW and breaks up the forces needed to fight.. Not only because 20v20 that’s an equal number so not much harm done. But the spectators are making the server gets queue’s everywhere!
Please GvG people find another game for this type of playstyle, I like WvW how it is and do not want to wait in line because people want to play another type of gameplay what was not intented.
And PS. the spamming GVG GVG, GvG , GvG GVG!!!!!! Yesterday in the livestream from WvW said enough about the age of your so called ‘GvG Community’
Great episode of GvG-Showdown – as always !
Hyping the kitten out of the scene!
GvG destroys WvW and breaks up the forces needed to fight.. Not only because 20v20 that’s an equal number so not much harm done. But the spectators are making the server gets queue’s everywhere!
Please GvG people find another game for this type of playstyle, I like WvW how it is and do not want to wait in line because people want to play another type of gameplay what was not intented.
And PS. the spamming GVG GVG, GvG , GvG GVG!!!!!! Yesterday in the livestream from WvW said enough about the age of your so called ‘GvG Community’
The fact that you are telling people to quit, just because they enjoy the game in a different way that you do, tells a lot about you as well.
Nice job on the show Ogre. Looking forward to a potentially quality week in store for us. Hoping to get the trio of VotF, WAR and GD. 2 out of 3 lined up atm, GD having some issues with numbers atm, so I remain hopeful they will be our 3rd of the week.
Either way, keep up the good work boyo.
As to the Orbageddon we shall keep our fingers crossed on that front.
I hope so too. Our fights and raids last week were disrupted by heavy lags, starting from monday to thursday, which was very upsetting for many of us and our mood was at rock bottom, because we couldn’t play properly. We’re working hard to set up everything for a week full of quality fights, unfortunately we can’t promise anything. But it would be a shame to not fight such qualitiy opponents.
(edited by yiishing.9057)
I do not say you have to quit, I just say you need to find another game for this type of open world ‘playstyle’ This is WvW, and it stays WvW.
Ebay got a less moderated forum up for anyone who wants to use it
I do not say you have to quit, I just say you need to find another game for this type of open world ‘playstyle’ This is WvW, and it stays WvW.
So you say we have to leave Guild Wars 2 , because we want it to play our way?
That’s not only ignorant but straight forward dumb…
Guess how WvW looks without all those Guilds doing GvGs and daily WvW Raids?
The overall level of play would be sinking to the lowest lows imaginable- Zerging would be the only option left. ( Or sitting in Towers)
Lets be realistic here: Without those competetive guilds WvW would be just an empty place with a few guys throwing cows at each other with trebs
I’ll post this here as well:
WvW is a game type that we believe very strongly in. We’ve seen that people have been organizing their own combat in WvW and that’s really cool, but WvW requires changes that are not always in step with the gameplay that has been emerging. Our focus is on making WvW as strong as it can be and we will continue to make changes with that in mind. We have been and will continue to discuss these open field battles, but in the meantime the changes we make to WvW will always have that game type first and foremost in mind.
Firstly, thank you for recognising our existance.
I can fully understand that the WvW team wants to focus on WvW, and that infact if we’re ever going to see a separate GvG map/mode it’ll most likely come from the sPvP guys and not WvW. That’s fair enough.
I think what frustrates and confuses the GvG community most is that out of all the possible changes you could make, and all the possible fixes WvW needs, you go straight for the option that will make GvG virtually impossible and has a good chance of killing off the scene. And despite you acknowledging this, you’re going ahead with it anyway. It feels rather like we’re being targeted for punishment.
Do remember that GvG guilds are also WvW guilds and that pushing them to quit will have repercussions for WvW as a whole.
(edited by Ragnar.4257)
I’ll post this here as well:
WvW is a game type that we believe very strongly in. We’ve seen that people have been organizing their own combat in WvW and that’s really cool, but WvW requires changes that are not always in step with the gameplay that has been emerging. Our focus is on making WvW as strong as it can be and we will continue to make changes with that in mind. We have been and will continue to discuss these open field battles, but in the meantime the changes we make to WvW will always have that game type first and foremost in mind.
Firstly, thank you for recognising our existance.
I can fully understand that the WvW team wants to focus on WvW, and that infact if we’re ever going to see a separate GvG map/mode it’ll most likely come from the sPvP guys and not WvW. That’s fair enough.
I think what frustrates and confuses the GvG community most is that out of all the possible changes you could make, and all the possible fixes WvW needs, you go straight for the option that will make GvG virtually impossible and has a good chance of killing off the scene. And despite you acknowledging this, you’re going ahead with it anyway. It feels rather like we’re being targeted for punishment.
There is no info at all if its going to be a stat buff or not
There is no info at all if its going to be a stat buff or not
It’s true there’s nothing conclusive. However, it has been heavily implied in various places that the buff will be the same as or similar to the old orb-buff.
I hope that isn’t the case and will be delighted to be proven wrong, but you can’t blame us for assuming so when all the evidence points that way.
I do not say you have to quit, I just say you need to find another game for this type of open world ‘playstyle’ This is WvW, and it stays WvW.
So you say we have to leave Guild Wars 2 , because we want it to play our way?
That’s not only ignorant but straight forward dumb…
Guess how WvW looks without all those Guilds doing GvGs and daily WvW Raids?
The overall level of play would be sinking to the lowest lows imaginable- Zerging would be the only option left. ( Or sitting in Towers)
Lets be realistic here: Without those competetive guilds WvW would be just an empty place with a few guys throwing cows at each other with trebs
Sadly running within a guild blob requires not much more skill than the so-called “zerging randoms” you seem to like so much. Heck, you even get told what to do. Most of what you think is “your skill” can be explained by the use of voice com. But well, dream on.
So let’s be realistic here. Without those GvG-Hypers, there won’t be a great difference at all. “Randoms” are the majority of the WvW population. So … what? A minority is interested in GvG so stop expecting special treatment. Most people are either interested in single/smallscale roaming (that’s the only competitive playstyle that requires some skill), siege or zerging.
Anet should introduce a GvG mode and a GvG map, but NOT within WvW.
Anet should introduce a GvG mode and a GvG map, but NOT within WvW.
That is what we have been trying to say.. the whole time?
Anet should introduce a GvG mode and a GvG map, but NOT within WvW.
That is what we have been trying to say.. the whole time?
Some people are just too dumb to read man.. just let him be.
Trollomatic Immunity /evilgrin
It’s just been revoked!
So uh, is it bad that I never noticed individual match views could display group comps? That’s pretty cool. Not that anyone uses it, I guess.
I think I used it once. Maybe.
EDIT: Yep.
No wonder you won….It was 15v0. I call shenanigans.
Guess how WvW looks without all those Guilds doing GvGs and daily WvW Raids?
The overall level of play would be sinking to the lowest lows imaginable- Zerging would be the only option left. ( Or sitting in Towers)
Lets be realistic here: Without those competetive guilds WvW would be just an empty place with a few guys throwing cows at each other with trebs
I think you said it best yourself…
That’s not only ignorant but straight forward dumb…
The absolute #1 reason they have not attempted to implement something like “GvG” is because it would kill spvp. Everyone would realize how bad spvp is and that 10k they spent on PAX tournament would go to waste. End game pvp in this game would be too fun and people would only play that. The game would really take off, but their vision of spvp as an esport wouldn’t happen. Spvp sucks because conquest mode is kitten. People who want real pvp have to come to wvw. I honestly feel anet needs to be bought out lol because they are fools when it comes to handling pvp. Nobody plays spvp because you can’t use any of your pve gear. All your carrot chasing in pve can’t even be represented in pvp. The same builds that are viable in wvw can’t be used in spvp because we don’t have the same stat options. They claim it’s for “balance” but really it keeps all the pve players away from pvp. They all have to go to wvw which is hardly pvp anymore. At the VERY LEAST they could make something like the eb jp that we could queue up for separately from wvw so we could do gvg. I like the fractals battleground idea in this thread but sadly that would be too fun and anet would never do it.
Guess how WvW looks without all those Guilds doing GvGs and daily WvW Raids?
The overall level of play would be sinking to the lowest lows imaginable- Zerging would be the only option left. ( Or sitting in Towers)
Lets be realistic here: Without those competetive guilds WvW would be just an empty place with a few guys throwing cows at each other with trebsI think you said it best yourself…
That’s not only ignorant but straight forward dumb…
Taking things out of the context.- Good Job my friend.
The absolute #1 reason they have not attempted to implement something like “GvG” is because it would kill spvp.
Anything different from current spvp could kill it.
It isn’t easy task to create something worse.
Guess how WvW looks without all those Guilds doing GvGs and daily WvW Raids?
The overall level of play would be sinking to the lowest lows imaginable- Zerging would be the only option left. ( Or sitting in Towers)
Lets be realistic here: Without those competetive guilds WvW would be just an empty place with a few guys throwing cows at each other with trebsI think you said it best yourself…
That’s not only ignorant but straight forward dumb…
Taking things out of the context.- Good Job my friend.
Actually I was highlighting your hypocrisy.
Hey Ogre nice to hear you dropped the bad words on the vids Much improved quality and way more enjoyable on this latest vid ive seen, keep it up! I will keep my eyes open for this from now on!
I actually signed into my forum account, and I never do, because I KNEW there would be a forum thread about this. GvGs aren’t the point. The point is that Anet, you are getting increasingly detached from your most loyal playerbase day by day. The proof was in that stream. I could not BELIEVE how you guys just ignored the people crying out for a GvG mode. You act like they don’t exist and even act like they detracted from the stream somehow….that stream was crap, to be honest, (some Q&A…..seriously) and it’s incredibly insulting to the hardcore guilds that make up the core of WvW the way you simply ignore us, in a stream for the very gamemode most of us play exclusively. I can’t believe how blind you guys are to this cash cow right under your noses. You try to push sPvP like the plague as an esport where a set GvG mode really has the potential to blow up. How can you not see this? There are so many people involved in this GvG scene with absolutely zero support from you lot. Imagine if you showed the slightest bit of support.
You keep catering to the lazy PVE crowd, the group of players will be gone to another game the second a new shiny one is out. You don’t cater to the people who can see what WvW really could be. We do our best with what we have, but I don’t think you realize, Anet, how GOOD the pvp in this game really is. There is a reason we started playing this game and still are, the few of us PvP people who are left. Most games don’t have pvp that is as good, as interesting, or as diverse as this game’s, less are MMOs. Even lesser still are still available to play. The siege buffs, especially ACs are completely ruining this aspect of the game. Do you seriously think that all the people trying to get you to stop are all trolls?
Believe it or not, whatever sample of the playerbase you have in your testing IS NOT helping WvW. I am trying to tell you. I am trying to warn you. All of us are. They are not representative of the people who play WvW. That much is obvious. The PvP people play this game to actually play the game and fight other groups of players. All people do anymore is sit in towers with siege, this is NOT the game that we love so much. That is spamming 3 buttons and having them be effective because they hit obscenely more targets than anything else, and do more damage than most player groups. How is that rewarding? How does that encourage actually playing the kitten classes in this game?
I am telling you this, because when both groups of people move from this game, the PvErs because of a new carrot and the PvP crowd because of horrible support from you guys, you will be left with no one. “Splitting the zerg” won’t matter. We have all seen what happens to servers when the core WvW guilds just aren’t there. They die. They have no community. The PvP crowd will leave in whole guilds and it will be sudden. The PvErs will leave slower but it will be steady and pick up as time goes along. You will either fix this now or this game is doomed to fail. I sincerely hope you change before you remember this crossroads when it is far too late. That’s my 2 cents and I think that many of the WvW crowd would agree with what I am saying.
Quoting for emphasis, this post needs to be adressed, Ive seen it happen in so many games, yes the pve crowd will be in for the long haul, but they are always the last to die and while people dont think about it, the pvp/pve community is linked, once the pvp community goes away in a game the pve one starts to diminish until the population is barely sustainable. The longer the pvp guys stick around the longer the game stays at a higher pop even on the pve side
Alright, I’m going to say it.
GvG, get out of my WvW.
I don’t want to see a bunch of people /bowing and /saluting each other in a big blob south of middle supply. Anytime I do see it I want to run in there and disrupt it, but I don’t because I’m not a griefer. You guys enjoy it. I can’t understand where the joy in fighting on ‘even’ terms is, the whole point of WvW is you can roll over singles, or you can get rolled over, and you don’t know when it’s going to happen. That’s the excitement, that’s the joy. Tearing down the mighty walls of a keep, and consuming the pitiful fools clinging to their arrow carts. Or having it done to you, wondering where your allies are as you try to hold that tower against immosible odds for one…more…tick. Perhaps I am just the target audience for the WvW design, but I know I am not the only person who feels this way.
GvG is fun for those who like it, I do not doubt that. I wish there was a place for you all to fight that didn’t interfere with WvW.
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