This is a great thread.
A few minor thoughts:
The TP is part of the world of Tyria and spending your time interacting with it is just as legitimate a play session as dungeons or jumping puzzles or any of our other fantastic content.That being said, I see no evidence academically, theoretically or in practice that flipping items on the TP doesn’t push prices closer to equilibrium, eliminate dead weight loss and increase utility/surplus for the market on both the consumer and producer side.
I currently have no plans to limit players interaction with the world of Tyria in anyway. I believe it would be damaging to the economy, to the game experience and to the players overall.
That being said, if you have a dissenting opinion please discuss it here and voice your beliefs and concerns, we’re always watching and reading and learning and your input has been both intelligent and extremely valuable in the past.
I think you missed the point here, the whole flipper thing isnt about whether they offer anything to the game or are a legitimate playstyle. The issue is, tp flipping can make much higher money than any other playstyle, not only that, but the gains are heavily related to how much capital you generate, which means the more money you get, the more money you can get. (i understand there are limits, but these are so far out of the range of other gold earning abilities as not to be relevant in comparing the two)
The tp lets you make as much money as you can make, nothing else in the game does this.
So the problem becomes one of poor distribution of wealth favoring one playstyle. Im sure many say, then people should just adopt that playstyle, but this is not a game that was sold as great economic simulator, its supposed to be an adventure.
Either find a way to limit the growth of wealth through tp play, or come up with a way to give other playstyles the ability to earn wealth.
I would prefer the latter, but i figure it might be hard because gold obtained in other ways is usually created, while tp wealth is redistributed.I could brainstorm of possible ways, but it would dilute the post.
essentially, its bad for the game to reward one playstyle more than others, especially a playstyle that is niche to the genre.
TP flipping is actually time limited. The more money you have don’t directly scale to the money you get as orders take time to fulfill, and that time isn’t something you can control. of course diversifying solve some of the problem, but never all of it. It’s like no matter how much dps you have, you can’t really speed up the acolytes part in cof p1.
Also the annoying “Error attempting to sell” is already a time limit.
And then bag size.