A plea to nerf Dwayna (Arah p4/Seer path)
Did it yesterday without any problem, with 2 rangers. Thank you Anet for making at least one boss in the whole game somewhat challenging. It’s probably the only boss that actually requires teamwork. The only thing that makes him hard is the fact that you need all 5 members of the team to know what they’re doing. No one can get carried here.
Lupicus and similar bosses can be done easily with only 1-2 good players but not this one, and that’s what makes it good.
Good gear is a requirement and it should be, as it’s path 4 of the most elite dungeon (as it’s level 80 one). DoA, UW, FoW in GW1 required way more skills, gear and knowledge so I don’t understand why all the crying. Maybe WoW didn’t have such mechanics. I am glad that at least this one boss isn’t so easy any random player can do it without trying. Point of “elite” areas is that they’re not for everyone, they’re only for those who are willing to spend their time on trying and getting a GOOD group together.However, once you know what to do the actual Simon fight takes less than 2 minutes and that makes him easier than most of the other boss fights in the dungeons. I do believe it should get buffed, as it’s too weak at the moment (when you know what to do),
The things about GW1 are just not true. I have GWAMM and used to speed run UW and DoA. Yeah they required some coordination.
No, they didn’t have any task requiring anything as painfully annoying and tedious as fighting Simin. Even all the pulling and running in DoA was not that bad once you got down the paths and mechanics. The problem with Simin is that even if you understand the mechanics of the fight and have a party made to fight her it’s still luck-dependent if you beat her.
Like I said earlier, once you understand the fight mechanics, it should just be a matter of whittling her down. Yeah, if you take 30-60s to do sparks, you shouldn’t be able to beat her. But the point of tricky boss fights is usually figuring out how to beat them then it’s supposed to be a do-able fight.
Also all you guys against changing her need to stop calling her challenging, she’s not. No group I’ve ever been in as ever wiped against her. She’s not tough.
A challenging fight shouldn’t be something that is so tedious it makes you want to stop playing the game. It should be a fight with a super-boss that drops crazy attacks everywhere. Sure you could add a mechanic or two in the fight to make it more interesting, but the challenge shouldn’t come from bad fight mechanics.
Good gear is a requirement and it should be, as it’s path 4 of the most elite dungeon (as it’s level 80 one). DoA, UW, FoW in GW1 required way more skills, gear and knowledge so I don’t understand why all the crying
Don’t know if trolling or delusional.
FoW was run in less than an hour with speed clear groups and UW before Dhuum being introduced was full of runner services because it was so easy to solo different areas. (Not that after bringing dhuum UW wasn’t still speed cleared, just a bit slower)
DoA was not only easily pug-able in NM but expert teams could split and speed clear it with ease in HM.
Leaving speed clear on the side, even I that never bothered to learn how to speed clear those zones could solo parts of UW and DoA and going H/H on FoW was a walk in the park.
From the latest content WiK and WoC i managed to H/H almost everything both in NM and HM.
Lots of posts kittening about difficulty had Battle for Lions Arch got it nerfed but i never found it that hard. I made it with a full team of players before but, after the nerf, H/H was easier because i didn’t have to deal with people that didn’t wan’t to play as a group. (btw H/H was quite challenging before nerf and i barely made it almsot to the end before getting overrun by mobs)
About WoC i only commented on forums about one of the missions in HM because the agro range from mobs was larger than it should. Since it most of them were AoE damage dealers and we had to fight in closed spaces you can guess how many of us got to do it before the fix.
This is me a casual player, that learned almost everything about gw1 so i could handle what the game could throw at me.
Gw1 was never a about gear check but about gear/weapon skins. Skill came from the player knowledge of the mechanics of the game to prepare accordingly to what he was going to face in each area.
Gw2 failed miserably in this aspect.
Fights that require the most damage output to be cleared and bosses with too much hp just make things wither annoying or boring.
I don’t mind fights that need coordination and i actually would like more fights like that.
DPS parties should clear it quick, more defensive parties should do it slower, people with no idea of what they’re doing shouldn’t be able to clear at all.
The problem is that at the moment many aren’t failing because they need to L2P, either by failure at tear-duty or running sparks, but because of the timed stealth bug or sparks pathing issues.
To overcome this players usually go like “i’ll change to warr at simin”, “LFXM Ywarrs and Z mesmers”, “kick necro, no dps” – pretty fun and balanced right…
Did it yesterday without any problem, with 2 rangers. Thank you Anet for making at least one boss in the whole game somewhat challenging. It’s probably the only boss that actually requires teamwork. The only thing that makes him hard is the fact that you need all 5 members of the team to know what they’re doing. No one can get carried here.
Lupicus and similar bosses can be done easily with only 1-2 good players but not this one, and that’s what makes it good.
Good gear is a requirement and it should be, as it’s path 4 of the most elite dungeon (as it’s level 80 one). DoA, UW, FoW in GW1 required way more skills, gear and knowledge so I don’t understand why all the crying. Maybe WoW didn’t have such mechanics. I am glad that at least this one boss isn’t so easy any random player can do it without trying. Point of “elite” areas is that they’re not for everyone, they’re only for those who are willing to spend their time on trying and getting a GOOD group together.However, once you know what to do the actual Simon fight takes less than 2 minutes and that makes him easier than most of the other boss fights in the dungeons. I do believe it should get buffed, as it’s too weak at the moment (when you know what to do),
No, they didn’t have any task requiring anything as painfully annoying and tedious as fighting Simin. Even all the pulling and running in DoA was not that bad once you got down the paths and mechanics. The problem with Simin is that even if you understand the mechanics of the fight and have a party made to fight her it’s still luck-dependent if you beat her.
What is so “painful” and “tedious” about Simin?? What is so “luck” dependent? Yet another delusional player who’s a little too angry about not being able to down a boss in GW2.
I fear for the future – hopefully ANet will keep introducing bosses of this caliber even though we’ve got these players who constantly put the blame on the boss, it’s mechanics, the luck involved; the blame on everyone but themselves.
Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46
My team tried Simin last night.
However, Simin always vanished at 50% .
My team tried it and then Simin would vanish every single time she hit 50% (regardless of how long we took)
Is it a bug?
My team tried Simin last night.
However, Simin always vanished at 50% .
My team tried it and then Simin would vanish every single time she hit 50% (regardless of how long we took)Is it a bug?
It’s not a bug. When Simin hits 50% a 1 minute timer will start. So you have 1 minute to put the sparks and bring Simin’s health bellow 50%. If the minute has passed and Simin’s health is still over 50%, then she will hide again when you bring her down to 50%.
My team tried Simin last night.
However, Simin always vanished at 50% .
My team tried it and then Simin would vanish every single time she hit 50% (regardless of how long we took)Is it a bug?
It’s not a bug. When Simin hits 50% a 1 minute timer will start. So you have 1 minute to put the sparks and bring Simin’s health bellow 50%. If the minute has passed and Simin’s health is still over 50%, then she will hide again when you bring her down to 50%.
Not necessarily true.
Sometimes when you bring her below 50% and she heals to 50+% she’ll stealth back again when you down her to 50% no matter how much time you take to do so.
Your problem to get her below 50% happened to me too so we had to use 4/1 glitch to bypass the problems of entering phase 2. (i can probably guess the devs stand on this bug abuse but 4-1 is the only reliable way to enter phase 2)
There’s also problems with some random stealth timer bugs that some people have been experiencing (like 10s stealth even if you run sparks in 10-15s) but no dev seems to want to talk about it.
On the bright side sparks follow you better now so who cares that they still skip the traps and that simin sometimes stealth of randomly…
That random stealth might be exactly what it is, a random based quick stealth. It happens sometimes.
Did it yesterday without any problem, with 2 rangers. Thank you Anet for making at least one boss in the whole game somewhat challenging. It’s probably the only boss that actually requires teamwork. The only thing that makes him hard is the fact that you need all 5 members of the team to know what they’re doing. No one can get carried here.
Lupicus and similar bosses can be done easily with only 1-2 good players but not this one, and that’s what makes it good.
Good gear is a requirement and it should be, as it’s path 4 of the most elite dungeon (as it’s level 80 one). DoA, UW, FoW in GW1 required way more skills, gear and knowledge so I don’t understand why all the crying. Maybe WoW didn’t have such mechanics. I am glad that at least this one boss isn’t so easy any random player can do it without trying. Point of “elite” areas is that they’re not for everyone, they’re only for those who are willing to spend their time on trying and getting a GOOD group together.However, once you know what to do the actual Simon fight takes less than 2 minutes and that makes him easier than most of the other boss fights in the dungeons. I do believe it should get buffed, as it’s too weak at the moment (when you know what to do),
No, they didn’t have any task requiring anything as painfully annoying and tedious as fighting Simin. Even all the pulling and running in DoA was not that bad once you got down the paths and mechanics. The problem with Simin is that even if you understand the mechanics of the fight and have a party made to fight her it’s still luck-dependent if you beat her.
What is so “painful” and “tedious” about Simin?? What is so “luck” dependent? Yet another delusional player who’s a little too angry about not being able to down a boss in GW2.
I fear for the future – hopefully ANet will keep introducing bosses of this caliber even though we’ve got these players who constantly put the blame on the boss, it’s mechanics, the luck involved; the blame on everyone but themselves.
I kindly suggest you take a step back and actually look at how ArenaNet wanted this boss to be fought, and then realize that method is actually impossible because the fight itself needs fixing, not a nerf, an honest to god fix. Two different things.
The idea is to kite sparks in, period, the problem right now however, Is not the sparks. Its the bugs in the boss’s design, like Simin only showing for ten seconds at a time, Not even long enough to do enough damage to keep her from healing back over 50% thus restarting the whole fight. It’s supposed to be a two-phase fight, First phase she stealths at 50% and second ‘phase’ (below 60%) is sparks kiting and damage dealing. This would work if every single time you fought her, she didn’t wig out and disappear every 10 or 15 seconds on the second attempt at phase 2.
You need to kite in all five sparks if you don’t oneshot her, this is fine, as my team could do that in under ten paltry seconds, She heals faster than you can DPS her down if you don’t oneshot her during the first DPS phase, this is important to note, which we came so close to doing (2%, her health bar was but a red sliver), several times.
But then heres the problem, after you funrun* all five sparks and start beating her down again. Ten seconds later shes gone, and by the time we run 5 sparks again shes over 50%.
As for zerkers route, It really is luck if you go the oneshot route, because if she surrounds herself with AoEs in the dps phase you are SOL, Enough said.
But Anet did not design that boss to be oneshot, if that were the case, conditions would still work while shes stealthed. The fight is meant to be a methodical ordeal, with clear herding and damage phases, yet it falls short because of some serious errors, and oversights by the designers.. for instance 4-1 is practically required to get to phase 2, this should not be the case, period.
I’ve said my piece.
(edited by Sorellian.9532)
What I notice about this boss.
First. She usually always dissapears at 50% hp no matter the conditions, this is usually if sparks are not done between 5-10 secs hence the 4-1 tactic, so if you get her to 25%hp and she manages to make it above 50%, you have to try and do fast sparks again. Same thing with 25% health and 10% health. So fast sparks are a must.
Second, Most players don’t have the skill to do sparks right. usually the person with the 3 sparks takes over 10 seconds triggering the auto stealth at the percents making the fight much longer, sparks switch targets so if a pet or another player is on the way, it could take even longer. Some players are the same with tears but this takes less skill. This auto stealthing is very punishing specially on non-dps groups. Also when she’s below 10%hp she seems to no longer stealth you can just finish her off if you keep up your dps (eventually she will stealth if you don’t keep up your dps).
Of course we all know a mesmer is a plus for timewarp.
Third, I’m not sure why they made her completely invincible when stealthed, this doesn’t go with the core mechanics of the game. It’s not like the boss was easy on the first place, most of the time you have 2-3 players just waiting for the others to finish with sparks because getting in the way could be counter-productive and make things more complicated. Being able to hit her while stealthed gave these players something to do and seemed like an intended mechanic so not sure why the change.
All in all it’s a very pug unfriendly fight therefore most people fail it, you need at least 2 good runners for sparks and hope the person doing tears is somewhat competent.
A common mistake I see is people not wearing speed buffs for the 3 sparks, blink skills, movement skills, attacking waiting until she stealths again not knowing exactly when will happen instead of being ready for the sparks to spawn, again this is due mostly to lack of experience.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
They made her invulnerable while stealthed because when people were still able to dmg her through it, a common tactic was to just ignore sparks and poison zerg her down.
They made her invulnerable while stealthed because when people were still able to dmg her through it, a common tactic was to just ignore sparks and poison zerg her down.
Don’t see the problem with this, most of the game is zerging everything.
Retired Until Expansion or Meaningful Content is Released.
First time i tried this pre patch we did it all for our first time in under 45 min. But like people say its all about your whole team tactics. Everyone needs a role and needs to do it without error.
The only thing that could make it easier without changing the whole fight would be do something similar to CoF Path 3 and reduce the number of sparks to trigger her to come out from hiding. But that almost would make it to easy then. It made CoF P3 pretty simple.
| 80 (Mesmer) Brook Envision | 80 (Thief) Kuro Rin |
So today was the first time I tried this path and I’m not trying to qq about it or anything (I do like a challenge) but Simin needs to be fixed and/or nerfed at least a little. I was in this dungeon for about 9 hours+before we did it. We ended up with a necro, war, guard, mesmer and ele at the end. Before we had other people (such as another ele and another guard before the guard switched to mes and the ele left). At times we would get her past 50% and she would bug and go regen after about 15 secs instead of 45 secs. We did use tw and tried the 4-1 tactic and tried so many different things, tbh I still have no idea how we did her. It is kind of ridiculous that it took 9 hours to do one path with many different people and strategies. The sparks would still not go where they were supposed to and just go aggro other people and she would do her bug regen (that I mentioned earlier). It can be done but my goodness this is not a challenge, this is a hope and pray you can do it type path.
So what if it’s not in tune? Some content should be harder than others, read: Legendaries.
But Simin isn’t harder. It’s a dps check. That’s it.
Example: Me and my guildmates haven’t had trouble acquiring materials for any piece of gear that we wanted to be crafted, except for these stupid legendaries! The grind, RNG, and farm is so out of tune compared to all the other craftable items it’s ridiculous. And the stats aren’t even better! Nerf!!!
What is this? This is terrible and makes no sense.
Yeah, Simin is harder than other bosses. The fact is, you don’t have to do Arah path 4. No one is forcing you, just as no one is forcing me to get a legendary, so get over it. As I said before, some content is for some players, some is for others..
I have to do Arah path 4 if I want my Dungeon master title. I like achievements. I like seeing lots of completed stuff. That’s my thing, which is why I want to get this done. So just stop with this forcing stuff. It’s such a tired, stupid argument. And given that I can complete every other dungeon path in the game, I’d argue that this content is for me. I’m a serious raider in other games and I really like doing dungeons in this one. I like a challenge, not faceroll content.
And just keep in mind people are completing Simin on a daily basis. Trust me, it’s far from impossible..
I never said it was impossible. My problem with it is that its requirements are so different from the rest of the dungeons. In the rest of the game, any sort of combination of professions and trait setups will allow you to complete a fight. It might take your group longer, be a lot more painful, require more control and teamwork.. whatever.. but you can get it done. But this one: there’s no room for anything different which I believe goes against what ANet promoted regarding group play.
But Simin isn’t harder. It’s a dps check. That’s it.
It’s a dps check if you try to bruteforce that encounter. I’ve done it a lot of times with really bad dps group compositions.
I never said it was impossible. My problem with it is that its requirements are so different from the rest of the dungeons. In the rest of the game, any sort of combination of professions and trait setups will allow you to complete a fight. It might take your group longer, be a lot more painful, require more control and teamwork.. whatever.. but you can get it done. But this one: there’s no room for anything different which I believe goes against what ANet promoted regarding group play.
Like in previous quote, you can do it with really bad team composition. I’ve done it with team composed of 3 people or with a team that had 2 necros and ranger. Oh, and 1 necro had blue/green gear.
The basic problem with Simin, High Priest of Dwayna, is that she doesn’t fit this game at all.
In this game, you can beat any boss with the build you prefer. Even if you go to the extreme, and your group is all tanks, all support or all dps, you can still beat any boss (of course, some will require more or less time, but all of them are doable).
However, this doesn’t work with Simin. To begin with, she forces dps, and not in just one member, she forces it on the majority of the group.
This thing alone makes her fight suck. So, either her mechanic is nerfed to make all roles viable, or it’s completely scrapped away. For example, make her regenerate slower and disappear after she stands x damage instead of disappearing at fixed points. There’s a lot of solutions to this problem.
“Simin is a hard boss don’t nerf her you’re just noob”, yeah, because zerking something to death is so “pro”. As for non-berserker success, proof before words, if you don’t mind.
Simin not only discourages class variety, she discourages playing GW2 as it’s meant to be played outside her fight. It’s a bad boss with a bad mechanic. I’m glad you nerfed the Magg event, and now it’s better and shows real skills (and not just who stays alive more time by running around in circles). Simin should follow Magg’s path, too, and players skills should always be above gear and stats.
M: Bladedancer – N: Scourge – En: Occultist – Ra: Swampstalker
T: Sharpshooter – G: Sunspear – Re: Hierophant – W: Corsair
She does not force any dps if you run sparks correctly.
Simin should follow Magg’s path, too, and players skills should always be above gear and stats.
She does enforce player skills like coordination. Why aren’t you happy about it?
I’ve tried this yesterday for the first time after the update, and here are my thoughts on it:
- Sparks are quicker to follow you now which is nice, but it doesn’t feel like it makes any significant difference.
- Pets are still an issue. Sometimes the ranger in our team would let his pet get too close to a spark, effectively aggroing it. I would expect the sparks to change aggro to a player that gets in range but they don’t, they stick to the pet. So our ranger would sometimes have to kite his pet, so that his pet pulled the spark into spot; quite messy. Sure, a skilled ranger wouldn’t have an issue, but the point is players with pets are much more prone to errors.
- People are too quick to blame lack of DPS when the real problem is how bad they are doing the sparks. Seriously, record your sparks performance, measure it (from the momenent when Simin hides, to the moment when you put all sparks in), practice a few times and try to optimize it. You should be able to do it in less than 20 seconds, otherwise you’re doing it wrong. Only after you’ve perfected the sparks run should you be looking at your DPS.
Only after you’ve perfected the sparks run should you be looking at your DPS.
This. Shame some people don’t get this and cry how bad Simin is and how it kills the game and requires to have full berserker gear and discourages class variety. Person running two sparks should put them in position before other person brings his/hers three sparks so each spark has aggro only on one person. Three people stay where Simin will spawn and they need to be in some place sparks won’t go to when pulled. If people can dps her from 50% in one pull using 4-1 tactic then dps shouldn’t be a problem when you have two people who can run sparks properly. Nerf isn’t likely, so if you can’t do it normal way then just go and farm cof for gold to pay for the run. Just don’t brag how skilled you are after buying the run and no one will care.
I’d like to add it’s not just sparks. I see people being petrified for over 5s before cured, tear thrower doing no dmg at all and just sitting there holding tears and throwing them for the whole fight and still being late on cures because not watching debuffs. People tanking red rings till death and not adapting at all mid fight (primary tear thrower getting petrified etc.). People gathering sparks one at a time, not even trying to pull more. Not using charges, blinks, swiftness or stability in case of petrify, while running sparks.
All because they think they need to have 3 or 4 warriors with full berserker gear hitting the boss 100% of the time timewarped or it can’t be done. If that’s the only thing you are paying attention chances of success are slim.
The dps check is only as tight as you make it be.
Finally done it last night and i still stand that this whole fight is all about dps and less about coordination.
Starting group 2Warrs, Guard, Necro (me) and mesmer with Warrs and guard dps specced (not sure if full zerker gear).
About 15min into simin fight we realized that I (tear thrower) wasn’t contributing enough (could barely keep conditions and wells aren’t that good) and since i wasn’t doing much damage at all i got my crappy geared mesmer just for TW.
Not to my surprise the added dps from 2nd TW was all that was needed to get the fight done. TW didn’t make spark herding faster, and we were already good enough, so this all sums to either you got dps or you’ll fail.
Also simin is either bugged or the update tried to nerf kills right after 4-1. (can any teams used to run p4 confirm/deny that they can’t kill simin in one go?)
We noticed that no matter how much dps we would get we still needed 2 extra spark runs to kill simin (at 5% and 10% HP i think) making her sometimes stealth after 5-10secs.
Now some ideas to redo this battle.
As stated before GW2 was built around that any team setup should be able to clear the whole content. Some teams should be faster and other slower of course, but they all should get a shot.
Simin isn’t designed in this way. You either have damage or you’ll fail horribly no matter how coordinated you are.
So why not change simin like this:
→remove timed stealth
→remove heal on stealth
→add stealth at 75%/50%/25% HP
→change spark run to be timed to 20/15/10 (probably too long but you get the idea)
→if sparks aren’t gathered in time either go back 1 phase or full reset
→at each phase simin gets new attacks:
start: bouncy attack
75%: add petrify
50%: add aoe
25%: something condition related i guess
(you get the idea, just make it like lupi where it gets harder each phase)
So main objective:
1) All teams can now do damage to kill simin (zerker will be faster of course but the others will be able to eventually reach the phase triggers)
2) Spark running gets to be the main objective (you change the focus of dps to herding coordination, “herd or fail” instead of “dps or fail”)
3) Simin gets harder each phase (more attacks and shorter herding time)
What do you think of changing the fight to something like this?
I assume you already know the basics.
Tear-thrower should watch party-ui for debuffs (first purple “Dead Eyed Stare” icon, when that expires comes green “Petrified” icon) so that he can DPS too. Focus on getting people back as soon as possible but few secs attacking between tears helps a lot. Whole team should pay attention if tear-thrower gets petrify (or assign guy for this job).
On image you can see how your runners should run sparks. Runners should have at least swiftness but additional mobility helps too, Stability is also useful to prevent Petrify-effect from applying.
2-spark runner should be able to put sparks on those spots extremely easy and fast (just run forward). This means he should be able to get out of way before 3-spark guy arrives which makes it much smoother. Also this ensure no sparks from 3-spark aggro to team if they miss their spot and allows 3-spark runner to put 2-3 sparks in instantly.
Rest of the team should hug wall when Simin disappears. If sparks aggro team, try to move your fighting spot a bit.
You should start with 4-1 tactic. Discuss which spark runner leaves one spark. Wait for Simin to regen (1 minute). At about 55% health 2-spark runner should run to his first spark and wait. Once Simin hides he runs that one spark in few secs and you get an excellent head-start (with enough dps this is enough to win).
Cant believe, that after all these whining posts for several months….they just made tiny change in sparks behavior. nope its not sparks. time to `redo` simin behavior so that mediocre players could get a chance to do this normal way and not to pay 15 gold to arah p4 slot sellers. thx
Mediocre player should improve instead of whining and asking for nerfs.
Maybe dungeon master wasn’t meant for everyone to have?
Cant believe, that after all these whining posts for several months….they just made tiny change in sparks behaviour. nope its not sparks. time to `redo` simin behaviour so that mediocre players could get a chance to do this normal way and not to pay 15 gold to arah p4 slot sellers. thx
It’s not the whine devs should pay attention to, otherwise we would be rolling the game without even looking to the screen.
Good discussion about what’s good/bad and how things should be fixed/improved is the core of the whole issue.
Simin fight is bad that’s a fact, so we should just state what and why we find it like that and give ideas on how to fix/improve (don’t go nerf right from the start).
Regarding tear-duty, Wethospu has almost right.
You SHOULDN’T wait for people to be petrified. The debuff will blink increasingly faster as time reaches zero so you should time the throw when dead-eyes is blinking fast. The way the tear hit the ground right about when petrified is up resulting on instant petrify removal. The problem with this is if you screw up (i.e. throw too early) the teammate will be at least 1sec petrified.
Also dunno why/how the kittened up pickup bundles. Now if you run and pickup you’ll keep walking and picking up itself feels stickier than at release (before you could easily pickup in the middle of attack animations if memory doesn’t fail me).
So grab a tear a bit early and don’t be hasty (but don’t sleep on the job either).
i knew someone `wise` like you would respond. i just didnt expect it would be in 5 mins..so gratz you win. also imagine a mediocre player maybe has a kids to feed and work to do and when he gets home from work he doesnt want to spend 6 hours of fails in 1 dungeon (not by his fault maybe?, cuz you need 4 geared, experienced ppl for this). so maybe you are pro, and handsome and cool and you spend 23 hours a day near your pc im happy for you and gl. but dont worry this path will get nerfed. even if there will always be ppl like you telling us how easy this path is. hell, you maybe even did this when simin was glitched – you could hit her in stealth so…shhhhhh
I’m glad you made those typical invectives, but no I don’t spend 23 hours a day near my pc. My last time was 1 days ago – joined some pug stuck there. We killed her in 5 minutes including time to get tears and explain “normal” strategy. So, please be “wiser” next time and actually think before you post.
i knew someone `wise` like you would respond. i just didnt expect it would be in 5 mins..so gratz you win. also imagine a mediocre player maybe has a kids to feed and work to do and when he gets home from work he doesnt want to spend 6 hours of fails in 1 dungeon (not by his fault maybe?, cuz you need 4 geared, experienced ppl for this). so maybe you are pro, and handsome and cool and you spend 23 hours a day near your pc im happy for you and gl. but dont worry this path will get nerfed. even if there will always be ppl like you telling us how easy this path is. hell, you maybe even did this when simin was glitched – you could hit her in stealth so…shhhhhh
Oh how I love hearing the tears of someone who has nothing else better to say other than “I have a life and you don’t” as if that is some form of valid argument why they should be spoonfed. Dungeon master is not for everyone, you are not entitled to getting it because you are busier in real life than other people. Theres people selling the run, hell even carrying people to do this path.
im sorry your coments are too funny. thx and no other comments for you.
And yours not. You seem like a guy who failed there and instead of analyzing what went wrong you come crying. Typical.
Theres people selling the run, hell even carrying people to do this path.
Hell, I’ve just seen the thread about needing a help at Simin and I logged in and pm’d this guy who would let me carry them through. Why? Just to have yet another definite proof that this encounter is very doable. Unfortunataly, we play in different regions.
(edited by haviz.1340)
People dont do this path for gear, they do it for dungeon master, the other 3 paths are much shorter and easier. Quit pretending that people do path 4 for tokens, thats just being stupid.
i knew someone `wise` like you would respond. i just didnt expect it would be in 5 mins..so gratz you win. also imagine a mediocre player maybe has a kids to feed and work to do and when he gets home from work he doesnt want to spend 6 hours of fails in 1 dungeon (not by his fault maybe?, cuz you need 4 geared, experienced ppl for this). so maybe you are pro, and handsome and cool and you spend 23 hours a day near your pc im happy for you and gl. but dont worry this path will get nerfed. even if there will always be ppl like you telling us how easy this path is. hell, you maybe even did this when simin was glitched – you could hit her in stealth so…shhhhhh
Oh how I love hearing the tears of someone who has nothing else better to say other than “I have a life and you don’t” as if that is some form of valid argument why they should be spoonfed. Dungeon master is not for everyone, you are not entitled to getting it because you are busier in real life than other people. Theres people selling the run, hell even carrying people to do this path.
let me just say this my friend. i have 2178 more achievement points than you do at this moment. fact that im posting here doesnt mean i didnt do this path. im just putting 1 more vote for making this easier for most ppl.
Lol, you do not have 2178 more achievement points than me since I do not use my main account to post on the forums, nice try though. If you are at 2178 more achievement points than “this account” then you’re 1.5k achievement points below my main.
let me just say this my friend. i have 2178 more achievement points than you do at this moment. fact that im posting here doesnt mean i didnt do this path. im just putting 1 more vote for making this easier for most ppl.
Hey, you’re better at jumping puzzle than me. I suck at jumping puzzle, you suck at killing Simin (6 hours, now your comments are funny).
Can I have shiny legendary for soloing lupicus? I’m just putting 1 more vote for making this easier for some people.
People dont do this path for gear, they do it for dungeon master, the other 3 paths are much shorter and easier. Quit pretending that people do path 4 for tokens, thats just being stupid.
I am doing this path for tokens – joining desperate teams, 10-15 minutes later, I have 60-63 more tokens.
I am doing this path for tokens – joining desperate teams, 10-15 minutes later, I have 60-63 more tokens.
The purpose isnt for tokens, its for helping the desperate teams. The tokens are just a bonus.
The discussion is getting derailed.
Can I have a benchmark – what’s the average time it takes your team to put the sparks in, haviz? Or any team that can beat this fight without ridiculous DPS.
funniest 2 comments above i ve seen in a long time
just dont know which one wins…i smell wannabe professionals
that was my last comment guys…you win gg
Says the guy that goes “i have more achievement points than you,” only to have it backfire and then resort to that same cliched insults cause he has nothing else better to say regarding the actual discussion at hand.
The discussion is getting derailed.
Can I have a benchmark – what’s the average time it takes your team to put the sparks in, haviz? Or any team that can beat this fight without ridiculous DPS.
From the times I’ve ran it, averagely takes about 8-15 seconds depending on who’s doing it. Easier to do with a class with blinks + speed buffs.
My guild have just tried P4 and four hours later we gave up at…youve guessed it, Simin (Dwayna).
The group comprised of a Ranger, two DPS warriors, a Mesmer and a DPS Ele. We tried every tip, trick, strategy and guide we could find but simply put we didnt have enough DPS to negate the heal, even with poison. Now to me that is awful for a game like GW2 that prides itself on ‘skill-based’ encounters. We could not overcome this challenge due to the classes that we chose to enter the dungeon with.
Simply put this needs to change. Even if after the fix the fight takes 2 hours, as long as Simin can actually be killed id be happy. To say im annoyed is an understatement as members of my party will only get a couple of hours sleep tonight before work tomorrow due to a flawed mechanic. Nothing forced us to play but the ‘love’ of the game…certainly for me that ‘love’ is being severely tested in recent weeks.
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!
My guild have just tried P4 and four hours later we gave up at…youve guessed it, Simin (Dwayna).
The group comprised of a Ranger, two DPS warriors, a Mesmer and a DPS Ele. We tried every tip, trick, strategy and guide we could find but simply put we didnt have enough DPS to negate the heal, even with poison. Now to me that is awful for a game like GW2 that prides itself on ‘skill-based’ encounters. We could not overcome this challenge due to the classes that we chose to enter the dungeon with.
Simply put this needs to change. Even if after the fix the fight takes 2 hours, as long as Simin can actually be killed id be happy. To say im annoyed is an understatement as members of my party will only get a couple of hours sleep tonight before work tomorrow due to a flawed mechanic. Nothing forced us to play but the ‘love’ of the game…certainly for me that ‘love’ is being severely tested in recent weeks.
Trust me, if you failed with the group comp you posted it wasn’t the professions that held you back. Even thinking that “the poison” would do anything tells me that you were obviously not educated about the Simin fight.
Chalking up their lack of sleep to ANet’s design or “flaw” of a boss is also ludicrous. No mechanics are flawed, they actually just got tweaked (for the better, mind you).
Sorry, try again. You guys just weren’t good enough!
Technical Strength – Engineer
Dungeon Master – FotM 46
Can I have a benchmark – what’s the average time it takes your team to put the sparks in, haviz? Or any team that can beat this fight without ridiculous DPS.
When I run 2 south ones it takes about 5-7s, for 3 north ones it’s about 7-9s. If I join alone with 4 strangers I run 3 north ones, if I have someone I know who’s good at running I take 2 south ones. And that works with really suboptimal DPS groups (warrior, thief, necro, necro, ranger for instance), Simin dies with 2-4 spark runs.
In this video they run really slow but they can use their high dps for their advantage. Their runners don’t use any mobility skills (1st run not even a swiftness) and I would never ask mesmer to run, they’re like the least mobile class if you exclude portal which needs preparations. The best runners imho are warriors, thief, guardian and maybe ele (rtl is harder to control, you can’t interrupt it).
If you lack this kind of dps, which most people complain about, yes you need to run sparks correctly. But what you need is about 2-4 runs, it’s not impossible.
Trust me, if you failed with the group comp you posted it wasn’t the professions that held you back. Even thinking that “the poison” would do anything tells me that you were obviously not educated about the Simin fight.
Chalking up their lack of sleep to ANet’s design or “flaw” of a boss is also ludicrous. No mechanics are flawed, they actually just got tweaked (for the better, mind you).
Sorry, try again. You guys just weren’t good enough!
There’s one issue- I dont trust you. The poison was just an extra brought by our ranger, we wasnt ‘gimping’ DPS or anything else by using it. Also what dont you understand about ‘we tried every strategy’ which means you then call us ‘uneducated’? After an hour of trying we took to youtube to figure out the strategies used by others and tried all that we could find.
Also a ‘lack of sleep’ wasnt an issue with the fight itself, it was an issue for the following morning for those needing to work. So please hold off commenting before you understand what im actually saying.
The sparks were not an issue as we eventually worked out that two members could get the sparks in within a few seconds before the whole group DPS’d the boss after she re-appeared. The fix only affected the so called ease of getting the sparks into the slots, not Simin’s health regen. Its the regen that needs a fix because to spend that amount of time in a dungeon only to be halted by a mechanic that my party couldnt overcome….why bother? Id happily say we wasnt good enough if we kept dying or couldnt understand a puzzle but we understood what we had to do, going in with two members that had completed the boss before. We still couldnt do it.
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!
I have nothing against more difficult encounters and I haven’t done simins since the new patch. I will say though that the problem is that none of the other dungeon encounters are of this level of coordination, dps requirement, luck, timing and of course after already having spend a long time within the dungeon draining your energy.
I really feel there should be another difficulty mode added to dungeons. I feel that people should be able to do explorables in a more doable environment like most of them are now and get rewarded tokens. But have the same explorables tuned up highly to give a challenge to hardcore pve’ers with organised groups that award far better rewards.
You could include simins to this new category of difficulty.
I also feel that some of the storymode bosses are harder than half the explorable bosses. Make 3 difficulty levels.
- Storymode, Easy, lore driven introductory/tutorial type of dungeon. Make them even easier
- Explorables: Harder, pretty much mostly the same as they are now but reduce health bars, make them a tiny bit easier, balance the really harder fights to be much easier
- Hardmode: Have all fights tuned up with many new coordinated abilities like simin/subject alpha/lupicus. Bring back old-school searing effigy etc. Make them hard and unforgiving but completing them twice as rewarding. Also make it less about DPS but more about coordination and survivability/support.
That way, people get a challenge and those who can’t do hardmode can still enjoy the same content and at least some of the same reward. I know storymode was intended for this but storymode is completely different, less content for it and of course not nearly as rewarding.
I would love this kind of addition to the dungeons. Hard-Mode that is actually challenging but they require effective use of mechanics and teamwork rather than just Bosses with loads of HP. Would support 100%. Obviously only for Instanced-Dungeon content.
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]
tl;dr at bottom
Simin is doable for sure, you don’t even need high DPS or any “special tricks” (exploits) or anything.
However its no excuse for that many effects when she disappears, its more than a bit overkill… If they could tone down her regen a tad or make her able to be damaged while she’s invisible, that would be a step in the right direction (if it doesn’t make her “balanced” enough).
I made a thread in this forum when I was fighting her my first time a couple days ago, and someone decided he would like to help out (sadly he was from another region). I kicked myself from that group to get him in because I wasn’t running full Berserker’s gear & felt I was the weakest link from the team. I kept telling them to find a warrior who knew what he was doing, but that glorious knight never came and eventually I was rejoined up with my team and still had Simin waiting to be killed.
That time out of the dungeon was exactly what we needed; so in a way, the person from another region was the reason why we won. I was able to shake off the tunnel-vision of “er mah gerd! DPS-DPS-DPS! Kill her in a double time warp or we have to reset!” and started thinking about the mechanics we were dealt. It is NOT a DPS check/race that only Warriors can pass. It is NOT a boss that relies on “special tricks”. There is no penalty at all for doing low damage against her; all it comes down to is running the sparks (and their nasty AI).
At first we were too slow because we were pouring it all over her up until she disappeared, that was our first problem. Nobody was actively watching the debuffs to throw the Tears asap either. Then when the sparks came, we had people unsure what one to aggro & what to do. If you don’t understand her mechanics, that’s apparently what the norm is according to these threads & my experience.
However, after clearing my mind it hit me like a bunch of rocks. You really only need 3 people to damage her, and the other 2 have tear duty (with the ranged attacks in between). When she’s about ready to go invis (not AS she goes invis- before that) the 2 on tears should immediately blink to the sparks’ spawns while the 3 fighters situate themselves and stay out of the way of the runners. We were getting all of the sparks aggro’d in the first second of her vanishing, and at the statue barely 4-6 seconds later thanks to the headstart & mobility skills (yep- not burst damage skills, mobility skills).
This is not a fight where you’re expected to only do sparks once or twice, you’ll only be taking off like 10% HP at a time after she reappears so prepare to get comfy in there. Starting after readying up a 4-1 Spark (I’m not counting 4-1 as a special trick, because none of the devs said anything against it) and having her regen to full HP, it took us about 9 or so Spark runs, and almost 10 minutes to kill her.
I hope this helps; and if you’re reading this other-region guy: Thanks a ton!
tl;dr- This is not a DPS race. Just take a breather & think of the mechanics until you realize that. Focus on the sparks, not damaging her with as much burst as you can. You’re expected to run the sparks more than twice (in the ballpark of 7-10 times), and keep runners on tears so they’re already out of the battle. Keep fighters away from Sparks as well.
tl;dr@tl;dr- Why are you on the forums if words bore you?
The heal is too strong I think. Try QA testing it with 5 Rangers. Pretty much should be impossible then.
Maybe ranger’s should stop using ranged weapons.
Wow that made zero sense so Warriors and Guardians should all be using bows and stave’s? right..
The heal is too strong I think. Try QA testing it with 5 Rangers. Pretty much should be impossible then.
Maybe ranger’s should stop using ranged weapons.
Wow that made zero sense so Warriors and Guardians should all be using bows and stave’s? right..
You do realize melee attacks in general do more damage than ranged attacks?
The heal is too strong I think. Try QA testing it with 5 Rangers. Pretty much should be impossible then.
Maybe ranger’s should stop using ranged weapons.
Wow that made zero sense so Warriors and Guardians should all be using bows and stave’s? right..
You do realize melee attacks in general do more damage than ranged attacks?
Not on my Ranger they don’t no..and that is a game mechanics problem not a players problem.
I see Casual gaming seems to had evaporated in mmos these days its insane white knuckle kittenation, not everyone finds this type of dungeon fun, but everyone needs to complete this crap to continue, there in lies the issues..
The heal is too strong I think. Try QA testing it with 5 Rangers. Pretty much should be impossible then.
Maybe ranger’s should stop using ranged weapons.
Wow that made zero sense so Warriors and Guardians should all be using bows and stave’s? right..
You do realize melee attacks in general do more damage than ranged attacks?
Overall DPS is what counts. You might do more damage per hit, but can you keep hitting while evading damage? What about time warriors, guardians and thieves spend downed? Rangers using bows will usually be downed far less often, they don’t lose DPS from their pet for going ranged (who does the same damage whether you are using a ranged or melee weapon, although melee pets tend to do more damage than ranged ones) and they can continue to hit the target while strafing or moving to avoid damage. They don’t have to “get back into range” as often and will generally be more consistent with their damage.
To add to all of this, while it is possible to build and be successful with a glass cannon melee character, it’s far less risky to do it on a ranged build. So even if you do more damage in melee, with a ranged build you have more leeway to build glass cannon.
@dante I believe if you build appropriately for it, a 1h sword build will out DPS any shortbow or longbow build.
(edited by Shiren.9532)
I made a thread in this forum when I was fighting her my first time a couple days ago, and someone decided he would like to help out (sadly he was from another region). I kicked myself from that group to get him in because I wasn’t running full Berserker’s gear & felt I was the weakest link from the team. I kept telling them to find a warrior who knew what he was doing, but that glorious knight never came and eventually I was rejoined up with my team and still had Simin waiting to be killed.
That time out of the dungeon was exactly what we needed; so in a way, the person from another region was the reason why we won. I was able to shake off the tunnel-vision of “er mah gerd! DPS-DPS-DPS! Kill her in a double time warp or we have to reset!” and started thinking about the mechanics we were dealt. It is NOT a DPS check/race that only Warriors can pass. It is NOT a boss that relies on “special tricks”. There is no penalty at all for doing low damage against her; all it comes down to is running the sparks (and their nasty AI).
I was that person who wanted to help you but sadly we’re from different regions. Hopefully, my advices were a bit of a help seeing as you have done it and you’re not saying it’s a dps race
@Hyperion On our kills, myself and another Ele run each spark zone in under 10 seconds. 5-7~ for the 2-set, around 9~ for the 3-set.
@Constantine These posts are proof? I can promise you that many more people have acquired DM than there are people in this thread complaining about it. ANet themselves have confirmed that they don’t have an issue besting Simin, right here in this thread. These posts are only proof that we have one boss in the game that is not killable by spamming #1 while semi-afk drinking coffee.
Antonius Duarte – Elementalist – Kaineng
These posts are only proof that we have one boss in the game that is not killable by spamming #1 while semi-afk drinking coffee.
Sorry for butting in here, but may I add that it’s actually pretty nice that almost every boss in the game is nice enough to not attack often and let you go make some grub? Every time I get to one of these bosses it’s nice to pull up some Game Grumps on my other monitor, do a bit of texting, and eat a small meal while very occasionally mousing over my 6 skill and clicking.
Sure that’s nearly unacceptable for so many bosses, but my tummy & youtube feed has been loving the attention.