Dungeon speed runs - the dark side
I agree definitely, no other mmo that i have played has been as mean and brutal towards other players especially to new players who stumble into an exp dungeon for the first time. Not even WoW is that bad during heroic dungeons, people are extremely helpful. The fact that a majority of “elite” gw2 players kick other players out of dungeons just because their AP arent in the thousands is ridiculous which is an absolutley terrible way to judge skill. Im a newer player and my brother is the one who brought me into gw2 and hes been playing since 2013 but his AP’s are only in the 900’s because he plays casually and he still gets kicked just because of that.
And he gets kicked precisely because people don’t want someone who plays casually. If they wanted that 900 ap would be fine.
They want someone who’s been playing since 2012 on release – who averages 3-4 hours every day and has played each day ever since the game came out.
They want someone at 20k AP who knows the game by heart.You can’t expect people who don’t want to play with casual players to force themselves to do it just because.
Find people who will accept and teach you the basics. Learn, Improve and in time you’ll run with the experienced players.im guessing youre one of these elitists since you can state that “people dont want” youre saying that every single person who does not have 20k APs and has not been been playing since launch, (a very large majority of the entire player base) doesnt know any of the dungeon mechanics and is not good enough to run dungeons with you and your people? Lol again youve missed the point…. /sigh
I’m not saying that at all.
Personally I think anybody over 8k ap at the moment is alright. I’d take a person over 8k and see what happens.
The point is people want people that know the game by heart. Or at least well.
I agree definitely, no other mmo that i have played has been as mean and brutal towards other players especially to new players who stumble into an exp dungeon for the first time. Not even WoW is that bad during heroic dungeons, people are extremely helpful. The fact that a majority of “elite” gw2 players kick other players out of dungeons just because their AP arent in the thousands is ridiculous which is an absolutley terrible way to judge skill. Im a newer player and my brother is the one who brought me into gw2 and hes been playing since 2013 but his AP’s are only in the 900’s because he plays casually and he still gets kicked just because of that.
And he gets kicked precisely because people don’t want someone who plays casually. If they wanted that 900 ap would be fine.
They want someone who’s been playing since 2012 on release – who averages 3-4 hours every day and has played each day ever since the game came out.
They want someone at 20k AP who knows the game by heart.You can’t expect people who don’t want to play with casual players to force themselves to do it just because.
Find people who will accept and teach you the basics. Learn, Improve and in time you’ll run with the experienced players.im guessing youre one of these elitists since you can state that “people dont want” youre saying that every single person who does not have 20k APs and has not been been playing since launch, (a very large majority of the entire player base) doesnt know any of the dungeon mechanics and is not good enough to run dungeons with you and your people? Lol again youve missed the point…. /sigh
I’m not saying that at all.
Personally I think anybody over 8k ap at the moment is alright. I’d take a person over 8k and see what happens.The point is people want people that know the game by heart. Or at least well.
… I know many people in the 4-5k range that are far better players than I am. AP only matters to those who care about it. <1k AP, yeah you jus thaven’t been around that long. But around 3kish you’ll fill up all the one you get normally playing, and after that you actually have to hunt them… not something everyone cares about.
You could have it set by total item rarity checks. Such as having 6 out 15 exotics in slot as minimum or something as an example or basically just X amount of exotics equipped with pug leaders choice that way if you dont meet the threshold you wont even be allowed to join.
Wouldn’t hurt but also doubt this would help. The game is 2 years old. Exotics are dirt cheap and the issue isn’t with the gear itself. The issue is that a large portion of the community has not learned how to play in a team oriented way and doesn’t care to.
Filters help, yes but you can’t filter out “Refuses to blast smoke fields” or “Uses Empower on CD”. Simply put, there is a larger issue with bad play and static playstyle than with gear choice.
Frankly, I would rather have an eager noob in my party with yellow gear who is curious about mechanics and willing to learn than a moronic nub in exotic tank gear with 20k AP who still doesn’t know what defiance is.
Edit: In all my time gaming, I’ve never seen members of a community so militantly opposed to getting better at a game
Players like you are why I will continue to have requirements. Thank you for being so easy to filter out!
Had a quite a long message prepared, but you seem like one of those that goes on and on while you don’t know the first thing about me or how I play. But have fun in you zombie robot dungeoneering. Filter applied.
You make generalized statements about the community.
You make kneejerk assumptions about others’ skill levels based on that they have expectations
You then pull a hypocrite stunt in your next post trying to fault me for “not knowing you”
Yes, I’ll quite happy to never see you in my groups. While this alone is not a judgment on you as a person (the above three lines are, however), it is clear that we should never be in a party with each other, and I’m okay with that!
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
1. I said she had a seven year old and a five year old. And by leave, I mean leaves without intent to return that group. And like I said, she informed the group of the possibility of her having to leave, so they were willing to accept the risk. And she can’t use the efficient LFG, she’s at risk of leaving. That’s not efficient. And this is just one example of a player who would be hurt by your change.
Players with connection issues would likely get caught by it.
Players also shouldn’t have to ask others to kick them to avoid a penalty when they realize their play styles don’t mesh well. A system that is designed where you have to go out of your way to avoid the consequences when you aren’t the ones who it was designed for is a bad system.
2. You didn’t specify that players joining groups they didn’t meet and getting kicked accordingly fit and based on previous posts you made, I could not assume you included them.
However, I still do not agree that voluntarily leaving a group should incur a penalty. I’ve never seen any posts on here by people complaining that they keep running into people who leave their groups before the run was done. Not to the degree to warrant punishing players for doing so.
connection issue wouldnt count as a leave, people would have to actively leave.
2) yeah i was saying that each lfg would have a different rule set that makes more sense for whats happening.
Thats why for the second set its the leader, or creator who institutes kicks, and the players can only kick him if its unanimous.
anyhow, if yall think leaving isnt a problem whatever is clever, i would suggest they build in the functionality, and not have it set to be used, because if it does become an issue, i wouldnt want them to take forver for a second pass.
Frankly, I would rather have an eager noob in my party with yellow gear who is curious about mechanics and willing to learn than a moronic nub in exotic tank gear with 20k AP who still doesn’t know what defiance is
^this. I completely agree but the problem is pug leaders dont give new players the chance to learn. Im only going off of experience, as im a newer player myself. Even watching youtube, researching on the internet and reading wiki and dulfy to learn dungeons doesnt mean jack to veteran pug leaders. I have been playing for 1 solid month and i have almost 900 APs and im in full CoF zerker gear, including accesories and an ascended trinket. As being an ex-hardcore WoW raider, i find the only challenging thing to do in this game is run exp dungeons and i have including arah and fractals but there is no way for a pug leader to know that so they go off what your AP says and oh sorry you dont have enough / AP is not high enough you dont know what youre doing, kicked*
Am I the only one who doesn’t want some new convoluted lfg system?
EDIT: I gotta squash bugs on their forums. They can’t get rid of the 1 in the custom gem buy window. They have their TP bug out regularly. The current LFG system has it’s own bugs. Their attempt to give us a “majority” kick option failed.
You all believe they can put a complex LFG system into this game that is actually better than what we have? Are you sure you want them to try?
well now that they are talking about it, seems like they are probably complicating it, but after brainstorming it might come down to a simpler thing.
As far as can they do it? will they do it?
i dunno, but we probably shouldnt assume they cant. Up to them to figure that out.
i dunno, but we probably shouldnt assume they cant.
I dunno, they’ve demonstrated they’re pretty incompetent so far. On top of everything else Jerus mentioned (seriously, they tried to increase the votes required to kick to 3/5 and failed), their official line on why they don’t fix griefers being able to kick sellers is “It’s too haaaaard.”
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.
i dunno, but we probably shouldnt assume they cant.
I dunno, they’ve demonstrated they’re pretty incompetent so far. I mean, their official line on why they don’t fix griefers being able to kick sellers is “It’s too haaaaard.”
but we should still give feedback like they can fix it, even if they cant.
Creating a majority required kick system really isn’t that complicated. Now I don’t know GW2 code, but speaking from a stand alone perspective creating that system is very simple. Now the implementation into GW2 apparently would take code work and time they are unwilling to devote to it (they have stated such) so they tried to change one data variable as I understand it, it didn’t work, so they dropped it and deleted the message to cover up the fact that they even tried, causing a lot of confusion in the process.
You’ll have to forgive me for being quite doubtful about the prospect of actually getting something that works well and is seen as an improvement.
Frankly, I would rather have an eager noob in my party with yellow gear who is curious about mechanics and willing to learn than a moronic nub in exotic tank gear with 20k AP who still doesn’t know what defiance is
^this. I completely agree but the problem is pug leaders dont give new players the chance to learn. Im only going off of experience, as im a newer player myself. Even watching youtube, researching on the internet and reading wiki and dulfy to learn dungeons doesnt mean jack to veteran pug leaders. I have been playing for 1 solid month and i have almost 900 APs and im in full CoF zerker gear, including accesories and an ascended trinket. As being an ex-hardcore WoW raider, i find the only challenging thing to do in this game is run exp dungeons and i have including arah and fractals but there is no way for a pug leader to know that so they go off what your AP says and oh sorry you dont have enough / AP is not high enough you dont know what youre doing, kicked*
Remember that one time a group of pugs set a speed clear record? Or that one time some random kitten in a pug
They didn’t. That’s because a “veteran pug” sucks. They’re bad because they have a very limited understanding of the game, they’re narrow minded, and they’re afraid to try new things.
They have watched a couple of videos online and copy paste months old strategies from more skilled players. They don’t communicate and they cheezmode anytime they can (e.g. Lupi Wallspoit, afk ranging bosses from safespots, etc…)
From what you’ve said, I don’t think you’re going to have an issue as a player. That’s not to say that I disagree with kicking players. I think a “party leader” should have a choice on who is allowed in or not.
I’m gonna give you some unsolicited advice here. You’re already reading guides and working on gearing yourself properly. Keep doing that and just get good on your own accord. You don’t need approval from some kitten scrub who thinks his 20k AP from farming Living Story equates with skill.
Some of the best players I know are in the 2000-9000 AP range. Why? Because AP is a measure of how much time you put into the game. So, just let it roll off your back and keep practicing!
You can either come to the forums to whine about getting kicked or you can practice more, learn to solo, learn to low man, find a solid group of friends to train with, etc… Again, last bit of unsolicited advice (and I don’t mean to presume your age or life experience so take this with a grain of salt) but there are very few people who really give a kitten about you.
No one cares that you got kicked and they care even less that you’re complaining about it. Does it suck, yeah. Happens to all of us at some point or another. Just shrug it off and move on to the next one. Got kicked by some open world hero? Their loss. Keep practicing, keep playing, and focus on your skills. You won’t regret that.
Frankly, I would rather have an eager noob in my party with yellow gear who is curious about mechanics and willing to learn than a moronic nub in exotic tank gear with 20k AP who still doesn’t know what defiance is
^this. I completely agree but the problem is pug leaders dont give new players the chance to learn. Im only going off of experience, as im a newer player myself. Even watching youtube, researching on the internet and reading wiki and dulfy to learn dungeons doesnt mean jack to veteran pug leaders. I have been playing for 1 solid month and i have almost 900 APs and im in full CoF zerker gear, including accesories and an ascended trinket. As being an ex-hardcore WoW raider, i find the only challenging thing to do in this game is run exp dungeons and i have including arah and fractals but there is no way for a pug leader to know that so they go off what your AP says and oh sorry you dont have enough / AP is not high enough you dont know what youre doing, kicked*
Here’s the thing. If I raise my standards for a group to be able to avoid partying with 5-9 headless chickens but it means I’d have to exclude you as well, I’ll do it. Every time. With zero remorse. I’m trying to maximize my chance for getting a smooth run, not minimize your chances of unjust or unfair treatment.
Nobody cares about you individually, especially when you have all the tools at your disposal, including forming your own group and joining a guild. If you posted for help on this forum we would all happily offer it. If we knew you more than we knew any other random stranger with 900 AP we might see that you could indeed carry your own weight.
So form your own groups. Make yourself known to others before you join their groups. Hell, if you’re confident enough, claim to be on an alt account. Because if you don’t do any of these things, then we’ll just see you as someone new to the game and likely to not have a clue about the run.
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
Cmon, AP or level filters? What we need are gear and trait filters.
An open question with an open answer would also work wonders.
Cmon, AP or level filters? What we need are gear and trait filters.
You can change your gear and traits any time you want when out of combat….
Cmon, AP or level filters? What we need are gear and trait filters.
What if I’m doing something different while looking for a group? Let’s say I’m running around borderlans while checking the lfg for interesting dungeon groups every now and then. Because I’m interested in giving my best at whatever I’m doing I’m not in dungeon gear/traits while in WvW but would change once inside the dungeon. I can not see any groups with those filters active. If this is a little far fetched, what if I am on a char I do not use for dungeons so it does not have the equipment/traits, maybe it’s not even level 80 (which already is a problem because you can not see every lfg on low level chars).
Group side enforced filters are a bad idea, they need to be unselectable without affecting gameplay for the searchers. But those would not help as much against players who do not want to follow the group requirements.
No, you’d be able to see and join them optimally, but would get kicked out of the dungeon once you enter it with non x-gear equipped, as well as be a free kick to anyone attempting.
I have to be honest here, i think you guys are too focused on a very small issue that would not really pay off in terms of development time.
creating a a complex lfg that can filter players according to their gear would cost a lot of time and energy, and only serve an incredibly small amount of players. It would increase the complexity of setting up an lfg, joining an lfg, have large UI costs, and it wouldnt even stop bad players from joining your party.
All you would stop is the rare guy in all greens from joining your party.
on the whole it wouldnt make dungeons more popular or get more people playing it. When is the last time you heard someone say, i quit running dungeons because guys in greens try to leech.
at least try to come up with something fairly simple that will achieve the same effect.
ask for a dungeon title that is like completed 120 dungeons or something, account bound, forget the filter, just kick people who arent showing the title if you want.
I kind of agree its not worth the effort. Just give us inspect and then we can kick people who lie their way into groups.
I think, in principle, filters could be great and also expand to other parts of the game. Consider Silverwastes, for instance. You could use it to ensure that you group you’re joining is in a proper Silverwastes % or something. Maybe you’re only looking for a specific Dry Top tier level, or something else.
I don’t think inspect is something anyone can ever convince ANet to implement because it creates a judgmental environment for players. I also don’t think inspect is particularly useful outside of a narrow band of functionality, and lastly it still lets people who don’t meet your expectations join your party and then deal with being kicked either immediately or later when someone decides to check them.
I kind of agree its not worth the effort. Just give us inspect and then we can kick people who lie their way into groups.
^^ Honestly that would go further than any LFG tool changes IMO. But… “it’s toxic! omg you elitist jerks zerkers” Fight for the right to lie!
I think, in principle, filters could be great and also expand to other parts of the game. Consider Silverwastes, for instance. You could use it to ensure that you group you’re joining is in a proper Silverwastes % or something. Maybe you’re only looking for a specific Dry Top tier level, or something else.
I don’t think inspect is something anyone can ever convince ANet to implement because it creates a judgmental environment for players. I also don’t think inspect is particularly useful outside of a narrow band of functionality, and lastly it still lets people who don’t meet your expectations join your party and then deal with being kicked either immediately or later when someone decides to check them.
im not saying all filters would be not beneficial, im saying a gear filter is too complex for to little reward.
Also filters need to have the information being tracked and supplied already, so you cant have something like dry top level (does that even exist as player data, isnt that based on the map your in)
The most adaptive filter i can see is one that can filter based on specific titles or achievements, even then the UI for that would basically have to be every achievement or title in the game.
a filter where you can select what job for each slot might be feasible, but something that can track how many berserker pieces and rarity of all gear? that would probably be best served by adding a whole new system, though i doubt even then it would work out.
in another game you can filter by item level, but they already have a system outside that tracks the average item level of players.
once again though i feel this whole thing is a big effort to achieve virtually nothing, isnt it fairly easy to get full exotics anyway? Isnt the more important things for speedruns, build setups and knowledge of the meta tactics?
(edited by phys.7689)
I agree, I don’t think a gear filter is worth it, let alone even possible without inordinate effort. Locking someone’s gear once they join the party is even worse because maybe a good Berserker player needs to put on his WvW armor in a less talented group or something to help keep them alive. We shouldn’t be limiting our player base like that, as this would affect basically everyone.
For the record, you’re probably right about the Dry Top / SW thing. It’s possible they could hook some player metadata up to carry those pieces of information, but either way I think that sort of filter would be fairly valuable in principle. Maybe they can rig it up as “Current Zone Mapwide Meta Completion Percent” or something.
I’m a pretty good player – AP of 7k, level 80, mostly ascended gear, completed most dungeons a few times.
I joined a new guild. Breezed through HotW with guildmates – no issues. I didn’t bother with TS. Hardly anything in chat.
Our guild leader practically begged for members to do AC Path 2. I joined, used TS.
The dungeon run was a constant stream of profanity. I’m no prude, but is saying the f-word a thousand times helpful? Is there such a thing as too much advice? Ton of humiliation. A new standard for rage.
The final straw was being accused of not hitting the mob he had targeted (I’m sure I did). Then they kicked me at the last boss, so I quit the guild.
Bottom line is the game in my opinion is fine. There are sometimes mismatches in personalities, which can’t be fixed, even with perfect communication. No matter how thin you slice the baloney, there are always two sides.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I would love to have at least these 2 filters:
1: state your level of expertise : beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
I would assume that the most toxic players would most likely be in advanced setting so new players will more likely get a friendlier experience. This also means that advanced players who are willing to teach beginners can change their level of expertise setting to help newbies(Noob mentors are a good example of this)
2: What classes you want in your party:
4 slots: default = any and you just select the class that you want
so example could be:
level of expertise: beginner;
slot 1: any
slot 2: any
slot 3: any
slot 4: any
level of expertise: advanced;
slot 1: ele
slot 2: ele
slot 3: war
slot 4: guard
You can only see groups in your level of expertise.
You can see the desired classes option in the LFG so you can get a sense of how well people know the meta and how loose they want their group comp to be then you can join the appropriate group. Of course if you are running necro as advanced you can only see groups with necro desired or any options so GL(troll face)
Now there is no guarantee that people will be running meta builds but if a person thinks they are advanced it is more likely they will be running meta builds
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious
(edited by EcoRI.9273)
^this. I completely agree but the problem is pug leaders dont give new players the chance to learn. Im only going off of experience, as im a newer player myself.
Its a shame Dulfy doesn’t have a guide on how to make your own group. jk jk
Also its not that I dont give new players a chance to learn.. Its that I would never get anything done if I had to do that in (pretty much) every single group I make/join.
Poor guard just wanted friends. #puglyfe
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
This is not new to GW2. If you played GW1 and went to Domain of Anguish or PvP’d, you would have noticed Guild Wars contains some of the nastiest instanced dungeon communities around.
Moreover, since WoW and other western MMO’s don’t gate prestige gear behind massive gold grinds, you don’t get all these people just wanting to skip anything that doesn’t give effective gold rewards.
Look at WoW, you can finish any raid or dungeon in whatever time, but the acquisition of the item is fixed. What they do have is time gating but the total time to acquire the loot is far less than the massive grind in guild wars 2 meant to push people to buy gems to turn into gold.
At least in GW1 you could solo a run of Exile and make about 200-300k with some drops. Which basically meant in a week or two you had enough currency to gain the most expensive gear/skins in the game.
But this is GW2, and here you do the less efficient speed runs, you open your wallet at the gem store, or you play the TP. Those are your options for gaining any skin (even black lion skins cost something on the vicinity of 200-400g) in a reasonable amount of time.
It only gets worse for fractals because it’s all RNG so people want to get those fractal dailies done quick as the rewards for fractals suck.
(edited by Zenith.7301)
I would love to have at least these 2 filters:
1: state your level of expertise : beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
I would assume that the most toxic players would most likely be in advanced setting so new players will more likely get a friendlier experience. This also means that advanced players who are willing to teach beginners can change their level of expertise setting to help newbies(Noob mentors are a good example of this)2: What classes you want in your party:
4 slots: default = any and you just select the class that you want
so example could be:
level of expertise: beginner;
slot 1: any
slot 2: any
slot 3: any
slot 4: any
level of expertise: advanced;
slot 1: ele
slot 2: ele
slot 3: war
slot 4: guard
You can only see groups in your level of expertise.
You can see the desired classes option in the LFG so you can get a sense of how well people know the meta and how loose they want their group comp to be then you can join the appropriate group. Of course if you are running necro as advanced you can only see groups with necro desired or any options so GL(troll face)Now there is no guarantee that people will be running meta builds but if a person thinks they are advanced it is more likely they will be running meta builds
I can smell the “advanced” level of experitise as “try-hard” red alert.
If anything could be used as a filter option, the number of Hobby Explorer is a possibly acceptable indicator. Well, one person may have his DM title and do AC religiously everyday for a year can get quite a bit of points as well. But then, I don’t really expect that kind of people to show up in anywhere outside AC anyways. So it’s still a win-win.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
This is not new to GW2. If you played GW1 and went to Domain of Anguish or PvP’d, you would have noticed Guild Wars contains some of the nastiest instanced dungeon communities around.
DOA? Thats your example? psshhh.
nonsense and stuff
Yeah. Masterwork gear and subsequent free exotics sure was a massive gold grind. My credit card still has nightmares.
This is not new to GW2. If you played GW1 and went to Domain of Anguish or PvP’d, you would have noticed Guild Wars contains some of the nastiest instanced dungeon communities around.
DOA? Thats your example? psshhh.
Lightbringer rank raging is worse than anything this game has had. People comment on zerker cheese here, they haven’t seen the imbagon crap.
R8 or gtfo IDGAF!!!:D:D Now I remember Now I Remember! ahahaha the good ol days.
Froggy scepter only runs:D:D:D::D:D:D
Not a real person if you dont have gwamm also.
at least try to come up with something fairly simple that will achieve the same effect.
I thought I did and posted it but it seems to have either gone unnoticed or been considered so dreadful as not bear commenting upon.
Make dungeons like the current dailies. Rather than each dungeon path being it’s own daily with it’s own reward, have the game randomly select a few dungeon paths each day and provide a bigger reward for properly completing those (eg. killing all mobs).
The reward / time for full completion could be perfectly equivalent to the current scheme.
If the game also disabled skipping cutscenes for the selected dailies that would fix the problem of newer players never being able to watch them (without aggravating the speedsters).
Everyone could still earn rewards at the same rate. Speed runs would still be possible but there’d be much, much less incentive to do them. You wouldn’t be (speed) running the same dungeons every day so it might feel less repetitive. Newer players should have an all round better experience.
No social life unless GWAMM x5…
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
at least try to come up with something fairly simple that will achieve the same effect.
I thought I did and posted it but it seems to have either gone unnoticed or been considered so dreadful as not bear commenting upon.
Make dungeons like the current dailies. Rather than each dungeon path being it’s own daily with it’s own reward, have the game randomly select a few dungeon paths each day and provide a bigger reward for properly completing those (eg. killing all mobs).
The reward / time for full completion could be perfectly equivalent to the current scheme.
If the game also disabled skipping cutscenes for the selected dailies that would fix the problem of newer players never being able to watch them (without aggravating the speedsters).
Everyone could still earn rewards at the same rate. Speed runs would still be possible but there’d be much, much less incentive to do them. You wouldn’t be (speed) running the same dungeons every day so it might feel less repetitive. Newer players should have an all round better experience.
This is a great idea, until HotW and Arah end up in the Daily pool.
I would love to have at least these 2 filters:
1: state your level of expertise : beginner, intermediate, and advanced.
I would assume that the most toxic players would most likely be in advanced setting so new players will more likely get a friendlier experience. This also means that advanced players who are willing to teach beginners can change their level of expertise setting to help newbies(Noob mentors are a good example of this)2: What classes you want in your party:
4 slots: default = any and you just select the class that you want
so example could be:
level of expertise: beginner;
slot 1: any
slot 2: any
slot 3: any
slot 4: any
level of expertise: advanced;
slot 1: ele
slot 2: ele
slot 3: war
slot 4: guard
You can only see groups in your level of expertise.
You can see the desired classes option in the LFG so you can get a sense of how well people know the meta and how loose they want their group comp to be then you can join the appropriate group. Of course if you are running necro as advanced you can only see groups with necro desired or any options so GL(troll face)Now there is no guarantee that people will be running meta builds but if a person thinks they are advanced it is more likely they will be running meta builds
I can smell the “advanced” level of experitise as “try-hard” red alert.
If anything could be used as a filter option, the number of Hobby Explorer is a possibly acceptable indicator. Well, one person may have his DM title and do AC religiously everyday for a year can get quite a bit of points as well. But then, I don’t really expect that kind of people to show up in anywhere outside AC anyways. So it’s still a win-win.
I checked last night, my hobby is at 35… what I get for not completing my DM title till about a month or so ago >.<
I just ignored SEp2 for so long.
at least try to come up with something fairly simple that will achieve the same effect.
I thought I did and posted it but it seems to have either gone unnoticed or been considered so dreadful as not bear commenting upon.
Make dungeons like the current dailies. Rather than each dungeon path being it’s own daily with it’s own reward, have the game randomly select a few dungeon paths each day and provide a bigger reward for properly completing those (eg. killing all mobs).
The reward / time for full completion could be perfectly equivalent to the current scheme.
If the game also disabled skipping cutscenes for the selected dailies that would fix the problem of newer players never being able to watch them (without aggravating the speedsters).
Everyone could still earn rewards at the same rate. Speed runs would still be possible but there’d be much, much less incentive to do them. You wouldn’t be (speed) running the same dungeons every day so it might feel less repetitive. Newer players should have an all round better experience.
This is a great idea, until HotW and Arah end up in the Daily pool.
Well Arah isn’t even bad besides path 4, even pugs have been clearing those reliably. Same for HotW, the only true bad path is the underwater one.
None of the dungeons are as pug destroying as the dredge, fire shaman, and thaumanova fractals. Only bad boss is the molten front duo, even mai trin can be handled by pug attrition. But that is because those encounters are very polar, your experience varies depending on bringing the right tools and having proper coordination, and coordination is not something this game encourages in most of its content (open world pve is a joke, and in WvW you can resort to roaming or doing activities that don’t involve much timing of coinciding skills).
(edited by Zenith.7301)
This is a great idea, until HotW and Arah end up in the Daily pool.
You mean HotW that take 15min to complete or Arah that you can solo in 30min?
This is a great idea, until HotW and Arah end up in the Daily pool.
Or aetherblades…
Well Arah isn’t even bad besides path 4, even pugs have been clearing those reliably.
I’d still take a visit at a proctologist over every arah pug doing any path.
TRUEPRO1996: “Dodge the grubs!”
Flamebait69: “uhm, you can’t dodge the last one”.
Flamebait69: “L2P”
TRUEPRO1996 has left the group.
^Somwhere in the world of tyria, this is happening right now.
You have to ask yourself “Why people want to speedclear in the first place”?
Most people, who speedrun want gold, because end-game shinies cost lots of gold.
Alot of these have jobs, wife and/or kids and can’t play hardcore 24/7.
Thes eplayers look for profitable, efficient, fast and relatively easy ways to make lots of gold.
Speedrunning dungeons is one of them.
Of course, you’ll always stumble across an elitist, who thinks the way he/she does things is the pro way. (not to be confused with a player, who just knows his stuff, easely identifiable by the fact, that such a player happily explains you why his way of doing stuff is better, instead of raging the chat.)
There always be those guys, but blaming the whole community for being toxic because of those is wrong.
Of course, some do it for the funzies and recordbooks, but you’ll never see them pugging anyways, so.
Everyone is to blame for the meta. The one’s complaining about it, the one’s, who pray to the holy trinity of Power, Precision and Ferocity every night and the game itself.
I have a few ideas, which might help here in terms of diversity:
Hardmode dungeons: The same dungeons, but with increased rewards and random modifiers on mobs/bosses, which resets everyday, such as “crit resistant” or “high armor, weak to conditions” or “resistant to conditions, low armor”, always indicated somehwere near the hub area of a dungeon, so people can prepare their traits/sets/foods and look for a good composition of players with different armor sets.
Imagine a Subject Alpha, who tanks your zerk blows like a boss, but takes like 2k per tick from burning.
Another thing: Dungeon Mentoring.
You carry a group of players, who are looking for a mentor through a dungeon and get some mentor rewards at the end.
Pretty straightforward.
Make your own groups, say “everyone’s welcome”.
~2 days later~
Welcome to the dark side.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
at least try to come up with something fairly simple that will achieve the same effect.
I thought I did and posted it but it seems to have either gone unnoticed or been considered so dreadful as not bear commenting upon.
Make dungeons like the current dailies. Rather than each dungeon path being it’s own daily with it’s own reward, have the game randomly select a few dungeon paths each day and provide a bigger reward for properly completing those (eg. killing all mobs).
The reward / time for full completion could be perfectly equivalent to the current scheme.
If the game also disabled skipping cutscenes for the selected dailies that would fix the problem of newer players never being able to watch them (without aggravating the speedsters).
Everyone could still earn rewards at the same rate. Speed runs would still be possible but there’d be much, much less incentive to do them. You wouldn’t be (speed) running the same dungeons every day so it might feel less repetitive. Newer players should have an all round better experience.
In my opinion the root of the problem is there are very different types of players in guild wars 2 and some just don’t mesh well together no matter what. Some players like to kill all things and some want to skip all things. Your system is telling players to play how your system wants(aka how you want) which in my opinion is bad.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious
at least try to come up with something fairly simple that will achieve the same effect.
I thought I did and posted it but it seems to have either gone unnoticed or been considered so dreadful as not bear commenting upon.
Make dungeons like the current dailies. Rather than each dungeon path being it’s own daily with it’s own reward, have the game randomly select a few dungeon paths each day and provide a bigger reward for properly completing those (eg. killing all mobs).
The reward / time for full completion could be perfectly equivalent to the current scheme.
If the game also disabled skipping cutscenes for the selected dailies that would fix the problem of newer players never being able to watch them (without aggravating the speedsters).
Everyone could still earn rewards at the same rate. Speed runs would still be possible but there’d be much, much less incentive to do them. You wouldn’t be (speed) running the same dungeons every day so it might feel less repetitive. Newer players should have an all round better experience.
In my opinion the root of the problem is there are very different types of players in guild wars 2 and some just don’t mesh well together no matter what. Some players like to kill all things and some want to skip all things. Your system is telling players to play how your system wants(aka how you want) which in my opinion is bad.
I’m not sure this is quite right. I can’t speak for anyone else, but the reason I like skipping mobs isn’t that I want to skip mobs in principle. It’s that I wan to achieve one particular goal, finishing the dungeon, and I want to do it reasonably efficiently (even though I’m not a hardcore speedrunner). If you give me a different goal, like vanquishing a dungeon, with some sort of non-stupid incentive (please, no more random ascended rings), I might sometimes want to achieve that goal instead. I’ll still want to do it reasonably efficiently, but I won’t be instantly opposed to it just ’cause I have to kill more stuff.
Some people, I think, just aren’t as concerned with achieving particular goals with the same efficiency. That’s not where they get their fun. And of course that’s fine! But I think that’s at least part of the important difference—I don’t think it’s just a matter of wanting to kill things or not.
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.
at least try to come up with something fairly simple that will achieve the same effect.
I thought I did and posted it but it seems to have either gone unnoticed or been considered so dreadful as not bear commenting upon.
Make dungeons like the current dailies. Rather than each dungeon path being it’s own daily with it’s own reward, have the game randomly select a few dungeon paths each day and provide a bigger reward for properly completing those (eg. killing all mobs).
The reward / time for full completion could be perfectly equivalent to the current scheme.
If the game also disabled skipping cutscenes for the selected dailies that would fix the problem of newer players never being able to watch them (without aggravating the speedsters).
Everyone could still earn rewards at the same rate. Speed runs would still be possible but there’d be much, much less incentive to do them. You wouldn’t be (speed) running the same dungeons every day so it might feel less repetitive. Newer players should have an all round better experience.
In my opinion the root of the problem is there are very different types of players in guild wars 2 and some just don’t mesh well together no matter what. Some players like to kill all things and some want to skip all things. Your system is telling players to play how your system wants(aka how you want) which in my opinion is bad.
I’m not sure this is quite right. I can’t speak for anyone else, but the reason I like skipping mobs isn’t that I want to skip mobs in principle. It’s that I wan to achieve one particular goal, finishing the dungeon, and I want to do it reasonably efficiently (even though I’m not a hardcore speedrunner). If you give me a different goal, like vanquishing a dungeon, with some sort of non-stupid incentive (please, no more random ascended rings), I might sometimes want to achieve that goal instead. I’ll still want to do it reasonably efficiently, but I won’t be instantly opposed to it just ’cause I have to kill more stuff.
Some people, I think, just aren’t as concerned with achieving particular goals with the same efficiency. That’s not where they get their fun. And of course that’s fine! But I think that’s at least part of the important difference—I don’t think it’s just a matter of wanting to kill things or not.
I think the issue is that some of us wouldn’t trust ANet to provide adequate rewards (which would likely have to include very sufficient amounts of gold and tokens) for finding every last trash mob and killing it. Otherwise, I have to agree that the earlier proposal is somewhat self-centered.
Your own signature seems to be a pretty good indication of how much trust you have for ANet yourself.
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
I think the only kind of filters that make sense are objective filters, not things where people classify themselves. If they want to do that sort of thing, they can say it in the LFG text itself. The problem with subjective or self-assigned filters is that they can be falsified. A newer player can claim to be advanced and get into trouble in groups and result in the same bad experience for everyone as we have now. We want the system to be robust at keeping players playing with exactly who they want to play with.
Oh, yeah, I misunderstood and thought there’d be bigger rewards for vanquishing certain dungeons in addition to the existing rewards. I agree that replacing current rewards like that would be awful, especially given Anet’s track record.
Also, given their “no hard mode because we don’t want to fracture the playerbase” nonsense, I’m sure that if they did this, they would force you to vanquish every dungeon or something stupid, too. Can’t give players too many options for how to play the content! That’ll fracture them!
Edit: But then, maybe they’re right that fracturing is bad. Just look at how horrible Fractured was! hurr hrur
best statistical loot in the game. We want everyone on an equal power base.”
Pre-launch, Colin listed things that make MMOs bad. They are all now in GW2.
I think the issue is that some of us wouldn’t trust ANet to provide adequate rewards (which would likely have to include very sufficient amounts of gold and tokens) for finding every last trash mob and killing it.
i dream of a future, where every dungeon mob in GW2 is as rewarding as a dredge/molten fractal mob.
But then again, i also dream of a future, where i win 1 Billion dollars for being the most awesome guitar playing rockstar playboy model, who fights crime with his oversized greatsword.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
The only filters I can see working are level and class.
Perhaps agony resistance. Perhaps mastery level in the future.
- Even then they should be able to SEE the lfg listing, but not join.
The only way a “skill level” filter could be applied, is if anet builds an internal skill system like pvp’s mmr for dungeons (which would probably be pretty broken, and won’t happen).
Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
at least try to come up with something fairly simple that will achieve the same effect.
I thought I did and posted it but it seems to have either gone unnoticed or been considered so dreadful as not bear commenting upon.
Make dungeons like the current dailies. Rather than each dungeon path being it’s own daily with it’s own reward, have the game randomly select a few dungeon paths each day and provide a bigger reward for properly completing those (eg. killing all mobs).
The reward / time for full completion could be perfectly equivalent to the current scheme.
If the game also disabled skipping cutscenes for the selected dailies that would fix the problem of newer players never being able to watch them (without aggravating the speedsters).
Everyone could still earn rewards at the same rate. Speed runs would still be possible but there’d be much, much less incentive to do them. You wouldn’t be (speed) running the same dungeons every day so it might feel less repetitive. Newer players should have an all round better experience.
In my opinion the root of the problem is there are very different types of players in guild wars 2 and some just don’t mesh well together no matter what. Some players like to kill all things and some want to skip all things. Your system is telling players to play how your system wants(aka how you want) which in my opinion is bad.
People skip mobs a) because the game allows them to, and b) because the mobs are a waste of time loot wise. People skip mobs because if you do the dungeon the way is the designed, the time to gold ratio is pitiful compared to just doing an open world framing train.
And neither doing dungeons or farm trains even comes close to acquiring prestige skins compared to playing the TP, which is an atrocity.
Legendaries should have been acquired through achievements, not playing virtual tradesman yet in release I know plenty of people who in the first 2 months had over 4-5 legendaries because they played the auction house while people who were among to be the first to max fractal levels, people who did Liadri achievements, people who have been really successful in WvW and GvG had 1 legendary or none at best.
It is their perverted design meant to squeeze cash out of people that distorts the way people play this game. I can assure you that if doing a dungeon properly was awarded well and gave progression toward prestige skins at a decent rate, people would do the dungeons instead of cheesing them because the grind is so big and they just want to get it over with.
But they don’t want a remotely rewarding game because better rewards means less people spending money on the cash shop. Welcome to F2P/B2P.
Look at how 6 months into release they talked about a precursor scavenger hunt and that turned into a 2+ year wait, and now they put that precursor scavenger hunt behind the paywall of an expansion pack, and you can rest assured that said “collection” will still involve enough grinding alongside the new mastery system to push people to buy convenience in the form of gold/boosts and those who don’t spend cash on the cash shop will instead speed grind.
(edited by Zenith.7301)