General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2
Another one for the scrapbook.
Zerk only run with a staff AH guardian.
Wait what. Were you using a vpn? Is that their reason?
Edit: Ah just read your link. I’m using WTFast too
get banned and then play league with me
D: just play gw2 with me coleslaw T_T
So… that flying dragon spitting fire was confirmed recently to be an open-world boss:
One less potential boss for a dungeon in HoT. It’s looking more likely that we get no new dungeons for HoT each day.
Also, look at these loaded questions from the interviews. They must be the pinnacle of PHIWs:
- Ten Ton Hammer: Do you think this change to Defiance will encourage players to spread out their utility skills so they aren’t just bringing damage to the table?
- Ten Ton Hammer: It seems as though with the addition of Slow and Taunt and now Defiance that Guild Wars 2 is moving in a direction of control as opposed to always relying on damage to overcome content.
And some of them are straight up obvious:
- Ten Ton Hammer: Do you envisage players moving away from pure Berzerker builds thanks to things such as Defiance?
Now that’s a fine specimen indeed.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
So… that flying dragon spitting fire was confirmed recently to be an open-world boss:
One less potential boss for a dungeon in HoT. It’s looking more likely that we get no new dungeons for HoT each day.
You don’t like cooperating with the best community in online gaming?
So… that flying dragon spitting fire was confirmed recently to be an open-world boss:
One less potential boss for a dungeon in HoT. It’s looking more likely that we get no new dungeons for HoT each day.
You don’t like cooperating with the best community in online gaming?
I know it’s sarcasm but I feel compelled to answer anyways: zerging sucks. I feel useless in it, like I’m just another number and that my actions have meaningless effect.
Being a fish in a school is not what I signed up for a MMO. I get it how casuals find the appeal though
I get really frustated when I look around in World bosses and people arent doing kitten. Like they might aswell not be playing, if they consider that playing!
(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)
We were doing a full dungeon tour. After ac cm and ta we hit DR in se. 2 tokens and 2 empy fragments.
kitten this kitten >>
Wth I never hit DR in dungeons and I do ‘almost full tours’.
We were doing a full dungeon tour. After ac cm and ta we hit DR in se. 2 tokens and 2 empy fragments.
kitten this kitten >>
This happens to us every night. Targ has a thread in the bug report forum about the issue. Feel free to bump it. =)
Another one for the scrapbook.
Zerk only run with a staff AH guardian.
Will do ye
Maybe u guys are too fast haha. It never happens to me, must be cuz casul.
Strangely enough, it only happens in SE
At least it never happened to me in any other dungeon and our tours aren’t slow (elitist4lyfe)
Strangely enough, it only happens in SE
At least it never happened to me in any other dungeon and our tours aren’t slow
Yes, its almost always SE, but also happens in CoFp1 sometimes too. I honestly don’t know if speed has anything to do with it since CM is faster than those usually and never happens in CM.
I could probably deduce the rule with more information about your rotation and timings.
2 token reward @ 1:41:49
Well, it only took 1.5-2 hours, and getting lucky at lupi (got downed with 1% left and killed him right before vengeance wore off) but I finally solo’d arah p2
I could probably deduce the rule with more information about your rotation and timings.
AC 1 3+2 → CM 123 → TA Up Fwd → Se 1 (2tokens) 3 (2tokens).
Yeah, it’s said in the ToS agreement.
Just because it’s in the ToS doesn’t make it valid. I could make a ToS where I write that you have to agree to be my slave but that still wouldn’t be valid in any way.
If they took my money and didn’t give the service they owed it doesn’t matter what they put in their ToS, some countries have laws that protect the customer more than others. If they have anything that is operated in my country I wouldn’t be so pessimistic about the end results, France is not a country where you can take people’s money and act like you owe nothing.
Hell, the very concept of software EULA even in the US is quite often in debate, with some jurisdictions going against them, some supporting it :
No one should just outright submit to the things written in license agreements. It doesn’t work that way.The issue is resolved though, the ban is lifted. Being vocal helps, I think, because I seriously doubt anything would’ve been done that fast if it didn’t start to pop up on reddit and the like.
@Dub : if there is a third time for you (I hope it really won’t. Getting banned a second time would probably make me leave the game for good. Being banned twice and stuck with it for 3 weeks each time? Lord.) be vocal, spread PR disaster on reddit etc.
Anet reads reddit more than they read their support tickets and forums.
I’m not vocal just out of rage. I’m vocal because I firmly believe it does something. Corporations only move when they smell potential PR disasters.
Lol good luck with that.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
Also, look at these loaded questions from the interviews. They must be the pinnacle of PHIWs:
- Ten Ton Hammer: Do you think this change to Defiance will encourage players to spread out their utility skills so they aren’t just bringing damage to the table?
- Ten Ton Hammer: It seems as though with the addition of Slow and Taunt and now Defiance that Guild Wars 2 is moving in a direction of control as opposed to always relying on damage to overcome content.
And some of them are straight up obvious:
- Ten Ton Hammer: Do you envisage players moving away from pure Berzerker builds thanks to things such as Defiance?
Who’s this genius? Wait. I don’t wanna know…
I’m watching Horns right now, such a nice little movie.
I wish I could understand Reddit. Sure, all kind of research and info is a nice thing but for most people that new information is pretty irrelevant. Yet still 500 upvotes. Can anyone explain?
I could probably deduce the rule with more information about your rotation and timings.
AC 1 3+2 -> CM 123 -> TA Up Fwd -> Se 1 (2tokens) 3 (2tokens).
Assuming everyone does roughly the same rotation there is probably a global DR system for all dungeons. So that’s why exact times are needed.
(edited by Wethospu.6437)
I wish I could understand Reddit. Sure, all kind of research and info is a nice thing but for most people that new information is pretty irrelevant. Yet still 500 upvotes. Can anyone explain?
1. Someone updated the GW2 wiki
2. The GW2 wiki is useful
3. This person is useful
4. Upvote
5. (goes to page) What does this stuff mean anyways? Oh well, whatever. Maybe Nike will make a video about it
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
Ok, so I need to include GW2 wiki on my future posts.
Alright, the ending completely RUINED it. And I’m glad of it, because it was making me think too much. I no like thinking.
#puglyfe has taken a dump on me today
Filling two spots for FotM 30 after doing 40 and 50 (already have a warrior/guardian/ele).
“Scale 30 | Zerker | Ping gear on join”
Get a warrior. Pings zerker everything, stuff looks fine and dandy, and he announces he’s going to run PS EA. So far so good, although 2nd warrior isn’t the most optimal.
Another warrior. Comes in, doesn’t move. Doesn’t ping. Ask him once. Goes offline. Kick. Repost. Same guy joins again, starts running toward Bloomhunger saying nothing as I ask again. Nothing. Kick again. Repost. Same warrior. Kick. Screw it, let’s kill Bloomhunger 4 man.
2nd Fractal Ascalon. Relist. Same warrior again. Kicked. One more relist. Same warrior. This time I tell him he’s getting kicked at last boss if he tries to stay. Now tries to kick my friend, so we immediately get rid of him. List again two mins later, warrior joins. Thank god it’s a different warrior
Pings gear, then we get set to go. Couldn’t get any worse right? Until later in the fractal when I mouse over the gear that this guy pings (see attachment)
to be faceroll at the high levels, because it
needs to be accessible to the casuals and bads.
Alright, the ending completely RUINED it. And I’m glad of it, because it was making me think too much. I no like thinking.
Same here, I was like " Ohgod why the kitten did you do this to the movie arghhhhh". :’(
@Weth, can’t tell times you might check the thread in bug section, DnT has a streamed tour with the bug happening.
Was in a level 20 fractal at grawl today. We failed once in this last phase of the imbued shaman, and a pug guard semi lost his cookies. He started talking about the group lacking synergy, correct gear, and how our terrible ele (me) wasn’t using staff for constant water fields (is it actually possible for this? Is there a water field build or something?). It was a group of us 3 friends and 2 pugs but we were pretty casual. It was a level 20 after all. So I strapped on my sentinel gear, attuned to water (never left it) and we failed again… not terribly, but after a couple of phases it seemed everyone was off their game. I had fun when the guard went down after yelling in chat “PUT WATER FIELDS ON DOWNED” so I planted that water #3 right on his downed self as the meteor shower pelted him.
Sometimes fractals makes me smile even when we are having a rough time. We managed to get through it on the third attempt when he equipped reflects and I was timing my swirling winds correctly. It was a pretty successful fractal friday, as I did receive a fractal torch for my efforts.
Anyway, hope everyone’s weekend is fabulous.
And all who stood by and did nothing, who are they to criticize the sacrifices of others?
Our blood has bought their lives.
“PUT WATER FIELDS ON DOWNED” so I planted that water #3 right on his downed self as the meteor shower pelted him.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-ahem, I mean, I found this comment to be very enjoyable and it made me blow air out of my nose repeatedly.
[add meaningful and on-topic comment so I don’t get roflstomped by wild mod]
Ohhhh, I had an idea for a meaningful comment: do you think he’ll ever find out geyser doesn’t work?
(edited by deSade.9437)
I was dabbling around in pvp on my (seldom-played) thief today, remarking to a friend how I totally suck on playing thief. He said “bring your thief and we’ll do some dungeons together”. Well, why not, sounded fun …
Next he said “let’s do Arah p2”. A quick check of the world map revealed that the closest my thief had ever been to Arah was Pagga (?) waypoint in the very east of Malchor’s Leap. 15 minutes of running later, I got to Cursed Shore … to find that I needed two XIII traits for what he wanted to show me, which of course I didn’t have (seeing as the thief had been nowhere near the necessary events before), so with 9 pre-trait-revamp and 4 post-trait-revamp lvl 80s, I bought traits from the trainers for the first time .
Anyway, we went on to duo p2, him on guard (and occasionally warrior), and me on a thief I have never before seriously played. Surprisingly, it was not only a lot of fun, but much easier than on my mesmer, the other class I had done that path duo before. We had to try a few times at Lupi (for some reason, I always see the tell for the p1 kick, but never get my evades off in time, so I down on that one pretty regularly on any class), but the rest of the path was fine. I never thought I’d bring the thief to dungeons at all (it’s one of the classes I like least so far). I guess I’ll have to play her more often in the future .
I have a question for hardcore Guardians, have any of you been able to burst down Brie in Arah p2 without having to kill the mobs (solo)?
I tried about 40 times with different Build (4/6/2/0/2 – 4/4/6/0/0 – 4/6/0/2/2 and some more), Switched pieces to assassin, rune to flame legion, bloodlust/undead on offhand (but that made switching to sword bad since I lost 5% from force sigil) The lowest I got her was 3-5% using a 4/6/6/0/0 medi build, with scholar and a mix of assassin/berserker
However I was not using Mortar Turret consumable for this, Any tip/suggestion welcome
edit – I need to clear the spelling a bit, it’s too hardcore…
BEST fracs run I’ve ever had! I FINALLY ultimated my pigbow build, I was missing 4 important ingredients: jim, Johnny and Jack, as in, SPIRITS! Beeeeeeest thing ever… they were using hounds of balthazar, no guard, no nothing and we wiped less while all drunk than a full tryhard guild run, like, only 3 times, LOLLOLOL
/pigbow op
Imgur is awesome, the time it takes to upload pics on the forum, so kitten,kkunknV,676PItA,iYGVdbg,8Mpj8zu,wt3gdG3
(edited by deSade.9437)
edit – I need to clear the spelling a bit, it’s too hardcore…
BEST fracs run I’ve ever had! I FINALLY ultimated my pigbow build, I was missing 4 important ingredients: jim, Johnny and Jack, as in, SPIRITS! Beeeeeeest thing ever… they were using hounds of balthazar, no guard, no nothing and we wiped less while all drunk than a full tryhard guild run, like, only 3 times, LOLLOLOL
/pigbow op
Imgur is awesome, the time it takes to upload pics on the forum, so kitten,kkunknV,676PItA,iYGVdbg,8Mpj8zu,wt3gdG3
DEER GOD, put a warning, I almost had a seizure watching that
edit – I need to clear the spelling a bit, it’s too hardcore…
BEST fracs run I’ve ever had! I FINALLY ultimated my pigbow build, I was missing 4 important ingredients: jim, Johnny and Jack, as in, SPIRITS! Beeeeeeest thing ever… they were using hounds of balthazar, no guard, no nothing and we wiped less while all drunk than a full tryhard guild run, like, only 3 times, LOLLOLOL
/pigbow op
Imgur is awesome, the time it takes to upload pics on the forum, so kitten,kkunknV,676PItA,iYGVdbg,8Mpj8zu,wt3gdG3
DEER GOD, put a warning, I almost had a seizure watching that
Wheres the anomaly hounds of balth pic? :<
Ooze was funny. Shield goes up and hounds almost put it to 20 stacks. Also hounds better at dps than drunks.
mannnnn, why didn’t you wait for meee for the oozeeee
ANd yeah, kitten , I forgot to screen the houds jumping on the anomaly, I was to obusy laughing and running around I think.
No waaiiiit I had the hounds at anomaly look… The graphics are kinda fucekd up because my screen is like 50 years old but you see the flames of all the dogs LOL
And you can also see my pig’s butt, look at that awesomeneess. Made sure to SHOW that meat.
(edited by deSade.9437)
mannnnn, why didn’t you wait for meee for the oozeeee
ANd yeah, kitten , I forgot to screen the houds jumping on the anomaly, I was to obusy laughing and running around I think.No waaiiiit I had the hounds at anomaly look… The graphics are kinda fucekd up because my screen is like 50 years old but you see the flames of all the dogs LOL
And you can also see my pig’s butt, look at that awesomeneess. Made sure to SHOW that meat.
That looks like hella fun!
I was dabbling around in pvp on my (seldom-played) thief today, remarking to a friend how I totally suck on playing thief. He said “bring your thief and we’ll do some dungeons together”. Well, why not, sounded fun …
Next he said “let’s do Arah p2”. A quick check of the world map revealed that the closest my thief had ever been to Arah was Pagga (?) waypoint in the very east of Malchor’s Leap. 15 minutes of running later, I got to Cursed Shore … to find that I needed two XIII traits for what he wanted to show me, which of course I didn’t have (seeing as the thief had been nowhere near the necessary events before), so with 9 pre-trait-revamp and 4 post-trait-revamp lvl 80s, I bought traits from the trainers for the first time
Anyway, we went on to duo p2, him on guard (and occasionally warrior), and me on a thief I have never before seriously played. Surprisingly, it was not only a lot of fun, but much easier than on my mesmer, the other class I had done that path duo before. We had to try a few times at Lupi (for some reason, I always see the tell for the p1 kick, but never get my evades off in time, so I down on that one pretty regularly on any class), but the rest of the path was fine. I never thought I’d bring the thief to dungeons at all (it’s one of the classes I like least so far). I guess I’ll have to play her more often in the future
Thief is so much fun in Arah…especially at Lupi! The blinds, the DPS, the projectile defense, the stealth… perfect for Arah.
For Lupi easymode, trait 5/6/0/3/0 (vigorous recovery in Acrobatics), bring withdrawl (wonderful for phase 2&3 AoEs) and Signet of Agility. So many dodges
I have the same issue with Lupi kicks — I see them coming, I press dodge…but I still die with full endurance. I think it’s just so fast that dodging it is super sensitive to lag, which is really annoying because it oneshots a zerk thief. I’ve just learned to live with having “good days” and “bad days” with Lupi kicks
If you are not going for a speedkill you can pre-dodge it, lupi attacks about every 3 seconds and he usually doesn’t kick twice in a row.
That’s how I use warrior GS 3 at least, when I focus I can get my dodges in time
@Gaile Gray – Can I pet your frogs again?
Lol dat CDI thread trashcanned so fast.
A moderator moved a message you posted to the forum ‘Trashcan’ with the reason:
The thread “CDI CDI CDI CDI" was removed from the forum due to being unconstructive.
It was a funny read
Wow, I didn’t get banned into oblivion this time. Wut’s this?
/shakes head
Unnnngh wrong thing. Ow, mah head.
Forum bores me these days, where is the fun gone ?
Haaaaalp please..
I didn’t even get an infraction for that thread
Maybe they felt sorry
Please, help, i’m getting bored of the meta.
“Meta” is such a weird word…meta…meta….metaaaaaaaaaa~~~.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”