(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2
And, yeah Nevets, I have like 8 chars at <10%, a few of them are at like 25-50% thanks to my boredom and wanting to level things “the old fashion way.” and 1 at 100%.
And, yeah Nevets, I have like 8 chars at <10%, a few of them are at like 25-50% thanks to my boredom and wanting to level things “the old fashion way.” and 1 at 100%.
Being fast = Exploiting.
Haven’t you heard the news?
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
For those with the <10% problem, that will only be a problem if Anet resets all skills and traits. If you already bought skills with the current SP system, as long as they aren’t reset your total amount of hero points given with the update will unlock all your traits and none will need to be spent on skills. Also all skills means ALL skills, if you buy every single racial elite, you’re spending an extra 40 open world skill points on things you probably won’t use. So the points from 1-80 will cover all your traits and probably all of the limited utilities you would use.
I am kind of sad for him. His very first videos were humble and show some basic mechanics at the time not obvius for newcomers. Then he growth arrogant and kitteny and more importantly mistaken in so many things… A pitty.
I like cake. I like at least 15 pieces big cake.
Yeah but its only a few maps gab! And the skillpoints are the least boring part of doing map completion. We can do them together. :>
Ok <3
Idk if i can watch that, think about the ecto-undeath distillate ಠ_ಠ
(edited by rojak.1894)
Welp I just looked at the Necro specialisation blogpost. Don’t know what to think.
I love the people in forums; “Why so serious?!”
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious
Welp I just looked at the Necro specialisation blogpost. Don’t know what to think.
It’s gonna be kitten.
What I’m thinking.
Guess it’s still no GW2 for me.
Watched a minute of it and then decided to i dont want to listen to something stupid before i go to sleep.
So I thought someone posted here last year saying that dude had died. I was so confused.
The old one isn’t even cold in the ground yet, and we already got another one starting
I am starting to think its not so much the game as it is most of the people in it that I am getting tired of.
The old one isn’t even cold in the ground yet, and we already got another one starting
I am starting to think its not so much the game as it is most of the people in it that I am getting tired of.
I didn’t want to but had to reply to this cancerous Nemesis video.
*You talk about Corner stacking, yet show a record run with clearly not a single Corner stack. Then you call perma CC an exploits (after complaining last year about CC not being meta). Then you call using terrain an exploits, while this being a fricking action MMO meant to use the terrain to fight.
But you didn’t stop there, you then talk about “freezing” boss while showing a boss being chained immobilize, which is using the game mechanic in a creative way instead of just tanking and spanking.
But that wasn’t enough, you show footage of YOU in a group exploiting mossman underwater (which no meta group does) then wipe countless time at the ice elemental because your team wasn’t able to provide the support a meta group does (you joined a meta group while not being meta, you deserved a kick there just for lying)
and corner stacking in aetherblade fractal.
You also claim the meta is so easy but couldn’t show a video of yourself succeeding in this so called meta.
I could keep going on but this post is already long enough.*
Everything in his video is wrong, EVERYTHING, I’m really starting to think MMO’s aren’t for me if this is the kind of people they are made for, I would really like to see how GW2 would end up if this guy was giving any kind of control on the gameplay.
Thing is, most MMOs this “anti meta” policy is a minority. Other MMOs where there’s trinity have IMO valid complaints where certain classes are bad or less needed, but the anti meta hate just isn’t nearly as prevalent.
I did have conversations with people back in DCUO about why 1 healer per raid was meta and why 2 healers was overkill, but it wasn’t “meta hate” as much as just a longing for more balance, it just wasn’t feasible within the game.
So I don’t think MMOs aren’t for you, it’s just GW2’s community is full of idiots who want their builds to be the best because they want to be the special snowflake who came up with something beautiful, but it’s as idiotic as blaming successful people for your shortcomings. “The Man” is not keeping you down, rise up and overcome it or accept your mediocrity and don’t burden others with your failures (obviously the global you, not the personal you)
Most of the people in this game are just utter trash at everything they do.
The old one isn’t even cold in the ground yet, and we already got another one starting
I am starting to think its not so much the game as it is most of the people in it that I am getting tired of.
I didn’t want to but had to reply to this cancerous Nemesis video.
*You talk about Corner stacking, yet show a record run with clearly not a single Corner stack. Then you call perma CC an exploits (after complaining last year about CC not being meta). Then you call using terrain an exploits, while this being a fricking action MMO meant to use the terrain to fight.
But you didn’t stop there, you then talk about “freezing” boss while showing a boss being chained immobilize, which is using the game mechanic in a creative way instead of just tanking and spanking.
But that wasn’t enough, you show footage of YOU in a group exploiting mossman underwater (which no meta group does) then wipe countless time at the ice elemental because your team wasn’t able to provide the support a meta group does (you joined a meta group while not being meta, you deserved a kick there just for lying)
and corner stacking in aetherblade fractal.You also claim the meta is so easy but couldn’t show a video of yourself succeeding in this so called meta.
I could keep going on but this post is already long enough.*
Everything in his video is wrong, EVERYTHING, I’m really starting to think MMO’s aren’t for me if this is the kind of people they are made for, I would really like to see how GW2 would end up if this guy was giving any kind of control on the gameplay.
These are my EXACT thoughts on this video, word for word.
I’ll go and hit that plus one button, even though nobody will ever see that I did.
[…]it’s just GW2’s community is full of idiots who want their builds to be the best because they want to be the special snowflake who came up with something beautiful, but it’s as idiotic as blaming successful people for your shortcomings. /snippidysnap
See, i’m “anti-meta”. I’m not against an “optimal way of doing things”.
All i want is diversity and more options in my builds.
I couldn’t care less, if something’s a bit more “optimal” in terms of efficiency and/or difficulty, if the difference in GW2 wouldn’t be as abysmal as zerker vs anything else.
I’m a zerker. (holy trinity FTW)
Why am i zerker but anti-meta? Well, give me one good reason not to zerk in the current PvE. It’s just superior in every. single. aspect.
People like to say that zerkers are more squishy in return, i say, i have no problems with that (in PvE), even though i’m really not a skilled player at all. (example: When i’m doing TA, i always make sure to smell on every flower in there. )
How to change that? (Not the flower suicides, the lack of diversity, i mean)
Hell if i know…start with enemy encounters and overhaul mobs, i guess.
Will never happen, tho.
On a sidenote about being “squishy”: Why are there different armor classes if everyone has access to heals and the same amount of dodges? While it really doesn’t makes any difference in PvE, i find that kinda unbalanced and pointless for PvP modes…but meh, whatever.
(Gotta love insomnia posts, it’s like saying: "Hey! Here! Me! My post is full of stuff, that’s really badly thought through. Feel free to destroy that post.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
:D much love wauwi, because I’m with you on pretty much everything you said. (especially the “/snippitysnap”)
However, Meta only matters if you care about complete optimization. I think the condition changes will open a lot of build diversity as far as highly efficient options, optimal will still remain as one, because well, that’s the definition of optimal. But I am quite sure we’ll see some Condi based builds on Engi as well as more power based builds, and then more support builds that all are quire efficient. The trait changes have done something nice in opening up a lot of options with less of a negative impact on overall output. Example being able to get fortified Turrets for Engi without sacrificing a huge amount of damage. Think current D/F vs Staff Ele, only a tryhard is going to care what you run.
And there’s a difference between “I want some more options” and “god kitten exploiters using the smart options!” That’s more the attitude I meant when referring to “anti-meta.”
You’ll find quite a few of us don’t really enjoy the current meta because it’s a bit silly, boring staff Ele, boring PS War, boring Deep Freeze, it’s just not for me. Doesn’t mean I don’t try to optimize everything I play as I want to play it though, and I do respect optimization for what it is and don’t cry about how it’s an exploit and should be destroyed in favor of my personal carrion guardian burn build because vitality is important and those filthy zerker elitists just die and I have to pick them up so they can do damage and carry me!
if the difference in GW2 wouldn’t be as abysmal as zerker vs anything else.
It’s not as abysmal as people think, of course if you take the worst trait/gear possible it will be extremely terrible, but if you’re using decent setup, but keep your might at 25, keep fury up, with warrior’s banners even with knight/condi stats, fight would only last twice as long, and it would barely add 1-2 minutes to a whole dungeon path.
But I know why some people do like running other build, I would like to put on my nomads gears and tank like I used to do in other games, but in GW2 it’s more efficient to use active defenses. Here at 4:10 http://www.twitch.tv/eco_r_i/c/6652057
You can see the guardian (using a meta beserker build) tanking the butcher, which is known to be a very hard bosses for Glass canon, but with active defenses it is possible to survive the whole fight without even going down.
The zerker meta does not mean the end of tank/support, it’s about utilizing the tool we have access to in order to be as efficient as we can rather than relying HP/armor.
~weeeeooooohhhhhh~ BOOM
^That^ was the sound of your truth bomb dropping hard, Sir Jerus.
Also, i’ve seen all those cynical posts everyday. Call me Admiral Obvious, but i think that pretty much shows what kind of stance dungeoneers have towards PvE in it’s current form.
Oh and it also shows what narrowminded nomads think.
So i can go Beastmaster/Medic on my ranger, because there will be metas ready to carry me?
How kind of them.
Also, i know what active defense means…why do you think i’m using a Salad Dog as my staple pet in dungeons. I can’t blind as ranger and my CC’s are only good for defiance burning, so i try to do what i can.
Still end up being the only one bothering to interrupt a boss chanelling with no defiance, because #puglyfe.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
~weeeeooooohhhhhh~ BOOM
^That^ was the sound of your truth bomb dropping hard, Sir Jerus.
Also, i’ve seen all those cynical posts everyday. Call me Admiral Obvious, but i think that pretty much shows what kind of stance dungeoneers have towards PvE in it’s current form.
Why aren’t you NA so we could play together!!!!, of course if I played much anymore haha.
I was just commenting to a friend I wish I had more buddies to play with who were of the same mindset as me. So many are polarized, either extreme meta including composition, build and strat, or the flip side of total PHIW. Most of the people that fall into the same mindset as me that I know have quit, and most of the ones still left play in a different time such that I have to stay up late most of the time to play with them. So at this point I’ve just lost the motivation to play and usually just spend 30s logging in to grab my free reward and afk to watch movies and Anime (btw filler episodes in anime’s suck! I understand in long running hundreds of episode long anime’s that fill it with original content that’s simply not on the storyline, but rerun episodes with like 1min of extra commentary… arg, watching Wolf’s Rain right now and 3 episodes of this? my god. of course other than that loving the series so far)
Wolf’s Rain? Man, haven’t watched that one in like 10 years.
"X" used to air on the same channel back then, but man did that one depressed me...I’ve yet to see any kind of story ending darker than that.
Well, i’m not really active at GW2 anymore either. I have the remarkable trait to be inactive on any major event, so i have no living story done or unlocked. (Missed karka-event, never forget T_T. I’ve hear rumors of pre’s dropping like rain)That makes me sad, so i wanna wait ’til season 1 becomes available on top of the general boredom of dungeons. But i can’t complain, i had my fair amount of fun play-time already, it’s just a shame to see all that potential go *poof*, that’s why i still bother and care.
I kinda like the story modes in GW2 - MMORPG with actual spoken dialogue that’s not 26 pages of minifont-lore to read.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
Wolf’s Rain, now there is a voice from the past. Yet for some reason I have this urge to break out the DvDs. It’s something to do until Witcher 3 comes out.
I like Spice&Wolf.
But there never will be a season 3 of it. -_-’
You can actually learn how to play the TP in GW2 by watching that anime.
Gotta look for a new waifu then. Horo’s not coming back.
No waifu, no laifu.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
:D, Spice&Wolf aye? and “X”, added to the list.
And I find your word choice funny too. “potential” that’s exactly the phrasing in that conversation I was talking about (another PVF’er). That’s the reason I quite my last few games, play styles amazing, design pretty good, content, extremely lacking in the quality that quite frankly I’m used to. After 15 years of EQ I finally quit, that game had content quality like I’ve never seen since, but after 15 years the play style simply got beyond stale and I had to quit because it simply wasn’t fun. If any game could provide the content that game did half as well I’d be hooked on it like it was heroin. That game took Meta’s and shook them up like they were martini’s with fresh ideas and design. “ohh you all like DPS, well here’s a raid/mission that punishes DPS with extra challenge, still think you can handle it” “ohh you pulled it off, bravo, we’ll try harder next time.”
One of my favorite raids from it was one that was specifically designed to break apart and put your classes in specific places where they absolutely shined. Top CC classes went blue, top tank/healing “good” classes went White, “evil” classes went Black, and Condition classes went Green. All tailored to require and encourage good play in your specifically designed areas, not only promoting that play style but also punishing alternatives. I’ve never seen such a balanced raid, gimmicky of course, but I don’t remember anyone ever complaining about it, it was heralded as one of the best designed raids ever in the game and this was 13 years into it. The dev who was in charge of it was a genius of design, an avid player who had just joined the team a few months prior and simply understood the playerbase better than anyone I’ve ever met. As an intern during a beta process the players petitioned to hire him fulltime because he was kittening awesome haha. I guessa after that reception you have to follow through with quality.
Nostalgia of course, but a neat story I think. I miss my EQ buddies on the dev team, such smart and vocal people, willing to talk with us and work with us to create a game we’d love. Sure there’d be spats of disagreement but in the end the stuff they did (with our help) was downright amazing.
I’m rambling but nostalgia hit me hard today on a few posts, especially the fact that one of the forum posters names in another thread is one of the original raids of EQ hehe
One last ramble on something amazing I think they did. About 10 years in they created “evolving items” which basically meant that when you wore them they’d level up and get better and better, eventually becoming the best item for the content level. It was cool, but a bit lackluster in that you just farmed experience to get them up, it was just a grind. Later on one of the devs came up with an idea to make them shine, “Cursed” items. These would start out ok, but get worse and worse as you leveled, never knowing the final result (being on the community council at the time I was privledged to know the design so knew how they’d turn out) upon leveling to the final level of them though they became THE BEST. So imagine getting a loot drop, each level into it you’d lose 500 hp, after at the level prior to the best you’d be at half your stats! So it was a challenge to level them, having to be extra careful as you were extra squishy and did lower damage. But then you broke the barrier and got this really cool shiny that you could tote around as a symbol of your perseverance. Such a cool itemization idea. Just liked it so much I wanted to share. Chandrok (the dev who came up with it) was awesome
Kinda reminds of the “Mod System” of Path of Exile.
A neat little online aRPG, somewhat the spiritual successor to Diablo II.
The amount of customization is okay, i guess
And those are just the passives. Some of them do significantly change some active’s, though. They even can drastically change the playstyle.
Active’s also level when using them.
Now here’s the kicker: You can’t meta.
Meta-builds are impossible in this game.
While progressing, you slowly get introduced to the random nature of encounters, by having some enemies or bosses suited up with modifications, which may either end up being good for you, bad for you or just “lolwut”.
Late-game, whole maps get modifications, making things even more messed up.
Oh, you’re doing alot of physical damage, huh? Well here’s a map with a “Enemies reflect 50% physical damage back to player”-mod for you.
Bosses have unique modifications to them regardless of the map’s mod, like " max minion summoning number increased", resulting in hilarious battles, if you’re a minion master (properly skilled and you can have like 100 zombies, which leave a corpse, when dead, which you can target and explode, with chain reaction – PoE’s possibilitie’s are cray-cray) and bosses having increased attackspeed, due to the actual map’s modification.
That kind of thing would be the fluffiest of all kittens in GW2 dungeons, giving LFG’s an actual thought-process.
I may pick PoE up again, when the next big update hits, because i left due to the “desync-problem”. It really made certain skills/builds unusable.
The next udpate promises to fix that, if your ping stays below 150ms. /fingerscrossed
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
Jerus’ nostalgia kinda puts a smile on me. Have faith, buddy!
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Reminds me of old tower defense games. Sounds fun. Variables that don’t allow complete specialization, balance is required, but the correct balance gets you through the best, or even at all.
Jerus’ nostalgia kinda puts a smile on me. Have faith, buddy!
Yeah but its only a few maps gab! And the skillpoints are the least boring part of doing map completion. We can do them together. :>
Ok <3
If you need another cheerleader count me in . I have too many characters anyway.
Reminds me of old tower defense games. Sounds fun. Variables that don’t allow complete specialization, balance is required, but the correct balance gets you through the best, or even at all.
Jerus’ nostalgia kinda puts a smile on me. Have faith, buddy!
Element TD for WCIII nostalgia!
Thank god for those “maps”, because i really, REALLY suckliduckly at actual WCIII. (and RTS in general)
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
haha, same, never was a big fan of warcraft/RTS in general, but the tower defense stuff, yeah, that was my thing. Couple of my buddies hated me when we’d go to internet cafe’s and I’d just want to play those the whole time haha.
Why aren’t you NA so we could play together!!!!
, of course if I played much anymore haha.
Next time there’s an account sale, just buy yourself an EU account so we can all play together .
Why aren’t you NA so we could play together!!!!
, of course if I played much anymore haha.
Next time there’s an account sale, just buy yourself an EU account so we can all play together
Yeah, I’ve been strongly considering it, though through the last two sales I’ve just not been active enough to care >.<
Jerus, Lord of the AFK Realm.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Jerus, Lord of the AFK Realm.
<3, it’s a dark realm of bitter pessimism, only the strong shall endure it and come out with any sanity, or is it insanity? I forget at times.
Trice and Sarah should also get EU accounts \o/
Oh, oh, I remember the lowbie fractals we did with Lilith, we should totally re-do this! Too bad I don’t have any characters slots or low level chars.
Everyone should move to EU. Screw NA.
Everyone should move to EU. Screw NA.
Master Spoj has spoken!
Thing is, most MMOs this “anti meta” policy is a minority. Other MMOs where there’s trinity have IMO valid complaints where certain classes are bad or less needed, but the anti meta hate just isn’t nearly as prevalent.
I did have conversations with people back in DCUO about why 1 healer per raid was meta and why 2 healers was overkill, but it wasn’t “meta hate” as much as just a longing for more balance, it just wasn’t feasible within the game.
So I don’t think MMOs aren’t for you, it’s just GW2’s community is full of idiots who want their builds to be the best because they want to be the special snowflake who came up with something beautiful, but it’s as idiotic as blaming successful people for your shortcomings. “The Man” is not keeping you down, rise up and overcome it or accept your mediocrity and don’t burden others with your failures (obviously the global you, not the personal you)
I’d like to think this is because people think Action-MMOs are traditional MMORPGs, they assume Trinity is a thing, then they notice it… really isn’t and instead of adapting, they go and QQ and want changes so that we get more and more of a Trinity here. I’ve been in more than one Action-MMO now and there always seems to be the same pattern, you frequently get people wanting to play tanks/healers and if you tell them the game has no Trinity and damage is much better, they end up getting defensive, telling you how kitten that is, how viable their tanking/healer build is, how they’ve always took that role etc.
Wow, jesus and hipstermania are wedding? I’m inviting myself. I love weddings: plenty of alcohol and lots of opportunity to go crazy!
I wonder if the combined weight of jesus’ and my negativity would make the world implode on itself.
Wish there was a way to find out…
P.S. spoj? u alive? you havent’ committed suicide yet? don’t leave me!
So i can go Beastmaster/Medic on my ranger, because there will be metas ready to carry me?
How kind of them.
Also, i know what active defense means…why do you think i’m using a Salad Dog as my staple pet in dungeons. I can’t blind as ranger and my CC’s are only good for defiance burning, so i try to do what i can.
Still end up being the only one bothering to interrupt a boss chanelling with no defiance, because #puglyfe.
sorry I wasnt really clear, what I meant was, even with different build that focus more on defense, bosses wont take much longer, and boss fight only represent a small portion of a dungeon. As an exemple, last year dnt members did a lupicus speed kill using some very niche build (healing guardian, condi ranger,etc) and were still able to defeat it under 2 monutes.
the only reason zerker meta exist is because in a almost perfect run, its faster. when a group take 15 minute to clear ac path 1, its not because of their build but rather their skills as a player.
(edited by Trice.4598)
Man, crossregion-grouping would be awesome! :D
The ping wouldn’t, though…
@Trice: A couple of encounters aren’t really representative of the dungeons as a whole. Overall, “zerk > everything” by a huge amount.
I managed to kill lupi ranged with 4 (well, 3…one died in phase1 iirc) first-timers in 2 minutes.
That moment, when you meet people, who wanna learn. Too bad, that i’m horrible at teaching, so i just grabbed a smoke and told them to watch a video of ppl fighting lupi.
Worked out just fine – thanks youtube.
Haven’t encountered the forum bug – this is gonna be a good da~~~oh my belly, i’m feeling kinda sick now. :(
Me and my big mouth.
“Only the finest of potatoes in my zerkburgers.”
(edited by wauwi.9162)
So I finally had to say something about the dungeons on this game. Early it was interesting when people didn’t figure out the meta of the game yet. (early I mean when the game launched)
Then people without the knowledge of the meta were able to finish the dungeons without having a hard time in 30 minutes
Then people figured out that zerker win and I de-installed the game because all the fun was gone.
During the this time I’ve been on and off on the game, and whenever I came back hoping they would have fixed this rushing past dungeons by stacking and killing all… much to my surprise they haven’t
To me that says something more deeper about the philosophy of Anet about the direction of the game, they don’t want you to experience a challenging game but a race to collect content.
At this poin I rather stick to MOBAs, because at this point they are the only games that see competitive balance as an attraction (like GW1). Having constant rebalancing of the meta game should be a priority, and it also keeps the game fresh, keeps people interested and always looking for new things and not cookie cutter builds.
I REALLY hopped for GW2 to follow on the footsteps of GW1, too bad that just wasn’t the case.
Happy Trails
Ok so I watched Nemesis’s video on berserker meta. Everything except for corner stacking and that ac story sounded like legit reasons to me. The problem really is two things I feel.
1: People expecting a holy trinity(which I disagree with).
2: Build diversity or playstyle diversity within a class.(This i agree with).
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious
So I finally had to say something about the dungeons on this game. Early it was interesting when people didn’t figure out the meta of the game yet. (early I mean when the game launched)
Then people without the knowledge of the meta were able to finish the dungeons without having a hard time in 30 minutes
Then people figured out that zerker win and I de-installed the game because all the fun was gone.
During the this time I’ve been on and off on the game, and whenever I came back hoping they would have fixed this rushing past dungeons by stacking and killing all… much to my surprise they haven’t
To me that says something more deeper about the philosophy of Anet about the direction of the game, they don’t want you to experience a challenging game but a race to collect content.
At this poin I rather stick to MOBAs, because at this point they are the only games that see competitive balance as an attraction (like GW1). Having constant rebalancing of the meta game should be a priority, and it also keeps the game fresh, keeps people interested and always looking for new things and not cookie cutter builds.
I REALLY hopped for GW2 to follow on the footsteps of GW1, too bad that just wasn’t the case.
Happy Trails
People speedran dungeons in gw1 within minutes aswell.
So I finally had to say something about the dungeons on this game. Early it was interesting when people didn’t figure out the meta of the game yet. (early I mean when the game launched)
Then people without the knowledge of the meta were able to finish the dungeons without having a hard time in 30 minutes
Then people figured out that zerker win and I de-installed the game because all the fun was gone.
During the this time I’ve been on and off on the game, and whenever I came back hoping they would have fixed this rushing past dungeons by stacking and killing all… much to my surprise they haven’t
To me that says something more deeper about the philosophy of Anet about the direction of the game, they don’t want you to experience a challenging game but a race to collect content.
At this poin I rather stick to MOBAs, because at this point they are the only games that see competitive balance as an attraction (like GW1). Having constant rebalancing of the meta game should be a priority, and it also keeps the game fresh, keeps people interested and always looking for new things and not cookie cutter builds.
I REALLY hopped for GW2 to follow on the footsteps of GW1, too bad that just wasn’t the case.
Happy Trails
People speedran dungeons in gw1 within minutes aswell.
I was just about to say this. I remember the first time I did this in Guild Wars 1. I was like, “OMG, what is this foul sorcery, that was supposed to take hours!”
So I finally had to say something about the dungeons on this game. Early it was interesting when people didn’t figure out the meta of the game yet. (early I mean when the game launched)
Then people without the knowledge of the meta were able to finish the dungeons without having a hard time in 30 minutes
Then people figured out that zerker win and I de-installed the game because all the fun was gone.
During the this time I’ve been on and off on the game, and whenever I came back hoping they would have fixed this rushing past dungeons by stacking and killing all… much to my surprise they haven’t
To me that says something more deeper about the philosophy of Anet about the direction of the game, they don’t want you to experience a challenging game but a race to collect content.
At this poin I rather stick to MOBAs, because at this point they are the only games that see competitive balance as an attraction (like GW1). Having constant rebalancing of the meta game should be a priority, and it also keeps the game fresh, keeps people interested and always looking for new things and not cookie cutter builds.
I REALLY hopped for GW2 to follow on the footsteps of GW1, too bad that just wasn’t the case.
Happy Trails
People speedran dungeons in gw1 within minutes aswell.
But, that’s not what he remembers with his rose colored glasses. Of course he also could have just not played with those people segregating him self quite nicely and not having any issues, which would be ohh so nice if people could do here.
too bad twitch/reddit and youtube weren’t as popular back then. Imagine the kitten storm gw1 would’ve had for their pve?!
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious