General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2
Were there generic mobs with a basic break bar in the HoT beta? Anyone know how much it takes to break it? Would one DF do it? A DF and some blinds? Two DFs?
In the solo instance a single daze was enough to interrupt the champ (scaling break bar). That wasnt a basic break bar though.
I suspect basic perma break bar will only be on old content.
I asked Roy to clarify how the gear will work and his response is basically your stats will be about the same as now. I gently said that we are all min/maxers who care about stats down to 0.1% and we are dying to know the exact formula but his response was “i understand, I’m that way too.” My guess is that haven’t exactly finished that stuff and they dont have a formula to reveal just yet, which is why the patch notes were so vague.
Wow, it only took the support three hours to deal with my request and let me get into my account again, I’m actually impressed that it was that fast. Expected with a day or two wait, especially since there was a note that they have “a lot of tickets to work on”.
Anyone will be in needs of a free vanilla version of the game ? I will preorder it anyways. :<
Don’t think you can separate the core from expansion.
Holy kitten…. 50 bucks for HoT?
I dont know what to say, other than they are screwing up veteran players when compared to newer players with this pricing.
Still waiting for more info before I preorder or get the pitchforks.
€/hour GW2 is the cheapest game I ever played. I’ll glady pay 50 bucks for the same amount of content. Just wait and see what HoT has to offer.
Well the 50 bucks is either:
- HoT + core game included in pricing in a good discount
- Just HoT and free core game
Either of the 2 options is really awful for a veteran player, we’re either paying for something we already had or new players can ride a free GW2 game while we, the ones who supported the game all this years get the short stick
They even told us in the FAQ that we would need the base game to play the HOT, but if they only sell HOT with the core game isn’t that deceiving customers?
They edited the FAQ where it said this… What the kitten is going there
Brazil had my exact reaction, heh
(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)
Personally I feel $50 is worth the content we’ve gotten over the years but they haven’t released enough information about HoT to justify that price tag for me.
They did change the FAQ, there’s a copy somewhere online of the original, you can wade through reddit if you feel like finding it.
Gaile says the $50 is for HoT + core game and there won’t be any other editions, no extra character slots included either apparently.
Regarding Brazil’s vídeo. I don’t even understand why anyone wants to give money for a thing you don’t know anything about or it is even finished. Is he mad because he doesn’t have a reason to preorder HoT? lol
Also, a slot is like 100 gold? Doesn’t seems a big deal for veteran players to be honest.
I really dislike the stealth changes on FAQ tho.
Also, a slot is like 100 gold? Doesn’t seems a big deal for veteran players to be honest.
I really dislike the stealth changes on FAQ tho.
~160 gold*
But yes, it’s peanuts. I’ve spent more on a single dye before.
The bottom line is whether or not you feel $50 for the expac is worth it. Who cares about the bundled core game? It doesn’t matter. If some new players spends $50 and gets both thats good for him surely, but it doesn’t affect you. Your decision to buy or not to buy comes down to the offer you get, not the offer someone else got. If you genuinely feel $50 for the expac is too high and not a good value, don’t buy it. Just don’t cite the core game bundle as your reason for not buying it, since that is totally irrelevant to your circumstances.
My issue is I feel like I’m missing out by not using the code for a new account. Expansion + 5 char slots > expansion + 0 char slots. But then I’d have to move stuff around and work a new account up, do full map complete, etc, etc. Ugh.
While at the end of the day it’s up to the individual whether or not the price tag is worth it to them, there is undeniably a higher value in buying HoT as a new player vs someone who’s stuck it out through all the bullkitten from the last three years.
The main complaint I’m seeing is that the value is higher for new players vs. loyal players, not just whether or not the base game is included. That, and the poor saps that bought the base game from all of the HoT hype that used to say that the base game was needed in addition to HoT, and now they’re giving it away with the xpac.
Personally, I don’t care — I won’t be getting HoT unless they have some very big surprises left to announce. But I think these are some valid concerns — this isn’t the first time that they’ve favored new players over old, either.
They should’ve just given the godkitten character slot to everyone who already owns GW2 – The slot is about 10€ value and so is the base game after countless of times where it was on sale for as cheap as 10€.
But nah, rather kick long-time customers in the face.
On a side note, is the forum loading slowly for anyone else today?
They should’ve just given the godkitten character slot to everyone who already owns GW2 – The slot is about 10€ value and so is the base game after countless of times where it was on sale for as cheap as 10€.
But nah, rather kick long-time customers in the face.On a side note, is the forum loading slowly for anyone else today?
Very slowly for me. 1.5-3 mins for page load, and like 3-4 mins to post something. Not that the forum being broken is anything new or surprising.
100% agree, Novaan.
Yeah, it is for me too. Slow as molasses. Must be all the folks raging about the $50-$100 price tag on a freaking expansion xD
They should’ve just given the godkitten character slot to everyone who already owns GW2 – The slot is about 10€ value and so is the base game after countless of times where it was on sale for as cheap as 10€.
But nah, rather kick long-time customers in the face.On a side note, is the forum loading slowly for anyone else today?
Very slowly for me. 1.5-3 mins for page load, and like 3-4 mins to post something. Not that the forum being broken is anything new or surprising.
Oh, good. Well, “good” in the regard that I know it’s not my new ISP having trouble.
No rage about the price. A little more than what I’m used to for expansions (expected $40) but whatever.
What really nags at me, is why they would open up pre-orders without finishing the reveals.
Why wouldn’t you talk about your content and try to impress us before you go “ok and you can buy it now!”
To me that pretty much seals the deal. Quality content, well, it’s not coming.
That’s a good point Jerus. Get ‘em on the hook before they know what they’re really in for…
I can’t help but laugh at the people defending ANet/HoT over this. “$50 is a really good price for HoT.” It might be, but based on what they’ve told us will be in it, we just don’t know if it’ll be worthwhile. If you preorder today, you’re saying “I trust ArenaNet and have faith that they’ll deliver,” not “HoT is worth what they’re asking.” There are still a lot of missing pieces that they need to fill in.
Anet has yet to show me that the cotent is there. I didn’t jump on the hype train when HoT was first announced, which lead to me being kinda at odds with most of my guild who were more then happy to let the hype carry them away. My issue is that unlike GW 1, GW2 has yet to show me that it is capable of adding meaningful new cotent.
If it were just me, I don’t think I would even consider HoT at this point. However this is one of the few places I can spend time with some of the friends I have made in the game. Friends that I do enjoy hanging out with and talking to. So push comes to shove I probably won’t buy it right away. But I will eventually, if only so that I can keep playing with my friends. As for Anet I have nothing by disappointment in them right now. More then I did before HoT was release.
(edited by Talyn.3295)
I know i will buy HoT eventually. But at this price and with this lack of info (specifically group content). Im not even remotely interested. Impress me with the rest of the reveals and ill consider that price. At the moment its barely worth it. So far the only thing im hyped about is specialisations. And most of that change is coming in the base game. Im not going to pre-purchase for £35 when the only thing im looking forward to is 2 elite specs.
(edited by spoj.9672)
Ye DeSade, let’s face it.. Ranger is in a really bad shape and sure, they make it even worse.
Overall, i don’t know wether to like those changes or not, i fear dungeons will get even easier with those buffs!
Whatever; new shinies so new stuff to farm!
In the same old dungeons? because I doubt there will be anything profitable to farm in HoT outside of open world.
I’m getting tired of farming gold to buy gems, then click purchase and have my shiny… I feel like a hamster.
While rangers lost dmg modifiers they also get huge burst potential from quick draw when combined with path of scars and RF+barrage+RF.
Not to mention pretty good amount of quickness from pet swapping combined with warhorn 5 blasting every 15 seconds.
Atleast rangers are still better off than necros in PvE.
Absolutely! Wait… what are necros? O.o
Yeah, I mean, they do get a few buffs (mostly to pets), but imo they’re gonna do little to change things; my main problem with the class is the trait allocation and most utility skills being crappy. I feel like the changes are underwhelming if we compare it to other classes’. One could say it isn’t fair to do such a comparison, but I’d disagree. I think it’s at least worthy of consideration: they clearly haven’t changed/worked on it much, and most traits are still… well, I have no other way to say it, just plain bad! Think of what eles are getting in the fire line.. that’s an example of traits being “compressed” and, consequentially, made stronger. Rangers… just meh.
… Why, why is Steady focus still on master? Why!??! Is it because of pvp? I don’t understand.
Anyway, it’s true, quick draw is alluring. I wonder if double maul combo would be decent. Ah, don’t mind me, gs can’t be better than sword, I’m just desperately looking for excuses to use it.
… would having to be stuck in lb for a few secs so you can use double rapid fire worth it? The aa isn’t terribad anymore, but I still wonder.
On related news..
OMG 50 EUROS FOR THE XPAC?!?! Wtf, are they mad? Thieves! Jerus kitten Chwist! 50 euros for 3 maps, a new profession and some Trahearne’s story?
/is shocked
I thought I would’ve bought it in a heartbeat as soon as it released, yet right now I’m so blown away that I don’t know if I’ll buy it before it comes out :O
… unless there’s much more content they’re not talking about, sure, but why wouldn’t they hype it?
God, again with this confuzzlement in my head. Either I’m getting old or they’re being unclear and shady as hell, because I’ve never had this problem with recent purchases.
Perhaps my dementia is progressing more rapidly than expected.
P.S. On hindsight, I think it’s the lack of hype and the overall climate of mistrust. They haven’t shown us anything even remotely worthy of an xpac, outside the new profession! I’m also mildly upset at the thought: “I have to buy it anyway because I want to play with my friends, despite feeling ripped off by at least 10 euros”. Anet counting on it, I bet…
P.P.S. Basically I’m forced to agree with Brazil… God, I’m looking at my OWN copies of gw1 and feeling… bad. Just… feeling bad.
P.P.P.S. While I rationalise and persuade myself to get ripped off with some made-up argument for my peace of mind (“revenant! play with friends!”) …. Wuhstuh is going f2p in the fall, right? How many of you kittenes is still gonna play that?
(edited by deSade.9437)
Wildstar Level 10 dungeon. Most fun Ive had in bloody forever. The clutch heals, the dodging. AHAHA
I need bind dodge to button like in gw2 though that doubletap is killing me.
TY NovaanVerdiano and NoTrigger (iirc) for the propaganda.
Yay, temp ban over. Turns out the mods throw fits and retroactively assign points to old infraction warnings when you suggest that they leave comments on closed threads. w00t.
Finally got around to watching Brazil’s video, he nailed it. I too, have already ordered FO4 — two pip boy editions, one for me and one for my wife — because it will be kittening worth it. So excited for that
And Protostar Academy is fun I’m actually taking a break from MMOs because FO4 has me so hyped that I’m replaying FO3 yet again. I’ll get back to WS after F2P, and still jump on ESO from time to time. But GW2?
Big nope. As you guys have said, the only compelling reason to get it is to keep playing with friends, but most of mine (all dungeoneers) are either long gone (because they’re smarter than me), or on their way out as we keep hearing more about HoT.
A few in my guild have apparently already bought the $100 version -_- How about you guys? It sounds like none not many of us plan to get it, at least not at this price, but what’s going on in your guilds/friendlists? Do you see many people thinking this is a good idea?
(edited by dlonie.6547)
It could be $5 and I still wouldn’t buy it if it doesn’t have content I’d enjoy. I might as well flush that money down the toilet. It’d be a better experience than zerg content.
I probably will pay this price in the end regardless of future reveals. The price isnt really the issue. Its the fact that we dont know what we are getting. And im not ready to throw my money at them when i dont have faith that they will have content that suits me. They can have my money when i know what im paying for.
Jerus, sounds like you’re on the same page as me.
frifox, I thought they permabanned your account in-game too? Or am I remembering it wrong…did that get reversed too? Either way, hilarious xD
spoj, that’s the smart thing to do here.
The way I see it, unless you really just like running in circles doing the same 5 events on repeat to farm gold for shinies while rejoicing that you aren’t playing a ‘grindy’ game…it’s not a compelling offer.
Yeah, both game and forum account are gone. But after preorder, I can use the forums. Also, I now can access my game account through api too but afaik it won’t let me actually play.
(edited by frifox.5283)
Wildstar Level 10 dungeon. Most fun Ive had in bloody forever. The clutch heals, the dodging. AHAHA
I need bind dodge to button like in gw2 though that doubletap is killing me.
TY NovaanVerdiano and NoTrigger (iirc) for the propaganda.
too bad most people dont want to get their head out of tyria because they are somewhat fame and dont want to start from zero because they couldnt be the “best” anymore ….
(edited by NoTrigger.8396)
too bad most people dont want to get their head out of tyria because they are somewhat fame and dont want to start from zero because they couldnt be the “best” anymore
Maybe we’re just really stingy kittens that don’t want to spend money considering most of the dungeoneers convert gold to gems when we want a shiny instead of using a wallet like so many others
too bad most people dont want to get their head out of tyria because they are somewhat fame and dont want to start from zero because they couldnt be the “best” anymore
Maybe we’re just really stingy kittens that don’t want to spend money
considering most of the dungeoneers convert gold to gems when we want a shiny instead of using a wallet like so many others
f2p doesnt cost you any money
right now the humble bundle you can get it as cheap as 1 dollar.
Also got causmonaut(sp?) or something like that.
That being said drop a pm if you want a key. I now have a spare one.
too bad most people dont want to get their head out of tyria because they are somewhat fame and dont want to start from zero because they couldnt be the “best” anymore
Maybe we’re just really stingy kittens that don’t want to spend money
considering most of the dungeoneers convert gold to gems when we want a shiny instead of using a wallet like so many others
I bought Wildstar on a whim. I’ve played maybe like 5 hours. Best Money I’ve spent on a game since I bought GW2 which gave me a good 6+ months of entertainment before dying out to stagnation.
I sill say, the idea of starting yet another MMO is quite daunting. Combine that with the fact that I actually love the GW2 combat system and playing Wildstar which has a similar but less attractive system just makes me miss GW2 certainly adds to my feeling of “ehh kitten it.” If GW2 was half the game I hoped it would be… yeah… ugh.
Wildstar Level 10 dungeon. Most fun Ive had in bloody forever. The clutch heals, the dodging. AHAHA
I need bind dodge to button like in gw2 though that doubletap is killing me.
TY NovaanVerdiano and NoTrigger (iirc) for the propaganda.
I need to get started on it at some point too, but Warframe and other games are taking a lot of time from me, would be a waste to activate my code now.
Always been curious about warframe, never gotten around to it though.
Beautiful, though, are they even adding GvG?
stronghold is the “GvG” if im not mistaken.
Always been curious about warframe, never gotten around to it though.
It’s a dressed up gear grinder. No, really, that’s all you can do – grind gear. It’s like Diablo, only more action paced, more involved.
As I said months ago, I’m not buying the expansion until I see challenging group content. If it turns out to be kitten, I’m not buying the expac at all.
(edited by fracture.9754)
A few in my guild have apparently already bought the $100 version -_- How about you guys? It sounds like
nonenot many of us plan to get it, at least not at this price, but what’s going on in your guilds/friendlists? Do you see many people thinking this is a good idea?
I know I’m eventually going to buy it, because there will be a lot in it that appeals to me. I love exploration, and coupled with masteries (learn some frog people language to learn their secrets? count me in ), precursor collections (yeah, I’m one of those people that loved crafting Mawdrey, and precursors look like they’re similar but even more involved), and guild hall developement I already know HoT will be worth it for me. As much as I love dungeons, I love exploring new places even more
That said, I’ve never been one that would jump on a preorder train early. I’d rather take the journey at my leisure whenever the first hype rush has gone past . Even in my previous MMO, I would exasperate my raid and guild members when they preordered the new expansion, rushed to the new level cap, then found their main healer was still back near the old level cap, smelling flowers along the way. I’ll probably (pre-)order the basic edition of HoT sometime closer to launch, then upgrade the second account whenever I feel like it (or find a good deal). I’m in no hurry to get to the end of the Maguuma jungle anytime soon
I do have several guild mates (wvw-ers and phiw-pve-ers) that already preordered, mostly people that are regularly buying gems anyway and picked up the ultimate edition instead of their usual gem contingent. There’s a lot of people around that still enjoy this game, so there’s really no reason for them not to preorder. Personally, I still hope for new dungeons or similar instanced group content, but even without it, HoT will offer enough to keep me busy.
(edited by Rasimir.6239)
Rasimir, you should check out ESO if you get bored with GW2 at some point. I play the same way (level slow, take my time, soak up the lore/stories/world), and ESO is wonderful for that. I’ve put in a lot of time on that game, and I’m only level 28 because leveling is so much fun. Plus all of the Elder Scrolls lore….its great for people like us
I’ve been playing ESO since beta, and I have to say I’m not impressed. I’ve gotten my main character to no more than level 40, and most of that playing with my husband (it’s his main MMO since he left LotRO), because the single player experience of that game somehow doesn’t appeal to me at all.
I’m an altoholic, and I’ve come to love both the alt-friendly system GW2 has and the freedom to explore in whatever direction (and on whatever character) I feel like. ESO unfortunately gives me none of that, instead funneling me into a pretty much set route of areas and quest chaines to follow with little chance of variations.
Even LotRO did better than that with having areas overlapping so you could e.g. level one character through Evendim while another one would go from the Lone Lands to Angmar with a few choice questhubs in the North Downs sprinkled in (and I leveled A LOT in that game … I had over 50 characters in the end ).
Somehow GW2 has spoilt me with giving me a lot of things that favor my playstyle. While I’ve loved questing in previous games and still enjoy it every now and then, I find that I no longer tolerate being forced to follow the same quest chains on each character, and prefer the more open storytelling way we have with open world events in GW2. I also no longer get along with character-bound achievements.
That said, there are a few things I really like about ESO. Crafting is fun, especially alchemy exploration, and I’ve spent a good part of my time in that game just wandering the countryside, picking up crafting resources. I also log in regularly because I have a good many friends in that game (we are in a guild with people we used to raid with in LotRO, so we go back many years together), but for long-term enjoyment, GW2 is miles ahead of ESO for my personal needs.
Besides, there’s a major flaw in ESO that will never make it the go-to MMO for me: They have neither Hobbits nor Asura (and that’s coming from somebody who’s got a good dozend Asura and way over 20 Hobbits on her “payroll” ).