General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2
A gem from the generally general discussion.
lv.80 characters right now are pretty useless, the time it takes for a lv80 zerk ascen-exotic mixed char to kill a veteran is pretty much the same for a lv.11 in queensdale
… worth. A gem indeed.
Out of curiosity, a question for Purple Miku:
How much has the normalised leap/rush distance impacted your mountain goating?
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
Out of curiosity, a question for Purple Miku:
How much has the normalised leap/rush distance impacted your mountain goating?
Almost not at all
I posted too early, it seems. I just stumbled across the “goating will survive” video.
Thanks for the answer anyway
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
In terms of Warrior, what’s the difference between using Strength Runes or Scholar? In terms of DPS now.
Assuming 100% scholar uptime it’s like 10%.
In terms of average Might generated by PS… approximate figures…
Scholar + DPS food: 9
Scholar + Dumpling: 13
Strength + DPS food: 16
Strength + Dumpling: 22
Nike, if a team pre-stacks might before the boss, isnt Scholar superior?
I was helping a friend through it and had forgotten some of the mechanics that Shiro had, such as the banish and summon abilities. Would be kinda cool to see something like this added to gw2, but I am not gonna hold my breath.
Too confusing for new players. And I really mean it. The skill level of gw2 players is so low I doubt they could handle a single HM mission in gw1.
Hey, don’t say that . You know I’m as casual as they come, and I actually find GW1 considerably less difficult than GW2, despite the fact that I have played the later for almost 3 years and the former for only 3 months. At least from what I’ve seen (only factions in hardmode so far, since I still haven’t finished the other campaigns).
Nike, if a team pre-stacks might before the boss, isnt Scholar superior?
For a record run I would use Scholar so long as the encounters favored pre-stacking just since the fights end less than 15 seconds.. If the path you’re doing starts with the bosses hostile there isnt much reason to prestack so Strength would be a good idea for that.
But yeah, it just really matters whether or not you expect fights to be over in under 15 seconds consistently.
I was helping a friend through it and had forgotten some of the mechanics that Shiro had, such as the banish and summon abilities. Would be kinda cool to see something like this added to gw2, but I am not gonna hold my breath.
Too confusing for new players. And I really mean it. The skill level of gw2 players is so low I doubt they could handle a single HM mission in gw1.
Hey, don’t say that
. You know I’m as casual as they come, and I actually find GW1 considerably less difficult than GW2, despite the fact that I have played the later for almost 3 years and the former for only 3 months. At least from what I’ve seen (only factions in hardmode so far, since I still haven’t finished the other campaigns).
In short : both are faceroll easy when you know the game well. None is harder than the other as soon as you know what you are doing.
“Mario”/“I wanna be the guy” would be a much relevant comparison
The way dungeons were meant to be played
Thanks for the sad
You can almost sense pride on their quotes.
“If DoA was any indication, a couple months from now, many of you will likely be posting saying most of the dungeons are too easy and you need better challenges”
Gosh, if the antiZerkers “Zerk dumb down content to easy mode” would understand this quote right … i would be happy !
You can almost sense pride on their quotes.
You poke it where it hurts the most. Wow!
They clearly were enthusiastic at some point. So it would be interesting to know what happened.
Living Story happened. It’s all been downhill after that.
The way dungeons were meant to be developed
Living Story started off with pretty good promise. The FLame and Frost dungeon was good. The Aetherblade Retreat dungeon was not well received due to length vs reward, but in retrospect it was a pretty good since the fractals are pretty well received. The big criticism was that they were just temporary and I think in retrospect they would have left those are permanent additions if they could go back in time. It would certainly be nicer to say that “since launch they added 3 new long dungeon paths and fractals of the mists” than saying what we actually got.
The wheels clearly came off when Twilight Arbor aetherpath came out and the community did not respond well to it. I’m sure they got a lot of statistics and research that showed a large portion of the community never tried and many who did only did it once and never returned. Combined with the backlash of removing TAFU from this subforum in particular that was probably the end of any development attention going to dungeons.
I would love to know the real story behind the following two items…
1. What were the meetings like when they decided F&F dungeon and Aetherblade Retreat would be temporary content? I’m 100% sure Hrouda was in favor, and probably argued it quite hard, of it being permanent content. I’m guessing things got heated and I would love to know the people who overruled him, what their idea was and what the envisioned the results would be.
2. I want to know the true story behind the Fractured patch. It was a “revamp” that fixed a few bugs, changed the dredge fractal to make it less suicide inducing, but it substantially nerfed rewards and failed to deliver almost all of the promised changes. At some point they must have known they were shipping that update before it was ready to go, and they decided to ship it anyway. Did they plan on revisiting it a few months later only to divert the resources to HoT which is what I suspect, or did they decide it was a sinking ship and bail on it? My guess, if I had to wager, is that a lot of the promised features (and a bunch more stuff) with appear in HoT. My thought is they started developing the expac after that and their plan was to roll a complete and robust fractal revamp in the expac rather than living story. However, you KNOW there were some “interesting” meetings going on when they saw internally what an ugly mess that Fractured patch was shaping up to be, and they tried their best to come up with a plan. Unfortunately the plan was “ignore it and ignore the dungeon community pretend it never happened.” But still I would love to know how those meetings went.
Dredge revamp actually happened about 6 months after fractured and that was only because it was a major complaint on the fractal CDI.
Pretty useful for searching trough past patch notes:
1. What were the meetings like when they decided F&F dungeon and Aetherblade Retreat would be temporary content? I’m 100% sure Hrouda was in favor, and probably argued it quite hard, of it being permanent content. I’m guessing things got heated and I would love to know the people who overruled him, what their idea was and what the envisioned the results would be.
Robert HroudaToday marks the release of the last bit of content I built for ArenaNet. I had always hoped my last hurrah would be an epic dungeon that would stand the test of time, and provide entertainment for players to the very end… but instead it’s an instance that will only persist for two weeks, and then go away.
(From his facebook. Can’t link it here, but google will turn it up pretty quick).
He seemed pretty on the ball as far as what we were looking for, and more importantly, he was willing to talk with us and find out for sure. When ArenaNet votekicked him was a significant turning point for this game, especially as they never bothered to replace him.
Those must have been interesting meetings for sure.
1. What were the meetings like when they decided F&F dungeon and Aetherblade Retreat would be temporary content? I’m 100% sure Hrouda was in favor, and probably argued it quite hard, of it being permanent content. I’m guessing things got heated and I would love to know the people who overruled him, what their idea was and what the envisioned the results would be.
Robert HroudaToday marks the release of the last bit of content I built for ArenaNet. I had always hoped my last hurrah would be an epic dungeon that would stand the test of time, and provide entertainment for players to the very end… but instead it’s an instance that will only persist for two weeks, and then go away.
(From his facebook. Can’t link it here, but google will turn it up pretty quick).
He seemed pretty on the ball as far as what we were looking for, and more importantly, he was willing to talk with us and find out for sure. When ArenaNet votekicked him was a significant turning point for this game, especially as they never bothered to replace him.
Those must have been interesting meetings for sure.
It sucked that the dungeon was removed. But the fact I enjoy playing though it so much during fractal runs shows that he had a pretty good idea of what it was that we wanted. Or I guess I should say, he had a pretty good idea about what “I” wanted.
Jumping puzzle too hard, challenging group content doesn’t need to cater to these people right?
Jumping puzzle too hard, does challenging content need to cater to these people?
That’s the 4th time today I get kicked from a group for pinging Ascended Zerker armor with Scholar instead of Strength
And then I get whisped telling to me learn to play war meta
Ugh.. I guess I have to go play with PHIWs and “All Welcome” groups..
That’s the 4th time today I get kicked from a group for pinging Ascended Zerker armor with Scholar instead of Strength
And then I get whisped telling to me learn to play war meta
Ugh.. I guess I have to go play with PHIWs and “All Welcome” groups..
Wait… what?
Did those people ping their gear, too?
Colin Johanson: “(….)when you finish the story version of a dungeon you unlock the explorable version of that dungeon. Those are intended to be *the super hard, very coordinated group style content like Slaver?s Exile, or Fissure of Woe, or the Underworld.”*
Pfff hahaah. Gotta admit, this guy has sense of humor. He compares the great/challenging/elaborated Gw1 dungeons to those flimsy excuses for dungeons we have now.
Just add the hard mode for dungeons (the lazy option) or close this thread.
Colin Johanson: “(….)when you finish the story version of a dungeon you unlock the explorable version of that dungeon. Those are intended to be *the super hard, very coordinated group style content like Slaver?s Exile, or Fissure of Woe, or the Underworld.”*
Pfff hahaah. Gotta admit, this guy has sense of humor. He compares the great/challenging/elaborated Gw1 dungeons to those flimsy excuses for dungeons we have now.
Just add the hard mode for dungeons (the lazy option) or close this thread.
They were treading in uncharted waters with the entire combat system. It’s no surprise their first tries had mistakes in them. It’s just a shame they never iterated upon them to make something better, instead getting rid of that entire department.
Colin Johanson: “(….)when you finish the story version of a dungeon you unlock the explorable version of that dungeon. Those are intended to be *the super hard, very coordinated group style content like Slaver?s Exile, or Fissure of Woe, or the Underworld.”*
Pfff hahaah. Gotta admit, this guy has sense of humor. He compares the great/challenging/elaborated Gw1 dungeons to those flimsy excuses for dungeons we have now.
Just add the hard mode for dungeons (the lazy option) or close this thread.
I’m not sure what the fuzz about GW1, UW and FoW aren’t half as hard as people make it look, back in the days it was, because people had no clue how to do them efficiently but with the amount of guide available now it’s just as easy as GW2 dungeons.
They didn’t but they basically yelled at me telling me to go buy strength because that is not meta War.
Oh well. Might aswell go cleric’s at this point and join the PHIWs group that I belong in!
They didn’t but they basically yelled at me telling me to go buy strength because that is not meta War.
Oh well. Might aswell go cleric’s at this point and join the PHIWs group that I belong in!
I can guarantee you, at least half of those people are not even remotely running in meta-gear or using meta-builds.
Remember that fine job comment?
Remember that fine job comment?:D
:D, yeah yeah, like I said I guess I’m just a bit forgiving is all. Granted, pessimistic and critical as kitten when it comes to content. It’s just that this was a lot of stuff to change and I guess I expected a lot of kitten to fall through.
That’s the 4th time today I get kicked from a group for pinging Ascended Zerker armor with Scholar instead of Strength
And then I get whisped telling to me learn to play war meta
Ugh.. I guess I have to go play with PHIWs and “All Welcome” groups..
I’d never kick you <3
…well, I may kick you if your toon is unfashionable…
Robert HroudaToday marks the release of the last bit of content I built for ArenaNet. I had always hoped my last hurrah would be an epic dungeon that would stand the test of time, and provide entertainment for players to the very end… but instead it’s an instance that will only persist for two weeks, and then go away.
Hrouda /sniff
Our last, greatest protector has fallen.
… 2 years ago <.<
Still grieving for the dungeons that could’ve been. It’s even worse than when my favourite pizzeria closed.
I BET he defended us ‘til his last breath! Gotta idolise someone, I don’t have the strength to think nobody at anet gave a kitten about dungeons…
Imma let you finish but you kitten papa johns.
Imma let you finish but you kitten papa johns.
… How is it still open? Nah, ok, I think I know. I was forced to eat certain pizzas recently…. and I still have to, because there’s nothing better around /shiver
Salt on the dough, salt on the tomato sauce, salt on the toppings, SALT ON MY TEARS OF RAGE AND BETRAYAL
I’ll NEVER forgive them for leaving me. NEVER.
/dyes cat black
On a more cheerful note, finally got the Flameseeker. And I even have 3g left, isn’t that awesome! Eh. So broke can’t even buy a pizza /sniff
I was afraid it wouldn’t have looked as cool once equipped, but turns out I didn’t have to worry. It’s a distillate of gw1 memories and has more effects than I expected
That kittenty aegis ruining it tho….
(edited by deSade.9437)
i just love living in australia
Can confirm, 300 ping on a gud nite lmao.
Hey Weth, if they add something like this, would gw2dungeons be able to put an interface on it?
Yeah, sure.
Til Greatsword disabled.
When people talk about Hrouda this always pops on my mind.
I’ll admit that the master of solo makes a darn good point
Every time someone mentions Hrouda. :c
I wonder sometimes if He’s aware of this community’s obsession with Him xD
Who knows he might be one of us! The thick plottens.
All this time I was playing this game, believing that how powerful my characters are is a combination of stats, traits, utilities, character/class and encounter knowledge and personal experience at playing this game, just to find out that I was totally wrong.
To be a powerful character in this game is simply a question of the numerical value of the power stat in your hero panel .
Good thing I have the general discussion forum to cure me of my ignorance …
I’m Hroude. Worship me.
All this time I was playing this game, believing that how powerful my characters are is a combination of stats, traits, utilities, character/class and encounter knowledge and personal experience at playing this game, just to find out that I was totally wrong.
To be a powerful character in this game is simply a question of the numerical value of the power stat in your hero panel .
Good thing I have the general discussion forum to cure me of my ignorance …
I shall purge the general discussion from all these filthy mongrr—-
aaaaand I’m fired. kitten .
(edited by deSade.9437)
I’m Hroude. Worship me.