General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 2
Sure enough, Shift+F5 fixed it \o/
One thing I’m missing UI-wise is a hint as to how the “filters” input is meant to be used. Looks good otherwise
There will be instructions when I get all functionality done.
I actually panicked when the query gave nothing after I put my name into the search box… /o\
Seriously, I like the tag system. It helps me browse through without having a definite name in mind. And… where can I find Illusionary Mage in Ascalonian Catacomb? :O
Try tag “Summon”.
Regardless of what VPN server I try, I still get stuff like this happening >.<
That mid dodgeroll meme seems to be happening to everyone on +-200ms. There was a point where I considered making tons of gifs of every time that happened, but it would be to no avail anyways.
It wasn’t always like that, if I recall correctly. The feature pack mid summer last year really brought forth the mid dodges, Fire Staff 4 rubberbands, dodgerolls on spot and deceptive red circle indicators.
I hope it all works out for you, I tried using ping reducers and they barely made it any better at all.
What I believe is one of the main culprits:
These monsters… dropping all of my packets. My precious packets. They must all be drunk or something, who knows.
But just in general, american ISP supergiants like Comcast & Time Warner are satanic. I have had to go through 4 different modems in the past year with Time Warner because they always give you “refurbished” equipment and basically never anything new… actually the last one we had from them had the power supply completely die out within 4 months. xD
Having a technician come “take a look” tomorrow afternoon again
-rolls eyes-
Can’t wait to be told “everything looks good here” and that “unless there’s something visibly wrong there isn’t a whole lot on our end that we can do, but we’ll keep monitoring the information on our end so that we’re able to let you know if something comes up.”
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
What I believe is one of the main culprits:
Do you experience this latency everywhere? I don’t mean constantly, but have you experienced this latency in all aspects of the game? Open world, fractals, dungeons, sPvP, WvW? I don’t know exactly how their server infrastructure is built, maybe they have less resources dedicated to some aspects of the game? This is a lot of assumption; sorry. I just remember something happening similar to this where I lagged horribly and consistently in some Terra online dungeons, but never with others. I heard it was how their servers were built. I just remember that some IPs had more latency than others for me In Guild Wars 2.
Sorry to hear about your lag. There’s nothing more frustrating than dealing with that, especially when you are doing unforgiving things like soloing content.
I’ve noticed it can occasionally get worse in places like LA and whatnot, but I don’t get consistent results. There is basically no map in the game that I can enter and have the comfort of knowing all of my skills will activate in a reasonable amount of time after I press the key or if it will be a 2 second delay or a 4 second or whatever.
Running a pingplotter test with basically any of the map IP addresses will show the same thing always — packet loss with most of it happening between hops 7-9. Sometimes they will happen at my router, sometimes at one of the later hops, but never as frequently.
In the end I lost the instance about 10 minutes after the third video in my post on the previous page, so I just gave up and ragelogged for the night. You are right, it’s really frustrating indeed… especially since it’s been going on for ages.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Time Warner is terrible. I don’t’ work with them directly, but with them indirectly with their marketing and it’s clear how terrible(and dumb) they are. Though as you say, US internet services are just… yeah…, please google fiber take over! PLEASE!!!! All I can say is after dealing with TW corporation how I have I’m glad they aren’t my provider, not that Cox is much better, but meeting the people I have with Time Warner I have less than 0 faith in them.
Those clips…arrrrg. I’m just watching a video, but nothing fills me with rage like seeing a Lupi kick hit halfway through a dodge roll….
TWC is horrible. Comcast is horrible. I’ve just generalized it to “all cable companies are horrible” at this point of my life. Never had a good experience with any of them, they just want your money and don’t really care about service :P
I have Comcast, with 70ms pings in gw2. Their service is awesome.
Guess they must like my money (I pay a lot) lol.
Bahaha, <3 south park. Love that clip.
And let’s all go live with frifox.
Those clips…arrrrg. I’m just watching a video, but nothing fills me with rage like seeing a Lupi kick hit halfway through a dodge roll….
TWC is horrible. Comcast is horrible. I’ve just generalized it to “all cable companies are horrible” at this point of my life. Never had a good experience with any of them, they just want your money and don’t really care about service :P
Amen to that.
However, the technician that came today actually seemed to understand what the problem(s) were!
Now I just have to hope that things actually start to get better. Time to test.
Maybe you should just move to canada
Maybe you should just move to canada
Ohh Canada!
Family is Canadian, but have to say every time I hear the name it makes me think of Canadian Bacon the movie.
God, I suck at guadian and I am trying to learn at fractals lv30… T_T
God, I suck at guadian and I am trying to learn at fractals lv30… T_T
Some great advice in there
Feel like Berserker is yet another useless specialization PvE-wise.
The new, more frequent burst skills and extra quickness, as well as the 14% extra ferocity for 15 seconds while in berserker form sound good.
But the minor and grandmaster traits are both absolutely useless in PvE, unless conditions suddenly become meta.
Torch offhand doesn’t look more useful than mace in a group setting.
So giving up an entire traitline, just for 2 seconds of quickness and a small ferocity boost just sounds kinda pointless to me.
Lets hope thief will be better….
Feel like Berserker is yet another useless specialization PvE-wise.
The new, more frequent burst skills and extra quickness, as well as the 14% extra ferocity for 15 seconds while in berserker form sound good.
But the minor and grandmaster traits are both absolutely useless in PvE, unless conditions suddenly become meta.
Torch offhand doesn’t look more useful than mace in a group setting.
So giving up an entire traitline, just for 2 seconds of quickness and a small ferocity boost just sounds kinda pointless to me.Lets hope thief will be better….
First, I haven’t read much of anything about it, and certainly not any of the finer details, but as I understand you’ll get an offhand with some burning potential as well as sort of a theme of burning…strength to the condi warrior? Sword offhand ain’t bad but I wouldn’t call it great either, so maybe potential there?
Honestly, I wish they would scrap the whole “You need to take X trait line to use Y weapon” idea.
Torch, as well as Warhorn on ele have so much potential as weapons you just quickly swap to when out of combat, or even in combat in niche situations.
But the trait lines you have to take to use them are just flat out useless.
I know its so that people that didn’t buy the expansion can’t use those weapons, but it doesn’t benefit the game at all
Honestly, I wish they would scrap the whole “You need to take X trait line to use Y weapon” idea.
Torch, as well as Warhorn on ele have so much potential as weapons you just quickly swap to when out of combat, or even in combat in niche situations.
But the trait lines you have to take to use them are just flat out useless.I know its so that people that didn’t buy the expansion can’t use those weapons, but it doesn’t benefit the game at all
I think alot of us would be happy if they scrapped the weapon based on Trait line Idea. I feel it just kinda clutters the whole process. We have been asking for new weapons and skills for a long time.
Anet finally listens.
Skills tied to trait line, not so bad, as you will probably want the traits that go with them anyway. But the Weapons? Not always. I wish they would change their minds on this too.
Too be honest, i do not mind it being tied to the traitline to get access to the weapon, but what I wish is they realised that having the minor just for that wastes 1/6th of the customisation that comes from traitlines.
Sure make the minor be “Access to x weapon, y mechanic” if they want, but then tag on a real minor trait!
They already limited options enough with the trait change, which I actually liked. But now we’re even more limited in that if the weapon is good, we must use that traitline. That’s a bit much. I’d love to do Necro with GS but without Reaper. I’d love to do tempest (ok, I admit just for the animations) without the trait line. Dragonhunter… who the hell cares about a longbow! But yeah… I want freedom!!!! where is William Wallace when you need him?!?
Also looking to future elite specs. We wont be able to mix and match new weapons. And say i want to use reaper because of reaper shroud. But i want to use a new weapon like shield because it gives defensive utility. I dont think we should have these possibilities locked out. Its like giving class growth and potential but then putting barriers everywhere and saying you cant do this.
The elite spec lines should just provide traits that boost the weapon associated with them. They shouldnt be locked. Maybe anet will rethink this after HoT. But honestly they could just make the new weapons HoT only without tieing them to elite specs.
I see it’s business as usual in this subforum, eh?
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”
So lonely’
So lonely
It’s sunday and forums are dead ~
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
Just another sunday.
A party in Divinity’s Reach gone wrong.
Whoever though the snowblind fractal was a good design, kindly go fornicate yourself with an iron rod please. Please fix the swirler at least, it was at least reasonable then. Sitting here getting thrown back by invisable projectiles from the Elemental source, plus swirls on the fire constantly, and honestly the best strat being suiciding in many groups…
Revenant completely trivialised the ele source with perma stability and good reflect uptime when needed.
Can’t wait to get mine when it comes out, already got full ascended gear for it. q_q
You know they nerfed the stability road thing, right?
Yeah I do but still with herald you could maintain pretty good stability uptime (if provided by external sources) thanks to the +50% boon duration
I don’t even…..
Sword/Axe Rev with Shiro/Ventari or Shiro/Jalis or Jalis/Ventari is going to be really really good at replacing Guardian in a lot of content.
Leaderboards visible at and
Do people want a universal ranking? Something which would combine all categories. Problems:
- Which categories should be included?
- How to treat records which fit multiple categories?
- How many points categories give?
- How to show it on UI?
- How to select it on UI?
Any other wishes?
I propose 4 different categories…
Full Party, Trio, Duo, Solo
As far as UI, not my forte.
Leaderboards visible at and
Do people want a universal ranking? Something which would combine all categories. Problems:
- Which categories should be included?
- How to treat records which fit multiple categories?
- How many points categories give?
- How to show it on UI?
- How to select it on UI?
Any other wishes?
I’d love to see an explanation on how points are allocated.
On a side note. I am top 40 pve player in game confirmed. lawl.
Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious
At the moment it’s one point for every participation. So a solo gives one point, trio 3 points and a full party 5 points, splint among the participants.
I propose 4 different categories…
Full Party, Trio, Duo, Solo
As far as UI, not my forte.
You can use the usual filters for different categories, etc. Except the ones which are bugged at the moment.
I don’t even…..
Have you actually read it all? I started yawning after 5 sentences…
“I know kitten all about this, but I can google”. Eh.
… inb4 we got the Durduvil – special attack: aoe blind and increased blind effectiveness.
Ok, ok, I’m leaving…
/walks a few steps
You know what, ranger spec being released last (possibly in a few months) is testament to how much anet likes the class and how willing they are to reiterate on… /cough UNFAIR MECHANICS that make you lose CONTROL of your character.
/walks further away
/disappears in the sunset
That feeling when 3rd year bday dye pack is completely useless to me. :’(
That feeling when 3rd year bday dye pack is completely useless to me. :’(
I find it hilarious and sad that Anet could actually come up with something that surprised me and is so utterly useless at the same time.
Electro Purple is mine now!!! Next would be either Electro Lime or Enameled Solitude!!!
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
That feeling when 3rd year bday dye pack is completely useless to me. :’(
I find it hilarious and sad that Anet could actually come up with something that surprised me and is so utterly useless at the same time.
You shall be in my black list forever.
Help, forum. I narrowed down my (3, 4 in a month) choices to:
- Electro pink
- Electro lemon/lime
- Enameled strawberry
- Enameled amenity (?)
- Deep glacial sky
- Deep glacial teal
Gah. So hard to choose between all dem juicy choices… but finally a birthday that doesn’t suck! The scrolls and the finisher are ok too.
Not sure how the teleport to a friend is useful in any way, unless you wanna leech a jumping puzzle? Good for spoj.
That feeling when 3rd year bday dye pack is completely useless to me. :’(
I find it hilarious and sad that Anet could actually come up with something that surprised me and is so utterly useless at the same time.
You shall be in my black list forever.
Help, forum. I narrowed down my (3, 4 in a month) choices to:
- Electro pink
- Electro lemon/lime
- Enameled strawberry
- Enameled amenity (?)
- Deep glacial sky
- Deep glacial tealGah. So hard to choose between all dem juicy choices… but finally a birthday that doesn’t suck! The scrolls and the finisher are ok too.
Not sure how the teleport to a friend is useful in any way, unless you wanna leech a jumping puzzle? Good for spoj.
I got 8 characters having birthday today. No clue which Dyes I will pick when I get the chance.
/dies of envy
Gosh, I wish I didn’t delete my old characters now. 1st-2nd birthday frustration having its due…
At least you got 8, so more options to choose from.. it’ll still take hours, probably. Hah.
I suppose I’ll just go for the ones I can’t afford.
:( sorry to hear you deleted your toons. I had thought about re-doing some of mine but that whole NPE mess made me holdoff on it, and then it was like its so close to the third one I decided to stick it out.
The only rare dye was Glacial Sky which I had been using on pretty much all my toons.
yeah, gonna be spending alot of time playing with dye tonight
I have a lot of rare dyes, but they’re never enough. NEEVER satisfied. It’s like the 2nd stomach people use for desserts (and I use for mushrooms) – you just gotta get more.