- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
General Dungeon Discussion Thread - Part 3
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
The question would be: is there a more enjoyable/easier/faster way?
Of course, you can do map exploration and personal story and stuff like that, for example in Old Tyria using your new revenant, if that is your thing.
But I doubt that will be a as fast overall, if you are looking for speed. And events certainly won’t be on par. Unless maybe event trains like in EotM. Where the joy aspect is highly debatable, for me at least.
you may keep them to rear new and interesting variants in your basement.
Decided to take advantage of the call of the mists buff. Popped an exp booster, celebration booster, and used some of those pvp potions I’ve been hoarding. Completed two sets of dungeons skins so now I only have a single weapon in HotW to go until I get Dungeoneer. I still have hundreds of pvp potions, but I think I’ll just do the dungeon as a goodbye to dungeons before they nerf the gold reward. RIP.
Anyway, I got an ascended chest as one of the pvp drops so I now have a full set of berserker light armor. Should I do the usual scholar runes? Chronomancer and ele/tempest will be my alts for high level fractals and raids.
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]
I’ve been absent from the froum for quite some time now, but the economy blog post got me to look what was going on here.
Maybe I overlooked it in the other comments, but I think dungeons actually still offer an interesting “currency”. Even if they nerf the gold into the abyss, a dungeon tour is one of the fastest ways to get experience in the game.
So if you want to unlock Old Tyria Masteries, I think a dungeon tour is still pretty useful in that regard. Especially if the experience cost for mastery unlocks they used in the 3rd beta weekend are any indicator for the cost on higher tier masteries.So unless Anet decides this makes getting XP for Old Tyria Masteries too easy and changes this, maybe this is at least a bit of an incentive to do dungeons. Granted once your masteries are unlocked, the dungeons become most likely pretty obsolete for you in terms of rewards. Still it is something to keep in mind, I think.
I can’t see them letting dungeons give a lot of core mastery XP when the point of the change is, from the horse’s mouth, to deincentivize dungeons.
NikeEU.7690I knew the last two weeks were too good to be true. The longer the forum cryhards go without shedding tears the more overwrought and pathetic their inevitable outburst becomes.
In all the complaints I’ve read as of this announcement, I haven’t seen dungeon enthusiasts calling for raids, fractals, wvw, or spvp be removed or to have their rewards lessened. Yet it’s open season now to dump on the dungeon community and label them ’cryhards?
Just FYI, I am in the “dungeon community” too. I’m not dumping on the dungeon community. I’m dumping, specifically, on the regular cast of characters that come to this forum and cry about every change in the game and wailing about how much anet hates them and ignores them and so on. The sad display has repeated itself so many times that you’ll forgive me for being unmoved by their crocodile tears.
Case in point, we don’t know how fractal rewards will work. We don’t know how raid rewards will work. We don’t even know how dungeon rewards will work. And yet the tearforce is out in strength wailing and moaning about their sad circumstances without having the faintest clue how it will actually affect them. There is simply no pleasing these misanthropes, they manage to find the dark cloud inside every silver lining without even going outside to look at the weather.
So no, I don’t have any patience for the bellyaching. I’ve suggested time and again if you’re so unhappy with the game uninstall it and stop posting on the forums but I think that making QQ posts on these forums is the sum total of social interaction for many of the individuals in question and they won’t part from it.
Unless maybe event trains like in EotM. Where the joy aspect is highly debatable, for me at least.
As far as I know, you won’t be able to level your masteries while in WvW, you will get WxP instead. It’s the same thing as in PvP, where you get glory instead of xp.
“Good thing Fractals will now be 1 island per run.”
“Yes, I think many Americans don’t understand how messy it can get in Europe sometimes when running fractals. One of the hardest fractals is actually the swamp level because, if you don’t speak the same language (or if people don’t understand english) it becomes very hard, if almost impossible to do.”
(edited by Quickfoot Katana.8642)
“Good thing Fractals will now be 1 island per run.”
“Yes, I think many Americans don’t understand how messy it can get in Europe sometimes when running fractals. One of the hardest fractals is actually the swamp level because, if you don’t speak the same language (or if people don’t understand english) it becomes very hard, if almost impossible to do.”
I’ve been pugging fractals since forever and I never had this issue. wtf.
“Good thing Fractals will now be 1 island per run.”
“Yes, I think many Americans don’t understand how messy it can get in Europe sometimes when running fractals. One of the hardest fractals is actually the swamp level because, if you don’t speak the same language (or if people don’t understand english) it becomes very hard, if almost impossible to do.”
i saw that and all i could think is “3 2 1” is universal in europe and the only reason to complain about a language barrier for that situation is if this guy was pugging low level fractals where you get a bunch of newbs who need to have mechanics explained.
my 50/40 runs (often with 3 pugs) will commonly be wordless aside from:
“r r r”
“3 2 1 go”
(35-45 minutes later)
“[healer glove chest]”
“x has left party”.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Surprise kitten attack!
Surprise kitten attack!
You made me look for a proper response picture, but instead I found a two-headed kitten. Welp.
Surprise attack successful.
Surprise kitten attack!
Eyyyyy joel circlejerk on reddit, my eyes bleed.
what’s a joel?
uhhhhh changes to WHAO, nais! Ireniooooo you’re my babe
what’s a joel?
uhhhhh changes to WHAO, nais! Ireniooooo you’re my babe
Can transfer all those stability stacks, support confirmed.
’Sup boyyyz.
So DnT are testing raids. Thats cool, we will finally have members of our community giving direct feedback about instanced group content.
I think this is what we were asking for a long time now.
Please help them make it hard. I’d also like to know, when the NDA is lifted and raids released what changes happened because of you guys.
the level of salt in the forums in general these last while is obscene.
i am about ready to start farming it and using it at my shop…
on second thought maybe not. it would most likely taste terrible.
the level of salt in the forums in general these last while is obscene.
i am about ready to start farming it and using it at my shop…
on second thought maybe not. it would most likely taste terrible.
I bet its no fleur de sel.
what’s a joel?
uhhhhh changes to WHAO, nais! Ireniooooo you’re my babe
Hahaha, I told u. That guy could make it! (Or totally break it, R.I.P Turret engi)
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
I don’t get why people care about world firsts on here so much as they are having emotional reactions over it, wtf. It makes no sense to me how someone could possibly care that much about whether or not two guilds they aren’t in are testing the raids.
I can think of a million other things right now that would make me much more upset than that. Meh, trying to make sense of it is pointless I guess.
(edited by Purple Miku.7032)
Is anyone interested of doing controlled aggro tests in EU?
I don’t get why people care about world firsts on here so much as they are having emotional reactions over it, wtf. It makes no sense to me how someone could possibly care that much about whether or not two guilds they aren’t in are testing the raids.
I can think of a million other things right now that would make me much more upset than that. Meh, trying to make sense of it is pointless I guess.
Emotions carry neuroses and old grudges as water carries debris and slime.
It gets particularly bad if you’re ashamed of it (as we’re taught) and try to mask it with “cold logic” or file it under “reasonable complaint”.
Coldness is overrated anyway. Speak up.
I don’t get why people care about world firsts on here so much as they are having emotional reactions over it, wtf. It makes no sense to me how someone could possibly care that much about whether or not two guilds they aren’t in are testing the raids.
I can think of a million other things right now that would make me much more upset than that. Meh, trying to make sense of it is pointless I guess.
Emotions carry neuroses and old grudges as water carries debris and slime.
It gets particularly bad if you’re ashamed of it (as we’re taught) and try to mask it with “cold logic” or file it under “reasonable complaint”.
Coldness is overrated anyway. Speak up.
I like your hair
I don’t get why people care about world firsts on here so much as they are having emotional reactions over it, wtf. It makes no sense to me how someone could possibly care that much about whether or not two guilds they aren’t in are testing the raids.
I can think of a million other things right now that would make me much more upset than that. Meh, trying to make sense of it is pointless I guess.
Emotions carry neuroses and old grudges as water carries debris and slime.
It gets particularly bad if you’re ashamed of it (as we’re taught) and try to mask it with “cold logic” or file it under “reasonable complaint”.
Coldness is overrated anyway. Speak up.
Basically, you’re just whiny crybabies. Clearer?
Part II and III will be done before Hearth of Thorns comes out, and will be released at the same time…
If everything goes according to plan, and it never does apparently… i should release them tomorrow and then i scheduled to be part of a podcast discussing the videos on the 22nd… featuring Brazil, Teapot… and who ever wishes to challenge me.
Would also like to take the opportunity to thank once again to all the people who send me their plays, sorry if you didn’t make it in the video though… there’s simply no way to fit everything into two videos even…
Spojoe? spojoe plz were ar u
(edited by deSade.9437)
Part II and III will be done before Hearth of Thorns comes out, and will be released at the same time…
If everything goes according to plan, and it never does apparently… i should release them tomorrow and then i scheduled to be part of a podcast discussing the videos on the 22nd… featuring Brazil, Teapot… and who ever wishes to challenge me.
Would also like to take the opportunity to thank once again to all the people who send me their plays, sorry if you didn’t make it in the video though… there’s simply no way to fit everything into two videos even…
NikeEU.7690I knew the last two weeks were too good to be true. The longer the forum cryhards go without shedding tears the more overwrought and pathetic their inevitable outburst becomes.
In all the complaints I’ve read as of this announcement, I haven’t seen dungeon enthusiasts calling for raids, fractals, wvw, or spvp be removed or to have their rewards lessened. Yet it’s open season now to dump on the dungeon community and label them ’cryhards?
Just FYI, I am in the “dungeon community” too. I’m not dumping on the dungeon community. I’m dumping, specifically, on the regular cast of characters that come to this forum and cry about every change in the game and wailing about how much anet hates them and ignores them and so on. The sad display has repeated itself so many times that you’ll forgive me for being unmoved by their crocodile tears.
Case in point, we don’t know how fractal rewards will work. We don’t know how raid rewards will work. We don’t even know how dungeon rewards will work. And yet the tearforce is out in strength wailing and moaning about their sad circumstances without having the faintest clue how it will actually affect them. There is simply no pleasing these misanthropes, they manage to find the dark cloud inside every silver lining without even going outside to look at the weather.
So no, I don’t have any patience for the bellyaching. I’ve suggested time and again if you’re so unhappy with the game uninstall it and stop posting on the forums but I think that making QQ posts on these forums is the sum total of social interaction for many of the individuals in question and they won’t part from it.
youre bellyaching about bellyaching. All you are really saying is that you are salty and prefer to be optimistic.
Not knowing what anets detailed plans are has no logical connection with them being good plans, and people who raise points based on the information provided/past history are actually more logical than people who dismiss complaints based on the information they dont have, and assumptions of new developer genius.
And yeah, its very possible that people spend a lot of time and energy thinking about the game and discussing thier opinions, maybe too much time by your standard. It doesnt make them incorrect though.
So basically, be salty, and angry at “whiners” it wont change their whining, and it wont make them wrong/right.
I do find it interesting though that the whiners have actually succeeded in shifting the combat parameters, and predicting anets future moves, while you railed against their opinions, and condemed them as you do now. And yet now, here you stand defending the new world order they created.
I guess you are more a defender of the status quo, whatever that happens to be at the time. whereas whiners end up creating the future you will one day defend.
Oh god, don’t feed the—don’t feed. Move on! Keep walkin’, keep walkin’, think about Dante… Don’t get too close to the preachers in Hyde park. /grabs arm
It’s like watching bread dough rises. So exciting!
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
Have all of these people just recently started doing fractals or what?
I’m betting they just did because #omgHoTFractalNewSystemHype
Have all of these people just recently started doing fractals or what?
I’m betting they just did because #omgHoTFractalNewSystemHype
Guild Wars 1 had it, which is probably why GW2 doesn’t.
That one made me laugh a bit.
Yay for better combat visibility and engineer icon change.
Fractal Dungeon Leaderboards
Back when we announced all the updates to Fractals for Heart of Thorns – the announce blog also discussed more information coming before HoT about leaderboards for Fractals. Our team of folks working on Fractal dungeons kept iterating on this concept and ultimately we have decided to make it something more involved (re: exciting) than our original plans which will extend our development a bit more. This also means you’ll be able to earn the new fractal backpack precursor, but a few of the components for the new legendary will come with this expanded future fractals feature.
As always, we’ll discuss features once they’re far enough along to share development details on; our Fractal Dungeon team will be back with more updates about this and other plans for Fractal Dungeons in the future: when it’s ready™.
Unfortunate. Nice if they’ll be better than what was originally planned, but we don’t know any details. And it looks like we can’t complete the fractals legendary backpack until the future update.
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]
Inb4 leaderboards get pushed aside making the backpiece unattainable like fractal skin boxes.
Wouldn´t bother me if they ditch the leaderboards again tbh and that legendary back thingy is ugly as furry charr balls anyways =P
The FX changes are great news to me personally though. Let´s just hope it´ll be done properly.
Yay for better combat visibility and engineer icon change.
Fractal Dungeon Leaderboards
Back when we announced all the updates to Fractals for Heart of Thorns – the announce blog also discussed more information coming before HoT about leaderboards for Fractals. Our team of folks working on Fractal dungeons kept iterating on this concept and ultimately we have decided to make it something more involved (re: exciting) than our original plans which will extend our development a bit more. This also means you’ll be able to earn the new fractal backpack precursor, but a few of the components for the new legendary will come with this expanded future fractals feature.
As always, we’ll discuss features once they’re far enough along to share development details on; our Fractal Dungeon team will be back with more updates about this and other plans for Fractal Dungeons in the future: when it’s ready™.
Unfortunate. Nice if they’ll be better than what was originally planned, but we don’t know any details. And it looks like we can’t complete the fractals legendary backpack until the future update.
Oh, I wouldn’t have expected such a thing at all. They had over two years for this.
Combat visibility is nice though, can’t say much about the guild missions since I’m living the guildless life for years (rip) and I’m not sure how you can mix up the engi and the ele-icon, but if there were issues, then that’s nice too.
(edited by NovaanVerdiano.6174)
I’m not sure how you can mix up the engi and the ele-icon, but if there were issues, then that’s nice too.
Try to see the game through my eyes, and you’ll see how easy it is . Maybe I should consider getting a larger monitor after all … not that mine is all that small, but my eyes are getting more lousy every year
As for fractal leaderboards coming later, I try to be optimistic and hope that it’s just a matter of weeks. After all the work they went through to implement that legendary back item, the optimist in me can’t see them ditching that. Maybe I should stop reading forums to preserve that optimism though .
I thought the Fractal Leaderboard post was Colin trolling.
Surely, surely, after the disaster of the Fractured! patch oh so many years ago they would have spent developer time building the content that was used as justification to reset my fractal level 50 tiers… I mean that should have been designed before HoT development even started if they were serious about what they promised in that patch, right? Right? Bueller?
This is the last time I prepurchase an ANET product
Unless a minion is specifically targeted by a creature, they will be dealt 95% reduced damage and condition duration from attacks.
Oh my, i’m wet.
Unless a minion is specifically targeted by a creature, they will be dealt 95% reduced damage and condition duration from attacks.
Oh my, i’m wet.
STOP giving me more reasons to farm Hero Points and get more gear on my mesmer, I’m to lazy ;_;
Unless a minion is specifically targeted by a creature, they will be dealt 95% reduced damage and condition duration from attacks.
Oh my, i’m wet.
Daaaamn! As someone who’s playing mesmer most of the time lately, this is great news.
Unless a minion is specifically targeted by a creature, they will be dealt 95% reduced damage and condition duration from attacks.
Oh my, i’m wet.
Yeah that’s actually a pretty cool change.
Also means ranger can become a staple class in “meta” comps because spirits don’t die to a fart.
Also means ranger can become a staple class in “meta” comps because spirits don’t die to a fart.
I guess I need another ascended set .
What is the consensus here? Berserker or sinister?
Also means ranger can become a staple class in “meta” comps because spirits don’t die to a fart.
I guess I need another ascended set .
What is the consensus here? Berserker or sinister?
As long as we don’t know how mandatory a support druid is it’s hard to tell.
Thats for raids. But for lv 80 dungeons and fractals? Or in other words, dps wise is sinister better than berserker?
Dungeons = zerker since every boss dies when you look at them wrong.
Fractals = sinister since fights actually last long enough for condis to ramp up and is more survivable when you don’t have to deal with sword AA.
Also sinister druid might be a strong contender since you won’t need BM or WS to actually keep pets alive while boosting party dps significantly.
Fractals = sinister since fights actually last long enough for condis to ramp up and is more survivable when you don’t have to deal with sword AA.
Not only this but bosses in later level should start to have scaling toughness, meaning condis will become more and more effective compared to direct damage with increasing the Fractal level.
About the minions thing, could it mean ranger rune will be a good cheap alternative to scholar again ?
Edit : for ranger, mesmer and possibly, Golem necro… or the possible new Meta turret engi
(edited by Ranael.6423)
Fractals = sinister since fights actually last long enough for condis to ramp up and is more survivable when you don’t have to deal with sword AA.
Not only this but bosses in later level should start to have scaling toughness, meaning condis will become more and more effective compared to direct damage with increasing the Fractal level.
About the minions thing, could it mean ranger rune will be a good cheap alternative to scholar again ?
Edit : for ranger, mesmer and possibly, Golem necro… or the possible new Meta turret engi
Increase thougness in order to make condi more effective is forcing a choice on damage source, and it’s bad design. Not the way to go. Longer fights with new mechanics, since that’s why the condi don’t shine in the actual content is way better.