Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erector.1458


Since the suggestions sub forum is locked down, I’m posting my suggestion here. I have been exploring MMO sites when I found Guild Wars 2 in one of them. The site said it had plenty of pros and some cons. However there was one con I truly agree with. Three words: PAINFULLY DIFFICULT DUNGEONS . It’s completely true, every dungeon is like a massacre to your characters, and it’s expensive when it comes to repairing your expensively powerful armor. The dungeons have several mobs that adapt to situations as well, environmental hazards that tend to kill the whole party entirely, and some bosses that can summon entire armies to force the whole party to quit. The worst dungeon of all would be Arah because of its explore mode. There are whole hoards of risen waiting around every corner, plenty of the mid-bosses tend to adapt after every encounter, and the final boss is painfully unpredictable, the dungeon is like 95% impossible to beat in explore mode. So, that’s my suggestion, just make the dungeons a little more survivable.

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


Since the suggestions sub forum is locked down, I’m posting my suggestion here. I have been exploring MMO sites when I found Guild Wars 2 in one of them. The site said it had plenty of pros and some cons. However there was one con I truly agree with. Three words: PAINFULLY DIFFICULT DUNGEONS . It’s completely true, every dungeon is like a massacre to your characters, and it’s expensive when it comes to repairing your expensively powerful armor. The dungeons have several mobs that adapt to situations as well, environmental hazards that tend to kill the whole party entirely, and some bosses that can summon entire armies to force the whole party to quit. The worst dungeon of all would be Arah because of its explore mode. There are whole hoards of risen waiting around every corner, plenty of the mid-bosses tend to adapt after every encounter, and the final boss is painfully unpredictable, the dungeon is like 95% impossible to beat in explore mode. So, that’s my suggestion, just make the dungeons a little more survivable.


Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: winterchillz.2564



Cloud of Sparrows
Fluffiest Blood Legion Charr
“At least I die knowing my sisters are free”

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Infamous Darkness.3284

Infamous Darkness.3284

hmmm, I personally don’t find dungeons to be difficult. There are plenty of resources people have put out to help newer players to transition into dungeon runs, here are a few helpful resources, (A well explained look through many professions each of their skills/skill types and how they can be used in different situations including traits, gear stats, and weapon choices.), (A dungeon DamagePerSecond calculator for coming up with maximum efficiency group combinations.), (a carefully laid out walkthrough for every path of every dungeon), Ect. On the other hand if you are looking for a more hands on learning experience, hit me up in game, or the NooB guild I think, it seems to be a very helpful guild for helping people learn dungeons.

Infamous Culverin(engi[Main]), one of every other class.
Karl Marx: “Go away! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!”

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheSwede.9512


Is it possible that you tried to Solo a dungeon alone at the first shot you got to enter? Otherwise, nice read. Duck/10, would read again.

Warrior – Wardancer | Guardian – Lorekeeper | Revenant – Vindicator |
Thief – Duelist | Ranger – Strider | Engineer – Technician |
Elementalist – Spellweaver | Necromancer – Warlock | Mesmer – Trickster |

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: synk.8762


In the unlikely event that this is not a troll thread, and is instead posted by a new player, I’m going to respond. Probably because I’m drunk. In the afternoon.

First, dungeons in GW2 can indeed be hard, if you don’t know what you’re up against. There was a period of time when the game first launched that the general community found them quite difficult. The mobs hit hard, and there are a lot of them. After many attempts and much soul searching, people found ways to combat the difficultly of those dungeons, mainly through abilities like reflects, control, blinds, and most importantly, timed dodging. While it might not be apparent to a newer player, most, if not all damage in dungeons can be completely bypassed by using the abilities of the party and dodging attacks.

Prepardness is important when learning. Knowing the abilities of mobs and bosses. Knowing your class and the available abilities. Knowing when to use the right weapon set. Those are all things that can help you mitigate the damage and survive the encounter. If mobs are shooting at you from afar, Wall of Reflection from Guardians or Feedback from Mesmers (along with several other skills) can completely nullify that damage. Almost every mob, bosses included, that have a huge damaging hit telegraphs it, so watching for the windup means you can dodge the attack, completely avoiding the damage. Condition cleansing from many classes can remove all the effects on a party.

In light of this information, one of the ways the community has found to combat those dangers is through the tried and true formula of damage. Kill something before it kills you. Since most of that damage is avoidable once you know what to look for, the next step is to kill those mobs before they can savage your loins. Most melee weapons in this game cleave, meaning they hit several mobs at once, so grouping those mobs together through the use of skills like Binding Blades and Temporal Curtain means that the group can kills everything at once, quickly, without being killed themselves.

It’s really a matter of learning the encounters, practicing your class, and knowing how to deal with specific situations, given the abilities at hand. There’s certainly a learning curve, but once you have it down, it’s quite simple. is a wonderful resource to learning the encounters, complete with suggestions for specific classes on how to handle things. Also, there are a plethora of videos on youtube to help you familiarize yourself with the paths before entering.

In case this is a troll thread…whatever. I’m drunk.

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rasimir.6239


and it’s expensive when it comes to repairing your expensively powerful armor.

Have you even played this game? Repair costs were done away with a while back, and there’s a repair station in every dungeon (except fractals), so the only “cost” of death in dungeons is the time it takes to walk over to the repair station and back to the fight you’re trying to win.

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

Maybe you just need to come prepared for your dungeons :P


Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IvanTheGrey.2941


OP, I as well thought that this might be a troll thread, but looking at your past messages, I see that you’re totally serious. Arah is my playgroud, and I’d love to take you there and show you the ropes. I can make sure that you understand the mobs, the bosses, and pretty much all the encounters in the dungeon. If you want the dungeons to be easier, you have to practice them, and we teachers in [noob] are more than happy to help you learn, so you can get better and enjoy the funnest dungeon in the game (it really is the best this game has to offer. Lupicus is a brilliantly designed boss. The more you fight him, the more you’ll enjoy it) Put your name in the [noob] dungeon mentors thread and ask for someone to take you through!

I run a full Arah tour (paths 4-1) on Saturday, and some Sunday, mornings. I’d be happy to take you along!

I promise I don’t bite.


At first.

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kordash.2197


“and it’s expensive when it comes to repairing your expensively powerful armor”

10/10 would read again.

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jiyn.3158


OP, I as well thought that this might be a troll thread, but looking at your past messages, I see that you’re totally serious. Arah is my playgroud, and I’d love to take you there and show you the ropes. I can make sure that you understand the mobs, the bosses, and pretty much all the encounters in the dungeon. If you want the dungeons to be easier, you have to practice them, and we teachers in [noob] are more than happy to help you learn, so you can get better and enjoy the funnest dungeon in the game (it really is the best this game has to offer. Lupicus is a brilliantly designed boss. The more you fight him, the more you’ll enjoy it) Put your name in the [noob] dungeon mentors thread and ask for someone to take you through!

I run a full Arah tour (paths 4-1) on Saturday, and some Sunday, mornings. I’d be happy to take you along!

I promise I don’t bite.


At first.

This guy…is awesome!

Never trust a Stormcrow.

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Great troll, thanks for the giggle

If serious, part of the problem might be that most of the Risen mobs in Arah are not meant to be fought, but rather skipped. Think of it as a new mechanic where you need to master your mobility skills to advance.

It also kinda sounds like you’ve been trying with a bunch of other inexp players. Take Ivan up on his offer and let him teach you. There are some non-obvious techniques that work quite well in that dungeon.

(edited by dlonie.6547)

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If serious, part of the problem might be that most of the Risen mobs in Arah are not meant to be fought, but rather skipped.

Doesn’t stop me from burning them down in my solos.

Suggestion: Survivable Dungeons (please read)

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Erector.1458


Well, thanks for the advice everyone.