So there are people that sit around thinking of killing the train off by lowering the loot value. Some want to do away with champs entirely. Where is it exactly you want these people at and why? Forcing people to do something YOU want is NOT healthy for the game. They will leave rather than be funneled into the narrow gate to do what YOU want them to do. I suspect the greater issue that is not being talked about by the vocal minority is that they need bodies elsewhere in the game and they think by killing off venues that attract masses will cause people to meander into those aspects of the game. It wont work. These people either dont find those aspects of the game attractive already or they simply do not have time for it. All you will do is cause the truly casual players to go to some other game for kicks.
It is my belief that the ones calling the train people elitist jerks are really the elitist jerks themselves. They arent interested in being cooperative. They dont truly have the games health as a concern. If they did they would be looking at why the train works and trying to emulate that into the rest of the game. Say what you will but log in at any time of day and that train will be rolling which is testament to its popularity and thus defies your selfish logic that it is somehow flawed. The fact that so many high levels show up to derail the train demonstrates the true nature of what is wrong with GW2. These people arent marching to the beat of your drum. They are doing what THEY want to do and you simply cant handle that. Now imagine if the rest of the game worked as nicely as that train does. People coming together regardless of guilds and now even servers to accomplish something. Something that can be achieved reasonably without some jerk telling us all where to stand and what to do.
Not everyone is a professional gamer. We have lives. We live outside our computers. We want to be able to play the game “our way” too. We dont have timeless hours to plan for a very technical encounter. All we want to do is get in here and have fun, meet new people and blow some things up. Its very relaxing somehow after a day at a real grind to come home and slaughter a pig over and over. Sometimes I think these people that rant about this or that just need a job or something.
You want this game to live and breathe? Find ways to bring everyone together like the train does. Its not noobs derailing the train. Better than 90% of the genuine noobs run with the train when they learn what it is I would wager. Its the established level 80 elitist jerks that are looking for their in-game fame that ruin every game like this. I would rather make all champs regardless of zone level unable to be killed by that solo lvl 80 that is just trying to be a problem for everyone.
You know why the train works? There are no gear checks. There is no meta spec for gear. A lvl 5 character can get the WPs for the train and show up and tag things and its worthwhile in terms of XP, reward and camaraderie. They dont have to join a guild. They dont have to do anything if they dont want to. Its the truest sense of freedom in the whole game.
So these people arent in your guild building your castles. They arent in WvW following your commander tag around. They arent in your world doing your things. Big deal. Put your big boy pants on and move on. We need more people like these, not less. Some of us just want to have fun and if that goes against your ideal way of doing things…maybe you are the one with issues, not us.